Monday, March 16, 2009

A Poll of Interest RE Jon Stewart

So, you might be asking yourself. Why so much attention on Jon Stewart? Why have I spent so many electrons on his sorry behind. Because among certain people, people I care about, they believe he is a smart well informed man.

Here's what I know for sure. He's funny. He's glib. He's quick. He's entertaining.

I give you all that. What he isn't is well informed. He is biased way way way to the left, he's like so many I read in the comments from democratic underground. I don't know that he's actually stupid unless you find gullibility and victim hood to be stupid traits. I do know that he is way in the tank for all things that are not things I am in the tank for. If Jon Stewart says it, I probably don't agree. Same with the Colbert show.

I no longer waste my life watching these. I don't care if you do. Just be aware the viewpoints you are getting are badly informed propaganda of an agenda you don't really agree with. Just so you know that I am not some lone voice singing a lonely song, this is the results of a Poll on Newsbusters. The question they asked and the results are below.

3% believe he is well informed. 3. So among conservatives (which he is not) there is not much respect for the man or his opinions. On the other hand, he doesn't respect us either. Turnabout is fair play I guess.

Is Jon Stewart of 'The Daily Show' Just Another Leftist Liberal?

Yes. He definitely is a single minded liberal
48% (835 votes)
Yes. He promotes the liberal agenda without thought
49% (852 votes)
No. He is thoughtful and well informed in his opinions
3% (61 votes)
Total votes: 1748

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I don't know that he's actually stupid unless you find gullibility and victim hood to be stupid traits." Did someone write that about YOU, Gene? Here's the deal - he is PAID to be FUNNY about being extremely liberal. So he is. So he acts the part. But it is no more ridiculous than being extremely conservative and a lot less ridiculous than being extremely religious about a Bible that debunks itself.