Saturday, July 20, 2013

Cutting thru the PHOG on Trayvon

This is a photo of Trayvon taken at his mothers birthday party 9 days before he was killed. Based on this photo and comparative analysis the Sanford police department Trayvon at the time of his death was 6 feet tall and 160 pounds. I was about that size when I graduated High School. I know what that size feels like.

Source of this photo is Snopes

During the Autopsy his weight was listed as 158 pounds.  His height as 5' 11"

There has been confusion on how tall Trayvon was.  It matters because some (including the media) have Trayvon eternally 11 years old.  He was old enough to enlist in the armed services.  (My son did with my permission).  Had this deal gone the other way the law would have prosecuted him as an adult. 

Child or Man?  It's all about what you believe, and that is the fog.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Waves of Peer Pressure

doc·trine (dktrn)
1. A principle or body of principles presented as acceptance or belief, as by a religious, political, scientific, or population group; dogma.

"We are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;"
Ephesians 4:14

I am shamed by the double-mindedness and willingness of many I consider friends to be tossed here and there by every crafty deceitful scheming trick of men. This is a stain on us all. WE ARE NO LONGER TO BE CHILDREN... yet many are. :>((

Stop the presses, I agree with Jimmy Carter

Why people are hesitant to start business's in some areas. This hardly EVER happens in Naperville




For every urban voter who ever voted blindly for the kind of leadership many large cities have had, take this as a clue. You are voting against your best interests. There are some smart mayors, Booker, Nutter, Emanuel. Taking on the unions. This kind of thing can't last long and doesn't.

I apologise to animals

Mom trying to take sick daughter to hospital. These animals beat her for trying to save her. I apologise to all the animals I have insulted by this comment.

Remember when the teachers "Won" in that strike?

Remember I said then that this would be the end for many teachers? Remember I said that schools would close? When unions win, members lose. It is always that way. I wonder if any of those striking teachers teach basic economics? I guess not.

The Barkster

I think this is a GREAT idea. I hate crowded beaches

I think this is a GREAT idea. I hate crowded beaches

Obama stirs the pot

Obama said, "I could have been Trayvon Martin"... When would that have been sir? In Harvard, At Columbia, In High School in Hawaii where you were the only kid in your class not lily white? Where exactly? You have never ever lived in the kind of neighborhood Trayvon did. Besides, if you had been Trayvon that night, you might have had the sense to get out of there. Fight or flight kicking in would have resulting in you fleeing ... as Rachel advised Trayvon to do. You pick the fights you think you can win.. Trayvon guessed wrong. He was kicking Zimmerman's butt and then the great equalizer appeared. Then President Obama has the temerity to say,
Politicians should stay out of this deal....OK, I'll bite, Let's start with you Sir. Stay out of this. Your continual stirring of the pot is only aggravating the situation. SMH X 10,000. By the way, I was IN Sanford today sir, Where are you? HUH??


In 1960 Detroit had the highest per capita income in the whole of the USA. More millionaires than anywhere. The African American community was the most affluent in America. It was the epicenter of prosperity. It was the envy of the other 49 states in the union. Today it is half the size it was then, broke and dying. Why? People began to object to the high taxes and bad governance and voted with their feet. They left. Detroit only had people who looked to others for their supply. Now there's no one left to pull the load. That is why people are fleeing Chicago for the same reason. IF I could buy a house and afford the taxes in the city I would move there. But for a house like mine in Chicago the taxes would be 18,000 per year. And it's not even a fancy house. This is what bad governance does. Those who are suffering now in Detroit are victims of the choices they have made for generations at the ballot box. 47% of the current residents remaining in Detroit are functionally illiterate. At one time the head of the school board bragged he couldn't read or write. Even Robert Reich knows...

**"Trayvon Martin Could've Been Me 35 Years Ago" - Obama 7/19/13 ***

Obama was raised in and by a Privileged Middle Class White Family !
Raised in .....Privileged White Home, neighborhood, schools, colleges, and Political Career started in White Privileged Terrorists home !

Obama is a complete Fraud. Being raised in a Communist home, and educated by the #1 Communist in Hawaii (Frank Marshall Davis) and joining Socialist Communists groups in College.......has bought in and advances the Communist Red race war ideology to overthrow Capitalism.

The Reds in the 50's infiltrated Black communities and Black Churches along with Black Revolutionary (Jeremiah Wright student of) Cohen to use a RACE WAR to create enough chaos to overthrow Capitalism with the promise to Blacks communism would be better for blacks. (useful idiots)

Mr. Manning Johnson (1958) spent 10 years in the communist Red program to infiltrate Black Communities ... but found out Black were just "fodder" and to be discarded soon afterwards by Communists after a race war ended.

Communist Van Jones - posted MLK in a hoodie to incite racial violence is ok.

Valarie Jarret & David Axelrod Communists parents worked with Frank Marshal Davis in Chicago printing Communist Paper. (You didn't know that is why Obama has these two RED BABIES on his staff ? )

Obama & Democrats: Injected themselves in this innocuous case to incite racial divide by FUNDING "justice for Trayvon" protests !

This is NOT the Democrat party of our Parents !!

You can read of Mr. Manning Johnson work here online.

Raised in .....Privileged White Home, neighborhood, schools, colleges, and Political Career started in White Privileged Terrorists home !

Obama is a complete Fraud. Being raised in a Communist home, and educated by the #1 Communist in Hawaii (Frank Marshall Davis) and joining Socialist Communists groups in College.......has bought in and advances the Communist Red race war ideology to overthrow Capitalism.

The Reds in the 50's infiltrated Black communities and Black Churches along with Black Revolutionary (Jeremiah Wright student of) Cohen to use a RACE WAR to create enough chaos to overthrow Capitalism with the promise to Blacks communism would be better for blacks. (useful idiots)

Mr. Manning Johnson (1958) spent 10 years in the communist Red program to infiltrate Black Communities ... but found out Black were just "fodder" and to be discarded soon afterwards by Communists after a race war ended.

Communist Van Jones - posted MLK in a hoodie to incite racial violence is ok.

Valarie Jarret & David Axelrod Communists parents worked with Frank Marshal Davis in Chicago printing Communist Paper. (You didn't know that is why Obama has these two RED BABIES on his staff ? )

Obama & Democrats: Injected themselves in this innocuous case to incite racial divide by FUNDING "justice for Trayvon" protests !

This is NOT the Democrat party of our Parents !!

You can read of Mr. Manning Johnson work here online.

It already does


The Truth About George Zimmerman

George Zimmerman voted and campaigned for Obama.
George Zimmerman and his black friend opened an insurance company in Florida.
George Zimmerman has black family members. Some of George’s black family members lived with him, at some point.
George Zimmerman launched a campaign to help a homeless black man who was beaten up by a white kid.
George dated and took a black girl to the prom.
George Zimmerman also mentored young black males.
You will never hear the media mention any of this.

The Truth About George Zimmerman

Wonders of Detroit... must see

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Compromise will get you nowhere

by Rev. Kevin Vogts
Since shortly after its formation in 1988 the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has been fixated on deviant sexual behavior, culminating in the endorsement of homosexual pastors in 2009, homosexual “marriage” in 2011, and the election last month of their first homosexual bishop.  Dr. James Nestingen, a highly respected scholar and retired ELCA seminary professor, recently concluded that promoting acceptance of deviant sexual behavior has actually replaced the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the primary mission and message of the ELCA.
Those within the ELCA demanding these radical changes asserted it is necessary for the ELCA’s very survival.  Supposedly, they simply must move into the 21st century on these issues, or otherwise they will be so out-of-step with modern society that it would mean the demise of their denomination.  By the way, this is the same deceptive reasoning behind similar disturbing changes recently in the Boy Scouts of America.
However, the ELCA has now released some startling statistics that show the exact opposite has actually happened:
  • When the ELCA was formed in 1988 they had 5.2 million members, but they are now down to only 4 million members–a staggering loss of over 1.2 million members, or 23% of their membership.  They have also lost 1,500, or 13%, of their congregations, from approximately 11,000 to 9,500.  As they “celebrate” this year the 25th anniversary of the ELCA, the fact is that during that time they have lost more members and congregations than make up many entire denominations!
  • Of these losses, over 500,000 members and 1,000 congregations have left the ELCA in just the last four years, triggered by their endorsement of homosexuality beginning in 2009.  This is actually the biggest denominational split in American church history, and is directly attributable to that decision.
  • Another measure of the ELCA’s decline is that in 1988, 2.1% of all Americans were members of the ELCA, but by 2011 that figure had fallen to 1.3%.  The National Council of Churches reports that the ELCA has “the sharpest rate of membership decline” among all mainline Protestant denominations.  Like Avis car rental which used to advertise “We’re Number 2–But We Try Harder!” the LCMS has historically always been the second-largest American Lutheran church body.  However, at the ELCA’s current rate of losing members–nearly 6% in 2010–in just a decade the LCMS will surpass the ELCA as the largest American Lutheran church body, and a few decades after that the ELCA will cease to exist.
  • Even among those congregations remaining in the ELCA average weekly worship attendance from 2003 to 2011 dropped 26%.  The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod has 2.3 million members and the similarly conservative Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod has 300,000 members, yet even with our smaller combined membership of 2.6 million the LCMS and WELS have more people actually sitting in the pews each Sunday than the ELCA with 4 million members.
  • Donations to the ELCA on the national level were $88 million in 2008 but plunged to only $40 million in 2011.
  • Luther Seminary, the ELCA’s largest seminary, located in St. Paul, Minnesota, announced that last year they had a $6 million operating deficit on a budget of $27 million.  This was due largely to a recent sharp decline in donations to the seminary, reportedlyincluding a couple that for many years had given $1 million a year to the seminary but stopped their donations after the ELCA’s endorsement of homosexuality.  The seminary was forced to cancel many of its programs and lay off a third of the faculty and staff.
  • Since the ELCA’s endorsement of homosexuality, many other Lutheran church bodies around the world have severed their historic ties with the ELCA, and are instead seeking new relationships with the LCMS.  This includes many of the largest and fastest-growing Lutheran church bodies in the world, such as the Lutherans in Ethiopia with over 6 million members–nearly as many as all American Lutheran church bodies combined.  The center of world Lutheranism is shifting from Europe and America to Africa, Asia, and South America, and the LCMS is becoming the theological leader of these growing Lutheran church bodies.  While the ELCA is becoming increasingly isolated in world Lutheranism, at our national convention this month the LCMS will enter into formal fellowship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Liberia, Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church, and the Lutheran Church of Togo.
The Lord warns:
“There will be false teachers among you, who will surreptitiously introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them, bringing swift destruction on themselves.  Many will follow their shameful, licentious ways.”  (2 Peter 2:1-2)
“As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you formerly had when you lived in ignorance.  Instead, just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is written: ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’” (1 Peter 1:14-15)
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2)
These passages show how misdirected and sinful it is to accommodate the church’s doctrine and practice to the world’s wicked ways.  It is also foolish and futile.
On the one hand, the world will never be satisfied–until Christians completely renounce their faith.  More importantly, the Lord will never bless such unfaithfulness to Him and His Word.
We see from the sad example of what’s happened to the ELCA–the biggest split in American church history–that whatever churches and other organizations such as the Boy Scouts imagine they will gain by giving in to the world is dwarfed by what they will surely lose.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Myth of St Trayvon

 The left is spinning this as a narrative of American racism. Vital to that narrative is the image of Martin as an innocent boy, almost a child. The media did its part by never showing photos of the 6’2”, 17-year old with gold capped teeth that he was when he died, but only as a slim, 12-year old. 
The real Trayvon Martin is lost in the hagiography. He was no longer an innocent child. He chose his path, and had that fatal encounter not taken place, it was leading him into the criminal justice system.
Martin should have been arrested twice. If he had been, it might have changed his path. He was suspended twice from Miami Dade schools because he had burglary tools and possession of a dozen pieces of women’s jewelry.

Text messages recovered from Martin’s phone show photos of guns and Martin using drugs.  More disturbing are Martin’s text messages where he describes himself as a “gangsta,” talks about fighting, talks about buying and using drugs and asks a friend if he will share a .380. semi automatic pistol.

Read the whole Eye Opening Thing:

PHILLIPS: The myth of St. Trayvon | Washington Times Communities

Sunday, July 14, 2013

James N Hall posted in Conservative Minority Republican Caucus


Now What?

Doug Ross @ Journal: A photograph brought to you by Attorney General Eric Holder, President Barack Obama, and MSNBC's Al Sharpton

Doug Ross @ Journal: A photograph brought to you by Attorney General Eric Holder, President Barack Obama, and MSNBC's Al Sharpton