Sunday, July 06, 2014

Child Abuse Excuse

I have had FB friends who are schoolteachers in public schools. Many have unfriended me because of my stand on public education. They were offended by my continual pointing out of the enormous abuses promulgated by our public schools. Their singular cry to me is "I don't abuse children and I am offended by the idea that you say as a public education teacher that I do". OR "most teachers are good and kind toward children. We are not abusing them. It's the administration."

I don't doubt either. Sentiment. The problem is they are not part of the solution. They work silently and allow this abuse to proceed without objection. They are there on the front lines and horrible policies are carried out by people without a moral compass yet without a voiced objection.

When really bad teachers cannot be fired because of union rules, that's child abuse and as a teacher who belongs to a union you are part of the problem. When an administrator gets crazy and you don't speak up.. you are part of the problem.

Here's the real issue. MONEY. "I need this job. If I speak up I will be fired. I won't be able to feed my family. I can't get out of the union and besides they might be able to keep ME from being fired". Tenure and all that.

I have heard that all before. Nazi Germany. Someone was way removed from the death camps yet had to fill out and process paperwork. They said the same things.

IF you are a public school teacher and you stand by and watch children being abused without speaking up.. you are as guilty as they were.

"In order for evil to flourish, all that is required is for good men to do nothing." From Edward Burke.

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