Saturday, May 04, 2013

This is a trend that can only lead to disaster

A new study may have you looking at how the teens in your life measure up. It shows Gen Yer’s - or millennials - are more materialistic and less interested in working hard.
“What I find troubling, is the growing disconnect between wanting all these expensive things but not wanting to work hard to earn them,” said psychology professor Jean Twenge.
She analyzed responses from 15,000 high school seniors. The same questions have been asked of students that age for decades.
When they were asked how important it is to have a lot of money, 48 percent answered yes in the mid-1970’s compared to 62 percent in the mid-2000s.
“There’s so much new technology like iPads and smartphones and I think teenagers can get caught up in having the latest and the greatest,” said St. Mary’s Academy student Ellen Patterson.
When shown the statement "I don’t want to work hard," 39 percent of students in the mid-2000s agreed, compared to 30 percent in the mid-70s.
“The teenagers now are less likely to work overtime and less likely to say work is a central part of life,” said Twenge, who wrote the book "Generation Me."

Study: Many teens seek less work, more money | Austin

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