A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
A Nuclear Physisit PhD does a Scholarly work on Anthoprogenic Global Warming... Conclusion? It's Bunk.. Surprised?
Or you can just take my word for it. Global Warming is a hoax of the worst possible agenda.
The ACORN Entitlement Ruling is Government run Fully Amuck
"The question here is only whether the Constitution allows Congress to declare that a single, named organization is barred from all federal funding in the absence of a trial," Gershon wrote in a 21-page decision.
How is that the question? Which Constitution is this judge reading? Congress has the right to cut off funding for anything which it is funding, receiving money from the government doesn't give a "due process keep giving me money" card.
We know ACORN is a Democratic organization run by degenerates who use federal money to register, legally and not, any kind of Democrats to vote. If not for federal money and the money of rank-and-file union members this organization wouldn't exist. What is sadder than tax payers funding this group are the millions that have come from union paychecks(here and here), most of whom I'll wager don't even know it.
I'll bet no one was allowed to question Hitler or Stalin either
You are not allowed to question. It's settled they say.
So security was called and hauled him away.
And they have the temerity to insist they aren't fascists.
Has the USA become ungovernable?
Matthew Yglesias: “The smarter elements in Washington DC are starting to pick up on the fact that it’s not tactical errors on the part of the president that make it hard to get things done, it’s the fact that the country has become ungovernable.”
Funny, that dumb cowboy Bush seemed to get a lot done with fewer votes in Congress. . . .
Plus, from the comments: “There have been no major institutional changes in the United States government in recent history that have caused it to ‘become ungovernable.’ There just isn’t enough political support to enact various news laws and policies that you favor. Tough. If you hadn’t become seduced by the delusion that Obama is a ‘progressive’ and that last year’s election represented some kind of historic realignment in favor of ‘progressive’ policies you might have seen this coming.”
Or, as Ed Morrissey noted a while ago: “Who could have warned us that a man who served seven years in the state legislature and three years in the Senate would not have been prepared for the toughest executive position in the Free World? We did. Repeatedly. So did John McCain, and for that matter, so did Hillary Clinton.”
Barack Obama wasn’t ready to be president, and he better figure out what he’s doing before it’s too late.I hope he begins to figure it out. And I hope he soon gets a congress made up of adults.
I'm starting to root for him, we need him to be competent soon. I can only hope.
If you almost believe a lie, it's nearly as bad as really believing it
It's pretty settled. Pretty conclusive. Global warming is a lie from the pit of hell. Here's the truth:
- Climates change.
- The lies are all about control and politics.
- Evil men and evil governments are behind this.
- I'm glad they were caught.
- I hope they go to jail for a long time. Al Gore who probably is a dupe in all this should go to jail for just being stupid.
- Global warming is NOT pollution. It's climate change. I'm for clean environment. I'm against lies meant to enslave population.
- I know this whole thing won't close the door on bad policy, but maybe it will slow it for a while. The EPA decision to make CO2 a pollutant was completely out of order. It was a pressure tactic for liars to pressure congress into implementing other bad policy.
How long will we have to put up with these crazy people? Not much longer I suspect. This has become a complete meltdown. I say, let's put the pressure on, not let up. It's all lies and if you believe a second of it, it will put you in chains.
Lies. All lies.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Real Scientists Are Climate Skeptics
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Bush closes the gap
Perhaps the greatest measure of Obama's declining support is that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having him as President to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they'd rather have his predecessor. Given the horrendous approval ratings Bush showed during his final term that's somewhat of a surprise and an indication that voters are increasingly placing the blame on Obama for the country's difficulties instead of giving him space because of the tough situation he inherited. The closeness in the Obama/Bush numbers also has implications for the 2010 elections. Using the Bush card may not be particularly effective for Democrats anymore, which is good news generally for Republicans and especially ones like Rob Portman who are running for office and have close ties to the former President.
(via Political Wire)
Public Policy Polling:
Perhaps the greatest measure of Obama's declining support is that just 50% of voters now say they prefer having him as President to George W. Bush, with 44% saying they'd rather have his predecessor. Given the horrendous approval ratings Bush showed during his final term that's somewhat of a surprise and an indication that voters are increasingly placing the blame on Obama for the country's difficulties instead of giving him space because of the tough situation he inherited. The closeness in the Obama/Bush numbers also has implications for the 2010 elections. Using the Bush card may not be particularly effective for Democrats anymore, which is good news generally for Republicans and especially ones like Rob Portman who are running for office and have close ties to the former President.
Anemic Faith
"For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith" (Heb 4:2-3).
I run into anemic Christians everyday. They have a form of religion but fail to mix their belief with faith and obedience. The apostle Paul described them when he said "these people have a form of godliness but deny its power."
What are the telltale signs of anemic faith? When you no longer pray about decisions, you have anemic faith. When you fail to speak to others about their relationship with God, you have anemic faith. When you're unwilling to spend time with God everyday, your faith has become anemic. You no longer have a living faith.
God spoke to John, the apostle, through a vision and told him about some Christians who were part of the church in Laodicea:
"To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see" (Rev 3:14-18).
These are strong words from our Lord. We are all susceptible to growing cold and anemic in our faith. Today, ask God to revive your heart and to restore the fire of your faith so that you will experience a vibrant and active faith that impacts the kingdom of darkness.
Monday, December 07, 2009
If you choose to get away and hear from God... A HOW TO
Don't take books with you. Maybe not even your Bible. I know that's heresy, but you have the word IN you. Let Father bring it to life as you hear from him.
DO take a blank journal.... and something with which to write. If you have questions to inquire of the Lord, write them down. He may or may not answer them. When he does it will be wonderful. Don't push it. It's not about you. You listen. He'll speak. When he says what he will say, write it down.
Some of what you scribble in your notebook will seem to be babble. It will seem to be just so much noise. But as you write, as you transcribe, the Lord WILL speak. You will quickly discern what is from Him and what is NOT. It will be clear.
Don't be impatient. Most of these deals for me take a couple days just to make the connection. After that it's pretty fluid. Most of what you hear will be at the end of your time.
Be merciless at eschewing ALL communications, all connection, all news, all anything with the outside world. You must not be distracted.
This is good discipline in hearing from God. The more you do this, the easier it gets. You will discover the "zone". Then when you need a word you can get there quickly.
This is about you hearing him, so don't feel obligated to talk.... Oh, it's good to voice your prayers and concerns, but absolute silence is essential. His voice is still and small. Yet in the Spirit it trumpets.
Try to just wait. Don't be impatient. And if you get upset by the silence, just rest in him. Even if you sleep. The time when you are just waking up, that twilight of the mind when nothing else is going on many times is when He comes to you. Many dreams and visions were recieved in sleep. Samuel was called in his sleep.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Fast facts about The Climate Gate Scandal
The CRU and its director, Dr. Phil Jones, are important because the CRU is a central point for data collection, storage, and analysis of climate data. And Dr. Jones is one of the lead authors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR4 report, which is the basis for much of the current political drive for CO2 limits.
The theory IPCC favors for climate change is that human-caused CO2 emissions are causing the climate to warm beyond what would naturally happen.
The Climategate files held many embarrassing revelations. They appear to show collusion on the part of many of the top names in climate science:
* to subvert peer review and prevent publication of papers that didn’t completely agree with the favored theory;
* to manipulate data, and the analysis of data, to make the best case for the favored theory;
* to avoid releasing their data under the Freedom of Information laws in the U.S. and UK.
About the Science
* The consensus is not scientific as much as it is political.
What we find out from the emails is that Jones and a number of others were using underhanded manipulations to suppress scientific publications that disagreed with the CO2-caused AGW theory. There is no scientific consensus if all the science isn’t being considered.
* There’s a difference between “global warming,” “anthropogenic (caused by humans) global warming,” and “anthropogenic global warming caused by CO2.”
* The Climategate files don’t call global warming into question, but they make some of the science of anthropogenic global warming more suspect, and they make it clear that “forcings” other than CO2 have not been fairly considered.
* There has clearly been significant warming in the last 400 years — since the “Little Ice Age”. That’s how we know it was the Little Ice Age.
* There is good reason to believe that humans may be accounting for some warming — and some cooling, for that matter. But we don’t know how much.
* The case for all or most of the warming being due to CO2 was not as unquestionable as it was presented to be, and from the Climategate files we know that even that case was being slanted significantly.
* There is more than one “smoking gun” email (see here, here, here, here, here, and more)
* … but the program codes are much more significant than the emails
* … and the program codes will be yielding new surprises for a while to come.
About the Politics
* Science invariably has politics involved. That’s because science is invariably done by people.
* The key to science is “trust but verify”: you trust the science because you are assured you can verify it if necessary. The Climategate files show the CRU clique wanted to be trusted, but didn’t want to be verified.
* The science was being used politically long before we think it was.
About the Finances:
* “Global warming” was a big source of grants and funding.
* “Global warming scientists” got to go to all the best conferences. (Tahiti? Gstaad?)
* Ultimately, there are billions of dollars to be made off of “global warming.”
When you Don't have a moral compass, any road will get you there
In recent weeks we have witnessed liberals in the highest level of government sanctimoniously defend terrorists who kill us, while persecuting those who defend us from murderous attacks. In an effort to understand this reversal of good and evil, it has become a cliché to call liberals crazy. But while supremely hypocritical, liberalism is not insane. It is a highly adaptive ego device that enables people to violate commitments, vilify those who are true to their faith, and avoid personal sacrifice while feeling great about themselves. The only defense against hypocrisy is self-knowledge; the politics, spirituality, and morality of liberalism are well-constructed firmaments of self-delusion.Please read the whole thing, particularly if you are a Liberal. And then, Please tell me where the author goes wrong. I want to know.The United States was founded in a Judeo-Christian theocentrism that is informed by scripture and assumes a personal God who hears prayers and grants forgiveness for sin. Theocentrism provides stable laws and settled moral codes.In the mid-twentieth century, an unorganized, reactive spiritual orientation arose, egocentrism, which has become the dominant moral framework in our nation. This orientation says there may or may not be a God, so each individual must follow his or her own conscience and ethical values. Theocentrism has been promulgated by traditional religion. Egocentrism has mainly been introduced through mass media, educational power structures, and more recently by reoriented religions.
Two Important Primers from thinkers OP Ed-ing in the Wall Street Journal
Everything you ever wanted to know about the whole AGW Climate Change Debate
If you are confused after reading all this... I can help.
Bin Laden is still dead
This charade has gone on long enough.
When the Air Force roasted Tora Bora to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit Bin Laden was rendered extra crispy.
Time to admit it.
NOW, let’s have a barbecue with (of) the rest of the crazies over there and get this thing over with.