Just think it might matter...
The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability – CATHOLICS 4 TRUMP
A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Friday, September 02, 2016
How to understand racism
A young black comes home from school and asks his mother, "Mama, what is Socialism and what is Racism?”
"Well, Child..... Socialism is when the white folks work every day so we can get all our governmental entitlement stuff for free.
You know.....like our free cell phones for each family member, rent subsidy, food stamps, EBT, WIC, free school breakfast, lunch, and in some places supper; free healthcare, utility subsidy, and on and on.....you know, that’s Socialism.”
"But, mama, don't the white people get upset about that?”
"Sure they do, Honey. That's called Racism.”
"Well, Child..... Socialism is when the white folks work every day so we can get all our governmental entitlement stuff for free.
You know.....like our free cell phones for each family member, rent subsidy, food stamps, EBT, WIC, free school breakfast, lunch, and in some places supper; free healthcare, utility subsidy, and on and on.....you know, that’s Socialism.”
"But, mama, don't the white people get upset about that?”
"Sure they do, Honey. That's called Racism.”
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
This is an inside look at how people in my industry (horticulture) see the world, politics and such
Constant Contact Survey Results
Survey Name: Copy of The Green Poll 2016
Response Status: Partial & Completed
Filter: None
8/30/2016 10:10 AM EDT
1. Our country is better off today than it was four years ago
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Yes 53 25.0%
No 146 68.8%
Other 10 4.7%
No Responses 3 1.4%
Total 212 100%
2. Barack Obama
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Has been a great President 33 15.5%
Has been a terrible President 127 59.9%
Is no better or worse than all the rest 37 17.4%
Other 14 6.6%
No Responses 1 <1 br="">Total 212 100%
3. ObamaCare
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Has been successful and needs to continue 33 15.5%
Has been a failure and should be repealed 145 68.3%
Other 30 14.1%
No Responses 4 1.8%
Total 212 100%
4. The best way to stimulate our economy and reduce the deficit is to
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Increase taxes and government spending 12 5.6%
Decrease taxes and government spending 151 71.2%
Other 44 20.7%
No Responses 5 2.3%
Total 212 100%
5. The Obama administration
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Has put the country in good shape and his work needs to continue under the leadership of Hillary Clinton 40 18.8%
Has been a miserable failure and we need a non-politician and successful businessman like Donald Trump to lead us back to financial stability and international respect. 120 56.6%
Other 44 20.7%
No Responses 8 3.7%
Total 212 100%
6. Women's issues
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Pro Choice 85 40.0%
Pro Life 102 48.1%
Other 18 8.4%
No Responses 7 3.3%
Total 212 100%
7. The real reason that liberals push for no Voter ID, granting convicted felons the right to vote, and flooding the country with illegal immigrants is
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Compassion 1 <1 br="">Concern for Human Rights 33 15.5%
Votes 147 69.3%
Other 26 12.2%
No Responses 5 2.3%
Total 212 100%
8. The real reason that conservatives believe in limiting the reach of the federal government, lower taxes, and slashing government spending is because they are
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Selfish 9 4.2%
Unconcerned with the plight of the less fortunate 16 7.5%
Concerned about the preservation of our individual liberties and free enterprise system 159 75.0%
Other 24 11.3%
No Responses 4 1.8%
Total 212 100%
9. This country needs
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Another Democrat in charge 19 8.9%
Another Republican in charge 9 4.2%
A socialist in charge 6 2.8%
A businessman in charge 66 31.1%
Divine Intervention 75 35.3%
Other 33 15.5%
No Responses 4 1.8%
Total 212 100%
10. Congressmen are out of control and generally operate as if they are above the laws and programs that they impose on the rest of us.
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Yes 179 84.4%
No 12 5.6%
Other 18 8.4%
No Responses 3 1.4%
Total 212 100%
11. Congressmen are overpaid and have excessive and bloated perks and benefits relative to the average citizen.
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Yes 176 83.0%
No 18 8.4%
Other 16 7.5%
No Responses 2 <1 br="">Total 212 100%
12. Most members of Congress deserve the same level of respect as
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Patriotic public servants who put the interests of the country ahead of their own. 51 24.0%
Rodney Dangerfield (No Respect) 91 42.9%
Other 55 25.9%
No Responses 15 7.0%
Total 212 100%
13. Voter Identification should be required for all elections.
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Yes 182 85.8%
No 14 6.6%
Other 12 5.6%
No Responses 4 1.8%
Total 212 100%
14. The biggest threat to our country is (choose as many as you like)
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
The economy 120 57.4%
Terrorism 138 66.0%
Racial unrest / internal strife 123 58.8%
Illegal immigrants 82 39.2%
The deficit 123 58.8%
North Koea 41 19.6%
Russia 36 17.2%
The Middle East 71 33.9%
The Kardashians 32 15.3%
Other 58 27.7%
Total 209 100%
15. Our Founding Fathers' vision for this country is most closely aligned with
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Hillary Clinton's agenda 35 16.5%
Donald Trump's agenda 109 51.4%
Other 60 28.3%
No Responses 8 3.7%
Total 212 100%
16. Hillary Clinton
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Is a dedicated patriot and public servant who deserves to be elected President. 22 10.3%
Is untrustworthy and should never be allowed to return to the Whitehouse. 126 59.4%
Just another politician 47 22.1%
Other 15 7.0%
No Responses 2 <1 br="">Total 212 100%
17. Donald Trump
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Is a dedicated patriot and savvy businessman who deserves to be elected President. 85 40.0%
Is a blowhard and a loose cannon, and should never be considered for the highest office in the land 70 33.0%
Just another politician 13 6.1%
Other 41 19.3%
No Responses 3 1.4%
Total 212 100%
18. Hillary Clinton has rumors and allegations of conflicts of interest, unlawful activity, and corruption dating back 40 years to her days as First Lady in Arkansas. I believe these allegations are
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
False 2 <1 br="">Mostly False 40 18.8%
True 72 33.9%
Mostly True 82 38.6%
Other 14 6.6%
No Responses 2 <1 br="">Total 212 100%
19. The Clinton Foundation is
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
A wonderful philanthropic operation that gives the Clintons an opportunity to help needy causes all over the world 29 13.6%
A corrupt operation used primarily to funnel money into the pockets of the Clintons 131 61.7%
Other 48 22.6%
No Responses 4 1.8%
Total 212 100%
20. Donald Trump's detractors charge that he has had unsuccessful business ventures like Trump University and Trump Taj Mahal in New Jersey that have hurt other people, that he has used illegal immigrants on his projects, and that he is racist, disrespectful of women, and is generally unfit to be President. I believe these allegations are
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
False 21 9.9%
Mostly False 81 38.2%
True 31 14.6%
Mostly True 58 27.3%
Other 18 8.4%
No Responses 3 1.4%
Total 212 100%
21. Donald Trump promises that he will build a wall on the Mexican border and halt illegal immigration. This is
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Racist 7 3.3%
A terrible idea 25 11.7%
Not feasable 56 26.4%
A good idea 50 23.5%
Desperately needed 41 19.3%
Other 30 14.1%
No Responses 3 1.4%
Total 212 100%
22. Donald Trump promises that he will impose a temporary ban on Syrian refugee immigration until the US has adequate screening processes in place. This is
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Un-American 29 13.6%
Racist 5 2.3%
Not feasable 16 7.5%
A good idea 77 36.3%
Desperately needed 60 28.3%
Other 20 9.4%
No Responses 5 2.3%
Total 212 100%
23. If you were in a fight for survival and had to radio for help, whom would you want on the other end of your call?
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Hillary Clinton 26 12.2%
Donald Trump 104 49.0%
Other 74 34.9%
No Responses 8 3.7%
Total 212 100%
24. Hillary Clinton
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
For President 45 21.2%
For Prison 122 57.5%
Other 40 18.8%
No Responses 5 2.3%
Total 212 100%
25. Donald Trump
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
For President 104 49.0%
For Blowhard of the Century 71 33.4%
Other 34 16.0%
No Responses 3 1.4%
Total 212 100%
26. I plan to vote for
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Hillary Clinton 43 20.2%
Donald Trump 116 54.7%
Gary Johnson 13 6.1%
Jill Stein 2 <1 br="">Big Bird 1 <1 br="">Undecided 25 11.7%
Other 8 3.7%
No Responses 4 1.8%
Total 212 100%
27. Additional comments
80 Response(s)
Survey Name: Copy of The Green Poll 2016
Response Status: Partial & Completed
Filter: None
8/30/2016 10:10 AM EDT
1. Our country is better off today than it was four years ago
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Yes 53 25.0%
No 146 68.8%
Other 10 4.7%
No Responses 3 1.4%
Total 212 100%
2. Barack Obama
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Has been a great President 33 15.5%
Has been a terrible President 127 59.9%
Is no better or worse than all the rest 37 17.4%
Other 14 6.6%
No Responses 1 <1 br="">Total 212 100%
3. ObamaCare
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Has been successful and needs to continue 33 15.5%
Has been a failure and should be repealed 145 68.3%
Other 30 14.1%
No Responses 4 1.8%
Total 212 100%
4. The best way to stimulate our economy and reduce the deficit is to
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Increase taxes and government spending 12 5.6%
Decrease taxes and government spending 151 71.2%
Other 44 20.7%
No Responses 5 2.3%
Total 212 100%
5. The Obama administration
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Has put the country in good shape and his work needs to continue under the leadership of Hillary Clinton 40 18.8%
Has been a miserable failure and we need a non-politician and successful businessman like Donald Trump to lead us back to financial stability and international respect. 120 56.6%
Other 44 20.7%
No Responses 8 3.7%
Total 212 100%
6. Women's issues
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Pro Choice 85 40.0%
Pro Life 102 48.1%
Other 18 8.4%
No Responses 7 3.3%
Total 212 100%
7. The real reason that liberals push for no Voter ID, granting convicted felons the right to vote, and flooding the country with illegal immigrants is
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Compassion 1 <1 br="">Concern for Human Rights 33 15.5%
Votes 147 69.3%
Other 26 12.2%
No Responses 5 2.3%
Total 212 100%
8. The real reason that conservatives believe in limiting the reach of the federal government, lower taxes, and slashing government spending is because they are
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Selfish 9 4.2%
Unconcerned with the plight of the less fortunate 16 7.5%
Concerned about the preservation of our individual liberties and free enterprise system 159 75.0%
Other 24 11.3%
No Responses 4 1.8%
Total 212 100%
9. This country needs
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Another Democrat in charge 19 8.9%
Another Republican in charge 9 4.2%
A socialist in charge 6 2.8%
A businessman in charge 66 31.1%
Divine Intervention 75 35.3%
Other 33 15.5%
No Responses 4 1.8%
Total 212 100%
10. Congressmen are out of control and generally operate as if they are above the laws and programs that they impose on the rest of us.
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Yes 179 84.4%
No 12 5.6%
Other 18 8.4%
No Responses 3 1.4%
Total 212 100%
11. Congressmen are overpaid and have excessive and bloated perks and benefits relative to the average citizen.
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Yes 176 83.0%
No 18 8.4%
Other 16 7.5%
No Responses 2 <1 br="">Total 212 100%
12. Most members of Congress deserve the same level of respect as
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Patriotic public servants who put the interests of the country ahead of their own. 51 24.0%
Rodney Dangerfield (No Respect) 91 42.9%
Other 55 25.9%
No Responses 15 7.0%
Total 212 100%
13. Voter Identification should be required for all elections.
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Yes 182 85.8%
No 14 6.6%
Other 12 5.6%
No Responses 4 1.8%
Total 212 100%
14. The biggest threat to our country is (choose as many as you like)
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
The economy 120 57.4%
Terrorism 138 66.0%
Racial unrest / internal strife 123 58.8%
Illegal immigrants 82 39.2%
The deficit 123 58.8%
North Koea 41 19.6%
Russia 36 17.2%
The Middle East 71 33.9%
The Kardashians 32 15.3%
Other 58 27.7%
Total 209 100%
15. Our Founding Fathers' vision for this country is most closely aligned with
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Hillary Clinton's agenda 35 16.5%
Donald Trump's agenda 109 51.4%
Other 60 28.3%
No Responses 8 3.7%
Total 212 100%
16. Hillary Clinton
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Is a dedicated patriot and public servant who deserves to be elected President. 22 10.3%
Is untrustworthy and should never be allowed to return to the Whitehouse. 126 59.4%
Just another politician 47 22.1%
Other 15 7.0%
No Responses 2 <1 br="">Total 212 100%
17. Donald Trump
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Is a dedicated patriot and savvy businessman who deserves to be elected President. 85 40.0%
Is a blowhard and a loose cannon, and should never be considered for the highest office in the land 70 33.0%
Just another politician 13 6.1%
Other 41 19.3%
No Responses 3 1.4%
Total 212 100%
18. Hillary Clinton has rumors and allegations of conflicts of interest, unlawful activity, and corruption dating back 40 years to her days as First Lady in Arkansas. I believe these allegations are
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
False 2 <1 br="">Mostly False 40 18.8%
True 72 33.9%
Mostly True 82 38.6%
Other 14 6.6%
No Responses 2 <1 br="">Total 212 100%
19. The Clinton Foundation is
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
A wonderful philanthropic operation that gives the Clintons an opportunity to help needy causes all over the world 29 13.6%
A corrupt operation used primarily to funnel money into the pockets of the Clintons 131 61.7%
Other 48 22.6%
No Responses 4 1.8%
Total 212 100%
20. Donald Trump's detractors charge that he has had unsuccessful business ventures like Trump University and Trump Taj Mahal in New Jersey that have hurt other people, that he has used illegal immigrants on his projects, and that he is racist, disrespectful of women, and is generally unfit to be President. I believe these allegations are
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
False 21 9.9%
Mostly False 81 38.2%
True 31 14.6%
Mostly True 58 27.3%
Other 18 8.4%
No Responses 3 1.4%
Total 212 100%
21. Donald Trump promises that he will build a wall on the Mexican border and halt illegal immigration. This is
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Racist 7 3.3%
A terrible idea 25 11.7%
Not feasable 56 26.4%
A good idea 50 23.5%
Desperately needed 41 19.3%
Other 30 14.1%
No Responses 3 1.4%
Total 212 100%
22. Donald Trump promises that he will impose a temporary ban on Syrian refugee immigration until the US has adequate screening processes in place. This is
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Un-American 29 13.6%
Racist 5 2.3%
Not feasable 16 7.5%
A good idea 77 36.3%
Desperately needed 60 28.3%
Other 20 9.4%
No Responses 5 2.3%
Total 212 100%
23. If you were in a fight for survival and had to radio for help, whom would you want on the other end of your call?
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Hillary Clinton 26 12.2%
Donald Trump 104 49.0%
Other 74 34.9%
No Responses 8 3.7%
Total 212 100%
24. Hillary Clinton
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
For President 45 21.2%
For Prison 122 57.5%
Other 40 18.8%
No Responses 5 2.3%
Total 212 100%
25. Donald Trump
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
For President 104 49.0%
For Blowhard of the Century 71 33.4%
Other 34 16.0%
No Responses 3 1.4%
Total 212 100%
26. I plan to vote for
Number of Response(s) Response Ratio
Hillary Clinton 43 20.2%
Donald Trump 116 54.7%
Gary Johnson 13 6.1%
Jill Stein 2 <1 br="">Big Bird 1 <1 br="">Undecided 25 11.7%
Other 8 3.7%
No Responses 4 1.8%
Total 212 100%
27. Additional comments
80 Response(s)
Monday, August 29, 2016
Why should a White Boy from the Lily White Suburbs Give a Rats Behind What Happens to Blacks or the Inner City??
I have been vocal and concerned about all things racial, political, injustice, cultural and everything that has to do with the Black Community. True Confession. I am European American. Lily white. YET.. I know with all my heart that this cannot continue. To quote a man who lost a cousin a few days ago.. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
I won't list all the problems the black community has. You know what they are. MOST are not caused by white folks despite what the race baiters try to tell you. I'll let Donald Trump tell you so you can be mad at him.
Here's why it matters to ME, PERSONALLY. Why I want to see it stop. Why I fight for solutions:
The list can go on and on. You can provide your own additions. It is in my best self interest to enter into and try to discover ways to help the black community get out of the hole. My solutions are not going to be easily adapted. The truth is to transform this community into a functional productive part of the national footprint will not take MONEY, it will take commitment. It starts with schools, homes, churches, television, movies, music, government and NGO leaders that can represent the best interests of the people who need to see a way up and a way out.
I am sick of otherwise good people destroyed by a system and a culture that is designed to pull them back down into the cesspool when they try to get out. It's really hard to get out. You will be called all sorts of names. You have to be strong. You have to be counter cultural.
Here's the reality. Blaming others for what is a horrid situation is no solution. Racism exists, that much is sure, but racism isn't the problem. Lack of vision to escape the corrupt culture is. This is true of barrio Hispanics, American Indians and poor white thrash as well.
It is in my best interest to try to find a higher vision, an better life, a way up and out. Not to continue to fight a battle that isn't the real battle. We have to get past the blame game and grasp what it means to us all if we don't solve the problems. Government can't and won't solve it. It's not in Government's interest to do so. Government exists because cultural solutions do not.
Someday IF those of us who believe for better succeed we will see highly successful black business hiring people of all races. We will see well run states and cities led by black people being operated at a high level of confidence and without corruption. We will see neighborhoods safe no matter where you go. There will be no "Bad Side of Town". We will see neighbors of all shades living and working together ... in other words it will become like many towns and cities many live in today that are mostly populated by others ... safe, clean, productive, low tax, good services, ample opportunity, good roads, good schools, tax paying not tax taking and producing more and more of it's best citizens to carry on the next generation. That should not be a white black red brown or yellow thing. That should be human.
It is much like Robert Theobald said 40 years ago in a Speech I heard: "Women will come into business and industry and they will succeed... and then one day we will say, they are just like a man".
I want some diversity, but not to adapt it as a national model. We must be first and foremost Americans, USA... then whatever your heritage is a far distant second.
Our world depends on it. We have bigger fish to fry.. let's get at it.
I won't list all the problems the black community has. You know what they are. MOST are not caused by white folks despite what the race baiters try to tell you. I'll let Donald Trump tell you so you can be mad at him.
Here's why it matters to ME, PERSONALLY. Why I want to see it stop. Why I fight for solutions:
- This is a drag on our economic future to keep this separation going
- There are talented and capable men and women who never get a chance to contribute to curing cancer, aids, or tooth decay. The solutions are out there.
- There is a cultural decline directly connected to the decline in the culture of the black community. 50 years ago a child out of wedlock was considered a tragedy. Now.. it's the norm.
- The violence we see in all of our culture is rooted in lawlessness and enough is enough
- The willingness to accept corruption at a high level is polluting our society.
- The level of trust inside the culture and the community is very low.
- The destruction and decay of neighborhoods drive taxes up for everyone and puts a burden on everyone
- The police state tactics required to keep even a moderate level of safety impacts my civil rights too
- The decline of the family has spread into the wider culture and now household formation is the lowest it has been in a half century.
- The constant drain on resources to keep the illusion we are "Helping" is making life difficult for us all.
- The lack of competent schools teaching black kids is dumbing down the whole education system and that's bad for my kids and grand kids and great grand kids.
The list can go on and on. You can provide your own additions. It is in my best self interest to enter into and try to discover ways to help the black community get out of the hole. My solutions are not going to be easily adapted. The truth is to transform this community into a functional productive part of the national footprint will not take MONEY, it will take commitment. It starts with schools, homes, churches, television, movies, music, government and NGO leaders that can represent the best interests of the people who need to see a way up and a way out.
I am sick of otherwise good people destroyed by a system and a culture that is designed to pull them back down into the cesspool when they try to get out. It's really hard to get out. You will be called all sorts of names. You have to be strong. You have to be counter cultural.
Here's the reality. Blaming others for what is a horrid situation is no solution. Racism exists, that much is sure, but racism isn't the problem. Lack of vision to escape the corrupt culture is. This is true of barrio Hispanics, American Indians and poor white thrash as well.
It is in my best interest to try to find a higher vision, an better life, a way up and out. Not to continue to fight a battle that isn't the real battle. We have to get past the blame game and grasp what it means to us all if we don't solve the problems. Government can't and won't solve it. It's not in Government's interest to do so. Government exists because cultural solutions do not.
Someday IF those of us who believe for better succeed we will see highly successful black business hiring people of all races. We will see well run states and cities led by black people being operated at a high level of confidence and without corruption. We will see neighborhoods safe no matter where you go. There will be no "Bad Side of Town". We will see neighbors of all shades living and working together ... in other words it will become like many towns and cities many live in today that are mostly populated by others ... safe, clean, productive, low tax, good services, ample opportunity, good roads, good schools, tax paying not tax taking and producing more and more of it's best citizens to carry on the next generation. That should not be a white black red brown or yellow thing. That should be human.
It is much like Robert Theobald said 40 years ago in a Speech I heard: "Women will come into business and industry and they will succeed... and then one day we will say, they are just like a man".
I want some diversity, but not to adapt it as a national model. We must be first and foremost Americans, USA... then whatever your heritage is a far distant second.
Our world depends on it. We have bigger fish to fry.. let's get at it.
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