1. Think only about yourself.
2. Talk only about yourself.
3. Use "I" as often as possible.
4. Mirror yourself continually in the opinion of others.
5. Listen greedily to what others say about you.
6. You be suspicious of others.
7. You expect to always be appreciated by others.
8. You be jealous and sensitive of others.
9. You never forgive others.
10. Trust nobody but yourself.
11. You insist on consideration and respect by others.
12. You demand agreement with your own views.
13. Sulk if people are not grateful to you.
14. Never forget a service you have rendered.
15. Be on the lookout always for a good time for yourself.
16. Shirk your duties when you can.
17. You do as little for others as possible.
18. Love yourself supremely.
19. You always be selfish towards others.
20. Finally, review the following list of names of demons that begin with "self" and see which ones apply to you; then do something about getting rid of these bad habits and or demons! There are many other names that begin with self that are omitted. If you treat yourself any way that is contrary to the Holy Bible, it is demonic and you may receive demons by the name of that characteristic after you have practiced that bad habit for awhile!
Self-abhorring, Self-abnegation, Self-absorbed,
Self-absorption, Self-abuse, Self-accusation,
Self-admiring, Self-affrighted, Self-aggrandizement,
Self-annihilation, Self-applause, Self-appointed,
Self-approbation, Self-assumed, Self-awareness,
Self-banished, Self-baptizer, Self-begotten,
Self-beguiled, Self-betrayal, Self-blinded,
Self-centered, Self-collected, Self-conceited,
Self-concern, Self-condemnation, Self-condemning,
Self-conflict, Self-conscious, Self-consuming,
Self-contained, Self-contempt, Self-contradiction,
Self-criticism, Self-crucifixion, Self-deceiving,
Self-deception, Self-degradation, Self-deluded,
Self-delusion, Self-depraved, Self-depreciation,
Self-despair, Self-despraise, Self-destroying,
Self-destruction, Self-disserving, Self-devouring,
Self-diffidence, Self-diffusive, Self-disparagement,
Self-display, Self-distrust, Self-ease,
Self-esteem, Self-evolution, Self-exaggeration,
Self-exalting, Self-exposure, Self-exulting,
Self-flattering, Self-forgetfulness, Self-hatred,
Self-harming, Self-hood, Self-idolized,
Self-ignorance, Self-immolating, Self-importance,
Self-indignation, Self-indulging, Self-infliction,
Self-interest, Selfishness, Self-killed,
Self-lauding, Self-loathing, Self-loving,
Self-made, Self-neglecting, Self-oblivion,
Self-opinionated, Self-partiality, Self-pity,
Self-pleasing, Self-pollution, Self-preference,
Self-pride, Self-repression, Self-reproving,
Self-repulsive, Self-restriction, Self-reverence,
Self-righteousness, Self-received, Self-scorn,
Self-seduction, Self-seeking, Self-starved,
Self-subjugation, Self-subversive, Self-suppression,
Self-suspended, Self-suspicious, Self-tormenting,
Self-torture, Self-torturing, Self-unforgiveness,
Self-willed, Self-worshiper, Self-wrong