"It is all around us... Even now, in this very room. You can see when you look out your window; when you turn on your television. You can feel it go to work. When you go to church. When you pay your taxes. It's the world that has been pulled over your eyes, to blind you from the truth." The Matrix
The headlines tell the story
A quick scan of the headlines for 11/22/10 reveals what's coming like hairline cracks in the hull of the Titanic.
• Ireland on the brink of collapse, Britain pays out as Ireland implodes -
click for source • Air Force Launches Massive, Secret Spy Satellite -
click for source • Fighter Jets Scrambled, White House Evacuated -
click for source • TSA Patdown Leaves Bladder Cancer Survivor Covered In Urine -
click for source • Federal Reserve To Slash Growth Forecasts -
click for source • Portugal On Brink Of Collapse -
click for source • Spain's Collapse Will Be The Biggie -
click for source • Tea Party Support Grows; USA Divided -
click for source • Ground Zero Mosque Applies For Federal Grant-
click for source • North Korea Shells South Korean Island -
click for source People, these are the headlines from just one day, and not all the headlines that I could have posted. Read them over very carefully, do you see a pattern? I sure hope you do... And If you have been reading the headlines with any frequency, you would also see that these events are not only increasing in nature, there are also happening closer and closer together. America's time as the world's leader is coming to an abrupt end, and George Soros is the man whose hand is on the wheel.
America being plunder, collapsed and destroyed George Soros, having installed Barack Obama as the "Manchurian candidate" president, is now firmly in charge of setting policy and creating false flag events around the world, using the US as his power base. America, once the leader of the free world, is confused and disoriented, making mistake after mistake. Our debt has gone well past $10,000,000,000,000.00 trillion dollars, a figure that cannot ever be repaid. George Soros himself said this about the US dollar -
"So, an orderly decline of the dollar is actually desirable."
What has been foretold for countless generations is
now coming to pass. The New World Order has determined that this is the time to strike, and they are. Read the headlines everyday, make little lists of how frequently these stories appear. It will astound you.