1. I will pay the price to hear from God again for 2007. You don't have to read or heed it, but you should.2. I will publish it and allow it to stand on it's own. It's not about me.3. God will do or not do what he chooses. If I'm embarrassed, its ok. It's not about me.4. I have read and heard many nationally recognized prophet's issuances. The fact that I am more precise than some who use fuzzy words and vagaries to cover their prophetic rear ends means I am more subject to criticism. The purpose of the prophetic is to demonstrate to unbelievers and those who walk in nominal Christianity the existence and omniscience of God as a sign and a wonder. If not this method, what would you suggest? This is the call and purpose for me. If you have another, you should pursue it.
5. I always hold out the challenge to those who disregard the prophetic gift or criticize it, OK, show me how you can from reason or science make a set of statements more accurate than what comes thru the prophetic.It can't be done. The challenge still stands.6. To my good friend Karma, who actually in my opinion walks out the purposes of God in her own life in her passion for the prairie and the arts (although she would deny they are God's purposes), I couldn't disagree more with your evaluation of what did or did not come to pass. It is as I said. Your evaluation is done with blinders on. You are NOT famililiar with the vocabulary of the prophetic. A careful reading of Isaiah, Ezekiel, and the "Minor" prophets will give you a flavor of how prophetic utterances have layers of meaning and fulfillment. God isn't doing anything different today. Without spiritual eyes to see and discern you will miss what was said and how it manifested in the light of the prophetic. It's not your fault. You don't speak or understand the language of the spirit.7. To the others who were disdaining of all this: if you are not a Christian or make no pretense to being one, what you say has little meaning. Sorry, see above. You have no idea what you are saying.8. If you are a Christian (or think you are one), you are in deep weeds. You don't have to believe me or not. You only have to do as Mary did and ponder on them in your heart. But, your attitude toward prophecy demonstrates a lack of understanding and a profound lack of spiritual depth that will be a direct limiting factor for you ever being used of God.
A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Leading From Courage
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
2006 Word of the Lord Prophetic Review (Out of a possible 54, the score is 45 God - 9 Others, God Wins)
OK, let's see if you have the guts to put your 2007 predictions out there in print, naked without a net and no real god as your source. I have doubt anyone who doesn't know and hear from Father prophetically will be courageous enough to do this. I don't issue that challenge in anger. I just want you to know that when you know who it is that is speaking it's so much easier to have this kind of boldness. AND I am always eager for an Elijah style showdown with the priests of Baal "prophetically speaking".
Much of what was given me at the beginning of this year was criticized royally as being "out there" and even potentially embarrassing. An 83% prophetic accuracy shouldn't be sniffed at. God is God and I'm not, (and by the way neither are you).
For those who do believe and understand this is simply confirmation of the goodness of God speaking thru the prophetic gift. Go doesn't want you to be unaware or fearful. He places the prophetic gift at your access to give you hope and a future. And He never does anything without telling his prophets first.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Evangelical Splits
Scrooge Chapter 58
It's the season to consider the Spirit of Christmas. Ghosts of Christmas past. Scrooge and Tiny Tim.
A question: How Much money did you spend on Christmas last year. You, your wife and kids, tree, travel, gifts, food etc.
Rough estimate:
Write it down.
How much money will you spend this year?
Write it down.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just important to budget and realize what we spend at this time of year. We’ll come back to this, so keep your notes.
I’ve been thinking about the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and I think I can summarize it in a sentence.
When you take care of Things God cares about, He takes care of things you care about.
We recently had a week of packaging and giving into a charity called feed the starving children. The benefit to most of the people involved was not that it made them feel better, but that unanswered prayers were suddenly answered, relationships were strengthened, and favor with those who can offer you favor was found. What’s that all about? Let’s see if we can find out.
Now considering Ol Scrooge, after he saw the light he took care of people who had less than him. He discovered that Christmas time could be a time of good will and of giving (and therefore receiving). Why is it in fact more blessed** to give than receive? Maybe there is a supernatural answer. There is.
What are some things you could do to help someone, take care of the underprivileged you know? What are charities and areas into which you can give where you know you make a difference?
Write down a couple. Make sure they are worthy.
God wants to be God to us. He wants us to expect, embrace and engage everything he has for us. He does that when we are his hands for him. What difference might it make to me you ask? I mean, shouldn’t I do this selflessly and without expecting reward. Oh, you could, but maybe knowing God has stored things up for you might help you step out in faith in this area.
Here's a list of the “More Blessed** things God wants to do for you” direct from the Bible (Isaiah Chapter 58) and what they mean to you.
(Reader Tip: All of the below are from Isaiah 58. Verses are often divided into sentences or thoughts. Hence, a,b,c,d etc. So 8c means the third thought in that verse. Now, with that, read on)
1. You will shine brighter then you ever have (stand out. Become exceptional. Find favor.) v8a
2. You will recover from difficulty quickly (When hard times come, you will not be a victim but a victor) v8b
3. You will be righteous and at peace. (There will be peace in the midst of the storm and the accusations of the enemy will be silenced) v8c
4. God will watch your back and protect you (Times when you could have been hurt or injured you will be covered by grace and mercy. The devil will find you are bulletproof) v8d
5. He will hear and answer you when you pray (Things you have prayed about for years will suddenly start to happen. He will answer in ways you never thought possible) v9a
6. He will reveal himself to you in a new way (You will find new facets of God's personality revealed to you in unusual ways. You will become amazed at who he really is.) v9b
7. Your depression and sorrow will cease. (God will strip depression and melancholy out of your life in supernatural ways) v10c
8. You will be guided by God’s hand (Somehow you will know what to do, when and how and you'll know it's the hand of God showing you. You will get supernatural strategies you never did before.) v11a
9. You will be confident when hard times come (Because of the sense that God is truly Immanuel to you, you will have a higher level of confidence than ever before) v11b&c
10. Your provision will never fail. (You will find that lack will leave your abode. That is a promise directly from the word of God) v11d
So, how do all these good things come to us? Is it possible to earn the blessings of God:
By fasting and prayer?
By Going to Church more?
By Taking communion more often?
By having others lay hands on you to release blessings?
By saying 55 hail Marys?
By hearing good Biblical Teaching?
By doing good works in the sight of all?
By humbling yourself, crawling on the floor?
By looking very pious, wearing a bigger cross than anyone else?
By wearing sackcloth and ashes?
By sleeping on a bed of nails?
By studying your Bible twice as much?
By rebuking the enemy?
By having really great worship services?
By keeping the commandments of God?
By having prayer vigils to seek the wisdom of God?
By being really good people?
God doesn't condemn any of those, but none of them in and of themselves release the power of God. They are not wrong but they try to manipulate God when he says to us, "I will not be manipulated, I will have a people who care about what I care about and when they do they will activate My Power in their lives". He blesses us to be a blessing and when we bless others he blesses us and round and round it goes.
God’s not interested in rule followers; He’s interested in heart followers. In fact if you become a follower after Jesus heart people will think you are just a little wacky.
Turn to Isaiah 58. The secret to this is in there. Read it from verse one and see if there's a clue as to what releases this power.
Here’s an article that will help you grasp a full meaning of Isaiah 58.
If you want to put into force the benefits shown above look at the story of Ebenezer Scrooge by Charles Dickens. When he became giving and generous Tiny Tim didn't die, Scrooge became healthier, and his life was renewed. Generosity is a rewarder to the generous.
Go back and look at how much money you are going to spend on Christmas, that calculation I had you do at the beginning.
I'm going to suggest you tithe 10% of that amount and use that money to give to the poor in some way. In fact, spend 10% less to do so.
If you take care of what God cares about he'll take care of what you care about.
That seems like a good deal to me.
Take the list of some ways you could give to the poor and make a value decision to do it now. God’s is offering you the best deal since the creation of the earth and your salvation.
God has so much more for you. He wants your heart. I have often said, serving God will cost you everything and it's worth it all.
Here is a good guide to Caring for the Poor.
Now here’s what you can expect for the Christmas Season.
As Tiny Tim was heard to say, (Who did not die) “God Bless Us, Every One”.
I expect him to be faithful to His word, so can you.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Greenhouse Church
I was out tinking around in the greenhouse which is attached to my house. The temp in there is about 65 degrees. Cold enough to keep the plants thinking over blooming or not, warm enough to help them prosper.
How much like a church should be like a greenhouse.
It's a place of protection and refuge from the world.
It's a place where nurture and growth in safety can take place.
It's a place where no pests or predators are allowed.
There's always a gardner to make sure things are proper.
The water is always given in enough quantity and purity to allow for growth.
The nutrients needed to allow maximum growth are applied carefully, not one size fits all.
The temperature is exactly right for growth.
The sun can shine in and give warmth.
You are nurtured along with other plants.
I'm sure the list goes on, but the parallel struck me.
You may have more.