Monday, March 09, 2020

The TRUTH about your future with the Corona Virus COVID-19

Right now there is so much fear and misinformation regarding the Virus.  The Fear and  Doomers in the media are in overdrive.  They seem to take joy in putting the worst spin with the maximum fear they can find.  Of course there are "Experts" who are happy to reinforce the fear.

I have taken it upon myself to discover the REAL truth in all this.  It's a tough job.. but it is important to find truth.  Truth will set you free but a lie will put you in chains of fear.

Here are truths that you need to know about this virus.

The common cold is a corona virus.  The difference  is this is new.  Hence Novo Corona Virus.
It has not been seen before. We have as much of a chance to find a vaccine for this virus as we do the common cold. 

It is transmitted person to person by a cough or sneeze.  The range of infection is 7 feet.  It is the small tiny droplets that transmit the virus.  If you are 30 feet away and touch nothing, you will not be infected.  Touching someone who is contagious may transmit but probably not.

On a dry surface the virus will survive 6 hours before it dies.  On a wooden surface it will die more quickly.  On a metal or plastic surface it can survive much longer.  Sunlight and humidity are a factor in survival of the virus.  Light and humidity counter the virus.  Ventilation is your friend.

Most people below the age of 50 who get this will not suffer many symptoms.  That's what makes it fast moving, you can be a carrier and not know it.  The symptoms for a healthy person are like the common cold, a mild cold. 80% of those who get is will suffer very little symptoms.  They will all recover. A person with a comprised immune system or prior lung issues are most at risk.  The death rate for those over 70 goes up exponentially.   By 90 years old it's very dangerous.  It becomes a pneumonia.  Pneumonia kills more than anything else.

The biggest issue has to do with the lungs, if a person gets the cold like symptom and it moves down into the lungs, it is very dangerous. In 3 days it can kill you.  Only 3% of cases occur in people under 20, and mortality under 40 is only 0.2%. Symptoms are so mild in children that it can go unnoticed.

It is related to a virus in bats.   How it made the jump is not clear.  It was not likely manufactured.

Alcahol is best to use to wipe down surfaces that might be impacted.  Soap and water is best for washing your hands and face.  Soap kills the virus best.

Staying away from groups of people is wise.  If you are older, you will want to be extra careful.

IF you do contract the virus, you will want to wear a mask.  If you do not have the virus the mask won't be much help.

The importance in detection is to find those who don't know they might be carriers and keep them at home.

There already are proven treatments for this virus.  Health care professionals will know what to do.

Keep healthy, don't smoke and if you feel sickly, treat it as you would the common cold.

  1. Stay hydrated. Water, juice, clear broth or warm lemon water with honey helps loosen congestion and prevents dehydration. ...
  2. Rest. ...
  3. Soothe a sore throat. ...
  4. Combat stuffiness. ...
  5. Relieve pain. ...
  6. Sip warm liquids. ...
  7. Add moisture to the air. ...
  8. Try over-the-counter (OTC) cold and cough medications.
No matter how widespread it becomes, you will very likely survive.  By the middle of July it will be gone.