Saturday, November 02, 2013

I do NOT understand why this is an issue

. We all ate horsemeat here and overseas for centuries. It's good meat. Why only in this country do we seem to be hesitant? It's anthropomorphism. The concept of attaching human traits to animals. I know I'll get feedback, but it's unrealistic to not eat what is available... and believe me there is a lot of horse on the hoof that is lost because of regulation and ideas like the author of this article writes. I was born on an indian reservation, dig down deep, puppy in the bottom was often said over a nice pot of stew. Culture is a strange thing. A lot of things we don't eat and think are gross are common in other parts of the world. Don't believe me? Go to China, Korea and Japan and eat among those who live there. You'll soon figure it out. Go to middle Africa. Go to India. This horse meat ban in the USA is strictly cultural. How will you ever reach the nations if you are squeamish about such things? I am thankful I have lived and worked around the world. They are animals, not humans...even if you love them. Animals.

That's a relief..LOL

Pot, to Kettle

"The Griffins, who live near Philadelphia, pay $770 monthly for their soon-to-be-terminated health care plan with a $2,500 deductible. The cheapest plan they found on their state insurance exchange was a so-called bronze plan charging a $1,275 monthly premium with deductibles totaling $12,700. It covers only providers in Pennsylvania, so the couple, who live near Delaware, won't be able to see doctors they've used for more than a decade."

Somehow they knew

Also add Obamacare to the pattern of deception

Photo: Also add Obamacare to the pattern of deception

The new forever stamp

There are two kinds of capitalists. Those who make and those who take. If you don't understand this differentiation you don't understand, capitalism

H/T to Christopher Harris for finding this gem of an article! Please read this and share it widely--one of the best pieces I have read all year! "Why Are So Many Rich People Liberals?"


I think this is really what it was like when the Obamacare website was created

I'm guessing that there's a lesson of some sort in this.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Getting a Head Start on Halloween..Scary Enough for You?

Just for Grins, let's fire up the old Way Back Machine

  IF you are old enough, you know what that was... and the dog's name.   How a little truth might have just set our nation Jesus said it would..  but believe a lie and it will put you in bondage, it has to the USA.

Let's dial back to October 1, 2012.  A bit over a year ago.  In my dreams a truth telling President steps to the podium and without guile says:

My fellow Americans.  I have not been forthcoming with the truth.  The fact is I don't even know what's going on.  But before you re-elect me to a second term I thought you deserved some honesty.

First, the whole idea that with the Affordable Care Act, that I said you would be able to keep your insurance if you want to?  Nope.  That was a lie.

Second, the idea that this will mean less money, lower premiums, and more affordable.  That was a lie.

Third, the whole business about the video causing the Bengazi affair where three of our brave citizens and our diplomat were murdered.  That was a lie.

Fourth, the fast and furious affair where we gun walked violent weapons across the border to criminals in Mexico that got our border patrol killed, when I said it wasn't us.. That was a lie.

Fifth,  when I proclaimed that the Snowden Revelations were not true and that the Wikileaks things were all fabrications.... That was a lie.

There are several other things I have said that aren't true, how I was against same sex marriage, how I was not for homosex in the military, how I would be good for international relations ... but if you re elect me my fellow American's, you will get a better President... and that was a lie

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ol Russ is worth 15 million dollars. He is chastising companies for making profits. I'm sure he has given away 14 of his 15 mill...NO? HUH? Why would anyone on the planet listen to such a foolish man?

A politicians worst enemy,.....a good memory?

The answer is Bacon

The democrats war on the freedom of speech

....look out Americans... they really are that evil

Stupid Government Tricks

The same idiots who couldn't manage to make a front end for Obamacare also killed Pontiac. My dad was a Pontiac dealer in a small town. I wonder if there is an ounce of common sense in the whole administration?

This is the most encouraging thing I have read recently

This is the most encouraging thing I have read about the state of our Government, House, Senate and Presidency. They are all three branches trying to govern like it's 1966. This is the last gasp of a failed strategy. President Obama came promising to be a new kind of leader... he has demonstrated that he is an antique. One that according to this writer will be put on the shelf. If you are a policy wonk, this is a satisfying read. If you love things the way they are going... live long and prosper, but the rug is about to be pulled... not a second to soon:::


The recent political deadlock and government shutdown, and the disastrous rollout of ObamaCare, show that something is seriously wrong in Washington, D.C.

What’s going on?

America is going through a transformation, on a scale that few people now realize. The last such fundamental change was from the rural and agrarian society of the Founding era (America 1.0) to the urban and industrial society which is now coming to an end (America 2.0).

Today’s political regime is like legacy software, built for an earlier world.

That transition was disruptive and painful, but ultimately led to a better America.

We are now making a similar transition to a post-industrial, networked, decentralized, immensely productive America, with a more individualistic, voluntarist, anti-bureaucratic culture (America 3.0).

Today’s political regime is like legacy software, built for an earlier world.

Institutions of the 20th Century welfare state that once looked permanent are crumbling. The old operating system has been kludged so many times it won’t work much longer. It has to be replaced.

The time-worn liberal-progressive wisdom is simple: See a problem, create a government program to fix it.

ObamaCare proves this approach no longer works.

Social Security lasted many years before it was structurally doomed to insolvency.

Medicare experienced cost overruns from the beginning, but was initially self-sustaining. Yet it now faces $22 trillion in future unfunded liabilities.

Unlike Social Security and Medicare, which were viable when they began, ObamaCare failed before it even got started.

ObamaCare had 82 legally specified start dates, but missed half of them. Waivers have been granted to four million Americans, according to an arbitrary, opaque and politicized process.

The employer mandate has been delayed for a year, in violation of the express language of the law.

Congress got a taxpayer funded bailout of their ObamaCare premiums.

Despite Mr. Obama’s assurances, the Congressional Budget Office found that 14.5 million Americans will lose their insurance plans.

The failed rollout is only the tip of a vast iceberg of failure.

Further, ObamaCare primarily benefits insiders, like insurance companies, who are equipped to play the Washington game.

ObamaCare is simply beyond the scope of anything the Federal government can accomplish. Health care takes up over 17% of US GDP, about $2.8 trillion annually. Attempting to centrally govern a complex economy of this size and complexity was always hopeless.

Unfortunately, while liberal-progressive thought is trapped in the 20th Century, there has been an egregious dearth of creative alternatives from the other side of the political divide.

The Republican party is engaged in a civil war between an institutional wing that shuns controversy, and insurgents who fiercely oppose ObamaCare.

But mere opposition is not enough.

Viable alternative, and a vision of a transformed public sector, and a transformed America are sorely needed.

True reform will embrace the existing trends in our society and in technology, facilitating competition and broad consumer choice.

Health care decisions belong in the hands of citizens, even when they receive government assistance For example, the law should promote health savings accounts that roll over from year to year.

Means-tested subsidies on a sliding scale should be provided to purchase qualified health insurance plans attached to HSAs.

Preexisting conditions would be covered by high risk pools in states, backstopped by block granted Federal funds.

Radically decentralizing decision-making will lead to competitive cost savings and innovation, rather than rationing care to cut costs.

The government shutdown, and the failures of ObamaCare, are dramatic symptoms of an old systems reaching its end.

But this is a time of transition, not decline. It is up to us to begin building the free and prosperous America which will be ours, if we do the work to make it happen.


Old Guy remembers

Old Guy remembers... Lou Reed.... dead...71 years old. Some of us had his sound track in our life... Don't judge those of us who are children of the 60-70s. You got rap, we got Reed

A nation of Blanche DuBois

We now have more takers then makers in our economy. This is the death spiral we all warned against. Prepare for impact. The real victims will not be those able to take care of themselves, it will be those who have become accustomed to largess on the part of others. A nation of Blanche DuBois: Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers". The system will collapse and the kindness of strangers will be hard to find. You can only pick the American System's pocket so long before it is empty. I feel actually sorry for those who will starve on the street believing someone will come to bail them out. It's not going to happen.. It will be brutal. It would have been far better to have allowed the beast to live a little longer before killing it dead.

If he means "Practical Atheist" he may have a point....


Will these four guys ever get out of Jail? I actually don't know. What is the penalty for this kind of crime in Mississippi. What a waste of lives....Shine Thornton and the four young men. What were they thinking???

What difference does it make??


So, as I was about to park, I saw this vehicle, so I quickly got out of my car and took a picture as it drove by. As the driver saw me do this, he slammed on the brakes, and asked, "Do you have a problem?" To which I replied, "Just taking a picture. Is that illegal now?" He then eeked forward a few feet and stayed there in the middle if the road for about a minute and a half until a car approached him from behind, forcing him to move... This, ladies and gentlemen, is a FEDERAL POLICE FORCE. Here. In Grand Junction. Feel safe yet?


This is the most encouraging thing I have read about the state of our Government, House, Senate and Presidency. They are all three branches trying to govern like it's 1966. This is the last gasp of a failed strategy. President Obama came promising to be a new kind of leader... he has demonstrated that he is an antique. One that according to this writer will be put on the shelf. If you are a policy wonk, this is a satisfying read. If you love things the way they are going... live long and prosper, but the rug is about to be pulled... not a second to soon:::


The recent political deadlock and government shutdown, and the disastrous rollout of ObamaCare, show that something is seriously wrong in Washington, D.C.

What’s going on?

America is going through a transformation, on a scale that few people now realize. The last such fundamental change was from the rural and agrarian society of the Founding era (America 1.0) to the urban and industrial society which is now coming to an end (America 2.0).

Today’s political regime is like legacy software, built for an earlier world.

That transition was disruptive and painful, but ultimately led to a better America.

We are now making a similar transition to a post-industrial, networked, decentralized, immensely productive America, with a more individualistic, voluntarist, anti-bureaucratic culture (America 3.0).

Today’s political regime is like legacy software, built for an earlier world.

Institutions of the 20th Century welfare state that once looked permanent are crumbling. The old operating system has been kludged so many times it won’t work much longer. It has to be replaced.

The time-worn liberal-progressive wisdom is simple: See a problem, create a government program to fix it.

ObamaCare proves this approach no longer works.

Social Security lasted many years before it was structurally doomed to insolvency.

Medicare experienced cost overruns from the beginning, but was initially self-sustaining. Yet it now faces $22 trillion in future unfunded liabilities.

Unlike Social Security and Medicare, which were viable when they began, ObamaCare failed before it even got started.

ObamaCare had 82 legally specified start dates, but missed half of them. Waivers have been granted to four million Americans, according to an arbitrary, opaque and politicized process.

The employer mandate has been delayed for a year, in violation of the express language of the law.

Congress got a taxpayer funded bailout of their ObamaCare premiums.

Despite Mr. Obama’s assurances, the Congressional Budget Office found that 14.5 million Americans will lose their insurance plans.

The failed rollout is only the tip of a vast iceberg of failure.

Further, ObamaCare primarily benefits insiders, like insurance companies, who are equipped to play the Washington game.

ObamaCare is simply beyond the scope of anything the Federal government can accomplish. Health care takes up over 17% of US GDP, about $2.8 trillion annually. Attempting to centrally govern a complex economy of this size and complexity was always hopeless.

Unfortunately, while liberal-progressive thought is trapped in the 20th Century, there has been an egregious dearth of creative alternatives from the other side of the political divide.

The Republican party is engaged in a civil war between an institutional wing that shuns controversy, and insurgents who fiercely oppose ObamaCare.

But mere opposition is not enough.

Viable alternative, and a vision of a transformed public sector, and a transformed America are sorely needed.

True reform will embrace the existing trends in our society and in technology, facilitating competition and broad consumer choice.

Health care decisions belong in the hands of citizens, even when they receive government assistance For example, the law should promote health savings accounts that roll over from year to year.

Means-tested subsidies on a sliding scale should be provided to purchase qualified health insurance plans attached to HSAs.

Preexisting conditions would be covered by high risk pools in states, backstopped by block granted Federal funds.

Radically decentralizing decision-making will lead to competitive cost savings and innovation, rather than rationing care to cut costs.

The government shutdown, and the failures of ObamaCare, are dramatic symptoms of an old systems reaching its end.

But this is a time of transition, not decline. It is up to us to begin building the free and prosperous America which will be ours, if we do the work to make it happen.