Saturday, September 05, 2009

Van Jones is a terminal idiot of the worst liberal kind

I have little Else o say, but what is up with Obama putting a place a terminal doofus like this?

About the time when I am lulled into thinking the president and his liberal nutcases might just have a clue, I run into Van Jones. He may be the most nutty crazy crackpot to ever emerge in the bus pathway.

The good news is BHO who has no loyalty to anyone will toss this doofus under the bus.

Not a minute too soon

Viva la Difference - How liberals and Conservatives approach Issues of consequence

If a conservative doesn’t like guns, they don’t buy one. If a liberal doesn’t like them, then no one should have one.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, they don’t eat meat. If a liberal is, they want to ban all meat products.

If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy. A liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.

If a conservative is homosexual, they quietly enjoy their lifestyle. If a liberal is homosexual, they loudly demand legislated respect.

If a black man or hispanic is conservative, they see themselves as independently successful. Their liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that all of them be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church. A liberal wants all churches to be silenced.

If a woman is a conservative, she’s usually beautiful and successful. Has anyone ever met a liberal woman who was either of those?

Called....All are

"Usually a person should keep on with the work he was doing when God called him" (I Cor. 7: 20 TLB).

We've all heard stories of men or women in the workplace that left their jobs for the "ministry." Certainly God does call people into vocational ministry. However, many times this move is more rooted in dissatisfaction with a career combined with a spiritual renewal or first time commitment to the Lord. The idea of a "higher call" can also appeal to our sense of a greater and nobler destiny.

We have incorrectly elevated the roll of the Christian worker that serves within "the church" or a traditional "ministry" role to be more holy and committed than the person who is serving in a secular environment. Yet the call to the secular workplace is as important as any other calling. God has to have His people in every sphere of life to meet the needs of His creation. Also, many would never come to know Him because they would be separated from society.

I learned this lesson personally when I sought to go into "full-time" service as a pastor in my late twenties, only to have God thrust me back into the workplace unwillingly. This turned out to be the best thing He could have done for me, because it was never His will for me to be a pastor. He knew I was more suited for the workplace.

We are all in missions. Some are called to foreign lands. Some are called to the jungles of the workplace. Wherever you are called, serve the Lord in that place. Let Him demonstrate His power through your life so that others might experience Him through you today. View your vocation as means to worship Him.

Paul said it right; "In most cases we're going to remain in the place where He first called us."

The All Purpose Universal Political Joke

A guy goes into a bar and there is a robot bartender. The robot says, "What will you have?" The guy says "Martini." The robot brings back the best martini ever and says to the man, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "168." The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical technology.

The guy leaves, but he is curious, so he goes back into the bar. The robot bartender says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Martini". Again, the robot makes a great martini, gives it to the man and says, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "100." The robot then starts to talk about Nascar, Budweiser and John Deere tractors.

The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will try it one more time. He goes back into the bar. The robot says, "What will you have?" The guy says, "Martini", and the robot brings him another great martini. The robot then says, "What's your IQ?" The guy says, "Uh, about 50."

Now, the punch line is up to you. I went on line and found a bunch of endings.

Who's your favorite, Beck, Limbaugh or O'Reiley?
How you feeling about your vote for Obama now?
Do you think that Kenyan Birth Certificate will ever be found?
Who's your favorite, Olberman, Maddow or Katie Couric?

Add your own PUNCH LINE here:

Friday, September 04, 2009

Victimized or Victim - Pitiful or Pitiable

In ministry I run into people all the time who are victims or are pitiful. They have chosen to be one. They are stuck in their pain and suffering and are not dealing with it well.

I met one such yesterday. She is in a difficult situation. It's mad worse by the fact that her attitude is one of Poor Me. She has been abused.

She is Pitiful.

She is a Victim.

They are roles she plays well. I feel sorry for her. I will do all I can to help her. BUT, she is a mess and unless she gets past this mental block she will NOT make it. She will in fact die. Pitiful and a Victim.

She has been Victimized. She is to be pitied. Therefore she is pitiable.

BUT that is not the real problem. You or I can be victimized but not remain a victim. We can go into a pitiable state but not become pitiful.

What she thinks about all day long is who she has become. A victim. Pitiful.

And that is sad.

Obama represents the dark side of Cool.... He's COLD

Peggy Noonan has written a pretty hard cut on the youth, inexperience and shallowness of our current White House squatter. She says the Obama administration is young and out of touch.

I think the most inditing is the comment at the end where she says:
He is cold, like someone who is contained not because he’s disciplined and successfully restrains his emotions, but because there’s not that much to restrain. This is the dark side of cool. One wonders if this will play well with the American people. Long-term it is hard to get people to trust your policies if they think you’re coolly operating on some intellectual or ideological abstractions.

I don’t think as a presidential style it will wear well with the center. And it may not wear well with the president’s own party. They may come to see him, in time, as not really one of them. And that’s when things will really get interesting.

IF this man finishes his term (which I doubt) he will not get another.

What a Truly Spirit Led Church looks like

From Alan Knox: In Romans 12:9-21, Paul lays down specific characteristics of the life that is led by the Spirit. This is what he says:

Let love be genuine (unhypocritical). Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be conceited. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:9-21 ESV)

Notice how the genuine (unhypocritical) love of Spirit-indwelled, Spirit-led believers is described:

  • holding fast to good
  • loving one another
  • honoring one another
  • serving the Lord fervently
  • rejoicing
  • patient
  • praying
  • giving to needy believers
  • being hospitable (loving strangers)
  • blessing
  • living in harmony
  • humble
  • doing what is honorable
  • living in peace with all
This is how the church of God should live. This is how the church of God should be described.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Rethinking Matthew 28:19 - Not Everyone is able to be Discipled, They make the call

Pastor Dan would have liked this. Os Hillman writes today. It's good. Pastor Dan was really careful who he would invest time and energy into discipling. If you were discipled and trained you hadda wanna. Not EVERYONE was or could be discipled.

Pastor Dan would watch you and if you persisted in pursuit of God he would invest in you.

I get that. It's a problem in the Church. We think EVERYONE should be dicipled. They all should have the opprotunity. That is true. The hand should be extended. BUT, he who is discipling should not have to pursue the one being discipled. Disciplelship requires discipline. Without it's just Peal tossing. And swine never appreciate it. I hope this isn't too harsh, but we must be willing to "Go therefore into all nations" and do what Jesus said:
Therefore, as you go, disciple people in all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit - Matthew 28:19

Os Hillman:

"Formerly he was useless to you, but now he has become useful both to you and to me" (Philem 11).

Paul's letter to Philemon reveals something about a man named Onesimus. At one time, Paul viewed Onesimus as useless. But while Paul was in chains he treated Onesimus as a son. Something changed in this man that made him useful instead of useless.

When Jesus met Peter, he saw an impetuous man who drew quick conclusions and was very opinionated. I'm sure Jesus had his doubts about him for future leadership. However, Jesus saw something in Peter that was going to be useful once the rough edges were removed.

Both of these men were simple fools in the Kingdom of God. The reference to someone being a fool was not necessarily a negative term. A simple fool, or peti, was a person who made mistakes, but quickly righted them and was restored to fellowship with God and with others. King David was a simple fool, one who made mistakes, but kept a repentant heart toward God. This is why God did not turn away from him for his many sins.

The hardened fool, kesil and ewil, makes mistakes but never learns from them, is not repentant and will not listen to others. Such people can expect God's reproof to continue and they will eat the fruit of their own way (see Prov. 1:31-32). The hardened fool "returns to his own vomit." King Saul was a hardened fool, one who made mistakes and continued to do so even after realizing he was wrong.

We are going to err in our ways. The question is, once we know we have made a mistake before God, do we make the necessary adjustments that will allow Him to intervene on our behalf? And will we avoid the same course of action in the future? God says that if we do, He will pour out His Spirit on us (see Prov. 1:23).

When you work with people who have strong personalities but may be immature in their faith, you must discern if they are simple fools or hardened fools. This will tell you whether to invest time and resources into them.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Even Luther couldn't find enough People to have "Church"

From Alan Knox

Previously, I’ve written a couple of posts concerning Luther’s “The German Mass and Order of Divine Service.” (See “Luther and the Church” and “Luther and the non-Christian ‘worship service’.”)

In this short essay, Luther describes three types of “divine services.” The first two – in Latin and German respectively – are designed for non-Christians. Concerning these two meetings, Luther says in his preface, “They [the people attending] are not yet believers or Christians.”

But, what about for those who are Christians? Luther describes a third type of meeting in his preface for those who “are desirous of being Christians in earnest.” This meeting would be less public and more discipleship oriented. While this type of meeting may appear to be a modern-day “Bible study,” Luther says that this is the time for Christians to practice the “sacraments.” For Luther, this third type of meeting is the church meeting.

Unfortunately, Luther says that he does not know enough believers to hold this type of meeting. He says, “But I cannot and would not order or arrange such a community or congregation at present. I have not the requisite persons for it, nor do I see many who are urgent for it.” So, the majority of the essay is spent describing the first two “divine services,” which are for non-Christians and after which most churches pattern their “worship service.”

As I was talking about Luther’s essay with a friend recently, a portion of Luther’s statement stood out to me. Concerning putting together the “third type” of church meeting (the one for people who are really Christians), Luther says:

In the meantime, I would abide by the two Orders aforesaid; and publicly among the people aid in the promotion of such Divine Service, besides preaching, as shall exercise the youth and call and incite others to faith, until those Christians who are most thoroughly in earnest shall discover each other and cleave together; to the end that there be no faction-forming, such as might ensue if I were to settle everything out of my own head.

Luther understands something that many Christian leaders today fail to recognize. When leaders make decisions for the church – instead of waiting for God to bring the church as a whole to make decisions – the leaders’ decisions will typically lead to “faction-forming.” Regardless of good intentions, God never intended Christian leaders (even elders) to “settle everything” for themselves.

Notice what Luther says… even though he thinks this third form of meeting would be better for the church, he’s waiting “until those Christians who are most thoroughly in earnest shall discover each other and cleave together.” Luther is not willing to force the people to do something that they are not ready to do, even though Luther thinks it is best for them.

If you read a few lines before Luther’s statement, you’ll find something even more interesting. What happens to the “form and order” of this meeting once God has changed the hearts of the people so that they are ready for it? Does Luther then move ahead and “settle everything”? No, because at that point he won’t have to!

Luther says, “In one word, if we only had people who longed to be Christians in earnest, Form and Order would soon shape itself.” People who are earnestly attempting to follow Christ in their relationships with one another – including when they meet together as the church – do not have to be forced into a certain “form and order” by their leaders – not even a leader and important and impressive as Luther! Instead, we can safely trust God to handle the form and order as well!

Certainly, at times, there will be people in our meetings who are not following the Spirit and who are not concerned with edifying other believers. When these people become unruly, others can gently remind them of our purpose in meeting together. Emphasis MINE.... This sounds a lot like the meeting that Paul proposed in 1 Corinthians 14.

26What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church. 27If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. 28If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God.

29Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said. 30And if a revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop. 31For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged. 32The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets. 33For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.

But, overall, we do not have to force our methods of meeting on other people. We can teach and disciple and wait for God to change people’s hearts and minds in this area. Also, we do not have to force or design a certain type of meeting. Once again, we simply need to give God time and opportunity to work, and give people an opportunity to build up one another.

Kinda how I see Wal Mart


Put Some Punctuation in Your Praise!

Facing a difficult situation? You need to release the shout of the Lord.

According to the rules of proper grammar, exclamation marks should be used rarely, and only when conveying extreme emotion. I'm sure you agree there is nothing more annoying than an article or e-mail FILLED WITH ALL CAPS AND PROFUSE EXCLAMATIONS!!! An overuse of such punctuation is the journalistic equivalent of screaming in a public library.

Yet exclamation marks do appear in the Bible, especially in the Psalms. Apparently there are times in our spiritual lives when extreme emotion and pumped-up volume are necessary.

"Shouting is an act of faith that can break the power of fear, doubt, heaviness and grief. When the devil has turned up the volume of his clamorous attacks, we must retaliate by lifting our voices in raucous praise.""

The Message version of the Bible is particularly known for its liberal use of exclamation marks. It paraphrases Psalm 47:1 this way: "Shout God-songs at the top of your lungs!" Psalm 95:1 is rendered like this: "Come, let's shout praises to God, raise the roof for the Rock who saved us! Let's march into his presence singing praises, lifting the rafters with our hymns!" More noisy emotion is packed into Psalm 98:4: "Shout your praises to God, everybody! Let loose and sing! Strike up the band!"

King David used this kind of lung power. Even when he was alone with God, in what he called "the secret place," he was noisy. He wrote: "I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy" (Psalm 27:6, NASB). His worship experience was hardly sophisticated or subdued. It was downright boisterous.

This past weekend I spoke to a group of pastors and missionaries at a prayer retreat in the mountains of East Tennessee. Some of these leaders came to the gathering with heavy hearts. Some were spiritually weary; others were downright depressed. So I was not surprised when the Lord directed me to teach on the topic of the shout of the Lord.

I shared with my friends three biblical reasons why we need to lift our voices and break the silence with extravagant praise.

1. Shouting awakens us to God's ability and supreme authority. Sometimes it is simply not enough to pray quietly. Our soul must be stirred. We must forcefully declare what we believe with passionate conviction. Shouting is an act of faith that can break the power of fear, doubt, heaviness and grief. When the devil has turned up the volume of his clamorous attacks, we must retaliate by lifting our voices in raucous praise.

I spend a lot of time in ethnic churches, and I've noticed that my African-American, Hispanic, Brazilian and Indian friends are quite comfortable with a high decibel level in their worship. Some white Christians think this is just a cultural preference. But I wonder if we have allowed our more reserved nature to stand in the way of a biblical principle. The Bible does not just tell certain ethnic groups to shout.

In the church I grew up in, we worshiped with our hands at our sides, and we usually held hymnals. We sang wonderful songs, but I missed out on the full impact of praise because I was never taught that the Bible also calls us to raise our hands, clap, bow, shout and dance in worship.

Some Christians are just too sophisticated for exuberant praise. It embarrasses them. They assume shouting to God is something that uneducated, backwoods Pentecostals do while they roll in sawdust. Yet those same Pentecostals are simply emulating David, Isaiah, Jeremiah and a whole host of saints who set aside their pride and self-consciousness in order to praise God with total abandon.

2. Shouting releases spiritual victory. We all know the walls of Jericho didn't collapse until the people of God "shouted with a great shout" (see Joshua 6:20). That familiar story tells us that unrestrained praise has a direct effect on the enemy's work. When directed by the Holy Spirit, the shout of the Lord is the nuclear blast that dismantles demonic resistance.

If you have been staring at an immovable wall of depressing circumstances, it may be time to declare with all your might that God is bigger than your problems. Remember what happened in the Philippian jail. Paul's situation was bleak and his feet were bound with stocks, but when he and Silas praised God the ground shook, the doors flung open and every chain in the prison broke (see Acts 16:22-26). Shouting God's praises will have that kind of impact on the locks and chains around you.

3. Shouting brings fruitfulness and expansion. Isaiah declared: "Shout for joy, O barren one, you who have borne no child; Break forth into joyful shouting and cry aloud, you who have not travailed; for the sons of the desolate one will be more numerous than the sons of the married woman" (Isa. 54:1). This verse tells us that the shout of the Lord can release a long awaited promise.

When I was in the Smoky Mountains last weekend I encouraged my friends to write down on a sheet of paper the promises God had made to them. Some were praying about financial issues; others were trusting the Lord to work in the heart of a family member; others were believing for the publishing of a book or the growth of a church. I asked everyone to stand on their slips of paper. Then Sam, a worship leader from Virginia, led us in a spontaneous time of singing and shouting.

That might sound like a silly exercise, but we could sense walls crashing around us that evening. Shouting to the Lord puts circumstances in the right perspective. We saw how big God is, and how little our problems are. Childlike faith was ignited and many promises came to the point of delivery. Praise can trigger birth pangs!

If you have felt stuck in a place of spiritual dryness, if your ministry seems barren, or if you feel the devil has backed you into a corner, don't get comfortable in that place of despair. YOU NEED TO SHOUT!

Go in your prayer closet and forget who can hear you through the door! When you are driving your car, put on some praise music and shout during your commute! And when you are in church, forget about what everyone else thinks and be a noisy fool for Christ! Even if you feel as if you have been conquered, raise your voice in triumph and LET OUT A SHOUT OF VICTORY!

J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma. You can find him on Twitter at leegrady. He encourages you to forward this article to a friend who might be discouraged.

If this was in the USA we would have bulldozed the whole works

This photo essay of Normandy and surrounds right after the invasion in 1944 and the same site today says a lot about the French and their dedication to preservation rather than tear down and build over.

I guess I come down on the side of restoration and renovation rather than raze and rebuild.

They did a great job. I wish we could learn to keep some of the charm we have.

The Kennedy Funeral and Mixed up Christianity

I didn't watch much. Some. Little. I think the mixture of Politics, Accolades, Religiosity, Catholicism and new age all dogs go to heaven kind of stuff was more than I could stand.

I was reminded of this in reading Os Hillman's caution against a diluted mixed faith system. We have this in spades in the American Church. It's not a good thing.

Os Hillman:

"Then they said, 'These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt'" (Ex 32:4).

Moses had gone up onto Mount Sinai to meet with God and receive the Ten Commandments. He left his brother Aaron in charge. Aaron had been mentored by his brother Moses. However, we learn that Aaron still has vestiges of Egypt residing in him. He had not had a complete conversion from the ways of Egypt to the ways of God. His leadership was not strong enough to thwart a rebellion in the camp and he allowed the people, and even encouraged the people, to make an idol of gold. Later, he tried to justify his actions by saying the idol was a God of Israel.

Today we see such mixture in the body of Christ. We promote guaranteed prosperity without the cross. We call adversity a sign of a lack of faith. We promote New Age philosophies mixed with the scriptures and call it a new freedom in Christ. This is only mixture. It is an abomination to the Lord.

And because Aaron has mixture in his own life, he was unable to be truthful to Moses when confronted with his actions. "He said to Aaron, 'What did these people do to you, that you led them into such great sin?' So I told them, 'Whoever has any gold jewelry, take it off.' Then they gave me the gold, and I threw it into the fire, and out came this calf!'" (Ex 32:21-24).

Did you notice Aaron's explanation? Out came this calf! - all by itself. Aaron attempted to deceive Moses. Aaron failed to fulfill his role as a strong, Godly leader. He allowed "mixture" to have power over the people of God.

Pray that you will be faithful to the Word of God and not allow new philosophies to distort its ageless truths.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

A lot of friends - lots of people knew him - But he wasn't KNOWN

I was at a funeral recently. The place was packed. The deceased had a lot of friends. A lot of people knew him. Liked him. Loved him. It was a big deal.

I had to think the BIGGER DEAL is what happened on the other side of the veil. Did he have a Friend in Jesus? More important, was HE known by Him? I know he was loved by him.

Did he hear, depart from me, I never knew you?

It was nice for his family that he had this big funeral, I just wish he had been ready to step over and come face to face with the God who knit him together from his mothers womb.

I don't think he was ready at any level. And that is sadder than any funeral.

A Message to the Church in America.... You MUST Hear This!

I cannot express how important this. You must hear what the Spirit is Saying RIGHT NOW.

Warning, it's long, Larry Randolf, the Prophet is from Tennessee and you will be shaken. God is faithful. And JUST.

Did Obama go to the School of Machiavelli?

Machiavelli advises the prince:
"From it a noteworthy lesson may be drawn: princes should delegate unpopular duties to others while dispensing all favors directly themselves. I say again that a prince must respect the nobility, but avoid the hatred of the common people." Chapter 19, pg. 67
Sound like anyone you know in Government today? If you read this whole discourse from Machiavelli you see the Obama game Plan.

It occurs to me that if you read this analysis of Machiavelli you will see what I mean.

An excerpt:

“The first king is a strong warrior, his successors rule by wisdom and justice more than might and valor perfects it. Heredity turns it into tyranny. Tyranny provokes a revolt by nobles who form an aristocracy. Heredity makes corruption and leads to oligarchy. Revolt of people leads to democracy. Freedom leads to license. A strong man takes control” (Coby 24).

Top 10 Most Religious States

Top 10 Most Religious States

Top 10 Most Religious States
by Human Events (more by this author)
Posted 08/05/2009 ET

This list is based on responses to a Gallup Poll that asked a cross-section of Americans if religion is an “important part” of their lives.

1. Mississippi 85%

2. Alabama 82%

3. South Carolina 80%

4. Tennessee 79%

5. Louisiana 78%

6. Arkansas 78%

7. Georgia 76%

8. North Carolina 76%

9. Oklahoma 75%

10. Kentucky & Texas (tie) 74%

Top 10 Least Religious States

Top 10 Least Religious States
This list is based on responses to a Gallup Poll that asked a cross-section of Americans if religion is an “important part” of their lives. Read the “Most Religious” Top 10 List here.

1. Vermont 42%

2. New Hampshire 46%

3. Maine 48%

4. Massachusetts 48%

5. Alaska 51%

6. Washington 52%

7. Oregon 53%

8. Rhode Island 53%

9. Nevada 54%

10. Connecticut 55%

Sometimes Satan can sound SOOO reasonable

Sometimes the calm voice of reason is the voice of the enemy. Be careful of itching ear smooth words when you hear them. The word of GOD is like a two edged sword, cutting apart even the bone from the marrow. Knowing the difference is all the difference in the world. Remember, calm smooth melodic words are used to rock children to sleep. Wake up!

Contending for the Promises of God for YOU

The following message is the most recent posted on Barbara Yoder's new blog, which you can find at The original title of the word is "We Are Contending."

We are in a season of contending. We must contend past the deception that has tried to mislead us. Deception blinds us from seeing what the real issue is, and hope deferred feeds deception. It feeds the faithless, half-empty-glass syndrome. I believe we are coming out of a season in which hope deferred seemed to abound.

Deception is part of the resistance that we have to overcome. It causes us to think, There are all kinds of reasons I can't break through this: "God doesn't care." "It's too hard." "I can't do it." "What did I do wrong?"

Deception tells us, "God hasn't come through before, so why would He now? And if He cares so much, why have things been so difficult during this season—and why has it hung around for two years? Why did God let this or that happen? He must not care." On and on the voice speaks.

But it is not the voice.

There is perhaps more resistance to break through in this season than we've experienced in our lifetimes. We are facing new powers, new principalities. We are facing at a beginning level demonic structures similar to those that resist believers in Africa and India daily.

God is building our faith. He has allowed this level of opposition to break us into a new level of faith. What is it that has overcome the world? Even our faith (see 1 John 5:4). So our faith is being developed to an all-new level in this hour. It is becoming a faith that will stand and break through because it believes God's promises (see v. 5).

The Israelites overcame through faith and patience. Patience isn't lying back on the couch and taking it easy. The word "patience" in the Greek is hupomone. Patience allows us to see something through to the end, to hang on to what God has promised and see it through to fulfillment. It is a stance such as a bulldog would take—one that causes us to sink our teeth into the promise and hold on until it is ours (see Heb 6:9-12).

Press past the resistance. Resistance is the sense that you are not getting anywhere in your praying. It tells you it is too hard to break through. Resistance feels as if you are going up against a thick, solid granite wall that won't give.

But God!

Keep praying until you get through that resistance. Then pray to receive the fullness of what God is saying and what He longs to do.

Pressing into revelation is essential in this hour if we are to break into all the things God has been promising—the miraculous, wealth transfer, the harvest, a new level of the deliverance mantle and so on. There is an awakening waiting on the other side of breakthrough.

It is a time to pray in tongues as never before, "building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit" (Jude 20, NKJV). Praying in tongues not only opens a window of revelation; it also builds bold faith. Let God lead you in your praying in tongues. Pray radically; pray through. The other side of the resistance is amazing, powerful, glorious! It is the breaking out of heaven all around us!

Come on, you can do it! Pray all the way through. And if you can't get there by yourself, grab one of your friends who knows how to pray and together take courage, be bold and go for it. The resistance can be so daunting we can't get through it by ourselves. Go today, grab someone and pray, pray, pray—get to the other side.

We are in a war for the new to break out, and a war is comprised of many battles. You will have to pray not just once or twice but many times until the war is won. Each prayer time represents a battle. We will battle until we win the war.

"And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith" (1 John 5:4).

About the author: Barbara J. Yoder is the founder and senior pastor of Shekinah Christian Church ( in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and is known for her cutting-edge apostolic and prophetic breakthrough ministry.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Children and Young People are NOT Jr Members of the church, They are not Sub Christians, They are your Brothers and Sisters.

I often when talking to my son refer to him as Brother. He is now my brother and my son.

It's time for the Church to Recognize and Embrace this fact:

As I saw all the young people sitting around their living room, I realized something. Some of these boys and girls are followers of Jesus Christ… they are Christians. This means that these boys and girls are my brothers and sisters in Christ. They are part of the church. They are not half-brothers and half-sisters… they are not sub-members of the church. They are as much a part of the church as I am. (Yes, organizationally, these boys and girls and adults are part of many different church organizations. But, relationally, we are all part of the same church.)

This is very important for me, for other adults, and for the boys and girls to realize. As children of God, the boys and girls have been indwelled by the Holy Spirit, and they have been gifted by God to serve others and to build up the church. In fact, if we agree with Paul and if it is necessary for the whole church to work together in order for the church to grow (Eph 4:16), then it is necessary for these boys and girls to function as God has gifted them in order for the church to grow.

Every believer is indispensable for the growth of the church. Every believer. This includes young believers.

Even if you quit the sin, there can be continuing consequence

None of us are immune from making poor choices in our lives. David made a number of seemingly minor choices that snowballed into an avalanche of suffering, shame and tragedy. It started when he chose to stay at home in Jerusalem instead of going out to lead his troops into battle, as was his duty. David had too much time on his hands, which ultimately led to him committing adultery with Bathsheba and trying to cover up that sin with murder.

So God sent the prophet Nathan to tell King David a story: "There were two men in a town, one rich, one poor. The rich man had many sheep and cattle. The poor man had nothing but one little ewe lamb, which he raised like one of the family. The ewe lamb shared the man's food, drank from his cup, and slept in his arms. One day, when the rich man had a guest to entertain, he didn't want to slaughter any of his own sheep or cattle, so he took the poor man's lamb, killed it, and prepared it as a feast for his guest."

David responded: "The rich man deserves death!" he said. "He must pay the man four times the value of the lamb, because he did an unjust thing and had no compassion!"

Then Nathan turned to King David and said, "You are the man! This is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: 'I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul. I gave your master's house to you, and your master's wives into your arms. I gave you the house of Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more. Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in His eyes? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own!'" To his credit, David confessed and repented of his sins, and God forgave him.

God's forgiveness restores the broken relationship between Himself and sinner, but forgiveness can't make everything exactly as it was. Sin has consequences that forgiveness cannot change. David had consequences he had to live with for the rest of his life.