A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
What if Obama had been President of Chile for the last 69 days?
Friday, October 15, 2010
My brother lost both his legs to Diabetes. Government Health Care :-((
This is excellent explanation on why the whole welfare state is such a mess in the USA. Centered. And questions why the Black Holocaust of Abortion in America is promoted by Liberals. She writes a blog afroconservative.com
This angers me. Republican or Democrat, they should be behind bars NOW!
We are on a wrong track in the USA. The last 40 years have robbed us of any heritage. Republican or Democrat, they are both guilty of creating the atmosphere that has ended up with America drifting off into the sunset. Have you ever wondered why the USA doesn't appear in Biblical Prophecy? We may not be here as a s...overeign country when the clock of end time starts ticking.
See More There is tragedy in Chicagoland. I appeal to you to contribute money
to solve this sad situation. I was trying to get into traffic. A brand
new pickup was coming. I waited and then, he turned. The poor man
must not have working turn signals on his truck. He would have used
them. They were broken I'm sure. Send Money to: useyourstinkingturnsignals.com Those who have must share with those who don't.
Things must be tough in the adult entertainment biz. Driving back from Lansing MI last week I was rollin down the interstate and on my right down in a hollow was a strip club. They are everywhere. This was about 6pm. The parking lot was empty. There was a "sample girl" standing out in front waving a pom pom to get attention. MAN, who knew times were THAT tough.
This is the signpost to stimulus hell. Trying to deliver a load to Detroit last week I ended up SEVERAL times in Stimulus hell. Of course I was delivered after a long wait. So maybe it's stimulus purgatory. I was stuck on I 80 for an hour west of Morris. Stimulus Hell. I hit some real messes trying to go up teleg...raph road. I felt sorry for all those people who have businesses along telegraph road. They are out of luck. Will probably go out of business. I wonder what the REAL cost of all this "Stimulus" is when you factor in the economic costs of business lost, and transportation holdups. It isn't cheap. Then coming home, I came home around midnight and decide that pulling a trailer I would be better off up 94 to 290 going west. Another hour waiting for SOMEONE to pray me out or at least pay an indulgence.
I don't want to go to hell on this side of the veil or the other. Stay out of stimulus hell.
See More
This was painful to watch. This doesn't say much for the Marine Corps. He served. He's pretty dense. Sad. He won fair and square. Sigh.
BUT NOT as sad as the Interview with Maxine Waters today on CNBC. She is far from the brightest bulb in the box. How did she EVER become a US Representative? Watch if you have ...the courage. http://www.cnbc.com/id/39650512
See MoreA bit more on Delusion of the Left
I have been critical of parents who allow adult children, in particular boys, to stay for extended periods of time beyond what should be adulthood. Once a boy reaches 18 years old he needs to get out. These parents are dead because they did not have the courage to do what they should have done. If you have an adult ...son at home, unless he is invalid, you must kick him out TODAY. I did to my boys. You MUST or suffer the consequence. Failure to Launch.
See MoreTuesday, October 12, 2010
The global warmng scam exposed.....again
Harold Lewis is Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Here is his letter of resignation to Curtis G. Callan Jr, Princeton University, President of the American Physical Society.
Anthony Watts describes it thus:
This is an important moment in science history. I would describe it as a letter on the scale of Martin Luther, nailing his 95 theses to the Wittenburg church door. It is worthy of repeating this letter in entirety on every blog that discusses science.
It’s so utterly damning that I’m going to run it in full without further comment. (H/T GWPF, Richard Brearley).