Zombies are real and the walking dead are among us.
OK, not as in the TV show with zombies, but this is true of so many. I have friends and acquaintances who at 50-70 years of age have already died. They still have a body, can still walk, can do things, even talk, but they are just as dead as the last corpse you saw in a coffin.
OK, not as in the TV show with zombies, but this is true of so many. I have friends and acquaintances who at 50-70 years of age have already died. They still have a body, can still walk, can do things, even talk, but they are just as dead as the last corpse you saw in a coffin.
This is a composite description of a dead man walking drawn from real people I know. I'll call him Tom, (Fictional Name). He is just turning 60, had a good career, made decent money, married but his life has gone to hell (Literally). He and his wife no longer get along. They don't fight as much as they are inert to one another. It's not someone's fault in the marriage, it's hard being married to a zombie. I don't blame her, but there was a time when she could have pulled him out of the dumpster, but she chose to criticize him instead. Now, he sits most of the day in front of the TV. Most nights he goes to bed drunk. He's not violent, (Mostly). He's simply dead. A zombie. He had a few friends, but when they reach out to him in compassion .. he's dead to them.
His life has drifted into painful remembering, aimlessness, anger, resentment, unforgiveness and spiritual death. Dying for him is a positive option. The pain will end he thinks. I fear he might hasten it by suicide, ending his living death with corporeal death.
Tom used to be a believer. He attended church, he loved his wife and children, He loved Jesus. He had an attitude that said, "We can do it". Then when crisis hit he fell away. I watched it happen. I tried to intervene. Nothing anyone could say or do made any difference.
Tom used to be a believer. He attended church, he loved his wife and children, He loved Jesus. He had an attitude that said, "We can do it". Then when crisis hit he fell away. I watched it happen. I tried to intervene. Nothing anyone could say or do made any difference.
So how did he die? Some great disappointment happened. Something that soured him on modern vending machine religion. He bought into the idea that if I give my money to God, he will protect me and help me. When things didn't happen as he hoped, when the vending machine failed in his eyes .. he resented GOD. He turned away from God.
Tom doesn't REALLY have an actual backbone. When life got hard he folded up. He comes off aggressive and strong, but in truth it's all passive aggression. He is spineless and uses anger to express himself. He is unwilling to stand up for himself or the others he allegedly loves. He's a shell with nothing inside.
So he sits day and night watching TV or on the computer. Anything to get his mind off his situation. Might be old sitcoms. Old movies. Westerns. For some sports is the addiction. It's tragic. A man who had at one time great potential, destiny and the ability to make a real contribution now sits alone with a bottle in hand glassy eyed staring at a box with pictures on it.
Is there a cure? Doctors can't cure him. Drugs are no help, it's not the alcohol, it's the meaningless life he is now leading. Counseling and intervention have failed with Tom again and again. He's lost. Secular medicine and science have no answers.
There is no hope for Tom. He's already dead. A Zombie. Jesus IS his only hope. But he's disappointed in God. He's given up. He is no longer reachable. The worst is, poverty would have been a good thing for him. He needed a prodigal experience. But it won't happen. He has enough. Some Tom's I know live this life with the "help" of government or church "charity". They are antichrist in their "Mercy".
Can this tragedy be turned around? I want to believe, but no amount of intervention will bring the dead back to life without Jesus. It may mean he will have to come to grips with the situation by a visitation of the God who loves him. His heart of stone will have to be turned back to a heart of flesh.
Here's the SAD part of all this. Many of my friends on this forum know who TOM is. They recognize him by my description. If you know Tom, don't preach to him. PRAY.. there is no hope for resurrection of his dead walking corpse short of a miracle or he is about to spend eternity in a HELL he no longer believes in.
The Bible speaks about Tom:
For it is impossible to bring back to repentance those who were once enlightened—those who have experienced the good things of heaven and shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the power of the age to come— and who then turn away from God. It is impossible to bring such people back to repentance; by rejecting the Son of God, they themselves are nailing him to the cross once again and holding him up to public shame. Hebrews 6:4-6
I don't have an answer, but if you know a "Tom" you might forward this to him or her, you might print this off and hand it to him. You can't wound a dead man. Call him out of his tomb.
The Bible speaks about Tom:
For it is impossible to bring back to repentance those who were once enlightened—those who have experienced the good things of heaven and shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the power of the age to come— and who then turn away from God. It is impossible to bring such people back to repentance; by rejecting the Son of God, they themselves are nailing him to the cross once again and holding him up to public shame. Hebrews 6:4-6
I don't have an answer, but if you know a "Tom" you might forward this to him or her, you might print this off and hand it to him. You can't wound a dead man. Call him out of his tomb.