Christmas shouldn’t be painful. There should be Joy.
There is, Spiritually.
But we still walk around in these darn bodies and interact with other bodies.
So, Christmas was painful. In the natural.
Painful because it’s a long drive to North Dakota. Pain in the rear, literally as I sit in the seat for 12 hours. Painful because you say hello and goodbye without knowing if there’s going to be another hello later.
Painful because we all deal with situations differently. Painful because my way is right. That should be a joke, but it’s less funny than all that.
So here’s the whole Redlin Assemblage in North Dakota at Christmas. It was good to be together.

Here’s the Gene and Peggy Redlin family including Son Tim, Raquella and our grandchildren, and Son Kevin who unfortunately inherited hair like mine (none on top).

I don’t see Kevin but once a year. So, this picture of him is a good resemblance. Some people struggle as they get older, but he gets better looking every year, so tall and strong. I guess you could say I am proud of him.

Tim and his family are very exceptional people. Brian, his oldest, 6 years old, read the Christmas story from the Bible along with his dad. They alternated verses. He’s in kindergarten and reads at a 4th or 5th grade level. His reading level is what mine was in the 3rd grade. Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Edgar Rice Burroughs, etc.
I would tell you that his genius come from my side of the family, or better yet directly from the grandfather Gene genes. I would tell you that but it’s not true. He’s been raised well.
Our youngest Grandchild (3) insisted that I leave Nana (Peggy) with him and go find another “Friend”. I said I kinda liked Peggy and wanted to keep her as my friend. I’m not sure he bought it.
There will come a day when these meeting and partings will end. So I treasure them for what they are.