A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Friday, September 27, 2013
From Allen West
Last night I spoke at an
event in Alexandria for EW Jackson, GOP nominee for Lieutenant Governor
in Virginia. Jackson's story is a powerful one, initially raised in
poverty in a foster home, juvenile delinquency, reunited with his dad,
former Marine, summa cum laude from U Mass, and Harvard law school
graduate. However, the story yesterday was an attack against his
daughter in POLITICO. The liberal media
revels in attacking minority conservatives -- prominent Hispanic
conservative Senator Ted Cruz experiences the same treatment. However,
the party of slavery, secession, segregation, Jim Crow, and the KKK
especially enjoys attacking black conservatives, well aided by a highly
complicit liberal progressive media and black liberals who remain
silent. Consider how, on the 50th anniversary of Dr. King's March on
Washington, not a single black conservative was invited to speak. No
Justice Clarence Thomas or Senator Tim Scott. However, the man who
cancelled the DC school voucher program for deserving black kids, Barack
Obama, was celebrated. The hypocrisy is glaring. The continual practice
of not just disagreeing but seeking to destroy the lives of those
minority conservatives who do not embrace liberal dogma is vile.
However, no one can destroy our steadfast resolve. Black conservatives
are especially hated by liberals because we so love America.
look out for the land mines...
used to do this in my home town, sheep and goats are good living lawn
mowers. AND... they taste good. They keep the grass and weeds real
short... but look out for the land mines...
“The difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer.”—Motto of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers during World War II
remember this day in history. I was in College. A freshman. Dr King
wakened an awareness of what was really going on. All the time the
assassination of JFK was forming. The news media was confused.
Politicians were conflicted. Things
were changing. Bob Dylan wrote a song about these times. That's why I
tire of some of the so called "Experts" who's only expertise on history
is that spoon fed them by race and politics ignoramuses. Skin color
does not make you an expert on anything except your personal experience.
I lived this stuff. I was there. Experience trumps theory every
time. It's why I have hope that what appears to be a futile effort to
reverse catastrophic trends in this nation is not impossible.

King to Birmingham: Negotiate or demonstrations resume (Sept. 27, 1963)
27, 1963 -- Speaking at an SCLC meeting in Virginia, Martin Luther
King, Jr. made four demands of Birmingham officials,
But then that was always the plan.
Cross Blue Shield will be your ONLY option in large parts of the USA.
Big Business wins again.

Congresswoman: Obamacare creating health insurance monopolies
Renee Ellmers raised awareness of a new problem with Obamacare's
implementation: the creation of private-sector health insurance
monopolies that will limit Americans' provider choices. T
Former boxer knocks out a young thug
Cant say the crowd didn't warm him! Old guy is 54 year old Rocky Lockridge, his pro boxing record was 44-9.
From Kris Vallaton
Here my take on homosexuality for whatever it is worth;
1-God planted two trees in the garden, a good tree and a bad tree. Therefore it is the nature of God to give people choices because the only way you can get a reward for doing the right thing is to have the opportunity to do the wrong one. So I respect the right of people to make choices without creating rules against those choices unless those choices infringe negatively on the lives of others. I would not therefore, be in favor of a law that made homosexuality illegal.
2-Homosexuality is not same-sex attraction. It is the desire to have sex with the same gender. It is healthy for men to want the attention and affection of other men, and the same goes for women. Jonathan and David had a soul tie and a love relationship that transcended the love of a woman. This is common among soldiers who fight together in the trenches of battle and build a bond as they struggle together in life-and-death situations. But modern culture does not know how to separate love and sex and therefore assumes every sacred bond must be sexual. This is simply not true! I believe that many people get sucked into homosexuality out of this deep desire to the boned brother to brother or sister to sister. Society teaches people that this bond is a homosexual tendency because it has no other box for brotherly and sister love.
3- I do believe that there are people that have same gender sexual attractions. I think it's real and not imagined. But being attracted to something that is wrong does not define you. For example, I'm a married man and therefore I am a one woman man by choice. Biologically I have the capacity to be sexually attracted to many other women but I have chosen through covenant to manage my appetite towards one woman. Therefore I am not define by the temptations that I resist. Instead I am defined by the virtues that I embrace. These virtues have become the boundaries for my appetite and they dictate what I allow myself to desire.
4-I have deep concerns that homosexuality is growing out of a misunderstanding of love and sex. When we teach people that the need for affection from the same gender is a homosexual tendency, it creates that mindset in people that have this need.
1-God planted two trees in the garden, a good tree and a bad tree. Therefore it is the nature of God to give people choices because the only way you can get a reward for doing the right thing is to have the opportunity to do the wrong one. So I respect the right of people to make choices without creating rules against those choices unless those choices infringe negatively on the lives of others. I would not therefore, be in favor of a law that made homosexuality illegal.
2-Homosexuality is not same-sex attraction. It is the desire to have sex with the same gender. It is healthy for men to want the attention and affection of other men, and the same goes for women. Jonathan and David had a soul tie and a love relationship that transcended the love of a woman. This is common among soldiers who fight together in the trenches of battle and build a bond as they struggle together in life-and-death situations. But modern culture does not know how to separate love and sex and therefore assumes every sacred bond must be sexual. This is simply not true! I believe that many people get sucked into homosexuality out of this deep desire to the boned brother to brother or sister to sister. Society teaches people that this bond is a homosexual tendency because it has no other box for brotherly and sister love.
3- I do believe that there are people that have same gender sexual attractions. I think it's real and not imagined. But being attracted to something that is wrong does not define you. For example, I'm a married man and therefore I am a one woman man by choice. Biologically I have the capacity to be sexually attracted to many other women but I have chosen through covenant to manage my appetite towards one woman. Therefore I am not define by the temptations that I resist. Instead I am defined by the virtues that I embrace. These virtues have become the boundaries for my appetite and they dictate what I allow myself to desire.
4-I have deep concerns that homosexuality is growing out of a misunderstanding of love and sex. When we teach people that the need for affection from the same gender is a homosexual tendency, it creates that mindset in people that have this need.
a cold civil war in this nation
have been saying for some time now that we have a cold civil war in
this nation. The left wing power hungry big business supported
oppressors have gone too far. I pray it does not become a Hot War... but
there is a great deal of anger in the
air. This is no time for appeasement. We must fight. Our very nation
is in peril from evil forces starting at the top of our government.
Thank God for the patriots among us. Let them call us crazy, they will
thank us later when we hand our healed nation back to them. There is no
middle ground. You cannot be in the middle. You must decide who's side
you are on. You either support the status quo and will allow them to
take everything from you, up to and including your life or you will say
NO. It will be very difficult.. but freedom is never won by the meek.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Islamic Terror Groups Are Killing Christians All Over The World
Over the past couple of days, we have witnessed some absolutely horrific examples of Islamic terror groups specifically targeting Christians and those from other non-Muslim religions.
Sadly, this is not a new phenomenon. Radical Islamic jihadists are constantly attacking churches and slaughtering Christians all over the planet. The recent events in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt may have taken this persecution to a new level, but this is just the continuation of a trend that has been building for years.
Unfortunately, Barack Obama does not seem too concerned about Islamic terrorism. In fact, he specifically directed that “all references to Islam” be removed from terrorism training materials that the federal government uses.
If that wasn’t bad enough, now Obama is actually supplying weapons to the radical jihadist rebels that want to take over Syria, and he appears to be very ready to use the U.S. military to attack the Assad regime directly if “negotiations” with the Syrian government fail.
In essence, Obama wants the United States to be allies with psychotic jihadists that have the exact same radical philosophy that those who are killing Christians in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt have.
In Pakistan, the Taliban (a very close cousin of al-Qaeda) has already claimed responsibility for the worst church bombing in the history of that nation. The attack left 85 dead and nearly twice that many wounded. To say that this was a horrific attack would be a massive understatement…
The attack on All Saints Church, which also wounded 140 people, underlines the threat posed by the Pakistani Taliban at a time when the government is seeking a peace deal with the militants.
Read the whole thing:
Islamic Terror Groups Are Killing Christians All Over The World
Sadly, this is not a new phenomenon. Radical Islamic jihadists are constantly attacking churches and slaughtering Christians all over the planet. The recent events in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt may have taken this persecution to a new level, but this is just the continuation of a trend that has been building for years.
Unfortunately, Barack Obama does not seem too concerned about Islamic terrorism. In fact, he specifically directed that “all references to Islam” be removed from terrorism training materials that the federal government uses.
If that wasn’t bad enough, now Obama is actually supplying weapons to the radical jihadist rebels that want to take over Syria, and he appears to be very ready to use the U.S. military to attack the Assad regime directly if “negotiations” with the Syrian government fail.
In essence, Obama wants the United States to be allies with psychotic jihadists that have the exact same radical philosophy that those who are killing Christians in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt have.
In Pakistan, the Taliban (a very close cousin of al-Qaeda) has already claimed responsibility for the worst church bombing in the history of that nation. The attack left 85 dead and nearly twice that many wounded. To say that this was a horrific attack would be a massive understatement…
The attack on All Saints Church, which also wounded 140 people, underlines the threat posed by the Pakistani Taliban at a time when the government is seeking a peace deal with the militants.
Read the whole thing:
Over the past couple of days, we have witnessed some absolutely horrific examples of Islamic terror groups specifically targeting Christians and those from other non-Muslim religions.
Sadly, this is not a new phenomenon. Radical Islamic jihadists are constantly attacking churches and slaughtering Christians all over the planet. The recent events in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt may have taken this persecution to a new level, but this is just the continuation of a trend that has been building for years.
Unfortunately, Barack Obama does not seem too concerned about Islamic terrorism. In fact, he specifically directed that “all references to Islam” be removed from terrorism training materials that the federal government uses.
If that wasn’t bad enough, now Obama is actually supplying weapons to the radical jihadist rebels that want to take over Syria, and he appears to be very ready to use the U.S. military to attack the Assad regime directly if “negotiations” with the Syrian government fail.
In essence, Obama wants the United States to be allies with psychotic jihadists that have the exact same radical philosophy that those who are killing Christians in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt have.
In Pakistan, the Taliban (a very close cousin of al-Qaeda) has already claimed responsibility for the worst church bombing in the history of that nation. The attack left 85 dead and nearly twice that many wounded. To say that this was a horrific attack would be a massive understatement…
The attack on All Saints Church, which also wounded 140 people, underlines the threat posed by the Pakistani Taliban at a time when the government is seeking a peace deal with the militants.
Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2013/September25/252a.html#uCfJZkkrl4Ejkw8I.99
Sadly, this is not a new phenomenon. Radical Islamic jihadists are constantly attacking churches and slaughtering Christians all over the planet. The recent events in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt may have taken this persecution to a new level, but this is just the continuation of a trend that has been building for years.
Unfortunately, Barack Obama does not seem too concerned about Islamic terrorism. In fact, he specifically directed that “all references to Islam” be removed from terrorism training materials that the federal government uses.
If that wasn’t bad enough, now Obama is actually supplying weapons to the radical jihadist rebels that want to take over Syria, and he appears to be very ready to use the U.S. military to attack the Assad regime directly if “negotiations” with the Syrian government fail.
In essence, Obama wants the United States to be allies with psychotic jihadists that have the exact same radical philosophy that those who are killing Christians in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt have.
In Pakistan, the Taliban (a very close cousin of al-Qaeda) has already claimed responsibility for the worst church bombing in the history of that nation. The attack left 85 dead and nearly twice that many wounded. To say that this was a horrific attack would be a massive understatement…
The attack on All Saints Church, which also wounded 140 people, underlines the threat posed by the Pakistani Taliban at a time when the government is seeking a peace deal with the militants.
Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2013/September25/252a.html#uCfJZkkrl4Ejkw8I.99
Over the past couple of days, we have witnessed some absolutely horrific examples of Islamic terror groups specifically targeting Christians and those from other non-Muslim religions.
Sadly, this is not a new phenomenon. Radical Islamic jihadists are constantly attacking churches and slaughtering Christians all over the planet. The recent events in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt may have taken this persecution to a new level, but this is just the continuation of a trend that has been building for years.
Unfortunately, Barack Obama does not seem too concerned about Islamic terrorism. In fact, he specifically directed that “all references to Islam” be removed from terrorism training materials that the federal government uses.
If that wasn’t bad enough, now Obama is actually supplying weapons to the radical jihadist rebels that want to take over Syria, and he appears to be very ready to use the U.S. military to attack the Assad regime directly if “negotiations” with the Syrian government fail.
In essence, Obama wants the United States to be allies with psychotic jihadists that have the exact same radical philosophy that those who are killing Christians in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt have.
In Pakistan, the Taliban (a very close cousin of al-Qaeda) has already claimed responsibility for the worst church bombing in the history of that nation. The attack left 85 dead and nearly twice that many wounded. To say that this was a horrific attack would be a massive understatement…
The attack on All Saints Church, which also wounded 140 people, underlines the threat posed by the Pakistani Taliban at a time when the government is seeking a peace deal with the militants.
Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2013/September25/252a.html#uCfJZkkrl4Ejkw8I.99
Sadly, this is not a new phenomenon. Radical Islamic jihadists are constantly attacking churches and slaughtering Christians all over the planet. The recent events in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt may have taken this persecution to a new level, but this is just the continuation of a trend that has been building for years.
Unfortunately, Barack Obama does not seem too concerned about Islamic terrorism. In fact, he specifically directed that “all references to Islam” be removed from terrorism training materials that the federal government uses.
If that wasn’t bad enough, now Obama is actually supplying weapons to the radical jihadist rebels that want to take over Syria, and he appears to be very ready to use the U.S. military to attack the Assad regime directly if “negotiations” with the Syrian government fail.
In essence, Obama wants the United States to be allies with psychotic jihadists that have the exact same radical philosophy that those who are killing Christians in Pakistan, Kenya and Egypt have.
In Pakistan, the Taliban (a very close cousin of al-Qaeda) has already claimed responsibility for the worst church bombing in the history of that nation. The attack left 85 dead and nearly twice that many wounded. To say that this was a horrific attack would be a massive understatement…
The attack on All Saints Church, which also wounded 140 people, underlines the threat posed by the Pakistani Taliban at a time when the government is seeking a peace deal with the militants.
Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2013/September25/252a.html#uCfJZkkrl4Ejkw8I.99
Islamic Terror Groups Are Killing Christians All Over The World
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
keep folks on the plantation
you don't know is this is designed to keep poor people poor, stop
upward social mobility. IF you are stuck, this is cleverly designed to
keep your kids ignorant and voting democrat for another generation.
Just another gift the Obama Administration is imposing to keep folks on
the plantation.
Keep your helmet on
Night watching the Bears play and the game began to come into
contention I had a thought. God's not concerned about this temporary
setback. He already knows the score. He has all future history spread
out in front of Him. Someday when we step from time into eternity we
too will know the score. That's why there will be no football in
heaven. Only locker room celebrations. Not the most
profound thought in the world, but maybe we need to look into some of
the future history provided us and understand there is plenty of reason
to celebrate... but then, for us now, it's once more first and goal...
on this side of the veil the game is still afoot. Hut Hut Hut... See
Ephesians 6.
winning team
you would win at football as a player, much of it is being on a winning
team. That's why a high school kid tries hard to be recruited by a
school who has a coach and team that knows how to win. He knows that
unless he is able to be in the game and making plays he will not find
his place. He will be there, keeping the bench warm, ready if all else
fails to be put in the game. Finding your team,
position, coach and a game that matters is what it is all about.
Football is a team sport, so is spiritual warfare. We don't play
alone... a one man team is easy to beat. Find your team, position and
get off the bench. All that good equipment you wear is useless unless
you are in the battle. Ephesians 6
Poverty isn't what it used to be.
grew up in RURAL AMERICA. Saw REAL poverty. What I see today that we
call poverty is a joke. American poverty just ain’t what it used to be.
A new report from the Census Bureau found that 80.9% of households
considered poverty stricken have cell phones along with their landline
phones, and 58.2% have computers. 96.1% of those in “poverty” have
televisions, and 83% have some sort of DVR.
The percentage owning refrigerators? 97.8%
Gas or electric stoves? 96.6%.
Microwaves? 93.2%
Air conditioning? Over 83%.
Washer? 68.7%
Dryer? 65.3%
People still don’t mind washing dishes, apparently; only 44.9% surveyed had a dishwasher.
AND to top it all off these "POOR FOLKS" are getting $140 per person food stamp stipend (IL). Poverty isn't what it used to be. People living in poverty today would have been considered RICH in the small town I grew up in 60 years ago.
The percentage owning refrigerators? 97.8%
Gas or electric stoves? 96.6%.
Microwaves? 93.2%
Air conditioning? Over 83%.
Washer? 68.7%
Dryer? 65.3%
People still don’t mind washing dishes, apparently; only 44.9% surveyed had a dishwasher.
AND to top it all off these "POOR FOLKS" are getting $140 per person food stamp stipend (IL). Poverty isn't what it used to be. People living in poverty today would have been considered RICH in the small town I grew up in 60 years ago.
Monday, September 23, 2013
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