A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Muslim 10 Commandments
2 Years Ago
Friday, February 10, 2006
Western Civilization will Survive and Prosper
A little Clarity Please
So…if, let’s say, tomorrow Jimmy Carter dies (or Ted Kennedy, or any liberal) and there is the funeral…if some conservatives get up and use the occasion to criticize liberal dignitaries in attendance, that will be okay? Because, after all, Carter, or Kennedy, or whoever “were political people?” Is this really what you want, folks?
I mean, chances are highly unlikely it would happen - conservatives tend not to do that sort of stuff - but if it ever did happen - then what? If, let’s just say, someday we’re watching the fumeral of a former Democrat president, fer instance - and a conservative gets up and moves away from tribute and into politically charged speech…makes sneering remarks about 17% mortgage rates, or Iranian hostages, or bombing aspirin factories, or talking for years and years about WMD’s, or ignoring Rwanda, or lying under oath, or accessing FBI files, or whatever - that will be okay, right?
You won’t have a problem with it, because the funeral of a “political” person is now simply one more “political event,” right? And sometimes crassness is called for? Can even be touted as a virtue?
Well. If those are the new rules, don’t forget who made ‘em up.
I don't want to be part of those rules. What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander seems to apply here.
But, conservatives are too classy to act like those morons did at the funeral this week. The real name for the classless left is trailer trash, that's who they really are. No, that's too good. It insults both trailers and trash.
Jerry Springer's show was higher class then the left showed themselves to be at this funeral. Maybe that should be the new name for the left wing nuthouse. The Jerry Springer Party. Then the Democrats can regain their former good reputation and good name. It was a proud place at one time. It's been soiled.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
On Teaching Religion in our Schools
It'’s religion that is being taught with unrestrained zeal and devotion that I am against. You know it's religion when:
- There is no empirical proof
- It requires faith to believe it
- It attempts to explain origins, events and creation
- It relies on ancient bits that are pieced together
- It says that all other beliefs are wrong
"Our children must be exposed to what science really is about and how the scientific enterprise functions, free of political or religious connotations," Berceau said at a news conference where she was flanked by Rep. Spencer Black, D-Madison, and University of Wisconsin-Madison professors. "It is designed to prevent the introduction of pseudo-science in the science classroom."
Under her plan, parents could file lawsuits if their children's science teachers went beyond the curriculum to teach non-science-based theories, she said. Berceau said philosophy or other courses could teach intelligent design or other religious-based theories.
They call intelligent design pseudo science. I won'’t call evolution pseudo religion.
I'’ll just call what it is: Religion! The priests of which are so evangelical they fear and hate anything that challenges them at any level.
Don'’t let this religion in your classrooms to the exclusion of any others.
This is a war for the hearts and minds of your children (and grandchildren) and the classroom is the battlefield.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Shameful Mr Peanut
I have spent the afternoon doing paperwork in front of the TV screen watching the funeral of Corretta Scott King’ in Eddie Long’s church building.
Much of it has been inspirational and uplifting. I thought President Bush’'s statement was eloquent and in the right nature appropriate to the moment. Several others were in line with the day.
President Clinton and the Future President Clinton were magnificent.
Then there was Jimmy Carter. How did he ever become President? This is the lowest I have ever seen him sink. I have never had a very high opinion of him but it went down lower today if that is at all possible. He is hopeless. I know he thinks he said something of meaning today. He only said mean and base things. Please Mr. Peanut, Go away. You’'re embarrassing.
Seeing him on the dais with the Presidents Bush 1 and 2 and Clinton 1 and 2 he looked very small. He didn't even shake the standing President's hand when he came to the podium after shaking all others on the podium. That was out of line. President Bartlet from West Wing would have cut him off at the knees. He would have deserved it. Carter is now (in the world of Gene) the worst President this country ever had and if he could be impeached post presidency I would vote for it.
I expected banality from Ted Kennedy. Some other unknown Reverends got up and said some inappropriate things. I don’'t know who they were and if we are lucky they will slink back into the holes they came from.
This was a funeral, like President Clinton said, “"This is about a woman"”. He chastised the politicizing of the event. If you ever wondered about the class or lack of it of the left wing in this country I advise you to watch this funeral in full. I hope the RNC keeps copies. It will shock and shame you.
But they know no shame. I'’m not shocked.