A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I'm never surprised at the hypocrisy of the left
The Chicago Tribune has a study on Obama’s charitable giving.
He makes old veep Al Gore look like a piker (but then, who doesn’t?).
In 2002, the year before Obama launched his campaign for U.S. Senate, the Obamas reported income of $259,394, ranking them in the top 2 percent of U.S. households, according to Census Bureau statistics. That year the Obamas claimed $1,050 in deductions for gifts to charity, or 0.4 percent of their income. The average U.S. household totaled $1,872 in gifts to charity in 2002, according to the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.
The national average for charitable giving has long hovered at 2.2 percent of household income, according to the Glenview-based Giving USA Foundation, which tracks trends in philanthropy. Obama tax returns dating to 1997 show he fell well below that benchmark until 2005, the year he arrived in Washington.
$1,050 was three times what Al Gore gave as veep, but still was less than half of one percent of the Obama household income.
Taking his show on the road to the White House has increase his generosity:
Obama’s household income has been inflated the last two years from the proceeds of lucrative book deals he signed shortly before entering the Senate in 2005. He pledged to turn over $200,000 of the book money to charity.
On their just-filed 2006 tax return, Obama and his wife, a hospital administrator, reported taxable income of $983,626 and claimed deductions for $60,307 in charitable donations. In 2005 they earned a combined $1.65 million and gave away about $77,300.
For comparison to the other side of the aisle:
President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney released their 2006 returns this month. Bush and the first lady reported gifts to charities and non-profits totaling $78,100 on income of $765,801. Cheney and his wife had income of $1.6 million and gave $104,425 to charity.
Maybe understanding the liberal’s desire to turn so much funding over to the government is a projection of their own inability to willingly part with their own money to help the needy and less fortunate?
Luther on Reluctance of Men to get Married
As a long time reader of Luther, I missed this that Julie posted. Luther was talking about marriage and about men and women. Julies point was different from the one I'm making here. From his The Estate of Marriage 1552. It reads like today's paper.
Hence, as it is not within my power not to be a man, so it is not my prerogative to be without a woman. Again, as it is not in your power not to be a woman, so it is not your prerogative to be without a man. For it is not a matter of free choice or decision but a natural and necessary thing, that whatever is a man must have a woman and whatever is a woman must have a man.
--Martin Luther, on marriage
That's all good, but the real meat is:
For this reason young men should be on their guard when they read pagan books and hear the common complaints about marriage, lest they inhale poison. For the estate of marriage does not set well with the devil, because it is God's good will and work.
To put this in the terms of a friend of mine yesterday who was talking about marriage and said, "To some marriage is a milestone, to others it's a millstone". I have often been concerned about the idea that marriage is terrible, that it's limiting or that it is not enjoyable. Nothing is further from the truth and only our modern secular culture has created this goofy pagan prejudice against marriage. Sometimes Mr or Mrs good enough instead of Mr or Mrs Perfect is the standard. I am of the opinion that he or she can become "THE ONE".
I'll admit my prejudice toward marriage is because I want every person to enjoy what I do. I do. It's a wonderful fulfilling thing to be lived and loved in a strong committed marriage. I know that's not everyone's experience. Maybe we should look back 500 years to a man who made it work and made observations on all this we can take to the bank today.
Course there's always the Biblical way to find a wife.
Obama, Hitler and Jesus
Liberals are for the most part Atheist, Agnostic or non practicing nominally Christian or at least of the denomination "Christian Deluded". They are people without a God. Ann Coulter wrote a book, Godless, the Church of Liberalism. It made liberal's heads explode. But it made a valid point. Most of Liberal thought is Godless.
A while back I postulated that Liberalism was fascist in nature. That the Nazi movement had much in common with modern liberal thought. Turns out Johnathan Goldberg shares that idea with me in his best selling book, Liberal Fascism. Oh, the left has a great time lambasting this idea. Goldberg was on John Stewart's show and is ridiculed. The left does that the best. When they are found out to be the Godless misled hypocrites they really are the only thing they can do is use ridicule. But, Goldberg is right. Even before his book, many of us thought that the similarities between Liberalism and Fascism was too coincidental to be ignored.
But what is real Nazi facism without a demigod? No Problem, heroic worship of Obama has reached a level only seen in the last hundred years in Hitler's Germany. Hitler was worshipped. So is Obama. Do you think I'm kidding? Look at this picture. These people have seen the Christ and his name is Obama.
Here are the dots to be connected.
- Liberals are mostly godless relying on reason, they have empty souls
- Liberals need to have a system they can rely on so they push socialistic liberal nannystateism
- Liberals therefore are falling into the trap of being fascist in approaching political policy
- Liberals need a person to invest their faith and trust in, like Christians do in Jesus
- In Germany that person was Hitler, today that person is OBAMA.
Obama is the messiah returned for Liberals. I'm keeping my eyes open for reports of Obama walking on water, Obama sating the hunger of 5,000 with five loaves and two fishes—from other Obama profiles. And also, of course, to repent, just in case the hour approacheth nigh.

I'm gonna get me one of those Obama Rosaries where the beads are little models of Obama's head. I already have my Obama-kah.

Friday, February 22, 2008
Change is Hard, Change is Essential, Change hurts, Change Heals
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Thinking on Good Things Pays
Proud to be an American
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Why I Fear for Non Charismatic Christians
But, the excerpt from the interview that Dawkins so gleefully posts is telling of why I don't trust nominal Christianity as is Practiced by much of evangelical and denominational Christendom.
There is something wrong when a man who goes to Moody, does grad work at Wheaton, and even pastor's a church for a short time, is so badly grounded to drift off into oblivion like this.
I don't mean to sound mean but you don't hear this much when a person has had an encounter in the Holy Spirit with manifestations that are undeniable. That person is so completely and radically changed that there would be great difficulty to depart from the faith.
Oh, that doesn't mean there isn't backsliding, sin, rebellion. That's everywhere. It's just that there isn't the depth of belief that is needed to make it all the way when there has been no baptism of the Holy Spirit. I guess what I'm saying is if Ehrman had actually encountered and experienced God in other than intellectual assent, but had a world shaking encounter with Jesus indwelling him he would still be sold out for God.
I have many denominational and Evangelical friends who are good sincere people. My concern for them all is the requirement they place on faith that there must be a reasonable explanation, that reason in general has application. Sometimes it just means faith must be enough.
I hope as the next great awaking unfolds that the necessity of an impactful experience in the Holy Spirit will be part and parcel of every conversion. Thats how it is in the rest of the world. I'm hopeful. We won't make it without the fullness of the spirit dwelling in us with manifestations and evidence that convinces our soul and spirit of the reality of the living God.
Listening to Ehrman's interview, I was sad that he was left out. His journey is dead end.
Sometimes having a nominal denominational evangelical Christianity is worse than nothing at all.
On the other hand, perhaps Ehrman was never enlightened at all and Hebrews 6:4-6 may not apply.
Starting from Scratch
Alone on a dark gritty street, Adam Shepard searched for a homeless shelter. He had a gym bag, $25, and little else. A former college athlete with a bachelor's degree, Mr. Shepard had left a comfortable life with supportive parents in Raleigh, N.C. Now he was an outsider on the wrong side of the tracks in Charleston, S.C.
But Shepard's descent into poverty in the summer of 2006 was no accident. Shortly after graduating from Merrimack College in North Andover, Mass., he intentionally left his parents' home to test the vivacity of the American Dream. His goal: to have a furnished apartment, a car, and $2,500 in savings within a year.
To make his quest even more challenging, he decided not to use any of his previous contacts or mention his education.
During his first 70 days in Charleston, Shepard lived in a shelter and received food stamps. He also made new friends, finding work as a day laborer, which led to a steady job with a moving company.
Ten months into the experiment, he decided to quit after learning of an illness in his family. But by then he had moved into an apartment, bought a pickup truck, and had saved close to $5,000.
The effort, he says, was inspired after reading "Nickel and Dimed," in which author Barbara Ehrenreich takes on a series of low-paying jobs. Unlike Ms. Ehrenreich, who chronicled the difficulty of advancing beyond the ranks of the working poor, Shepard found he was able to successfully climb out of his self-imposed poverty.
Sometimes people have a hand up to help out. I'm with that. But I have spent a lot of time in soup kitchens and homeless shelters. The recurring theme for me are the people who CHOOSE to be there and the same faces showing up over and over. We are doing no favor to those people by feeding and sheltering them. They are scamming the system.
I know I sound heartless but I think we have as Christians become a tribe of enablers. We should be more wise.
One other thing. My son, 136, moved to Boston with a little money, no place to live and a high mileage old Pontiac. That was 8 years ago. He worked his way up to where he has 5 figures in the bank, his own place and a good paying job. He started from scratch with little or nothing and is doing very well today. He was much like this guy. He blew into town with no place to live, no job, no nothing except the belief he could do this thing.
It is a myth that you can't work your way back.
If you want to give to or help in a homeless shelter, if that's your calling, do it. But, sometimes we are robbing God of the chance to redeem someone who is in the pigpen eating peapods because we get in HIS way.
It's probably a good thing I'm not in charge of that. I'd be much tougher.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Widows mite revist
Stunning Beautiful
It's beautiful. The photography stunning. I was very impressed, thought you would be too.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
James Goll sees the same thing I did - a prophetic confirmation
At the end of 2007 God told me this was a year of passing the torch. You can see it here.
James Goll describes this as Changing the Guard.
I knew it was right, I knew what I heard. I'm seeing it all around.
Prophet Golls Prophecy:
Having traveled the globe and having seen many different cultures and forms of government, one of the scenes engrained in my mind is one that took place in London, England--seeing the guards standing alert at Buckingham Palace. They are on guard at the gate, watching and protecting those who come in and go out. They do not leave their station until the watch shifts and the next appointed guardian is in place.
Many prophetic voices tell us that 2008 is the "Year of the Gate." But I want to add to this a bit. It is a critical year for both the Church and secular spheres. If 2008 is a year when the government shifts, who will stand guard at the gates of our cities, churches and nations?
It is a critical hour where guardians are replaced. I see a volatile contending for the soul of nations this coming year. Not just the United States--but in places like Russia, Israel, across South East Asia, Australia, Guatemala, and many other nations. In the next 18 months, it might look a lot like that childhood game called "Upset the Fruit Basket!" But what I see even more clearly is a changing of the guard at the door of the Church.
A few prominent church leaders will graduate to their heavenly reward and this will be a sign of the changing of the guard. Other leaders will fall and fade from the scene of prominence due to controversy, sexual sin and pride, resulting in a lack of accountability. But the good news is that new voices, new faces, and the next and new generation leaders will emerge this year. It is the time of the "Changing of the Guard!" With this frame in place for the big picture of where we are headed in 2008 and beyond, let me give you a few specific pieces.
My church in the west is now comprised of those who are old, a few passionate middle and many among the audacious young. The young are hungry for more of Me. They will go where they can find Me. The Torch of My fire must be passed. Leaders must see that the torch is passed with intention and preparation for those who take it.
The torch of my spirit will not rest only on the passionate middle leadership I have raised up in this time. It is too much for them alone. They are too few. My Church in the west has lost a whole generation of people missing from my Body. I will not allow that to happen again. The passing of this Torch is essential for revival and renewal to come. My Glory will be held back if not released by this act of intentional preparation and release.
Transfiguration and the Matrix
Obama as Messiah - Stupid is part Two
The essence of this column is that if Barack Obama had been president people would have had hope and they wouldn't shoot each other.
I would say this is true about Jesus.
But guess what, Obama's not Jesus. He can't save. He doesn't bring the word of eternal life despite the messianic status assigned to him by his blind followers. He is the latest savior in a long line of saviors people glom onto who are faithless. People need to put their faith somewhere. So if they don't have true faith they put it anywhere.
If you don't stand for something you fall for anything. People are so easily misled.
This website catalogs the Obama as Messiah stupidity.
Mary Mitchell proves the thesis.
Get Real People.