A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Dim Bulb or Genius?
It says I have an IQ of 131. OOOOOOOOOOO, be impressed or not. Probably not. My lovely wife scored 138. I knew that. She's always been smarter than me.
I don't know if I'm really bright or just a good test taker. I may qualify for Mensa. Or not.
I know when I was in High School I was always "Achieving Below My Potential". So were you. I don't know what it means to perform at your full potential. Neither does any one else.
So, take the dumb test and don't lie. Report it out as you should.
Maybe we're ALL above average.
Friday, August 31, 2007
The Cure for Boredom
Trapped or Entrapped
Now I do.
I am somewhat disturbed by it all. I can't tell you why. It's like a bad movie. When the cops seem to be above board but something stinks. My skin crawls a bit. I think there may be more than meets the eye here.
First, let me say I am not a big fan of Minnesota and particularly Twin Cities law enforcement. I very much remember the child molestation charges leveled against some people who never did anything wrong in a daycare some years ago. That was typical Minnesota. There is a liberal self righteousness that exists that I am uncomfortable with. A witch hunt mentality among law enforcement people.
As I have watched this whole Larry Craig thing develop I'm no longer convinced he wasn't entrapped. I have trolled the blogosphere and professional opinion for insight. There is no true consensus.
The Right Wing wants to show itself clean and perfect. They're not. But that's what they want to show.
I am as concerned over this whole thing as potential entrapment as I am over the sexual predator shows on NBC. I think something stinks about all that deal too. I want sexual predators in jail. I'm just not convinced we are catching predators but just stupid people entrapped by a clever scheme.
Color me sceptical.
Back to Larry Craig. I listened to and read his interview with the cop. I thought the cop was a bit overboard in his comments.
Here are several other opinions worth considering:
A guy who is convinced that this is all over but the shouting.
This guy thinks Crag was trapped in a sting operation and shouldn't have been maybe.
This professor insists it's NOT entrapment. My answer, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and has feathers like a duck I think you may have a duck on your hands.
This Woman insists it's all hypocrisy and cultural drift
This College Girl thinks it's kinda weird
The Best Take on all this in "Defense" of Larry Craig
Classical Values does a great review and linkology of the whole thing
Newsbusters (who I like) does a Why Do The Liberals Pile On review
I actually think the liberals on this one have been pretty evenhanded.
My real concern is what in the world are the Republicans thinking of in having the REP convention in The Twin Cities next summer? If I were a delegate I would hold it for the whole 5 days. You never know if the toe tapping sting squad is going to be watching.
How bout Sunny St. Charles? We promise not to ask or tell. Give up on MPLS/ST PAUL. They're out to get you. On the other hand, if you come here, don't tap your foot or wave your hand.
How Many Great Dreams and Accomplishments are Buried UNREALIZED in The World's Graves
- Alexander Graham Bell:
"A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams."
- John Barrymore
"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone."
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
"Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience."
- Victoria Holt
"Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it; it's only for wallowing in."
- Katherine Mansfield
Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose-garden.
- T. S. Eliot
A step to the left or one to the right
But just a step for victory to be approved ...
Yet none was taken and there I stood in a cloud of wouldacouldashould.
Write a letter, visit a friend, take part in charity
Save a dollar, thank a client, finish my degree ...
All opportunity is around begging me to take a stand.
Read a book, compose a song or simply take someone by the hand.
Yet nothing was done and there I stood in the cloud of wouldacouldashould.
Dodidanddone will be my cry through a life of happiness,
Taking action, having fun and making a difference.
Wouldacouldashould, the saddest word known to man,
It breaks the hearts of maidens and wreaks havoc in the land.
Wouldacouldashould, a word I'll never say again!
Because from this day forth I'll rise above the cloud of discontent
To capture all the potential of the time that is well spent.
Dodidanddone is how I'm known and how my life is lived
Clear choices with strong actions is the best gift to self I'll give.
- Jim Paluch
Thursday, August 30, 2007
30 Days to Complete Freedom
Hat tip to KDNY.
On recent Christian Leader failings
Divorce and damage.
God cares about these things more than anyone can imagine. The vitriol about all this on the christian blogosphere is unchristian. Holier than thou or anyone else is the nature of the comments.
Here's the spiritual reality:
- God demands that we develop our own levels of intimacy with Jesus, we can't surrogately live thru others spirituality. Many mega church pastor leaders try hard to allow us to enter into what is ultimately a show.
- Men are fallen human beings. None are sinless or perfect. One who puts his trust in man is cursed already.
- Even the most fallen sinful man or woman can relay the truth of God. The duty of the Christian is to discern what and when it is.
- Who are you going to hear from for the truth that you need? If you only can trust those who are without failure you will not hear much truth.
- The fact that some people who preach a given gospel are failures as people does not affect the truth of the gospel. In fact they are and were most targeted by the enemy and did not live in the covering they needed. The truth of the gospel they preached is not affected by the failures they are.
- I am sad but not dismayed. I know in whom I have believed and I am convinced that neither death nor life not anything made or not made can in any way separate me from the love of God.
Not divorce. Not beatings. Not moral failure. Not stupidity.
I am careful to whom I will give my allegiance. I know too many good men and women of God and what they are like in the dark to allow myself to be dissuaded in faith by the actions of a few public failures.
God is still God today and forever.
I really feel sorry for the holier than thou sorts who see the raw stupid humanity of others and use it as a bludgeoning of a precious faith. They will be held to account ultimately for this just as those who have failed their flock.
Being a Christian isn't beanbag. It's tough and rough and if you fall into the holier than thou crowd it'll get rougher.
8 Things you didin't know about me MEME
What is Being Faithful?
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Phone Just Rang
I think this may be their last one of Tim and Raquella. I hope it's not the last grandchild of ours forever.
It went harder than they thought it would go.
Tim now has a full quiver.
God Bless them all.
Everyone needs a good night's sleep.
We live in a Clockwork Orange World
Not that it's such an inspiring flick. But it defines a depth of degradation that when it came out in 1971 exhibited such a horror of life no one ever thought we would ever get to.
We are there.
I compare the following:
- "You've proved to me that all this ultra-violence and killing is wrong, wrong, and terribly wrong. I've learned my lesson, sir. I see now what I've never seen before. I'm cured, praise God! . . . I see that it's wrong! It's wrong because it's like against society. It's wrong because everybody has the right to live and be happy without being tolchocked and knifed."--Alex de Large (Malcolm McDowell) in "A Clockwork Orange," 1971
- "First, I want to apologize, you know, for all the things that--that I've done and that I have allowed to happen. . . . I was ashamed and totally disappointed in myself to say the least. . . . I want to apologize to all the young kids out there for my immature acts and, you know, what I did was, what I did was very immature so that means I need to grow up. . . . I feel like we all make mistakes. It's just I made a mistake in using bad judgment and making bad decisions. And you know, those things, you know, just can't happen. Dog fighting is a terrible thing, and I did reject it."--dogfighting conspirator and erstwhile NFL star Michael Vick, Aug. 27, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
On the Other Hand
And funny as all git out.....
A Romantic Mood
I Want Full Parity and I Want it NOW
As it stands today, and I hang my head as an American, we only are 90% armed in America. Only 90% of Americans own a gun.
This is a travesty. We must be fully armed and ready to fight off the invasion of the whomever is invading. So, Democrats that hold congress, let's have a bill right now to right this wrong. Let's have gun subsidies for those who can't afford them.
Better yet, lets have gun subsidies so every man woman and child in America has two guns. I mean, you can't shoot the same gun all day now can you?
Then I would feel safer, and so would you. I want every thug in the USA to believe that the next little old lady he tries to hijack her car from or steal her purse is packing a Glock Nine and knows how to use it.
Then you would see crime drop off the edge of the earth.
You really would, and you thought I was kidding.
How to know if a Church is in Trouble, the Seven Step Death Spiral
4. Low morale develops in the staff and the congregation
5. People consistently undermining colleagues and members
6. Increased cynicism particularly among leaders and about leadership
7. Months or longer, of inconsistent attendance, participation and giving leading to drift and financial pressures which leads back to numbers one, two and so on.
This is a death spiral and once a church enters it the getting out is very hard.
The only cure to break the power of this certain death is to:
1. Tell yourself the truth - value candor and honesty above tradition and protocol
2. Pursue the best over the easiest and the most comfortable (familiar)
3. Focus the energy to make the main things the main thing particularly if it isn't how you always did it
4. Leverage the power of partnerships in and out of the church, get out of your denominational box and drink from fresh streams
5. Show the courage of accountability, if there is a problem and you are the one in charge you are the problem
6. Learn, grow, and adapt every day. You know far less than you think you do. It's new every morning. The idea that "you've seen it all before" is a show stopper to the renewal your church needs.
Do what works, not what used to work.
New Orleans and Grand Forks
This is not an abstract concept. Some years ago Grand Forks North Dakota was overrun by the Red River of the North. It made many homeless and caused much havoc. I'm not sure there weren't a few who died as a result. The evacuation and devastation was equal in magnitude relative to the population.
Same as New Orleans except for two things:
- The victims weren't black
- It was dealt with after the fact on a rational basis
The authorities came in, razed the houses in flood plain, did some diking, made the flood plain greenspace and prohibited folks from moving back in there.
Grand Forks survived and I might say even prospered since.
So would New Orleans.
BUT, the race card in politics trumps all; it displaces common sense. So, some politician sometime will allow folks to build where their houses will be flooded again. "It's the humanitarian thing to do". Except it's not.
I hate the race card. I think it has brought us much destruction and degradation in America when played by the liberal establishment to victimize the Black Man who would like to do better than they want him to do. They live politically off the victimization of the Black Population.
Rebuilding New Orleans is all about preserving votes for the left. Nothing else.
If you want to see what to do with New Orleans, look at Grand Forks.
I was sent this by someone a while back. I didn't post it although I read it. It seemed a little harsh even if it was written by a Black Man who is critical of the attitudes of the victimized black. On this second anniversary of Katrina maybe it's worth a second look.
My Screen Saver or What I Miss about North Dakota

How can the wrapping of these brilliant lights in the sky do anything but inspire an awe for God. I know the physics of all that. Who created the physics?
North Dakota is a beautiful place for me but mostly in my memories.

I have a complete set of these spectacular pictures. If you want them, email me and I'll send you a set. I have shown these to friends origionaly from North Dakota who now live in Texas. They had already seen them. I think this must be a North Dakota thing. Kind of like the sunsets.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Late Term Abortion in New Guinea
- The baby doesn't have a chance at a good quality of life
- It will be inconvenient to have the child around
- The child will only feel it for a few moments and then they are gone
- It's for the good of the family
- The community expects you to do this
- We will live better without this child around
How is that any different from the whole abortion on demand argument?
You want to know how far the slippery slope drifts when life is not valued or preserved.
Children crying for Momma while being buried alive because they have AIDS.
That's how far.
HORROR, abortion and buried alive.
Now it Begins
I hope President Bush has the good sense to do a recess appointment. NOW. Today. It's good for a year and we don't have to live thru the dog and pony show the liberals in congress will put on.
Oh, there will be the usual arm waving if he does. SO WHAT. They blew their wad already. (Just for those of you who always thought it was a sexual comment to say that, it's not, It's an old world military cannon fire concept of shooting accidentally without being ready).
So, if you are listening Mr President, before Labor Day, put a man in now. I recommend Robert Bork.
Besides, even if you were somehow able to get the King of Kings, Lord of Lords and judge of all creation (Jesus) to take the job he wouldn't make it past the liberal congress.
Especially if it were Jesus.
Who am I and why am I here?
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Who You Gonna Call?
They Think we are STUPID
Spirit of Poverty
The things we do for love or how I spent the afternoon
We baptised several people and dedicated several babies at the Berwyn Church this afternoon. I don't know if John the Baptist used a rubber pool but we did. It served just fine.