Friday, August 31, 2007


The opportunity waited patiently for me to make a move
A step to the left or one to the right
But just a step for victory to be approved ...
Yet none was taken and there I stood in a cloud of wouldacouldashould.

Write a letter, visit a friend, take part in charity
Save a dollar, thank a client, finish my degree ...
All opportunity is around begging me to take a stand.
Read a book, compose a song or simply take someone by the hand.
Yet nothing was done and there I stood in the cloud of wouldacouldashould.

Dodidanddone will be my cry through a life of happiness,
Taking action, having fun and making a difference.
Wouldacouldashould, the saddest word known to man,
It breaks the hearts of maidens and wreaks havoc in the land.
Wouldacouldashould, a word I'll never say again!

Because from this day forth I'll rise above the cloud of discontent
To capture all the potential of the time that is well spent.
Dodidanddone is how I'm known and how my life is lived
Clear choices with strong actions is the best gift to self I'll give.

- Jim Paluch

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