Monday, August 27, 2007

Late Term Abortion in New Guinea

If as a child you get AIDS in New Guinea they abort you after the fact.

  • The baby doesn't have a chance at a good quality of life
  • It will be inconvenient to have the child around
  • The child will only feel it for a few moments and then they are gone
  • It's for the good of the family
  • The community expects you to do this
  • We will live better without this child around

How is that any different from the whole abortion on demand argument?

You want to know how far the slippery slope drifts when life is not valued or preserved.

Children crying for Momma while being buried alive because they have AIDS.

That's how far.

HORROR, abortion and buried alive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this has nothing to do with the abortion debate and this only how far down the slippery slope of absurd reasoning YOU are willing to go.