I'’m tired of liberal friends who want to chide me for not being open-minded. There are some areas I am more closed than others. I like supporting organizations and institutions that match my views in life.
If I am expected to give to charities that support Planned Parenthood and other liberal causes why don’t the liberals support the things that matter to me? Hypocrisy.
That’s why when Katrina hit I made a bold statement that if you are going to give, give to the Salvation Army or some other trusted faith based organization. I said that the Red Cross for all the good it has done is a hopelessly inefficient bureaucracy and your money will be wasted on that inefficiency. I was chastised for that view.
I’ll do that when they agree to support the Intelligent Design Fund for Education.
I believe Faith Based organizations just do better than Secular organizations. I mean who do you want doing the hard things for your community, the government, FEMA anyone, the ACLU or NAACP (when’s the last time they did anything that mattered), and most secular charities are bloated and ineffective. Many faith-based groups are too. You have to be careful. But as opposed to a faith-based group, would you rather a hypocrite-based group. Sorry, I’m not open-minded about this. Even United Way has lost its way (so to speak). Don’t knock on my door for their cause.
The other day our church took 70 people into the local youth prison. They brought in hundreds of dozen cookies. The reason? The state has cut funding for doing the things needing done. The chaplainry has been trimmed. The state can no longer afford to do what they promised. So, United Way, nope, Red Cross, Don’t think so, local church, yep.
Support faith based organizations doing good things in your community. Start with putting a few bucks in the Salvation Army Buckets. A great investment and it gets lots of miles on each dollar.
They’ll even say, MERRY CHRISTMAS!