Sunday, December 18, 2005

Why the Critics don't matter any more

Was a time when an examination of the situation would produce a well thought out consideration of facts that might come to a different conclusion.  That would be the critic's job.
I have come to the conclusion that critics today of almost everything must now be ignored and perhaps pilloried.
Critics of the war in Iraq who are continually being countered by the facts of the situation, elections, positive poll numbers, jobs, security increases.  Forget them.
Critics of the NSA CIA wiretaps who on one hand jump up and down about the constitution and at the same time would destroy the President if an attack took place, he had the ability to stop it and didn't because of constraints.  Ignore them.
Critics of Government response to: Katrina, Rita, Wilma, Tsunami, Earthquake, and a hundred other things.  When was it mandated that government was supposed to be the Red Cross?  Government are supposed to protect the citizens from outside invasion or threat.  All this other stuff is phony grandstanding.  Plug your ears.
This doesn't mean that there isn't a right to question or react.  It does mean you must be honest about your motives.  The critics today all have agendas. 
I just want to ask the question.  Where is the line, particularly in national security and the war, which when crossed no longer is partisan criticism but becomes treason?  I guarantee, there is a line.  Where is it?  
It's time to ask the question because for some of us, that line is very close to being crossed and there will no longer be answers given to critics, but questions about what constitutes treason.
Some on the very far left have already crossed the line.  Careful out there.


NodakJack said...

Benjamin Franklin, (that leftwing nutcase,) or was it Thomas Jefferson, (another loony lefty,) said something to this effect:
"Those who would give up Liberty and Freedom for security, deserve neither."
Of course, he wanted the turkey to be our national bird. Instead, we got it as President. :)
What we really fighting for and why King George is taking away our liberties and freedom is for THE MONEY...THE OIL...THE POWER.
Or not....

Anonymous said...

Either through ignorance of bias, you are mistaken about the motivations of many of us who hold liberal values (re this post and others), or critics in general. You may call it a "right" to question, but I call it an "obligation", and a very serious one. I don't care who's running the show, when our leaders take actions that affect the lives (and the DEATHS) of so many around the world, and in the name of this great country, to NOT question is treason. George Bush is a very temporary caretaker (a damn piss- poor one in my book), and as citizens our allegiance and faith should always (I repeat, ALWAYS) be in and to the Constitution of the United States of America, and never, ever to the person we have selected as guardian of that Condtitution. Never in my 53 years have I seen such usurping of power by one branch of government over the other two equally important branches. You are wrong Mr. Redlin. Critics DO matter, because a free society cannot remain so without them. And in my own "well thought out consideration of the facts", most of the danger to my beloved country comes from this current administration, so maybe we should ALL be careful out there, hmmm?
Jack's Idaho friend, Suz

P.S. it's childish and also insulting to strong women to refer to Hillary Clinton with a 'Mr.' in front of her name. Grow up.

NodakJack said...

See? She even writes better than me. And, she's a heckuva' great pool shooter. I'm glad she's reading you. You stimulate us out here on the fringes of society...(the "other" 50% who didn't vote for the current guy.)
In my estimation, you're a good blogger too. More meat and substance than mine...but, that's me...