10. The Hollywood idiot left. Barbara Striesand, Cher, Harry Bellefonte, Rosie O’Donnell, Jennene Garafolo, Michael Moore, Whoopi Goldberg and Martin Sheen. These people make stupid thinking fashionable. They are a bad example to the youth and impressionable trailer trash of America who subscribe to the National Enquirer. That’s about all that remains of the Democrat base.
9, Bob Graham who represents all Liberal Democrats that held just enough elected office to make you almost believe he/she has a valid view. Sort of in the same league as Julian Bond, Tom Daschle, Barbara Boxer, and Maxine Waters. "Look at me, I was elected to something so, what I think matters doesn’t it? Huh?"
8. France. The country. Say no more, say no more.
7. Teachers Unions. The single biggest obstacle to your children and Grandchildren’s education. They should be outlawed. DOE and all unions abolished. You now work for the state. Better yet, privatize all schools. Education in America no longer works. REDO!
6. Katie Couric and all her wannabee clones on broadcast and cable TV. There used to be intelligent talk with real inquiry on Morning TV. Since Katie emerged or evolved that’s gone. You’ve made enough money Katie. Bye Bye. Bring Back some Brains.
5. George Soros, a man that will finance anything Un-American to undermine the USA. He should be very happy I’m not King. He would be divided not quite in two if I were (off with his head).
4. Ted Kennedy, famous for bringing the bar so low in anything representing competent ethical moral Senatorial demeanor. He is so far past his good till date it has become nauseous. Joe Black where are you?
3. The New York Times and their sycophants. Why anyone believes anything these traitors write astounds me. I stopped getting their paper a year ago. I’ve survived.
2. Left wing opportunists who never saw an issue with a photo op they didn’t love. Jesse Jackson, Dick Durbin, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Mr Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Carter.
1. The idiot who decided that Saturday morning cartoons should be used to “educate children” to “be nice” to each other, and that Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, if shown at all, could not be shown being shot, blown-up, erased, squeezed into tiny spaces, sent flying from a cannon, played like violins, dropped into glasses of water, blown to smithereens by Martians, un-feathered unto nakedness, or tricked into playing “Believe Me If All (Those Endearing Young Charms)” correctly on the piano, thus being sent to heaven wherein they wear halos and pluck on tiny harps. They can, however, be shown in drag. Whole generations are growing up being thought of as too delicate to watch cartoon characters being shaped into musical instruments, and they’ve lost exposure to thinking outside the box and have become LIBERALS.
Children’s cartoons, that’s what’s wrong with America!
you disgust me - surley the most dangerous group in America are the Fascists in power. Down with them, swine.
The whole world can see yuor idiocy, and laughs at your stupidity. China is going to buy your poor country and force your children to make their clothes in horrific working conditions.
You don't even have terrorists on your list? You are a swine.
Perhaps your list is supposed to be irony, but I doubt it - no-one with an idea would waste their time with satire in grim times such as these.
France! Do you even know where it is?
Be gone, the fascists will be beaten - France will liberate American from stupidity.
Not everyone agrees with your side. Some are as virulent as those on your side. Thank goodness there are reasoned, calm folks like me, laid back in my sleeper cell just waiting....
Now, as to Doug's concern about Animal Rights Activists...c'mon, you're not against them. Who speaks for the animals if not people? If left to our own designs we'd do to all animals what we once tried to do to the buffalo and did do to the passenger pigeon. (Thank goodness, they were a filthy bird.)
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