A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
A world without Liquid Fuel
OK, I'll buy that. There may come a day when it's just too expensive.
We will have to have a replacement for liquid fuel currently created 99% from petroleum.
Gas, Diesel, Jet Fuel, Kerosene and a few other products of distillation.
IF tomorrow we didn't have that, a large number of things we have become dependant on would overnight disappear.
Air travel. Never such a thing as an electric airplane. Jets and planes fly on fuel.
Helicopters. No more air ambulance nor heart and kidney transplants flown across town or across the country. People will just die. In fact ambulances will be hard to find.
Freight at low rates. No More. It will be simply freight, horse or rail by wood fire. Suddenly it's 1860 all over again.
Container ships...imports from China at cheap prices...nope.
Commuting from a distance or even visiting friends or going to funerals? Not anymore without liquid fuel or coal. Electric cars might someday get up to a hundred miles. MAYBE.
Cheap electric power? NOPE. Windmills and Solar panels just can't supply enough electricity to make any difference at all.
I could go on and on, but the reality is, the whole green energy thing is a myth. IF we don't have liquid fuel...we are doomed to go back to the 1700s.
That should decrease the surplus population.
President of Melaleuca Inc. out of Idaho Falls, IA, is harassed by Obama's minions for giving money to Romney.

If you have 100 guns and 250 thousand rounds of Ammo:
In Arizona you are an avid gun collector
In Texas you are a novice gun collector
In Utah you are moderately prepared, and better stock up on food
In Montana you are the 'Go to Guy'
In Idaho you'd make a good gubernatorial candidate
In Wyoming you are an eligible bachelor
In Wisconsin you're my deer hunting buddy
In North Dakota you're BUBBA!
I know Ron Carpenter Jr and this is right up his alley. Go Ron

How did the administration bungle this so badly? IS the white house bought and paid for by it's owners, the communist Chinese?? Has the shining city on a hill gone dark?

I'm more concerned about this then I am about his stand on gay marriage. Keep your eye on the ball. Your freedom is being taken away.

Don't let the whole dust up over Gay Marriage take your eyes off the real situation. Economy on the skids, unemployment that won't quit, new business formation is drifting, high priced gasoline, international fumbling with China, socialist trending, Pro Choice embrace of abortion, nanny state laws like Obamacare and an administration that believes he is king of the world. The President just said that the Military fights ON HIS BEHALF...that's sounds like a king, not a president. My argument with Obama is more about how he governs and where he is taking us and not his stand on Sex.

Maybe Next year
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Nine Dangerous Things You Were Taught In School
Forbes runs this item:
Nine Dangerous Things You Were Taught In School
Be aware of the insidious and unspoken lessons you learned as a child. To thrive in the world outside the classroom, you’re going to have to unlearn them.
Dangerous things you were taught in school:
1. The people in charge have all the answers. That’s why they are so wealthy and happy and healthy and powerful — ask any teacher.
2. Learning ends when you leave the classroom. Your fort building, trail forging, frog catching, friend making, game playing, and drawing won’t earn you any extra credit. Just watch TV.
3. The best and brightest follow the rules. You will be rewarded for your subordination, just not as much as your superiors, who, of course, have their own rules.
4. What the books say is always true. Now go read your creationism chapter. There will be a test.
5. There is a very clear, single path to success. It’s called college. Everyone can join the top 1% if they do well enough in school and ignore the basic math problem inherent in that idea.
6. Behaving yourself is as important as getting good marks. Whistle-blowing, questioning the status quo, and thinking your own thoughts are no-nos. Be quiet and get back on the assembly line.
7. Standardized tests measure your value. By value, I’m talking about future earning potential, not anything else that might have other kinds of value.
8. Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom. You are trained from a young age to base your life around dribbles of allocated vacation. Be grateful for them.
9. The purpose of your education is your future career. And so you will be taught to be a good worker. You have to teach yourself how to be something more.
» Real house prices will take 90 years to reach the peak absent another housing bubble
» Real house prices will take 90 years to reach the peak absent another housing bubble » OC Housing News
Monday, May 07, 2012
IS GOD REALLY in control?
In the Christian life, we often hear things like “all things work out for the good”, “God will have his way”, “There’s a reason for everything” (Justin Bieber was quoted as saying this when interrogated on his views on abortion in the instance of rape – interesting tidbit for ya), and so on. There’s verses for this, too – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him” (Romans 8:28), and, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9). So whenever things happen that we don’t understand, I guess we can safely just quote any of the above verses and move on then…right?
Well, for those of us who live in a hole and haven’t seen what’s happening in the great wide world, I’ve got news: some pretty bad stuff has happened. Genocides, famines, HIV, cancer, nuclear disasters…There’s plenty more.
What Christians tend to do is try not to think of this type of thing too much, cuz it can really mess with the idea of God being good, can’t it? It’s much easier to sweep it under the rug of “it’s God’s will” and hop off that train of thought while we still can.
I don't want to mess up your Theology too much...but this is a true teaching. IF you have the guts to read it you will learn why we are responsible by the infilling of the Holy Spirit to carry out His will here on earth. I have been teaching this for a while...thought it would be good for others to have a word.

I wish there had been no Tarp, no GM bailout, No bank rescue, No mortgage relief, Fannie AND Freddie gone for good, no cash for clunkers, no 99 month unemployment, no nothing. Our economy would be back, healthy, growing. Government can do nothing right.

I can't believe this dope actually is even listened to.... BY anyone...
This is tough to hear. I consider Ron Carpenter a Friend as I do Doug Beacham (by whom I was ordained into the IPHC a few years ago). He will do a great Job, but Dr Carpenter...you are loved more than you know.
Barack Obama as an Illinois State Senator embraced a policy much like they have in China ----
...............parts of China still have 'dying rooms'.
As the country has a one-child policy to stop the population from soaring, parents who have too many children can leave their babies in the rooms wrapped up to die.

Another West,
By the self-same winds that blow,
'Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales,
That determines the way they go.
Like the winds of the sea
Are the waves of fate,
As we voyage along through life,
'Tis the set of the soul,
That determines the goal,
And not the calm or the strife.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
1850 - 1919
This is a problem.
Actually home values have to go to 1997 levels before they can recover at any level. RENT