A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Saturday, May 05, 2012
Quality of Life counts in Health Care
How is your health affecting your quality of life?
For decades, numbers drove the treatment of diseases like asthma, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. Public-health officials focused on reducing mortality rates and hitting targets like blood-sugar levels for people with diabetes or cholesterol levels for those with heart disease.
Doctors, of course, are still monitoring such numbers. But now health-care providers are also adding a whole different, more subjective measure—how people feel about their condition and overall well-being. They're pushing for programs where nurses or trained counselors meet with people and ask personal questions like: Is your condition inhibiting your life? Is it making you less happy? Does it make it hard to cope day to day? Then the counselors offer advice about managing those problems and follow up regularly.
The logic is simple. People are more likely to manage their condition properly when they have more accessible, personal goals, like being able to do more at work or keep up with their kids, instead of focusing only on comparatively abstract targets like blood-sugar levels. And that, in turn, leads to much better health. Numerous studies show that when people have a higher sense of well-being, they have fewer hospitalizations and emergency-room visits, miss fewer days of work and use less medication. They're also more productive at work and more engaged in the community.
"Quality of life happens to be the element that is most important in motivating people to deal with an illness," says Noreen Clark, director of the Center for Managing Chronic Disease at the University of Michigan. "People aren't motivated to follow their clinical regimen if in fact it doesn't improve the way they function and get along with others and manage day to day."
Breathing Easier
Focusing on well-being might seem like a basic idea, but it is a departure from the traditional approach to public health, especially when it comes to chronic-disease sufferers. Many get brief checkups with a doctor a few times a year, and there isn't time for much beyond getting lab tests, a prescription and some directions to follow. And once patients leave the office, there is little that most doctors can do to make sure they stick to their regimen or help them with any problems or barriers to staying on the wagon.
For an idea of how the new emphasis works, consider Quentonia Ford. Struggling with severe asthma for 25 years, she found it hard to fully understand and manage her medications after brief doctor visits. Often gasping for breath, she had to curtail activities with her husband and family, and sometimes her symptoms got so bad she was hospitalized.
Last year, she took part in Women Breathe Free, a program under study at Dr. Clark's center at the University of Michigan that aims to improve the well-being of African-American women with asthma.
"They asked about my quality of life, my family support, whether asthma stopped me from going out and doing the things I liked to do, even how it affected my sex life," says Ms. Ford, 63 years old, who works as an administrative assistant for a hospice program. "No doctor ever asked me questions like that before."
Ms. Ford says the program's counselors, whom she spoke to over several weeks by phone, provided "a sounding board" about many concerns that were bothering her, and helped her understand her medications and how to use them more effectively. In the past, she would wait until her symptoms were severe, hoping things would get better; she now monitors herself more closely by keeping a diary of symptoms and using a device that monitors breathing to let her know if she is entering a danger zone.
Talking to a counselor regularly also helped her overcome fear and depression about her condition, and set reasonable goals for exercise and activity without fearing an asthma attack. In addition, she got the resolve to talk to her family about helping out more with things around the house and recognizing that she couldn't do everything they wanted. She has not been hospitalized since she started the program, and last month her doctor told her that her pulmonary-function tests were the best she has had since 2006. She credits the counseling for giving her the tools and is continuing to provide information to the program so they can monitor her progress. "I never had anyone to talk to who understood me or what I was dealing with," Ms. Ford says. "It has really helped me have more self-confidence and a better outlook about my quality of life."
Programs like Women Breathe Free are gaining traction as chronic illness eats up 75% of the $2.6 trillion the U.S. now spends annually on health care—and evidence mounts about the importance of quality of life.
In a study used to develop Women Breathe Free, for instance, nurse health educators provided regular telephone counseling for patients, talking to them about their particular asthma concerns, such as problems related to household cleaning or laundry products, and the use of birth-control pills or hormone-replacement therapy, which can exacerbate symptoms. Compared with a group that didn't get the program, after two years the participants reported higher levels of asthma-related quality of life and a greater reduction in the use of certain medications. They also had a decrease of asthma symptoms with sexual activity and a greater reduction in missed days of school and work.
In the February issue of Population Health Management, a study found that higher self-reported well-being was associated with fewer hospitalizations, ER visits and medication use—and concluded that efforts to improve well-being are a promising approach to reduce future health-care use and spending.
Results like these have caught the attention of policy makers. The 2010 Affordable Care Act included $3 billion in funding for a new Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, which will use quality-of-life measures as part of its evaluation of new treatments. And in a report issued in January, the Institute of Medicine, an independent group that advises the government on health policy, called for a new national action plan to identify programs that help those with chronic illness and the population as a whole "live well"—reflecting "the best achievable state of health that encompasses all dimensions of physical, mental and social well-being."
The Institute of Medicine's report "really pushed us into thinking about how health-related quality of life can be used to evaluate our program activities, in addition to looking at measures of mortality and the delivery of clinical services," says Wayne Giles, director of the division of adult and community health at the Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "If there are things we can do to reduce pain and increase function, we may help delay the proportion of people who need nursing-home care and see reductions in hospitalizations and medical visits." He adds: "And those are huge drivers of costs."
To measure health-related quality of life, the CDC queries more than 430,000 people each year through its Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, which measures the number of "healthy days" people have in a given month. Nationally, the trend isn't good: Newly released data show the number of physically unhealthy days has barely budged over a decade, rising slightly to 3.6 days in 2009 from 3.3 days in 2000. The number of people who reported 14 or more mentally unhealthy days rose to 10.6% of the population from 9.6% over the same period. Rosemarie Kobau, a public-health adviser on quality-of-life programs at the CDC, says the measures will be instrumental in reducing health disparities, identifying unmet needs and tracking progress toward the federal Healthy People 2020, goals set by the federal government to improve the health of Americans over the next decade.
"Well-being moves us closer to looking at health in a positive sense—as more than the absence of illness," Ms. Kobau says.
The measures are already being used to evaluate programs for care of those with widely prevalent diseases like arthritis, the most common cause of disability. Terry Brady, head of the CDC's arthritis program, says the Healthy Days measures helped when the agency decided to scale back its funding to 12 states from 36 in 2008, providing larger individual grants to fewer states. The states that continued to receive funding were those with the highest success in linking patients to community-based programs that helped them manage their own disease and improve function, pain and quality of life.
Measuring quality of life and well-being is also helping states and communities identify vulnerable populations and design interventions to help. A program sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health, has been using such data to rank the health of counties around the U.S.
As rankings have been released publicly over the past few years, says Patrick Remington, co-director of the program and associate dean for public health at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, media coverage of poor rankings "has gotten people to think about the health of their community not just by whether it has a high death rate or short life expectancy but maybe a place where the quality of life is not as good as it could be."
In 2006, Juneau County, Wis., was ranked as the unhealthiest community in the state—the lowest of 72—which county health officer Barb Theis says was a wake-up call. With a fairly rural population just under 28,000, nearly 30% of pregnant women smoked cigarettes, the teen birthrate was high, and nearly 40% of country residents hadn't visited a dentist in the past year.
Ms. Theis got help securing funding for women and children's services including a prenatal-care-coordination program and a dental clinic; she is now pushing for a mental-health clinic as well. In the 2011 survey, the county rank had risen to 52. "None of this would have happened without the rankings, because everybody here is taking ownership of improving the quality of life and health of our population," she says.
Ms. Landro is an assistant managing editor for The Wall Street Journal and writes the paper's Informed Patient column. She can be reached at laura.landro@wsj.com.
Amish farm kids remarkably immune to allergies: study
What it is about growing up on farms -- and Amish farms in particular -- that seems to prevent allergies remains unclear.
Researchers have long observed the so-called "farm effect" -- the low allergy and asthma rates found among kids raised on farms -- in central Europe, but less is known about the influence of growing up on North American farms.
Holbreich, an allergist in Indianapolis, has been treating Amish communities in Indiana for two decades, but he noticed that very few Amish actually had any allergies.
As studies on the farm effect in Europe began to emerge several years ago, Holbreich wondered if the same phenomenon might be found in the United States.
He teamed up with European colleagues to compare Swiss farming children and non-farming children to Amish kids in Indiana.
Amish families, who can trace their roots back to Switzerland, typically farm using methods from the 1800s and they don't own cars or televisions.
The researchers surveyed 157 Amish families, about 3,000 Swiss farming families, and close to 11,000 Swiss families who did not live on a farm -- all with children between the ages of six and 12.
They found that just five percent of Amish kids had been diagnosed with asthma, compared to 6.8 percent of Swiss farm kids and 11.2 percent of the other Swiss children.
Similarly, among 138 Amish kids given a skin-prick test to determine whether they were predisposed to having allergies, only 10 kids -- or seven percent -- had a positive response.
In comparison, 25 percent of the farm-raised Swiss kids and 44 percent of the other Swiss children had a positive test, the researchers report in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
The study did not determine why the kids who grew up on farms were less likely to develop asthma and allergies, but other research has pointed to exposure to microbes and contact with cows, in particular, to partially explain the farm effect (see Reuters Health story of May 2, 2012).
Drinking raw cow's milk also seems to be involved, Holbreich said.
Amish farm kids remarkably immune to allergies: study - Yahoo! News Canada
- RNC Chair Priebus: ‘I don’t want my daughter Grace to grow up like Julia’dailycaller.comWith President Obama set to officially kick off his campaign this weekend, I was...See More
Are You Backsliding? A heart Check
2. The quest for biblical truth ceases.
3. Biblical knowledge is not applied inwardly.
4. Thoughts are predominately earthly and not heavenward.
5. The church service loses its delight.
6. Spiritual discussions are a source of embarrassment.
7. More time is devoted to recreation and entertainment than the Word and prayer.
8. Sins can be committed without any violation of the conscience.
9. Aspirations for Christlike holiness cease to dominate your life and thinking.
10. Your mind is focused on the acquisition of money and goods.
11. Religious songs can be mouthed without engaging the heart.
12. When hearing the Lord's Name taken in vain, you are not moved to indignation.
13. Watching degrading movies becomes entertaining and acceptable.
14. Breaches of peace in the church are of no concern.
15. The slightest excuse keeps you from your spiritual duties.
16. The lack of spiritual power is met with contentment.
17. Personal sins are pardoned by a belief that the Lord understands.
18. An adjustment to the world is made with ease.
19. Nothing is done to relieve the misery and suffering which exists around you.
20. There is no concern for the lost or sharing the gospel
A small cohort of whites—in my experience, around five percent—is ferociously hostile to blacks and will go to great lengths to inconvenience or harm them. A much larger cohort of whites—around half—will go along passively if the five percent take leadership in some event. They will do this out of racial solidarity, the natural willingness of most human beings to be led, and a vague feeling that blacks have it coming.
Now we have the exact same syndrome in reverse in the USA.
Racism is racism...no matter the color.
Friday, May 04, 2012
Wave of black mobs brutalizing whites Dozens of vicious assaults since Trayvon Martin slaying
In a wave of black-on-white crime since the February Trayvon Martin slaying, reports are emerging of dozens of brutal assaults by black mobs and assailants against white victims – and some attackers are citing the revenge for the Martin slaying as reason for their aggression.
Martin is the unarmed black teen who died after being shot by a Hispanic community-watch captain, George Zimmerman, in Sanford, Fla., sparking a wave of outrage o violence against whites long after the Feb. 26 incident.
On March 17 in Baltimore, Md., a white man was beaten, stripped naked and robbed. As a girl danced against him, a black man grabbed an item from the man’s pocket. When the victim attempted to recover his property, the man punched him in the face, knocked him to the ground, stripped his clothes off and taunted him.
Then one man in the mob, identifying himself on Twitter as “Lil Darren,” posted a video of the assault online, explaining: “me an[sic] my boys helped get justice fore[sic] trayvon.”
In the video, a man named Aaron Parsons, 20, looked into the video camera while ridiculing the victim. He turned himself in to police after being linked to the incident. According to the Baltimore Sun, he has been charged with robbery, assault and other crimes.
Parsons’ attorney, Warren Brown, told the paper the suspect is a “good kid.”
“It’s not the punch that has aroused so much anger – it’s the humiliation after the punch, the disrobing of the guy and going through his pockets,” Brown said. “He wasn’t involved in any of that and has no real association with those people.”
Despite an apology from Parsons, Brown said his client would plead not guilty
The Sun reported:
“As a girl dances against him, a man who police now say is Parsons grabs something out of the victim’s pocket. The man moves to recover his property, and the man identified as Parsons rears back and punches him in the face, knocking him to the ground. The victim is then stripped of his clothing and teased.
Police are still attempting to identify at least three other suspects captured on camera.
The video of the assault can be seen below:
On March 25 in Cobb County, Ga., a former U.S. Marine who served two tours of duty in Iraq was beaten to death when he got into an altercation with a group of men in an apartment complex parking lot. Police have arrested four black men in connection with the beating death.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported that Arthur Batchelor, 37, Tarell Secrest, 36, Jason Hill, 35, and Sean Hill, 38, were taken into custody on suspicion of killing 34-year-old Zachary Gamble.
The victim’s relatives said Gamble, father of a 7-year-old boy, died from severe head trauma.
All four of the men have been charged with felony murder, aggravated assault and aggravated battery. They’re being held without bail in the Cobb County Adult Detention Center.
Arthur Batchelor, 37, Tarell Secrest, 36, Jason Hill, 35, and Sean Hill, 38, were taken into custody on suspicion of killing 34-year-old Zachary Gamble.
On March 24-25 in Grand Rapids, Mich., at least seven white people were reportedly beaten by black mobs. Five of the victims filed reports with local police.
Charleston Conservative Examiner reporter Kyle Rogers said he spoke with victim Jacob Palasek, 37, a full-time student. Palasek said he was attacked by a black man on a bicycle who whipped the side of his head with a chain. The attacker purportedly hit him two more times in the head before Palasek broke away, ran to a home and knocked on the door, hoping the resident would call 9-1-1.
He said three blacks attacked him on the porch, yelling, “This is what you deserve, you piece of sh-t.” They continued hitting him in the head with the chain, but he escaped again and hid behind a dumpster. Palasek said the men chased him but walked away when several cars drove by.
“A detective told Jacob that they believe all the attacks were racially motivated,” the report stated. “The detective also told Jacob that he believed the Trayvon Martin media frenzy is what prompted the attacks. Jacob also believed that the thugs were seeking revenge for Trayvon Martin before the detective confirmed this belief.”
According to the report, seven victims were assaulted within six blocks of the Palasek attack – some in broad daylight.
On March 26 in Seminole County, Fla., a white man named Mark Slavin, 50, reportedly sustained massive injuries to his skull after he received 13 blows to his head with a hammer.
The Jacksonville Daily News reported that the victim, a salesman for a furniture company in Orlando, was so badly beaten that he was unidentifiable.
According to the arrest report, one witness called 9-1-1 after he heard a man screaming for help. The caller said two men pulled the victim from a car, bludgeoned him with a hammer and dragged him into the nearby woods, where they continued to assault him. The attackers fled the scene in the victim’s car before police arrived.
Two black men, Julius Bender, 18, and Yahaziel Israel, 19, were charged with attempted homicide, burglary with assault or battery and armed burglary.
The victim’s father noted that the attack happened within a few miles of the place where Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman.
The victim’s father said he wonders if the attack is related to the Martin shooting.
“I’d like to have it checked to see if it was a hate crime,” he said.
According to the report, officials at the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office said they don’t believe the attack was connected to Martin’s shooting.
“While the investigation is ongoing and we cannot give details at this point, I can tell you investigators from the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office do not believe that this attempted homicide had anything to do with the recent events that occurred here in Sanford,” said Kim Cannaday, a media spokeswoman for the sheriff’s office. “We do not believe it was in retaliation or racially motivated.”
On April 5 in Toledo, Ohio, a 78-year-old white man named Dallas Watts was the victim of a group assault, with the attackers allegedly yelling, “This is for Trayvon.” According to Fox News, the man told police he was confronted by a gang of six youths, both black and white. One said, “Take him down.”
“[Get] that white [man]. This is for Trayvon … Trayvon lives, white [man]. Kill that white [man],” the boys are quoted as saying in a police report
On April 9 in Gainesville, Fla., between five and eight black men emerged from a car screaming “Trayvon!” as they battered a 27-year-old white man who had been walking home, the Gainesville Sun reported.
According to the report, police believe the Martin case was the catalyst for the beating.
“We do believe that the crime was racially motivated,” Gainesville Police Department spokeswoman Cpl. Angelina Valuri said.
The victim told police the beating lasted five minutes – resulting in injuries to his left eye, abrasions to his palms, a cut on his right kneecap and “permanent disfigurement to the left side of his face.”
The victim said the group got out of the car and told him he was walking too slowly before proceeding to beat him.
On April 14 in Mobile, Ala., a white man was beaten by a black mob after he told a group of children to stop playing basketball in the middle of a street, WKRG -TV reported. One witness said she heard an attacker yell, “Now that’s justice for Trayvon!”
Marjon Rostami
On April 14 in Norfolk, Va.,a white couple was attacked by dozens of black teenagers, and the local newspaper did not report on the incident for two weeks, despite the victims being reporters for the paper.
As WND reported in a story posted on the popular Drudge Report, the couple was pummeled April 14 by dozens of black teens, and the Virginian-Pilot newspaper did not report the incident for two weeks, despite the fact the victims, Dave Forster and Marjon Rostami, are both news reporters for the paper.
The attack was first reported in an opinion piece by columnist Michelle Washington.
“Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim,” Washington wrote, describing the onslaught that began when Dave Forster and Marjon Rostami stopped at a traffic light while driving home from a show on a Saturday night. A crowd of at least 100 black young people was on the sidewalk at the time.
“Rostami locked her car door. Someone threw a rock at her window. Forster got out to confront the rock-thrower, and that’s when the beating began. …
Dave Forster
“The victim’s friend, a young woman, tried to pull him back into his car. Attackers came after her, pulling her hair, punching her head and causing a bloody scratch to the surface of her eye. She called 911. A recording told her all lines were busy. She called again. Busy. On her third try, she got through and, hysterical, could scream only their location. Church and Brambleton. Church and Brambleton. Church and Brambleton. It happened four blocks from where they work, here at the Virginian-Pilot.”
Washington says neither suffered grave injuries, but both were out of work for a week. Forster’s torso ached from blows to his ribs, and he retained a thumb-sized bump on his head. Rostami reportedly fears to be alone in her home, while Forster wishes he’d stayed in the car.
In her column about the assault, Washington said the day after the beatings, Forster searched Twitter for mention of the attack, and one post in particular chilled him.
“I feel for the white man who got beat up at the light,” wrote one person.
“I don’t,” wrote another, indicating laughter. “(do it for trayvon martin)”
But at a press conference today, interim Norfolk Police Chief Sharon Chamberlin said the department is not investigating the case as a hate crime.
“At no time in our investigation or in statements taken from the victims did it appear this assault was racially motivated,” she said.
On April 17 in Chicago, Ill., two black teenagers beat a white 19-year-old to the ground, threatened him with a tree branch and robbed him because, one attacker explained, they were angry about the Trayvon Martin case.
Alton Hayes III demanded the victim give them his belongings, saying, “Empty your pockets, white boy.”
Hayes and a second attacker, unnamed because he is only 15, searched their victim’s pockets, threw him to the ground and punched him several times in his head and back. He told police they chose the victim because he is white.
Hayes was charged with attempted robbery, aggravated battery and a hate crime, all felonies. The younger attacker was referred to juvenile court.
On April 28 in Charleston, W.V., two black men beat a white 45-year-old man unconscious in front of his girlfriend and two sons, ages 9 and 13. The assailants knocked the man down, repeatedly kicking him in the face until he suffered a concussion and lacerations. Then they stole $30 from his pockets.
The Charleston Daily Mail reported police said the victim didn’t antagonize the situation.
After posting a list of numerous recent black mob attacks against whites, PJ Media noted:
“This list of brutality does not include the highly publicized beating of Matthew Owens in Alabama that may have been the result of a long-running neighborhood feud, nor does it include the shooting of an unoccupied Sanford, Fla., police car at the height of racial tensions before George Zimmerman was arrested. It also does not include alleged vandalism and threats that have been issued, such as the death threats in Wisconsin plastered on neighborhood mailboxes and a sticker featuring a picture of Trayvon Martin and the word ‘Revenge,’ as well as another that said ‘Kill Whitey.’”
Thursday, May 03, 2012
When Theory becomes Fact
I recently expressed my opinion about the shameful treatment of John Derbyshire by National Review, his former employer, which dropped him as a writer because of a piece he wrote in another online magazine. One of his statements which seemed to be the most objectionable to NRO was “(9) A small cohort of blacks—in my experience, around five percent—is ferociously hostile to whites and will go to great lengths to inconvenience or harm us. A much larger cohort of blacks—around half—will go along passively if the five percent take leadership in some event. They will do this out of racial solidarity, the natural willingness of most human beings to be led, and a vague feeling that whites have it coming.
Why the KKK was successful in it's day:
A small cohort of whites—in my experience, around five percent—is ferociously hostile to blacks and will go to great lengths to inconvenience or harm them. A much larger cohort of whites—around half—will go along passively if the five percent take leadership in some event. They will do this out of racial solidarity, the natural willingness of most human beings to be led, and a vague feeling that blacks have it coming.
Now we have the exact same syndrome in reverse in the USA.
Racism is racism...no matter the color.
Chicago Boyz » Blog Archive » Derbyshire Redux
Keeping Nature Exactly as Is ... Forever. Green Job Initiatives are simply Snake Oil sold to FOOLS
Of course, some who push "green jobs" want the price of energy to rise. Then we will live in smaller homes, drive less and burn fewer fossil fuels. But if the environmental lobby wants Americans to be poorer, it ought to come clean about that.
Once you decide nature is inherently healthy, moral and beautiful, the reasons to restrict human activity are endless. Every time we move or breathe, we alter the environment. Some environmentalists won't be satisfied until our carbon footprint is reduced to zero.
Of course, that requires abolishing civilization. But if humanity's impact on nature is an evil, abolishing us wouldn't be so bad. The group Earth First! had the slogan, "Back to the Pleistocene!"
RealClearPolitics - Keeping Nature Exactly as Is ... Forever