A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
I watched both rallies because I really wanted to be fair. While watching it the reporters were saying oh my god there must be 500,000 people here or more they never end. I watched the Sharpton rally it was luck to have had 10,000. The Beck rally was great about love hope charity unity, and honor and truth. It was all inclusive of every race and religion. The Sharpton rally was a series of hate speeches and racist hate rants and the police had to be called. I remember in the middle of the program Beck said they had just been informed there were estimates of about 400,00 thousand and that was by the liberal media. I know from the panning of the camera with my own eyes there were at least 400,000 if not more. The API take a picture of the mall area and says there were 87,000 well they probably waited until the rally was all over and most had left or they took a very limited shot of a select area. Either way they have been discredited by every other news company that has already reported between 375 to 500,000 people were there. CBS always reports lies. Remember Dan Rather?
Won't happen again
Click on people's faces in the photo to tag them. |
Disrespect is manifesting by multitasking. I had a conversation by phone with a man yesterday who was disconnected from the conversation because he had an I phone, interruptions and his computer in front of him. Probably reading something too. I find that disrespectful. If I am in a conversation with you, you have my undivided. I expect the same from you. AND if I must go, I will excuse myself. Our multi tasking ADD society has become so abstract that it no longer works in for common courtesy. This fellow considers this syndrome a mental illness. http://www.mentalhelp.net/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=28954&w=10&cn=117
IF I find myself once more on the phone with this man or another in the same situation I am going to have a "Hang Up" event. Eleanor Roosevelt said that no one can make you feel inferior (or disrespected) without your permission. I hereby withdraw any permission for you not being involved in any conversation. Particularly if YOU called ME. IF you are too busy to talk, you are too busy for me. It's a matter of common courtesy and common sense. It's time for manners here. I'm just enough older than most to be cranky about it all. GROW UP. Be a man or woman of God. It's the worst when it's from a brother or a sister. FAIR WARNING. If it happens again, expect a CLICK from my end. I should have done so yesterday. It WILL NOT happen again. OK, rant is ove
IF I find myself once more on the phone with this man or another in the same situation I am going to have a "Hang Up" event. Eleanor Roosevelt said that no one can make you feel inferior (or disrespected) without your permission. I hereby withdraw any permission for you not being involved in any conversation. Particularly if YOU called ME. IF you are too busy to talk, you are too busy for me. It's a matter of common courtesy and common sense. It's time for manners here. I'm just enough older than most to be cranky about it all. GROW UP. Be a man or woman of God. It's the worst when it's from a brother or a sister. FAIR WARNING. If it happens again, expect a CLICK from my end. I should have done so yesterday. It WILL NOT happen again. OK, rant is ove
Our Government
build a mosque, excuse the black panther party, drop charges against terrorists, turn your back on Israel, trust Russia and China, and attack AZ for doing whats American.
If you are going to grasp at straws, it would be better to grasp at actual straw rather than Geithner. He's hopeless.
President called his economic advisers from Martha's Vineyard one day after GOP leader John Boehner said they should be fired. President Obama took a break from his Martha's Vineyard vacation on Wednesday to phone his economic advisers, including Timothy Geithner and Larry Summers.
We have nationalized health care. It will work about as well as the DMV-Post Office-IRS-OSHA on steroids. IF you voted for this, you can start beating your head against the wall now. Your life is about to change for the worse.
If you like your health care plan, tough luck—if you’re on a Medicare prescription drug plan: More than 3 million seniors may have to switch their
IF you are frustrated by friendships that fail, watch this. WE become wounded when people don't meet our expectations. What we REALLY WANT is what is called the Barnabas Factor. Someone who loves us no matter what and hears our pain. I want that friendship. I have it some, but not enough. It takes maturity to be ...that. I hope you will watch this and think about who is in your life.
Look at the charts. Renewable energy is a joke - other than nuclear
Long wonky article of interest only to those of us who have economics as a hobby. If you do you will find this guy's thesis interesting.
Right now, we are in the middle of deflation. The Global Depression we are experiencing has squeezed both aggregate demand levels and aggregate asset prices as never before. Since the credit crunch of September 2008, the U.S. and world economies have been slowly circling the deflationary drain.
civil society will not collapse along with the dollar I disagree with this statement. Look at Argentina, anarchy in the streets. Russia in the late 90's, demonstrations by the hundreds of thousands. New problem we have today is the inability to feed the population due to weather changes, water probl...
The full version of Martin Luther King's famous "I have a dream" speech. Comments disabled since many of them were hateful and racist. You can discuss the video here: http://www.mychurch.org/blog/121537/17-Minutes-with-Martin-Luther-King
Friday, August 27, 2010
It is time to get your spiritual house in order. The music just stopped. We will need to trust God like never before; and how can you call on whom you've not heard; and how can you hear without a preacher; and how can you preach, except you've been sent? Jesus is the only answer!
This could be the trigger for the disaster to come
Check out this article from FOX News. Double-Dip Ahead? Snapshot of Economy to Get a Lot Bleaker: http://fxn.ws/b48grx /via @DonaldFoorUSA
Prophecy coming to pass
Business: Recent months see sharp rise in number of European companies withdrawing investment from Israeli firms for political reasons. 'The damage is huge,' says glass factory owner
Why can we be called KKK and if we call them brownshirt NAZIS we get yelled at?
How about we just call it climate change and adapt
Goodluck Jonathan - President of Nigeria 8/23/10
"Yesterday, I described the youths as leaders of
today and tomorrow and read your comments and feedback and a lot of you
complained that you do not feel like leaders because you are not
empowered. I do understand your sentiments and I am working along with
...my cabinet to provide empowerment to all Nigerians by way of imp...roving
and rebuilding infrastructure as well as investing in education and
creatively improving access to credit for the Private Sector so that
jobs will flow. But our youths must know this: no one can empower you
greater than yourself. The truth is that your Creator has already
endowed you with the basics you need to stand and to a large extent, the
choice to stand or fall is up to you. Government under my leadership
will do its part, but there are many things you can do while waiting on
things to improve. If you have access to land you can start a small
farm. The land that produced crops for your ancestors will not deny it
to you. Maybe you do not have access to land but you are educated to
some degree, then realize that a lot of Nigerians do not have access to
education (and we are working to change that) which provides you with a
need which you can fill by starting a tutoring programme to tutor others
and earn a living. Perhaps you don't have land and tutoring skills but
you have neighbours who have young ones that need minding, that is an
opportunity for you to mind their kids. There are several needs in our
society that can be filled with little or no capital other than your
labour and there is dignity in labour. Those you see in your society
living in luxury were not all born with luxury. Many of them including
me farmed, fished, fetched water, tutored lessons and minded kids before
our break came. But if even you do not have these opportunities, I want
to remind you that all youths have one last card. You have your votes.
Use it to elect God fearing leaders with good track records who have
shown by their past that they have the competence to do what is needed
to bring peace and prosperity to your local government, state and
country come 2011. As I said yesterday and still say today, you are the
leaders of today and tomorrow and Nigeria's tomorrow is more dependent
on her youth than on any other class of society. GEJ"
WOW! God Help Him and Nigeria !
"Yesterday, I described the youths as leaders of
today and tomorrow and read your comments and feedback and a lot of you
complained that you do not feel like leaders because you are not
empowered. I do understand your sentiments and I am working along with
...my cabinet to provide empowerment to all Nigerians by way of imp...roving
and rebuilding infrastructure as well as investing in education and
creatively improving access to credit for the Private Sector so that
jobs will flow. But our youths must know this: no one can empower you
greater than yourself. The truth is that your Creator has already
endowed you with the basics you need to stand and to a large extent, the
choice to stand or fall is up to you. Government under my leadership
will do its part, but there are many things you can do while waiting on
things to improve. If you have access to land you can start a small
farm. The land that produced crops for your ancestors will not deny it
to you. Maybe you do not have access to land but you are educated to
some degree, then realize that a lot of Nigerians do not have access to
education (and we are working to change that) which provides you with a
need which you can fill by starting a tutoring programme to tutor others
and earn a living. Perhaps you don't have land and tutoring skills but
you have neighbours who have young ones that need minding, that is an
opportunity for you to mind their kids. There are several needs in our
society that can be filled with little or no capital other than your
labour and there is dignity in labour. Those you see in your society
living in luxury were not all born with luxury. Many of them including
me farmed, fished, fetched water, tutored lessons and minded kids before
our break came. But if even you do not have these opportunities, I want
to remind you that all youths have one last card. You have your votes.
Use it to elect God fearing leaders with good track records who have
shown by their past that they have the competence to do what is needed
to bring peace and prosperity to your local government, state and
country come 2011. As I said yesterday and still say today, you are the
leaders of today and tomorrow and Nigeria's tomorrow is more dependent
on her youth than on any other class of society. GEJ"
WOW! God Help Him and Nigeria !
We have nationalized health care. It will work about as well as the DMV-Post Office-IRS-OSHA on steroids. IF you voted for this, you can start beating your head against the wall now. Your life is about to change for the worse.
What's wrong with this?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
'Injurious, Defamatory and Polemical': New Book Plunges Germany into Immigration Debate - SPIEGEL ON
Are Muslim immigrants a drag on German prosperity? A new book by provocateur Thilo Sarrazin, a board member of the German central bank, argues that they are. His over-the-top comments have triggered yet another debate on immigration in the country.
s Online-Prophecy Chat
This writer has had a vision this morning of upside-down U.S. flags flapping vigorously on strong breezes. These are signs of distress, and I saw these flags raised on poles in front of buildings I do not recognize. My sense is that these buildings are town halls and seats of government for various...
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