Peggy and I attended a local dance school’s recital this afternoon. These were all little girls from 3-14 yrs old.
The little kids were cute. Rocking around the Christmas, Holly Jolly Christmas, etc. Even Somewhere over the Rainbow and the dance of the sugar plum fairies from the Nutcracker.
All of it was cute EXCEPT the Strippers In Training dances. These were danced to hip hop music and were more graphic than what you see on MTV.
These were the 14 year olds who slightly pre or just post pubescence with shapes they didn’t have before us bumping, grinding and wiggling their butt in ways I imagine you would only see in strip clubs.
If one were a pedophile this would have been a bonanza. I was embarrassed.
Why do these alleged dance instructors do this? What’s it all about? I like dance. Last Monday Night Peggy and I attended the opera. Midsummer’s Marriage. A fantasy. A full hour of dance was part of the 3 ½ hour production. I enjoyed it. It was costumed with people dressed as fish, dogs, cats, birds and such. So I’m no stranger to dance.
But this? What’s worse to me is the little girls in the dance class looking up to these near adult students and looking forward to emulating them.
Peggy and I attend Wedding Dances whenever we can. We like dancing a great deal. When we were dating we loved to go to dances. And we’re pretty good. I don’t have anything against dancing on religious principles. I do have something against dancing which graphically simulates sex acts particularly when preformed by 14 year old little girls.
Biblically there are several positive examples of dance. Miriam Danced after the Children of Israel crossed the Red Sea Exodus 15v20-21, The Daughters of Shiloh danced for the Youth of Benjamin (weddings ensued) Judges 21v21-23, David Danced before the Ark of the Covenant as it was brought into Jerusalem 2 Samuel 6v14-23 & 1 Chronicles 15 and 16.
Dance is all thru the scripture. Much of it is wonderful. Some is not. The dance of Salome that cost John the Baptists head. Matt 14.3-11
I love the dance in Worship. I love when people are free and natural and move to music in unplanned unscripted worship dance. I try myself but I exert more gravity against the earth than I used to. I still dance however. I Don't think God is offended. I'll ask him. Nope. Psalm 150v4 & Psalm 149v3
I just don’t dance like a stripper and I don’t think little girls of 14 should either.
Am I becoming an old fuddy duddy or what?