I’m not happy 9-11 happened. I am happy with some of the net results of 9-11. It wiped the mush off our goggles and have allowed the country I love to begin to think and see clearly again.
Things I’m glad have happened as a result of 9-11:
1. Air Base Baghdad and Air Base Kabul. They aren’t perfect yet but they provide a visible restraint on the nutcases who want to kill us all. I wish we were further along in securing them but we will. I hope our men and women stay there for a hundred years. We still have
work to do. We also will win the hearts and minds of Arabs as we do what we must to stabilize the Middle East.
You also see others who criticize the American response to the attack calling it "savage" or "brutal" which are words commonly used by the Arab media that at the same time ignores the savage brutality of the attack in the first place.
2. Saddam is in jail. His boys are gone. He is and was an evil man who unabashedly hated the USA and Israel. He was the centerpiece for a culture and movement that rubbed our noses in our incompetence and timidity before 9-11. Guess what spiderhole boy, we ain’t timid no more.
3. Our REAL Enemies have revealed themselves. We now know exactly who they are and every day we kill some. Sometimes we let them live in captivity. They hate us and we must crush them every chance we get. You don’t negotiate with a snake, you kill it.
4. Syria and Iran have been revealed as state terror sponsors. No more Mr. Nice guy with those thugs. Oh, and Nukes, you get one, it will blow up in your house, not ours. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to kill every American man woman and child if he gets the chance. He won’t if I keep my gun cabinet full of deadly weapons loaded.
5. Russia and China have been revealed for who they really are. They are not our friends allies. All the nicey nice talk is stifled by the lack of support for what needs to be done.
6. Europe (except for Britain) has been shown up for the paper tiger it really is. This will get some legitimate governments off their behinds and cause them to defend themselves. I only wish it wasn’t the French working in Lebanon. My hope is Europe will wake up and learn to fight again. NATO is a joke.
7. The Taliban are gone, yes they try to come back, and we kill them again. We must. They're like ants in an anthill. You can’t kill them all until they congregate. Let’s have a Taliban convention and ……….. There’s a Toby Keith song to that effect.
8. All this disaster has focused our country on the real menace facing us. We are arguing less and less about
if there is danger. We know there is a real enemy and he really wants to kill us.
9. Left Wing Delusions have been exposed. There are still a few deluded people who don’t think we have to take the battle to the enemy. An equally deluded media encourages the confusion they feel. One benefit of 9-11 is the deluded masses are exposed for what they are. Those on the left do not understand what it will mean to them specifically if this war is lost. Everything they hold dear is over
when the Taliban comes:……..precisely the values that modern liberalism had done so much to promote and protect for the past 40 years: civil rights, gay rights, feminism, privacy rights, reproductive choice, sexual freedom, the right to worship as one chooses, the right not to worship at all. And so they bid an unsentimental good-bye to their one-time comrades and institutions: the peace movement, the pages of the Nation and the New York Review of Books, "the deluded and pathetic sophistry of postmodernists of the left, who believe their unreadable, jargon-clotted theory somehow helps liberate the wretched of the earth," as Mr. Rosenbaum wrote in the New York Observer in 2002.
10. 9-11 and the Iraq war have exposed the anti-American media in our country. All the leaks, treasonous reports and un-American things the press has engaged in has done two things. Caused people like me to doubt most of what I read in newspapers. And to look for the bias in what I do read. They are exposed for the traitors they really are.
11. The weak, ineffective and unpatriotic behavior of some of our elected officials is disgraceful and has taken the mask off of who they really are. They are exposed as people of bad faith. They have given comfort to the enemies of America over and over again. I hope that people now see them for the weasels they really are.
12. I am thankful that we have learned to fight again as a country. Yes there are a great number of pantywaists in our country, but there is a brave noble cadre who make up the new
greatest generation ready to fight the most dire threat this country (and Western Civilization) has ever faced. That is not only my opinion. It’s the opinion of many. You my friends are part of the greatest generation. Opposition to courageous action is nothing new. Most of the citizens of the USA didn’t want to go to war with Hitler in 1940. That is not until Pearl Harbor. 9-11 was a greater travesty than Pearl Harbor. Even after Pearl Harbor there was nearly a majority who didn’t want to go to war. That’s why we have leaders. That’s why we trust them to do what needs to be done.
When we survive as a country it will be in spite of the opposition from within and without. From without I understand the battle, from within I do not. Dissent does not include putting my loved ones in harms way be your words and actions. That's sedition.
It’s time to decide what side you are on. There are only two. You must choose. This is a pretty black and white choice. As President Bush said to international governments after 9-11, you are either with us or you are against us. Neutrality is no longer an option.
We are at war, either here or there, we are under attack, either here or there, we will take casualties either here or there. The choice is ours. I choose there.
If we take this battle to them, they take casualties too. And in the long run I’m betting on our war capabilities and the goodness of the American spirit. Oh, they can run and hide, they can shoot from the caves, drive the car bombs. But with every bombing we get better, with every attack we get smarter, with every incursion we get more savvy. They do too, but we have the right stuff to beat them if our elected officials will let them do what they are designed to do as an armed force. Kill the enemy and destroy his things.
This is going to be brutal, it’s going to be bloody, and it’s really only just begun. We must be ready for decades of this war. We must win. If the traitors and cowards among us don’t defeat us from within we will win. Winning means we are no longer faced with an organized enemy who launches mass attacks against innocents in the USA. That will be victory. But it will never be as it ever was. That was a fantasy world we pretended to live in. The price of peace is eternal vigilance.
Peace and victory is our only option or we will live in submission to an occupying power and ideology that hates everything about us.
I choose Victory first and then Peace.
How about you, what side are you on? There are only two.