First, I didn’t fall off the pickle truck. I know George Bush is not and will never be the on level Genius Bill Clinton (to his detriment, “is, is”) was or is today.
He is just George. An accidental president. I remember when his campaign crucified McCain in 1999. It was brutal. I didn’t like Bush then.
But, now he is our president for good or bad. I am ever thankful that in the seat of power that GWB occupies today, that Al Gore or John Kerry isn’t there. It’s not their politics. It’s who they are. Who I can believe or not. Who can and will make things better as opposed to just talk about it.
Bill Clinton was a remarkable man. His wife will probably be the 44th president of the USA. But he was nearly always form over substance. I’ll never forget a trip to Russia he made in the 7th year of his presidency. After his return on NPR radio Veteran reporter-commentator Daniel Schorr, who is well over 80, was waxing eloquent on his conquests and accomplishments as a result of this trip Clinton had just returned from. His two guests, both Russian experts, both well versed in the things of the world were asked to list the main accomplishments of Clinton on the trip. Both said none, they said, he had done nothing, it was all smoke and mirrors. Schorr astonished asked, NOTHING? Nope, Nothing. He accomplished nothing they said. These were not right wing conservatives. They were scholars who had an objective view of what they hoped might happen.
Bill Clinton was a heck of a guy. I would enjoy hanging out with him. He certainly would be fun. But he was all form over function. Today People long for the Clinton days. The Tech bubble that he fed with fantasy that exploded a year after his departure from the White House. The artificial surplus that so many people talk about because he cut spending and reduced military and raised taxes that eventually created the market collapse. Just after he was gone. I think madam President will be smarter. Bill will be good to make speeches. We might be back to the days of co-presidency. Just as long as Hillary is in charge.
So why do I trust and honor President Bush? Because, in spite of low approval numbers (like Truman), a hostile press (like Lincoln), explosive national catastrophes (like Roosevelt) and an unpopular war with a divided nation (like Washington) he stays the course. People call him an idiot, stupid and a moron. They regret voting for him if they did and they think others that did are beyond understanding. He is considered elite and aloof (like Roosevelt), out of touch with the people (like Eisenhower), and too stupid to hold the office (like Carter).
So, with those disqualifications I think he has a good bet to be one of our all time great presidents in the rear view mirror. Popular and approved doesn’t make for presidential quality, it just makes good press. People who are influenced by negative press need to start thinking for themselves.
I don’t want the likes of a cynical Bill Mahr or Michael Moore to be leading this country. Thank God for President Bush.
Here is why I back him:
I can trust him to do what he says. He does very little hyperbole and empty promises. If he says it, count on it. He’s a man of very few eloquent words and much follow thru to the chagrin of his critics. When he said he was going to take on the terrorists, he did. It’s not done, but have you visited any training camps protected by the Taliban in Afghanistan lately? Neither has anyone else.
He is loyal to a fault to his staff and his friends. The lack of political executions of those who fail him is admirable. Michael Brown was a dope. Should have gone. I don’t know the man but he hung around longer than most people would have given him. Loyalty to a fault is better than falsehood. I can admire this and respect a man who is loyal to those to whom he makes a commitment.
He is at his core motivated to help others if he can. Sometimes he can’t, sometime he doesn’t know what to do. That’s why he has staff, but in the end you can trust him to help if he can. It’s who he is.
His using pet names for people, even to the preposterous limits he does (Putti Put Putin) irritates me at some level but I have known people like this. They in their heart are friendly folks. Take em out the ranch and barbeque, even the prime minister of China. I think a smile has power, Bush knows how to do this better than many of his stiff predecessors.
His heart is kind and compassionate. He is moved sincerely by the needs of people if he knows about it. Sometimes he is too insulated by his schedule and his staff but when he becomes aware of a situation he responds with kindness and action. Real Kindness. Only Jimmy Carter is his equal in this.
He knows his role and he stays within it. He understands his place in the scope of things. Sometimes I wish his staff would stay out of the way but he knows there is an order and a structure and he tries hard to stay in it unlike the image many try to lay on him of a wild cowboy. I don’t see it.
He is an optimist. He never seems to be downhearted. He is always cheerful. Sometimes more than I am. He hangs in there. When the world sees a destroyed New Orleans he sees the new dawn of the Crescent City better than ever. I may think it naïve, but sometimes I want to believe.
He is a fiscal conservative but with too big a heart. I have often wished he would spend less, take away his credit card. The NOLA spending scares me. But I’m timid. On the other hand he has already talked about the changes needed to fund this. I am hoping his core thrifty bent will dominate.
He is courageous. At the UN, in Iraq, against an Axis of Evil, against naysayers. He is not deferred. He doesn’t take a 3pm poll and adjust his policies to fit the mood of the country. Clinton did. He was popular but ineffective. I hope his wife when she becomes president does better.
He exemplifies order and decorum in every way. He has been criticized for working out as much as he does. OK, I’ll bite. He always wears a suit. He always looks the part. And that is wrong how? He’s trim, ready and alles in ordnung. He makes other walk the walk too. I admire him for being in order.
He is a God fearing man. I have been lambasted by enough so called Christians to know that I’m in good company with George Bush. Jesus was accused over 20 times of being in cahoots with the devil, not being a good Jew, of breaking religious ordinances. So, if Jesus got it, I get it, and George Bush gets it, I’m ok with that. I know this, he knows God. You might not understand this but with him as the head of our country knowing his ear is had by the likes of TD Jakes, James Robinson, and Kim Clement makes me sleep at night. He will hear the word of the Lord loud and clear. I don’t think Bill Mahr who is an avouwed atheist has much to say about this.
In Conclusion, George Bush is better prepared in many ways to be president at these critical times and the times to come than any other person we might have had in office. (There will be two more MAJOR crises equal or greater than 9-11 or Katrina in his presidency before his term is done)
I for one along with many am thankful he is there. Perfect, no. But even the perfect one was crucified. Why should GWB get off any easier.
So, hang in there, he’s going to the president for the next 3 years no matter what any of us thinks He is one of the great ones. Maybe the greatest we ever had. Only history will tell. I’ll wait.
We’re in good hands.