I have a friend who is a physician. A Doc. When he isn't feeling right he goes to the doctor. When he feels like he needs a checkup, he goes in and has one.
I mean he's a doc right? He lives in his own body. He knows more about symptoms he is or isn't feeling than anyone.
But, he goes to a Doctor.
I submit he is wise. We most often can't ask the right questions when we aren't as we should be. We most often are blinded by the situations and the gradual decline in our health. We are most often not able to hear or see what others can.
So, Doctors go see the Doc.
I have a good friend who is part of an organization called the Church Doctor. Churches who need corrective measures hire him to come ask hard questions and make hard recommendations. Wise people those churches.
I have come to the conclusion that people who get stuck in life are those who never really ask, learn, hear or are open to what others say. They can't imagine anyone other than them can understand the situation. Even if they were dying of cancer (Like Colon Cancer) they believe the lack of any real symptoms are indicators that nothing is really wrong. Then they die.
I am a fount of observation. I have made a life of observing, commenting and making recommendations. It has served me and others pretty well. People have paid me big money to do so for them as a Sr Executive of major international firms. I have honed this skill of observation and solution-finding pretty well. I do consulting on an ad hoc basis now. Have done so several times in the last year. I charge $75 per hour travel time and $200 per hour active consulting. It's not enough. I'm going to raise my rates.
On the other hand, when I offer my services for free to people they don't value it. I need to learn that lesson. If they came to me thru my referral service TASA and they had to pay the going rate they might value what I say.
Oh, it's OK. I offer my views anyway. People will sometimes ignore them. Then, they later appropriate them as their own. I'm sort of amused, but sometimes irritated.
It's like the essay the little girl gave on Socrates. "Socrates was a man who went around giving other people advice; They poisoned him".
I will take heed.
On the other hand when you see a person, a church, a state (North Dakota) and even a company you do business with speeding headlong toward a cliff don't I have a responsibility to say, "STOP". Or am I better to keep peace, not ruffle any feathers, and let the whole thing fall off the edge of the earth. Someone might later say, why didn't you say something? I could have, but I didn't.
They need to be like that Doctor and ask the Doctor what they think could be wrong. Instead they refuse to listen. Unteachable, without the ability to take direction. So they suffer. Doctors are smart according to the Caveman in the Geico commercial. Isn't it stupid to ignore advice because you didn't come up with it? I think it is.
I think I'll keep speaking up and not drink anything anyone give me.