Saturday, October 15, 2016

Understanding the Rise of Trump and the Evil of the Establishment

The Civil War in which we are now engaged (YES WE ARE AT WAR) has two distinct sides. The Statists and the Rebels. There is no middle ground. You are either on one side or the other. You will have to choose. Neither side is perfect, but they are clearly defined not by geography as was the last civil war, but by philosophy. It is not yet a hot war (shooting and killing) but if our leadership in Washington doesn't back away from it's insanity, it will become one. Watching the recent protests tells me that those on the Statist side don't know how to pick their battles. When you look at who is protesting you see clearly the parts and pieces of the statist side.  They are all there. What they are succeeding in doing is making certain that those on the Rebel side are dug in and ready to go to war. I write this because of what I am seeing. It is a warning.  Things are heating up and I want to warn all who will hear.

Civil War implies a government fighting against a rebel faction of the people. But just who is on one side and who is on the other in our war? This Civil War is unlike its predecessors because of the breakdown of physical boundaries brought about by the rise of the Information Age. The fact that you are reading this on a computer and not in a book is why this is come to pass. Don't blame the technology. It only allows for what is already there to come to light. Light is our friend. Truth sets people free.  Here's how to understand the warfare.


THE STATISTS (Blue State Army) is made up of:

Politicians (of both parties) – Once in office, politicians of all philosophies and creeds move quickly towards giving away the treasury to assure their votes. They become part of the problem. This is all the way from the top to the Freshman Congressman. Money is corrupting out nation.

Unionized Government Workers – This includes everyone from the city level policeman and fireman, to the NEA teacher protesting on the Wisconsin Capital steps, to the SEIU (Service Employees International Union). The government union who wants to protect their big pay positions are ready to go to war. What makes this more painful is that many who were hired to serve and protect have now become pawns of the unions who represent them. Firefighters, Health Care, Police and other agencies who a generation ago were friendly to the population, have now become an agency of suppression by the statists. Follow the money. It controls them. If they have the wrong motives, they will succumb to the control of the statists and become the SS of the days to come. They represent a visible threat. There are many who will reject this and walk away from the statists.. but not enough.

Unions in General – Infused with socialist rhetoric for generations, backing the Democrat party almost exclusively, they have much to lose by a change in the status quo. They will fight to keep things as they think they are.

Government Check Recipients – This is at various levels from Food Stamps to Social Security to Medicare. Such a high proportion of Americans now derive a substantial portion of their income from the Federal government that it is unlikely this parasitic condition can end without killing the host. Even the formerly employed, once on years of unemployment benefits, become trained parasites and an army for the state.

Legacy Media – Conservative journalists are as rare as hen’s teeth. Fortunately, legacy media like the left-wing New York Times are in an economic death spiral because of Internet competition and sagging advertisement rates. However, they have made clear that they will go down with the ship supporting the state regime and progressive causes even at the expense of shareholders. They constitute the propaganda army.

Academia – Follow the money - beholden to government grants, which would substantially dry up as those who produce wealth rebel. That is why there is a constant push to show that only through a degree can people succeed, though higher education is now widely available in many alternate forms (Youtube). The entire Global Warming scam is an indication of how this can work. The worst are people with "college educations" who are ignorant of anything of consequence. Jimmy Kimmel makes constant fun of these people, but they are a danger in that they are still allowed to vote.

Racial minorities deceived by race baiters - who have self identified themselves as such for political purposes. Public attitudes have changed substantially regarding racial discrimination and laws are resilient enough that racial animus is not what drives the polarization of the races. Instead, it is a purposely implanted victimology that places some minorities in the progressive army. Those who have bothered to stay focused on work and education may indeed side with the side of independence because of cultural factors. There are misleaders who have made a living on keeping these minorities on their heels by crying racism at every turn. While the bulk of these communities have learned who and because of that their influence is reduced, they are still able to rile up the less informed and ignorant with cries of racism at every persevered slight keeping these minorities in bondage to a failed philosophy.

Bankers and related big business – Goldman Sachs and the too-big-to-fail banks have in essence become regulated utilities through the Dodd-Frank bill. They were bailed out by stimulus money and they are bankrupt. Many bankers would be in jail if their Mortgage Backed Securities had been properly valued. They are corporatist, not likely to side with rebels when we stand up. They benefit by supporting the statists who are now their masters.

Alphabet Agencies (FBI, BATF, FDA, DOJ, etc.) - The negative efficiencies of most federal agencies is apparent to anyone who deals with them. However, they have a vested interest in perpetuating themselves because their hordes of workers are essentially unemployable in the open market. They are for the most part useless drones, but in the civil war will stand with the statists, because that's who they are.

Career Criminals, Drug users, con artists and murderers, who un-coincidentally vote Democrat by large majorities when given a chance, will join the Army of the Blue Statists. When you are assailed in a parking lot, the odds are that you are being attacked by a Democrat. In that sense, random violence is not random but the priority of one political party to control the other through fear.

Anarchists and Radical Greens – Whenever you see riots at the G-8 Summits, you are looking at the army of anarchists. Un-coincidentally, their politics are all far.left. This is true of pro abortion protesters, homosexual rights protesters, gay marriage enthusiasts. They are radical statists with a cause.

THE REBELLION (The Red State Army) is made up of:

Small Business Owners – Actually, this should be unsubsidized business owners. For those not getting a government subsidy or those regulated next to extinction, there is no choice but to join a revolt against not only higher taxes, but against restrictive regulation. Not all business owners will be in this army. Many smaller businesses are beholden to the government and will try to stay under the radar. They can't and eventually will have to choose. Not all business owners will be in revolt, many are tied into the machine politics of big cities and have Stockholm syndrome.

Independent Contractors – Anyone who is self employed and pays for their own healthcare and retirement will be at the end of their rope as the second Great Depression grinds on. They will have no choice but to revolt against a system that tries to drive them into subservience.

Education Rebels – Those who have seen the negative influence of NEA run schools knows that they have to take their children out of the grand social experiment which turns their children into guinea pigs for progressive causes. Home and private schoolers are among these.

Racial Minorities (Caucasians, Asians, working class blacks and Hispanics) – The racial divide always brought up by progressives is false, but certainly a political divide exists with minorities. Conservative Blacks and Hispanics find welcoming arms amongst the Red state Rebels. Asians have not taken on the same victim status and also will see where their future lies.

Former Military – Former military members are by and large conservative and have at least a rudimentary knowledge of what their nation should stand for. They are unlikely to join any uprisings against the from a sense of honor and duty at the beginning, but will be a force if pressed.

Small Farmers – Made up of people who are instinctively independent, they will buck the tide of subsidies which prop up agribusiness.

Rural communities – Able to survive without as much support as urban areas which are also dominated by the left, the rural contingent actually prefers to survive without outside support.

Libertarians, Tea Party, True Independents – While based on concerns of fiscal problems and the debt, the Tea Party represents a broad swatch of Americans worried about the direction of the country. It is inaccurate to say that this s a militant movement, because it is certainly more law abiding than anarchist. However it is well armed and while extremely slow to provoke (despite its reputation) will certainly fight if cornered.

Gun Owners – Second Amendment advocates are well versed in why they are armed – not only as self protection against criminals but also against the state. This is what evens the odds against the industrialized Blue Army, the Red Army is already well armed.

People of Faith – Anyone who has a belief in God knows they are under assault. Slow to anger, a breaking point may be reached when the state attempts to enforce its indifference to the existence of evil. The entrenchment of a faux religious system like Islam (which is actually political) is ignored by the Blue Statists. The Red State Rebels know who the evil is.

There are other elements of the Blue and Red forces, but it won’t be hard for you to draw their own lines. It is obvious that there really are two groups who are diametrically opposed to each other’s plans and will have no choice but to slug it out for national control. Some is at the voting booth, but lacking that (and there is a chance that may be so) it will become all out war.

I don't want to see this, I pray it never happens, but it is on the horizon. It is critical that people I care about are not deceived by forces that would try to recruit you into a side where you do not belong. I invite you, COME JOIN THE REBELLION. We are out to change this nation, and the world for the better.

Monday, October 10, 2016


I saw a meme from a liberal friend of mine who was saying that under Barack Obama America is Great. I will go out on a pretty sturdy limb and say that under Barack Obama and his Predecessor George W. Bush the Nation has ceased to be GREAT. We have declined in every way:
--20 TRILLION dollars of National Debt Load double in 10 years.. Not Great
--Complete Collapse of competent Foreign Policy ... Not Great
--Homosexuality as a mainstream influence (used to be private) ... Not Great
--Filthy Talk, look at HBO.. you can't watch a movie without F... Not Great
--Military reduced to Meals on Wheels.. Not Great
--Homosex and Transexuals in your locker rooms.... Not Great
--Economic Growth under 3% for 8 years straight... Not Great
--Race wars, Race Riots, Race Tension not seen in 50 years... Not Great
--Women Marrying Women and Men Marrying Men... Not Great
--Abortion funded by your tax dollars to the tune of 500 mil per year..Not Great
--Baby dissected livers and brains sold by Planned Parenthood.. Not Great
--Corruption at the highest levels of Government ignored by DOJ and FBI.. Not Great
--Education from Primary to Higher Education has become an expensive joke ... Not Great
--Real Unemployment is over 12% in this country... Not Great.
--Nearly a Third of all americans who could work are not.. Not Great
--Most people on Food stamps and public assistance in history .. Not Great
--Crime in our nation is out of hand.. murders on the street ... Not Great
--Lowest level of business formation in 50 years because of government regulation... Not Great
--Lowest Level of Home Ownership in 40 years .... Not Great
--Automobile Manufacturing reduced to half it's size in the USA.. Not Great
--Disunity in Government such that there is no effective middle to compromise .. Not Great
--Destruction of our Health Care System by Obamacare.. Not Great
--Insurance premiums for middle americans double and triple .. Not Great
--Banking industry neutered by Dodd Frank.... Not Great
--Capitalism reduced to a pay to play crony capitalism system... Not Great
--States and Cities sent into bankruptcy by Government Mandates... Not Great.
--Enemies around the world no longer fear or respect us (Obama)... Not Great
--Free Speech on Campuses, in the public forum and in Churches is under threat.. Not Great
--People are giving up, suicide among veterans is rampant, .. Not Great
--Drug use is out of hand, rising in the last 16 years radically.. Not Great
--Marijuana is now legal in many states... Not Great
--Buying and Owning a Gun is now much more difficult... Not Great
--Assisting Iran in getting the BOMB... Not Great
--Open borders with millions of uneducated and hostile people pouring in..Not Great
--Islam becoming a staple of America and changing us all.. Not Great
--Rampant Terrorism on our streets by every kind of Terrorists. Not Great
--Money spent on stimulus that only served to funnel special interests like unions. Not Great I can promise you this, the spread of immorality, the decline of Christianity and attack on Patriotism is calculated to destroy us. It was Alinsky's plan and has been carried out effectively.
America is no longer great. It can be. It's YOUR choice. Choose well.

Sunday, October 09, 2016

The Secret Code for Succeeding in America

Millions of people are very successful in the USA. Why not you?  Many of them came here from other countries.  In fact many of our most successful in America are people who owe everything to this nation. Yet many people even though they won the lottery by being born in the USA never seem to find their way out of failure, lack, poverty, want, despair and marginalization.  They wonder why.

There are always excuses: poor education, racism, unfair job market, income inequality, dysfunctional family situations growing up and a dozen other lame excuses that trap people in a poverty mentality of "What's the use of trying, it won't work, (fill in your favorite scapegoat) is against me". Anyone can say that and people that never win in life do.  The system IS against you.  You must work to beat the system.  There is always a way.

There are 7 Codes to unlocking the secrets for success.  You must own them, live by them, and never doubt the truth of them.  If you hold them as your core beliefs you will succeed.  If you do not, you will fail.  There is no compromise. There is no half way.  It's all or nothing for you to win.  Every single person who succeeds in business or commerce in the USA, every millionaire that got it on his or her own holds these truths as their worldview.  There are no exceptions. If you do not embrace all 7, you fail. It's that simple. You must believe this to make it:

1.  The USA is a nation of great opportunity.  This is why people come here.  To find a better life, To find opportunity, to figure out a way to make it in America.  People come here from Nigeria, The Caribbean Islands, Cuba, China, Japan, Korea, India, Russia and a dozen other nations of the earth with one goal in mind... To make it.  They are convinced that if they work and plan well enough they will succeed. It is this core belief that sets them above those who do not make it. They succeed because they believe they can succeed. Willpower is the key to success. Successful people strive no matter what they feel by applying their will to overcome apathy, doubt or fear.

The idea that the system won't let them, that there are no opportunities is a roadblock to success.  A person MUST see this nation as a fertile place to find and achieve your dream.  You must believe there is no limit to the one who tries and fails but tries again.  A person with this dream and belief is unstoppable. He sees a pile of horse manure and believes there is a pony in there somewhere so he dives right in and starts digging thru the poop.  There are no secret pacts from others that makes a penniless Mexican man with a family a millionaire 30 years after he crosses the border into the USA.  He saw opportunity and made it work.  I know hundreds of such men and women personally.

2.  Capitalism with all it's flaws is the only economic system that works.  To use this code you must reject anything that comes against the basic core belief in economic freedom.  This means doing without to make it work.  There are no government programs nor education to supply you understanding of this.  You must acquire it and have faith in the system of capitalism over any other.  Yes there are people who get rich on other people's money, mostly they are in government.  Much of that is crony capitalism and rent seeking. That's not capitalism.   All economic systems are not equal.  Many politicians proclaim that you can pick one and it will work for you.  Not true.  You cannot expect to doubt the system that makes people wealthy, that of finding a need and filling it at a profit, If you doubt the power of capital you will go broke.  Those who speak against capitalism are poisoning your mind and robbing you blind.  Educate yourself on good economic theory and cooperate with it. 

3.  There is a culture of success and a culture of failure.  Know the culture of success and it's requirements and then meet them.  This means things like knowing and speaking the language well.  English is the language of economics globally.  Speak it professionally.  If you have a problem with it, get help.  Learn to write well.

Having good manners and courtesy, knowing how to act in polite society is a part of good culture.  Dress well, not outlandishly.  If you are a woman, use makeup to help not hurt. You are not here to draw attention to yourself, you are here to find your place in the culture of success.  Be a man or woman of your word every day.  Never cheat.  Never scam. Successful people understand the value of time. Once they commit to doing something, they would never cancel.

Be careful not to try to import your ethnic culture into your efforts at succeeding.  This is where many people from Islamic countries fail.  This is why many people of African American descent (not recent immigrants) fail.  They try to keep one foot in thier culture and it pollutes their success. You can't talk all urban and expect people to respect you.  People judge you by the words you speak, by the actions you take, by the way you present yourself.  Learn to fit in.. and adapt.  You can be Mexican or Russian at home later.  Now you are in the American culture.. fit in, adapt, assimilate.  Make friends, be friendly, network.  Most good things happen because of WHO you know, not so much what you know.

Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. People are attracted to them.  They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.  They have vision for the future and nothing about the past bothers them.  It's their culture.

4. Business and commerce is GOOD.  Businessmen and women for the most part are ethical hard working people.  Cheating and lying that many people think of in business goes on mostly in the movies.  It's not real. Most of us out here are just folks trying to make a good living.  It's not that hard to grasp.  Read books on good moral businessmen and women who made it.  In business, not show business or sports.  Don't believe what you see on TV about business.  You need to re-educate yourself if you have doubts that business is good, healthy and worthy of duplication.  Read good books by good business-people.  Learn from them.  They want to share a legacy with you.  Don't expect it all on a sliver platter.  You may need to read a hundred till you change your mindset.  The idea that business people are crooked and slimy is a mindset that stops more people from getting out of the Ghetto than anything else. When you start thinking business is bad... evil or destructive you on the edge of failure and you need to back up.  Nothing is further from the truth.  Learn and study business like you were becoming a doctor or lawyer.  Never quit. Learn the language of business. You can't do that watching sports on TV, playing video games or going to the club.  Every Doctor attends seminars to learn to become a better doctor and reads journals of the latest discoveries.  Business is the same way.  It's constant education and improvement.

Beware of advice about successful people and their methods. For starters, no two situations are alike. Your dreams of creating a dry-cleaning empire won't be helped by knowing that Thomas Edison liked to take naps.  There are millions of myths about doing business.  Learn the truth.

5.  Your Breakthrough is out there and you can find it.  Look beyond your inner circle for fresh ideas, methods, techniques, strategies, business plans and business development.  Get out of the bubble around that this is an echo chamber of stale ideas. This is a real trap.  In Asian cultures, they try to use Asian strategies and they stay in an Asian ghetto. In Mexican cultures there is a tendency to try to learn from and adapt Mexican cultural sensitivities. Some never get off of Cicero Avenue. The trap is that just because Jay Jay is black and has a good MLM he is promising you, doesn't mean you can or should buy into it. If Jay Jay or Ray Ray have been so successful why do they change MLMs like they change socks?  I know people who have been part of 25 different MLMs in their life. Get real please.

Business success and economics is the most racially blind or culturally neutral thing on the planet.  If you try to rely on people from a culture that you are comfortable with, you will become handicapped and halted in your quest.  You might be able to sell a few, you have a circle of friends, but you will never go big time.  Most cultural appropriations that become a small business that is popular today are out of favor in the next cycle.  Look at how Mexican food was all big.. and now.. something else is.  Look at how the Black Culture in Music and such was all the rage for a while but now has died off.  If you try to stay in your cultural circles you will never find success.  If you can't sell it or service it to everyone on the planet, you won't last long.

A prefabricated business idea (read that most MLM's and many franchises) being pitched to you isn't going to work.  It's a wealth transfer effort, from you to others.  Get out of your culture and learn how business really works in the wider world.   Discover your unique factor and capitalize on it.  We don't need another Asian buffet or Mexican restaurant selling tacos.  If you try to stay in your own little circle.. nothing will ever happen.  You'll stay stuck and broke.  Break out and break through.

6. RISK is your friend.  No one should expect to get it right the first time.  Get out of the boat.  In fact most people who succeed fail a few times first.  Risk aversion, playing it safe is the enemy of business.  It's the way it works.  If you fail, get up again and try again.  Try a new approach.  Don't worry what others think.  You are only responsible to YOU.  Keep asking yourself, "In what ways can I do it better this next time". The freedom to fail is vital if you're going to succeed. Most successful people fail from time to time, and it is a measure of their strength of character that failure merely propels them into some new attempt at success.

Think outside the box.  Become your own problem solution.  You have nothing else but you.  Prayer is good, Prophecy is good, but experience is the best schoolmaster.  Learn to walk before you run.  Start at a level you can handle.  Swinging for the fences seldom works in baseball and almost never in business..

Cash Flow is king. Take some cash in, do something with it and generate income above that cash input.  That's called capitalism.  Do that again and again.  It will grow.  Let it.  Don't judge your success by anything other than your impact as a businessman or woman. Successful people make money. It's not that people who make money become successful, but that successful people attract money. They bring success to what they do.

Your culture and your friends may in fact be your enemies as you try to do this.  They will tell you a hundred reasons why it won't work.  Smile and shut your ears to them.  Find good mentors, Read books on business, go to business conferences, watch shows like Shark Tank, The Profit, Bar Rescue and all those kinds of shows where someone comes into a business and fixes it.  Don't believe the fairy tales, lies, old wives tales and all kinds of other foolishness people will try to tell you about overnight success.   They aren't true.  They will hold you down. You will end up going back to those golden handcuffs called A JOB you once had and you'll never get out.  You can do this, but you must practice, try, refine and try again.

7.  There is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme, you have to pay the price to win.  Any time you find yourself subject to thinking there might be, slap yourself on the forehead.  Anything that seems too good to be true probably is and probably will make you poorer. Pay the price in this process or stay broke.  Work is NOT a four letter word.  Discipline is not hard when you bring it on yourself.  Even for the very few that make it in professional sports and music, there is a discipline and hard work that got them there.  Sure they were talented, but they also dedicated their whole lives to becoming what they ultimately became.

There is a tendency of believing that there are "easy" ways to gain success. Any promise that starts with "work only a few hours a week" is a scam.  Succeeding means living below your means, way below. No you don't deserve a break today.  You can't treat yourself to a nice vacation. You might end up sleeping on someone else's floor or in your car for a while. This means every dollar you earn goes back into the business.  No eating out- ever.  Keep your eye on the goal.  The ability to focus is a thread that runs through so-called successful people. And that's something that can be developed. It can be self-taught.  Successful people make a habit of doing the things failures don't like to do.

If you hire someone, you pay them first, you only get money out of the surplus.  There are no weekends, work seven days a week, go to church but work all the time.  Tithe ONLY on the increase but tithe.  If you have a thousand dollars come in, but your expenses to get there were $990, tithe one dollar. 

Most important, don't look for help from anyone else.  I'm not talking about borrowing money if you need to, I'm talking about expecting help from the government, a grant, SBA and all that.  It's all a scam. Many good potential business people get trapped into believing there is a government grant of some kind, it's a myth and only enriches the grant writer.  You are all there is.  No one will help you.  The government is the worst kind of help.  Those who get help from the government become a slave of the government.

Don't look to the entertainment world for your model of success.  Sports and entertainment are a myth and it is short lived.  The bankrupt ex basketball player or rock star 5 years after they became rich is legendary.  Make the business work and then scale it.  That means, build it up, make the wheel turn faster and bigger.  First learn to make money and then scale it up.  This isn't for everyone, but it is for more than are getting there.  The culture is your enemy, it wants to keep you from winning. Win anyway.

Now you know the secret code.  What are you going to do with it?

The Secret Code for Succeeding in America

Millions of people are very successful in the USA. Why not you?  Many of them came here from other countries.  In fact many of our most successful in America are people who owe everything to this nation. Yet many people even though they won the lottery by being born in the USA never seem to find their way out of failure, lack, poverty, want, despair and marginalization.  They wonder why.

There are always excuses: poor education, racism, unfair job market, income inequality, dysfunctional family situations growing up and a dozen other lame excuses that trap people in a poverty mentality of "What's the use of trying, it won't work, (fill in your favorite scapegoat) is against me". Anyone can say that and people that never win in life do.  The system IS against you.  You must work to beat the system.  There is always a way.

There are 7 Codes to unlocking the secrets for success.  You must own them, live by them, and never doubt the truth of them.  If you hold them as your core beliefs you will succeed.  If you do not, you will fail.  There is no compromise. There is no half way.  It's all or nothing for you to win.  Every single person who succeeds in business or commerce in the USA, every millionaire that got it on his or her own holds these truths as their worldview.  There are no exceptions. If you do not embrace all 7, you fail. It's that simple. You must believe this to make it:

1.  The USA is a nation of great opportunity.  This is why people come here.  To find a better life, To find opportunity, to figure out a way to make it in America.  People come here from Nigeria, The Caribbean Islands, Cuba, China, Japan, Korea, India, Russia and a dozen other nations of the earth with one goal in mind... To make it.  They are convinced that if they work and plan well enough they will succeed. It is this core belief that sets them above those who do not make it. They succeed because they believe they can succeed. Willpower is the key to success. Successful people strive no matter what they feel by applying their will to overcome apathy, doubt or fear.

The idea that the system won't let them, that there are no opportunities is a roadblock to success.  A person MUST see this nation as a fertile place to find and achieve your dream.  You must believe there is no limit to the one who tries and fails but tries again.  A person with this dream and belief is unstoppable. He sees a pile of horse manure and believes there is a pony in there somewhere so he dives right in and starts digging thru the poop.  There are no secret pacts from others that makes a penniless Mexican man with a family a millionaire 30 years after he crosses the border into the USA.  He saw opportunity and made it work.  I know hundreds of such men and women personally.

2.  Capitalism with all it's flaws is the only economic system that works.  To use this code you must reject anything that comes against the basic core belief in economic freedom.  This means doing without to make it work.  There are no government programs nor education to supply you understanding of this.  You must acquire it and have faith in the system of capitalism over any other.  Yes there are people who get rich on other people's money, mostly they are in government.  Much of that is crony capitalism and rent seeking. That's not capitalism.   All economic systems are not equal.  Many politicians proclaim that you can pick one and it will work for you.  Not true.  You cannot expect to doubt the system that makes people wealthy, that of finding a need and filling it at a profit, If you doubt the power of capital you will go broke.  Those who speak against capitalism are poisoning your mind and robbing you blind.  Educate yourself on good economic theory and cooperate with it. 

3.  There is a culture of success and a culture of failure.  Know the culture of success and it's requirements and then meet them.  This means things like knowing and speaking the language well.  English is the language of economics globally.  Speak it professionally.  If you have a problem with it, get help.  Learn to write well.

Having good manners and courtesy, knowing how to act in polite society is a part of good culture.  Dress well, not outlandishly.  If you are a woman, use makeup to help not hurt. You are not here to draw attention to yourself, you are here to find your place in the culture of success.  Be a man or woman of your word every day.  Never cheat.  Never scam. Successful people understand the value of time. Once they commit to doing something, they would never cancel.

Be careful not to try to import your ethnic culture into your efforts at succeeding.  This is where many people from Islamic countries fail.  This is why many people of African American descent (not recent immigrants) fail.  They try to keep one foot in thier culture and it pollutes their success. You can't talk all urban and expect people to respect you.  People judge you by the words you speak, by the actions you take, by the way you present yourself.  Learn to fit in.. and adapt.  You can be Mexican or Russian at home later.  Now you are in the American culture.. fit in, adapt, assimilate.  Make friends, be friendly, network.  Most good things happen because of WHO you know, not so much what you know.

Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. People are attracted to them.  They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.  They have vision for the future and nothing about the past bothers them.  It's their culture.

4. Business and commerce is GOOD.  Businessmen and women for the most part are ethical hard working people.  Cheating and lying that many people think of in business goes on mostly in the movies.  It's not real. Most of us out here are just folks trying to make a good living.  It's not that hard to grasp.  Read books on good moral businessmen and women who made it.  In business, not show business or sports.  Don't believe what you see on TV about business.  You need to re-educate yourself if you have doubts that business is good, healthy and worthy of duplication.  Read good books by good business-people.  Learn from them.  They want to share a legacy with you.  Don't expect it all on a sliver platter.  You may need to read a hundred till you change your mindset.  The idea that business people are crooked and slimy is a mindset that stops more people from getting out of the Ghetto than anything else. When you start thinking business is bad... evil or destructive you on the edge of failure and you need to back up.  Nothing is further from the truth.  Learn and study business like you were becoming a doctor or lawyer.  Never quit. Learn the language of business. You can't do that watching sports on TV, playing video games or going to the club.  Every Doctor attends seminars to learn to become a better doctor and reads journals of the latest discoveries.  Business is the same way.  It's constant education and improvement.

Beware of advice about successful people and their methods. For starters, no two situations are alike. Your dreams of creating a dry-cleaning empire won't be helped by knowing that Thomas Edison liked to take naps.  There are millions of myths about doing business.  Learn the truth.

5.  Your Breakthrough is out there and you can find it.  Look beyond your inner circle for fresh ideas, methods, techniques, strategies, business plans and business development.  Get out of the bubble around that this is an echo chamber of stale ideas. This is a real trap.  In Asian cultures, they try to use Asian strategies and they stay in an Asian ghetto. In Mexican cultures there is a tendency to try to learn from and adapt Mexican cultural sensitivities. Some never get off of Cicero Avenue. The trap is that just because Jay Jay is black and has a good MLM he is promising you, doesn't mean you can or should buy into it. If Jay Jay or Ray Ray have been so successful why do they change MLMs like they change socks?  I know people who have been part of 25 different MLMs in their life. Get real please.

Business success and economics is the most racially blind or culturally neutral thing on the planet.  If you try to rely on people from a culture that you are comfortable with, you will become handicapped and halted in your quest.  You might be able to sell a few, you have a circle of friends, but you will never go big time.  Most cultural appropriations that become a small business that is popular today are out of favor in the next cycle.  Look at how Mexican food was all big.. and now.. something else is.  Look at how the Black Culture in Music and such was all the rage for a while but now has died off.  If you try to stay in your cultural circles you will never find success.  If you can't sell it or service it to everyone on the planet, you won't last long.

A prefabricated business idea (read that most MLM's and many franchises) being pitched to you isn't going to work.  It's a wealth transfer effort, from you to others.  Get out of your culture and learn how business really works in the wider world.   Discover your unique factor and capitalize on it.  We don't need another Asian buffet or Mexican restaurant selling tacos.  If you try to stay in your own little circle.. nothing will ever happen.  You'll stay stuck and broke.  Break out and break through.

6. RISK is your friend.  No one should expect to get it right the first time.  Get out of the boat.  In fact most people who succeed fail a few times first.  Risk aversion, playing it safe is the enemy of business.  It's the way it works.  If you fail, get up again and try again.  Try a new approach.  Don't worry what others think.  You are only responsible to YOU.  Keep asking yourself, "In what ways can I do it better this next time". The freedom to fail is vital if you're going to succeed. Most successful people fail from time to time, and it is a measure of their strength of character that failure merely propels them into some new attempt at success.

Think outside the box.  Become your own problem solution.  You have nothing else but you.  Prayer is good, Prophecy is good, but experience is the best schoolmaster.  Learn to walk before you run.  Start at a level you can handle.  Swinging for the fences seldom works in baseball and almost never in business..

Cash Flow is king. Take some cash in, do something with it and generate income above that cash input.  That's called capitalism.  Do that again and again.  It will grow.  Let it.  Don't judge your success by anything other than your impact as a businessman or woman. Successful people make money. It's not that people who make money become successful, but that successful people attract money. They bring success to what they do.

Your culture and your friends may in fact be your enemies as you try to do this.  They will tell you a hundred reasons why it won't work.  Smile and shut your ears to them.  Find good mentors, Read books on business, go to business conferences, watch shows like Shark Tank, The Profit, Bar Rescue and all those kinds of shows where someone comes into a business and fixes it.  Don't believe the fairy tales, lies, old wives tales and all kinds of other foolishness people will try to tell you about overnight success.   They aren't true.  They will hold you down. You will end up going back to those golden handcuffs called A JOB you once had and you'll never get out.  You can do this, but you must practice, try, refine and try again.

7.  There is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme, you have to pay the price to win.  Any time you find yourself subject to thinking there might be, slap yourself on the forehead.  Anything that seems too good to be true probably is and probably will make you poorer. Pay the price in this process or stay broke.  Work is NOT a four letter word.  Discipline is not hard when you bring it on yourself.  Even for the very few that make it in professional sports and music, there is a discipline and hard work that got them there.  Sure they were talented, but they also dedicated their whole lives to becoming what they ultimately became.

There is a tendency of believing that there are "easy" ways to gain success. Any promise that starts with "work only a few hours a week" is a scam.  Succeeding means living below your means, way below. No you don't deserve a break today.  You can't treat yourself to a nice vacation. You might end up sleeping on someone else's floor or in your car for a while. This means every dollar you earn goes back into the business.  No eating out- ever.  Keep your eye on the goal.  The ability to focus is a thread that runs through so-called successful people. And that's something that can be developed. It can be self-taught.  Successful people make a habit of doing the things failures don't like to do.

If you hire someone, you pay them first, you only get money out of the surplus.  There are no weekends, work seven days a week, go to church but work all the time.  Tithe ONLY on the increase but tithe.  If you have a thousand dollars come in, but your expenses to get there were $990, tithe one dollar. 

Most important, don't look for help from anyone else.  I'm not talking about borrowing money if you need to, I'm talking about expecting help from the government, a grant, SBA and all that.  It's all a scam. Many good potential business people get trapped into believing there is a government grant of some kind, it's a myth and only enriches the grant writer.  You are all there is.  No one will help you.  The government is the worst kind of help.  Those who get help from the government become a slave of the government.

Don't look to the entertainment world for your model of success.  Sports and entertainment are a myth and it is short lived.  The bankrupt ex basketball player or rock star 5 years after they became rich is legendary.  Make the business work and then scale it.  That means, build it up, make the wheel turn faster and bigger.  First learn to make money and then scale it up.  This isn't for everyone, but it is for more than are getting there.  The culture is your enemy, it wants to keep you from winning. Win anyway.

Now you know the secret code.  What are you going to do with it?