A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Retreat to Advance
Smart Finlanders - Dumb Americans
He's not from Finland, he's from Northern Minnesota. But he is smart.
The Wall Street Journal today has an article that asks the question "Why are Finlander Kids so Smart". They are consistently the smartest kids on the planet. American kids don't even make the top ten. If world kids graded on a curve we Americans are barely c students. Read that Obama voters. The article is really interesting.
Here are my observations:
- Homogeneity. Diversity is our enemy in American Education.
- No Pre School or Kindergarten. Kids shouldn't start school till 7 (for girls) and 10 for boys.
- Libraries are in shopping malls.
- Movies are not dubbed but have subtitles. Learn to read watching 90210.
- All teachers to even start teaching must have a Masters Degree.
- Teaching is a merit position, no unions.
- No standardized testing. No School Sports. No Proms. Little homework. Informal teaching environment ie: kids fall asleep in class and address each other by first names (teacher included).
- Teachers build their own teaching plans.
- Little technology other than computers (the Internet is unfiltered). No power point, Chalkboards not whiteboards.
- Most tests are essay not multiple choice (means the teacher has to do actual work)
Read the whole article. We could take a lesson in America. But we won't. Liberals couldn't be elected if people were smart. (sorry I can't help myself).
One other thing, when working in Japan I discovered Japanese literature that claimed a common language link of Japanese and Finnish. Laplanders from northern Finland may have migrated across the frozen north to Japan eons ago. They look alike. The language has many similar words. Is it true? I don't know but it's worth thinking about the similarities. Maybe they just have better genes.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Blessings of the Internet
This good natured interchange is one that demonstrates the power of it all. I'm thankful for every one of these people.
You can read all their comments here. Nancy and Olufunso and I are about to embark on something even they don't have understanding of yet. It's very exciting. God is up to Great Things. Partnering in the Gospel is very exciting.
RBB is a long time commenter and friend in a blog sort of way and a man I respect a great deal although politically we come from very different perspectives. All in all I am blessed to have these good people in my life.
The internet has made for some good relationships that 50 years ago could never have come to pass.
Shouldn't Al Gore Give that Darn Nobel Back
His nightmare was that we would all bake in the heat and that it was our fault. One of those little pepperonis told him to call it “GLOBAL WARMING”. Scary stuff that.
Being a liberal his first volley of blame was vaulted at America. They hate this country and it’s prosperity driven by productive conservative (and a few liberal) people. His second was government controls on the economy (run by liberals of course) and higher taxes.
His nightmare also manifested itself in a book and a power point slide show 187 people have seen to date.
For this the global world doofeses gave him a Nobel Prize. But then they will give it to anyone who is a liberal and kisses global liberal butt.
Now it turns out Gore would have been better to taken a Pepsid AC and spared the world all this torment. At the very least I think we should ask him to be the man and UPS that Nobel statue thingy back to Stockholm or wherever the liberals hang out that gave it to him. He can keep the money. He need it to pay for that big house he’s heating this winter.
I’m freezing my global pitute here in IL. Gore’s an idiot.
That’s just my humble opinion.
We ain't got no Steenking Global Warming
We are buried in snow globally. The ice caps are back. Greenland quit melting.
So much for the pizza driven fantasies of a Tennessee Senator.
I wrote none of this but the nexus is too great to ignore
a listener who stated that when listening to Barack Obama speak, "it harkens back to when I was younger and I used to watch those deals with Hitler, how he would excite the crowd and they'd come to their feet and scream and yell." Sullivan then played a "side-by-side comparison" of a Hitler speech and an Obama speech. Sullivan mimicked the crowd during both speeches, yelling, "Yay! Yay!" When a later caller complained that Sullivan was "denigrating" Obama with the comparison, Sullivan said he wouldn't play it again
Do effective speakers make effective presidents?Public speaking skills have long been a chief determinant of whom Americans elect as president. But should they be?
With the presidential primary season clomping toward its close, voters readying themselves for the general election must ask: Do effective communicators necessarily make effective commanders in chief?
Get Ready for More of THIS Foolishness
I have long proclaimed that Ethanol, Hybrid Cars and Wind Energy efforts were foolish bureaucratic bets on failed technologies and should never have been implemented at all.
I still do.
Why in the world do we do such dumb things? I would blame the liberals but Bush did it too. Darn.
I do agree that Oil Subsidies should stop but coupled with that ALL regulation stopping energy development (not regulation for zoning and health issues) but all other regulation should stop as well. Just say to oil companies, Drill everywhere even in Caribou country. To Nuclear plants. Build Lots. To coal, figure it out but do it clean. To Oil Sand and Shale, Clean up your act but build lots of them. To potential refinery's. Find some ground and build, TODAY.
In 5 years we would see relief. In 10 turn around. The short sightedness of all these policies, liberal or conservative is rolling forward and energy doomsday we will have to face someday anyhow.
Get government off the back of energy producers and drill the first well off Rush Limbaugh's estate in Florida and the second off Ted Kennedy's in Martha's Vineyard.
There, that'll get it.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Why the Kingdom of God is Experiencing Explosive Growth in Australia
Teresa Neumann (February 27, 2008)
Veteran church planter gives 7 reasons why. One has to do with equipping and releasing youth. "In Iraq today, 19-year-old soldiers lead squads of 48 men. They are trusted to fight battles for us. Yet we won't let people that age preach in our pulpits until they are 'proven.' Something is wrong with that."
J. Lee Grady has published an opinion piece in Faith News in which he highlights some of the unique traits of the Australians; traits that Christian church planters have been able to harness to grow the Kingdom of God there.
As one example, Grady uses missionaries Jack and Carol Hanes, currently pastors of Penrith Christian Life Centre near Sydney, who moved to Australia in 1987 knowing that the Christian population in the country at the time was tiny. Says Grady: "They soon learned that if they were to be successful in this very secular society they would have to modify their American style and do things the Aussie way," which he adds, is an out-of-the-box approach to church.
Today, notes Grady, Jack Hanes is the director of missions for the Assemblies of God (AOG) in Australia, planting one new church every four days in the country. Hanes' own church has grown to 2,000 members in 21 years; Hillsong Church (an AOG affiliate) has a membership of 20,000.
Hanes gave seven reasons why churches in Australia are growing:
1. Christians aren't religious
2. They have a wild, daring spirit
3. They are aggressive about church planting.
4. Their worship is fresh and vibrant.
5. They give sacrificially.
6. They focus on youth.
7. They release their women.
To read Hanes' assessment of the growth of God's Kingdom in the Land Down Under in detail, follow the link provided.
Source: J. Lee Grady - Faith News
The Bondage of the Miser
How far down does this go?
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.
That's pretty hard to do if you are a miserable miser. I hope I spoke to someone this morning. Miserliness is frugality run amok and knowing when you have gone to far takes real self examination. If you know and love someone who fits this miser profile, hand him or her this article and ask them to examine themselves.
It might save their life.
Rats, I knew it, now we are all going to freeze to death
Global climate change is happening. I know because I have 2 feet of it in my cold front yard. We snowblew climate change again yesterday. And, we prayed hard last night that it wouldn't snow so our Church Men's Retreat would come off without hindrance.
Turns out we are in deep doo doo. A new ice age is on the way. RATS.
And I was so looking forward to global warming.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Ignorance and Liberalism
Here is an excerpt from the article that shows this syndrome:
Among 1,200 students surveyed:
•43% knew the Civil War was fought between 1850 and 1900.
•52% could identify the theme of 1984.
•51% knew that the controversy surrounding Sen. Joseph McCarthy focused on communism.
In all, students earned a C in history and an F in literature, though the survey suggests students do well on topics schools cover. For instance, 88% knew the bombing of Pearl Harbor led the USA into World War II, and 97% could identify Martin Luther King Jr. as author of the "I Have a Dream" speech.
Fewer (77%) knew Uncle Tom's Cabin helped end slavery a century earlier.
"School has emphasized Martin Luther King, and everybody teaches it, and people are learning it," says Chester Finn of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, an education think tank. "What a better thing it would be if people also had the Civil War part and the civil rights part, and the Harriet Tubman part and the Uncle Tom's Cabin part."
Not all liberals are ignorant, but most Ignorant people are liberal. I live in Chicagoland. The depth of ignorance is phenomenal. So is the liberal bent.
The OTHER Clinton
The video is awful, he doesn't say it till the end, and you have to listen to 2 minutes of Bill Clinton to get there. It's worth it.
Vote for Hillary
So if you are a republican in Ohio or Texas, please vote democrat next week if you can and stop this insanity. I have people I care about who will read this and call me mean. You know who you are. I love you, but I love this country more.
I love this country so much I actually agree with Hillary Clinton. Vote for Hillary if you can. In this 40 second clip she nails it. She tells the truth. It's time. Go Hillary.
I saw this on Say Anything.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Bull in China Shop often breaks things but always initiates change
Worth every Minute of your Next 10 - What if you only had a month to live?
This is a redux of the last lecture given by a dying cancer patient who happened to be a College Professor. His attitude is one I want to cultivate. When my brother John was dying many years ago he exhibited an attitude very much like this almost to the last. You will be happy you invested the next 10 minutes of your time. It's not weepy. It's inspiring. Be a Tigger not an Eor.
Tip of the hat to Joy.
Subject: Tax Refund Explained
If you don't understand maybe this will help explain it:
50,000 people went to a baseball game, but the game was rained out. A refund was then due.
The team was about to mail refunds when a group of Congressional Democrats stopped them and suggested that they send out the ticket refunds based on the Democrat National Committee's interpretation of fairness.
Originally the refunds were to be paid based on the price each person had paid for the tickets. Unfortunately that meant most of the refund money would be going to the ticket holders that had purchased the most expensive tickets. This, according to the DNC, is considered totally unfair. A decision was then made to pay out the refunds in this manner:
People in the $10 seats will get back $15. After all, they have less money to spend on tickets to begin with. Call it an "Earned Income Ticket Credit." Persons "earn" it by having few skills, poor work habits, and low ambition, thus keeping them at entry-level wages.
People in the $25 seats will get back $25, because it "seems fair."
People in the $50 seats will get back $1, because they already make a lot of money and don't need a refund. After all, if they can afford a $50 ticket, they must not be paying enough taxes.
People in the $75 luxury box seats will each have to pay an additional $25 because it's the "right thing to do".
People walking past the stadium that couldn't afford to buy a ticket for the game each will get a $10 refund, even though they didn't pay anything for the tickets. They need the most help. Sometimes this is known as Affirmative Action.
Now do you understand?