Thursday, February 28, 2008

Get Ready for More of THIS Foolishness

The wind stopped blowing in Texas, electric crisis ensues since significant wind generated electricity is depended upon. Heck I didn't even think those things worked. Maybe they do, a little.

I have long proclaimed that Ethanol, Hybrid Cars and Wind Energy efforts were foolish bureaucratic bets on failed technologies and should never have been implemented at all.

I still do.

Why in the world do we do such dumb things? I would blame the liberals but Bush did it too. Darn.

I do agree that Oil Subsidies should stop but coupled with that ALL regulation stopping energy development (not regulation for zoning and health issues) but all other regulation should stop as well. Just say to oil companies, Drill everywhere even in Caribou country. To Nuclear plants. Build Lots. To coal, figure it out but do it clean. To Oil Sand and Shale, Clean up your act but build lots of them. To potential refinery's. Find some ground and build, TODAY.

In 5 years we would see relief. In 10 turn around. The short sightedness of all these policies, liberal or conservative is rolling forward and energy doomsday we will have to face someday anyhow.

Get government off the back of energy producers and drill the first well off Rush Limbaugh's estate in Florida and the second off Ted Kennedy's in Martha's Vineyard.

There, that'll get it.

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