I attend church with a sweet older lady who loves animals. She cares about them. The other day she was telling me a story of the rescue of a lost cat she found, how she had taken the cat to a vet and spent $600 on getting the cat well.
I smiled, listened carefully, and made no visible judgment.
I know many people like this who have big hearts who take care of animals like they were people. You know them too. Kidney transplants for the cat, $4000 cancer treatments for an 11 year old Irish Setter.
People go nuts for animals. Go to Pet Smart. A dog there will cost you OVER a thousand dollars. For a dog. If you question someone's attachment to the animal they will say something like, "OH, she's my baby". No she's a DOG.
I don't like to see animals suffer. That's why if a dog or cat is in great discomfort I will not let them suffer. You do the math. We spend billions of dollars on pets, pet care, pet vets, pet medicines and pet fro fro. That's misappropriation of funds.
I know all about the Biblical Story of Mary and how Judas criticized her for pouring the Nard out on Jesus feet. How she should have used that money for the poor. That story is correct. We are pouring ourselves out in worship. But this is about Dogs and Cats. Reserve your worship for Jesus not for furry, fuzzy, barking and meowing things who don't love or hate. They are animals. We have somehow misdirected our devotion to much lesser gods.
Back to lady I go to church with, the money she spends on taking care of and fixing up lost and wounded pets is significant. She has the money so she isn't taking money out of her lifestyle to do this. I only have one question, wouldn't that money be better used for something other than a cat that might live for 3 or 4 more years? We are talking eternal souls here. Couldn't that money be better focused on eternal things? I would love to take her checkbook and see what her giving towards the purposes of God are versus the giving toward the purposes of animal welfare.
I think when she gets to heaven and is given the opportunity to review her life, the money she spent and the efforts she put toward taking care of little kitties and doggies will go right on top of the wood, hay and stubble bonfire.
I mean get real people. They're animals. I like animals too. Especially with steak sauce on them.