Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Germany, 7 Years Ahead – Attack on THE Church

Back in the 70’s I worked with a man who I respected. Hartley Ellingson. Hartley had worked all over the world in the farm machinery business. He used to say to me, when it comes to cultural practices watch Germany, whatever they are doing we will be doing in 7 years.

I have to say that after we lived in Germany for several years and moved back to the USA I discovered that in fact many of the things we thought were clever ideas (and some bad ideas) there, have now come to pass here. Most after 7 years. I won’t list them all but cookware and coffee are two good ones. More on that some other time.

When we lived there we went to church in Germany. We attached ourselves to one in Frankfurt while we lived near there and another in Heilbronn while we were in Lauffen. They were part of a movement that was called Freikirche Christliche Pfingstgeminde. A charismatic group. A fellowship of churches across the country.

I loved the churches there. They were multicultural, free, open, passionate and on fire. They had the Spirit of God in them. They made many American Christians look like pantywaists spiritually. When they went on a mission trip it wasn't for a week or two, it was for months, they quit their jobs, they went for long long periods of time. They sometimes sold all they had to do this. These were doctors, lawyers and college professors. Sold out for Jesus. I hang my head in shame at my own relative lukewarmness.

I loved the worship services. I try hard to put myself in a place like this as often as I can. If it doesn’t have the fire of God and the Passion I could dry up.

But, Worship is Dangerous. I stole that. I like the topic. True worship is dangerous in Germany. The government has become more and more offended by the true church in Germany. They fear the idea of a church that is sold out to the Lord and of families who for those reasons try to teach their children at home. They have taken steps to move against these things with the law and power of the state. This is a warning to churches in America. If we don’t heed it we will suffer. 7 years from now. Or we will remain lukewarm and powerless. They won’t bother us then. I want a church the devil and his minions hates. It gives me confidence I’m on the right side. If a church isn’t being cussed out on a regular basis it’s inert. You can only hope you offend the devil and those deceived of the devil on every hand. I do my best. I know I offend many. I consider it a Hebrews 11 thing. Not sawn asunder "YET".

The German government just arrested and hospitalized in a mental institution a young girl who was being home schooled. My daughter in law was home schooled. Her brothers were home schooled. I would challenge anyone to take the education and values my Daughter in law and her brothers posses and measure them against any public educational standard and define what happened to them as less than excellent and far superior.

But not in Germany. They came right into the home and kidnapped her. This is the power of the educational establishment in Germany. We are 7 years away from this in the USA if Hartley is right. The educational establishment here and there hates home schooling. If it has the force of law they would take this right out of the hands of parents. That's why as Christians we must constantly do battle with the encroachment of the educational establishment as personified by the Public School System and it's power over our kids. I thank God for good teachers like Matt Gain who teach the truth. I'm afraid they hate him too.

The state churches in Germany hate the free churches that actually are getting things done. They would rather see the churches they lead empty and dead than see a real move of God. Therefore the Government sponsored establishment churches, Lutheran and Catholic attack the churches alive with the Gospel of Jesus.

There is a church in Germany I am familiar with. It's in the city of Koln. It is a lot like the church in Germany we were part of. They are part of the same fellowship (read that denomination for those of you who think this way). The German government has labeled them a cult. They think the passionate worship they practice is evil and should be stopped. They are doing all they can to stop them.

Sounds familiar. The church/state powers 500 years ago said the same thing about Martin Luther. A cult. Has to be stopped.

It’s dangerous to be a worshipper of Jesus in Spirit and in Truth. I purpose to put myself every week at least a couple times in a place that looks very much like the Church in Koln. It's dangerous I know. People hate and persecute you. The passion of the Lord in your life torments them. I just wish more people would live dangerously. His presence in your life is his reward.

The devil even if he has to take on the mantle of the government or the established church will do all he can to stop the true Church. He will put fear in the hearts of would be worshippers to remain stagnant and timid. Recognize who your real opposition is and move out in boldness. The devil doesn’t know who he tangled with this time. I know these Spirit driven Christians in Germany. They don’t back down. They have the power of the Living God in them. But, the devil’s always making that mistake. He never knows until it’s too late who he tangled with.

"None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory". 1 Corinthians 2:8; "Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it” (Col. 2:15); “...For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).

Watch this video and you will get a glimpse of future persecution for the real church in America. You should hope and pray you and your church is among those the government persecutes or you might be in the wrong place.

Be bold, be strong for the Lord thy God is with Thee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The demise of the churches in Germany preaching the truth of the Gospel came about when a State church was invented. For this reason the spiritual forefathers of our particular denomination left Germany and come to the freedom-of-religion- country of the USA. Here they taught and preached the Scripture, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, justification by grace through faith in Christ alone. We cannot let the State get its fingers into the church--their fingers have the sticky goo of 'universalism' which denies the 'only Way to heaven - Jesus, the Son of God , Savior and Lord'.