Thursday, February 08, 2007

Reflecting on Anna Nicole Smith

I would be lying if I said I knew much about her. Her death is offering far more information than I wanted to know. Oh sure, like all media watchers I heard about the death of her son, I heard about her court battles over the estate of her very old husband.

I really can't say I cared very much about that. It was soap opera in real time. She wasn't my kind of attractive in a woman. Maybe to some. Didn't do much for me. I guess I'm not much of a man in that regard.

I did reflect upon hearing of her death that it was a waste. A waste of whatever potential in God she might have ever possessed. She is/was exactly the same age as my son Tim who celebrated his 40th yesterday. I thought about what was lost.

Jesus asked a question,"What does it profit a man (Woman) to gain the whole world (and it's attention, money and adulation) and lose your eternal soul." I don't know her spiritual condition. This isn't about that.

It's just such a waste of human and divine potential. I become more and more aware of each passing day in my life. If I waste a day I repent. I must. I will make the most of every opportunity to do good, to confront evil, to expose apathy, to push others along toward their God given potential, to make the wrong things right, to make the crooked things straight. In other words to be an agent of the justice of God.

I have had people ask me, "Who put you in charge of that function, where do you get off." Isaiah 40 seems to be a good place to start.

We are all in charge of "that". We are all tasked with making and doing whatever is wrong right. Jesus says to people at the Judgement, I was hungry, in jail, alone, homeless, oppressed, lost and discouraged and you did nothing.

So, what if 5000 you try to bring right into their lives reject you, call you names, make fun of you, disdain you, reject you. If one, just one doesn't and comes in it's worth it all.

With all the potential Anna Nicole Smith had, what if just ONE MORE person had reached out to her ONE MORE TIME........

What if??

Potential in Jesus redeemed.

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