Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The PC Society = Vanilla

One of the worst philosophies that ever invaded our mentality was propounded by Thumper’s mom. Thumper, Bambi’s friend. Walt Disney.

She told fuzzy little Thumper, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”. (Isn't that cute)

Since the 40’s when that bit of “Wisdom” was dispensed by the furry one we have drifted into a malaise of allowing all kinds of distortions in our culture and said nothing because we want to obey Thumper’s mom. People work HARD to be nice. Non Confronting. Cutting slack as our culture Lurches toward Sodom.

I am a slippery slope watcher. I look for the logical extensions of compromise. It’s usually pretty darn ugly.

Thumper’s Mom’s Philosophy has caused us to not say anything at all because we fear we might offend someone. I don’t think we should intentionally offend people, but remaining silent in Nazi Germany killed an awful lot of Jews. Dietrich Bonhoffer didn’t remain silent and they hung him, naked.

Go along to get along has become the philosophy of the day. The Joe Biden dustup over calling Barak Obama a clean Negro has caused all kinds of kerfuffle. While as a right-winger I would love to pile on Joe Biden (who deserves it) the fact is he said something that is true and descriptive. Barak Obama is clean; he has little dirty laundry to be hung out, that’s a benefit to him.

The fact that so many people went nuts over this is goofy.

The Bible describes a day when men will call “Good evil and evil good”. I always like to invert a verse in its vector and see what can be implied and understood by the language.

It also means that when those men (Who implied are evil and one could extrapolate politically correct) call “good evil and evil good”; Good men have a responsibility to call “Evil Bad and Bad Evil”. I was taken to task by Bill Barnwell for my view on the Homosexual Agenda. I questioned his view regarding the 1950’s, better or not than today. My question for Pastor Barnwell is, Is there a time when evil needs to be named? Paul said, “Let not that evil be named among you”.

This happens in the world as well. Man Caused Global Warming, It’s priests and evangelists will quarter no opposition whatsoever. Recently a man was fired from the weather channel for questioning the whole idea that Man could be the cause of global warming. A college professor from Winnipeg, Tim Ball, who is on a personal campaign against the whole concept of Human Caused Global warming is pilloried and demeaned because of his questioning. Even to disputing his credentials. Never mind that the University he was Professor at had done the examination of his credentials and found them in order. But the hate squads of the Human Caused Global Warming have done all they can to put him away. They are ruthless. They have done the same with other HCGW skeptics like Linzen of MIT and others who dare question.

You want to keep you head? Keep quiet about this whole Human Caused Global Warming thing. Go along and you’ll get along. Never mind that the emperor has no clothes, don’t say anything. It’s just like North Korea, Just Like Communist China, Just Like Saddam’s Iraq. This thing has become a dictatorship. A dictatorship driven by a desire for power. Power equals money, money equals power. Jacque Chiac said a could days ago he wants to TAX countries who don't go along. Next he will want to put people in jail who are doubters.

If you think I’m overreacting? Today it was announced that the governor of Washington wants to replace the state’s chief climatologist who has held the office since 1991. Why? Not because he killed someone, not because he raped someone, not because he embezzled money, not because he didn’t show up for work.

He is about to be sacked because he didn’t toe the party line regarding human caused global warming. He dared question it. That is a death sentence.

Like Stalin’s day, questioning leads to virtual execution.

When I call these Global Warming Caused by Humans believers gullible and when I call the power behind these claims Nazi’s, I don’t think I am overstating the case.

When I was younger I lived by the credo, question everything. I still do. That is unacceptable for some people. It makes them uncomfortable. I make them squirm.

Well, it’s time to take back our lives. QUESTION EVERYTHING. Going along to get along ultimately leads to slavery. That’s where we are headed if we don’t question.

Time to call Bad Evil and Evil Bad.

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