Spring at Casa del Redlin is always beautiful. This spring it's particularly so. So for those of you who don't live in temperate zones, take a peek at what displayed itself this spring. I am commenting on each picture as they occur below the picture. Spring. I love it.

This white flower is from a beautiful Midwest Crab. M. Bacatta in my front yard. It never flowered like this before. No disease either. And it is well behaved.

I planted this yew several years ago from a small plant. It's nearly 3' now. Only one. Violates all rules of design. But I like it. Taxus hicksii

This Hansen's Hedge Rose is a naturally occuring cross discovered in Brookings South Dakota by Dr Hansen. Gets these sliver dollar sized pink fragrant blooms. Disease free and beautiful fall floilage. 6' tall.

This is Clove Currant. Little yellow flowers that are very fragrant. Wonderful plant first thing in spring. Alternate host to a white pine gall. But I like it anyhow. I have two in my yard. Native to Western US.

Golden Barberry in my front garden. Can get ragged in summer, but first thing in spring, puts on quite a show.
This one is about 8 years old. Not very big is is.

This is a rock garden by the front of the drive where a huge mugo pine used to be. I have been putting various perennials in it. It get's really sunbeat and dry so my pallet is small.

Our front garden. You see Redbud (the reason I stayed in Illinois when I was tempted to move), Pink Flowering Dogwood C. Florida, and two types of Japanese Maple. I love lots of color.

More closeups of flowers of Midwest Crab. There is a bee in one, lower right. But it didn't show up well. I need to take some plant photography tips from my friend Ken.

I know for purists, this is horrid. But I planted climbing Euonymus fortuneani around my locust tree. I think it's really pretty. But a bit invasive. Makes the trunk dissappear.

Closeup of Dappled Willow

Set back view of same plant, This is all the rage and it's easy to grow. The downside is, what do you do with it after you grow it. I'm still trying to figure this plant out.

Dakota Sunrise Oak. I named this 10 years ago and it is now in the literature. Fast growing bur oak from seed collected in the turtle mountains of ND. Isolated stands of semi dwarfed formal shaped oak trees. Pure genetically. Not even considered to be true Bur oak by George Ware of the Morton Arboretum.

This is how my chokecherry TREE bloomed this year. I grow this as a tree. The trunk is 4" in diameter. The first branch is 6' high. Makes for a nice tree if you keep the suckers out. And look at those blooms.

Carolina Rose. R. carolinus. Stays small. Mor redish than pink flower. Very native. I like it. Can sucker like mad. So, keep it under control and you'll do fine.

This is my sweetshrub. Calycanthus floridus. Note the walnut sized purple flowers to the right. That and smell good are all it does. Just barely hardy here. Arguable as to if it's native or not.

Maybe one of my favorite trees. Blackhaw Viburnum. V. prunifolium. Glossy leaves, gets big, can be tree or shrub, is beautiful in fall. Decent flower display. Little disease problem. I have 300 growing in pots for sale. That's how much I like this plant.

My backyard. When we moved in here 10 years ago very few of what you see was here. 3 large silver maples and one magnolia. Since then I planted 40 various evergreens to serperate me from the road behind. I wanted to create a living space. I did. One note, there are 11 types of evergreens seen in my back yard. No two alike (same genus) are touching. I did that for disease problems. It worked.

I liked this American Plum P. americana bloom set. A week after this pic was taken it broke off in a large wind.
Oh well, it suckers back. Theory is it needs a pollenator. Maybe that's why it never set fruit.

One of my two Jap maples. Acer palmatum atropurpurea. I like this, it fruited (set seed) this year. Of course I will collect and germinate it. I don't know how much will come true. I'll let you know.

And this last pix is Acer palmatum dicentra. Cut leaf Weeping Jap Maple. This is over 9 years old and is still just 3' tall. But pretty and always gets a comment.
I will have additional notes as time goes on. I have other pictures.
So happy spring and happy Memorial day.