A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Saturday, June 08, 2013
Friday, June 07, 2013
The heaviest chemical element yet known to science. Governmentium (Gv) has 1 neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 224 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.
These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons. Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected as it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A minute amount of Governmentium causes one reaction to take over four days to complete when it would normally take less than a second. Governmentium has a normal half-life of three years; it does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places.
In fact, Governmentium mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause some morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes.
When catalyzed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium--an element which radiates just as much energy as Governmentium since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons.
Bush REALLY DID do it
IN all Fairness to President Obama... The government spying on us as aggressively as it does today was penned into being after 9-11 as the Patriot Act by George W Bush. When President Obama took over, he gave it a shot of steroids.
All temporary government programs become permanent and all programs that start out to protect us become our oppressors. See EPA, OSHA and all "Safety" commissions for more. We MUST stop Leviathan and Python who are crushing us, "for our own good" of course. Even Seat Belt laws that started out as recommendations are now violations.
Perfect earthly safety and security is only found in prison. Welcome to hell.
matter your eschatological view, the obscurification of the core of the
Gospel by social works (feeding, clothing and crusades against
injustice) has crippled the body of Christ. The reason we keep doing
these things is because it's easier than deliverance ministry. We must
get back to the mandate of JESUS.

Can Prophecy Be Saved?
young believers no longer uphold Bible prophecy and eschatology as key
components of the faith, opting to focus more on feeding the poor and
ending human trafficking. But where does that leave Bible
Warren predicted earlier this year that “the battle to preserve
religious liberty for all in all areas of life will likely become the
civil rights movement of this decade.” We are now engaged in a battle
for freedom of Religion against an
administration bent on destroying that right. Which side are you on?
If we lose this battle, the government will tell you what to preach,
where, how and when. Are you ready for persecution? Its coming if we
lose the war.
is a direct result of the lack of FAITH instilled in our young people
missing because we no longer teach Faith. Our culture rails against
taking risks. Faith requires stepping into an overflowing river Jordan
for it to part. Too many of our young
should be entrepreneurs are looking for safety NOT in the arms of God
who is leading them to a greater destiny, but in the "Security" of a job
with benefits, a pension and the promise that a paycheck will show up
every week. Jehovah Jireh has been replaces by the big Corporation. As
one who has lived most of his Christian life Praying money in the door
and believing the Prophetic word of God... this is a loss.
Thursday, June 06, 2013
Words of Wisdom I read today
"If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, you do have a pretty big problem."
"Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned, but just how it's meant to be."
"Good things don't come to those who wait. Good things come to those who pursue the goals and dreams they believe in."
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one." - - C. S. Lewis
"A goal is a dream with a time limit."
"Success is much more than a matter of achieving the right thing; it is a matter of being the right person."
Live your life so that when it's time to ask where the time went, you can answer: "It went to joyful moments with family and friends, to my search for passion, to doing work that felt like play, to standing up for what I believe in, and to exploring this beautiful world we live in with an open heart. My time went to Living my Life."
"What makes excellence? Mastery of fundamentals."
"We grow by the things we overcome."
"There are three types of people; sleepers, viewers, and doers."
"Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned, but just how it's meant to be."
"Good things don't come to those who wait. Good things come to those who pursue the goals and dreams they believe in."
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one." - - C. S. Lewis
"A goal is a dream with a time limit."
"Success is much more than a matter of achieving the right thing; it is a matter of being the right person."
Live your life so that when it's time to ask where the time went, you can answer: "It went to joyful moments with family and friends, to my search for passion, to doing work that felt like play, to standing up for what I believe in, and to exploring this beautiful world we live in with an open heart. My time went to Living my Life."
"What makes excellence? Mastery of fundamentals."
"We grow by the things we overcome."
"There are three types of people; sleepers, viewers, and doers."
The Islamic population in Great Britain is doubling every ten years.
More Muslims moving there? Not necessarily. Islamic families are
having 5.6 children while the normal secularist British family is having
1.3 children. This is the slow, methodical way to a national
take-over; but it is a take-over strategy nevertheless.
EVERYTHING you ever did on the internet is in the government's hands right now.. I'll bet that makes you feel better??

Phone Sex, Banks & Google for Emails: The NSA Spying Is Bigger Than Verizon
has made it possible for the American government to spy on citizens to
an extent East Germany could only dream of. Basically everything we say
that can be traced digitally is being collected by th
God Bless America ... D Day TODAY
years ago today,the world decided to test the strength and resolve of
the United States in our effort to free the world from Adolf Hitler.
Over 200,000 troops in 12,000 planes and 5000 boats were about to conduct the largest amphibious invasion in world history, on the first day of D-Day, Operation Overlord had begun.
Many very young American,British and Canadian troops never had a chance to see their young brides again; to see their children or have a chance to get back home and scream out, " Mom and dad I am home."
In one of history's bravest displays, young American men scaled cliffs directly in the gunfire, never relenting even as comrades died all around them. When they had reached the top, the Rangers radioed back the code for success: "Praise the Lord."
The story is told of a group of French women finding Americans and imploring them not to leave. The trooper said, "We're not leaving. If necessary, this is the place we die."
Many of us had a loved one in the war who served. My beloved Uncle Earl (RIP), with hundreds of thousands of other patriotic Americans were willing to risk life to protect freedom. We think of them with lasting gratitude; we miss them with lasting love; and we pray for them. And we trust in the words of the Almighty God, which are inscribed in the chapel close to the beach in France, " I give unto them eternal life, that they shall never perish."
The day will come when no one is left who knew them, when no visitor to the cemeteries can stand before a grave remembering a face and a voice.
The day will never come when America forgets them. And our nation and the world will always remember what they did on D-Day and what they gave for the future of humanity.
God bless America.
Over 200,000 troops in 12,000 planes and 5000 boats were about to conduct the largest amphibious invasion in world history, on the first day of D-Day, Operation Overlord had begun.
Many very young American,British and Canadian troops never had a chance to see their young brides again; to see their children or have a chance to get back home and scream out, " Mom and dad I am home."
In one of history's bravest displays, young American men scaled cliffs directly in the gunfire, never relenting even as comrades died all around them. When they had reached the top, the Rangers radioed back the code for success: "Praise the Lord."
The story is told of a group of French women finding Americans and imploring them not to leave. The trooper said, "We're not leaving. If necessary, this is the place we die."
Many of us had a loved one in the war who served. My beloved Uncle Earl (RIP), with hundreds of thousands of other patriotic Americans were willing to risk life to protect freedom. We think of them with lasting gratitude; we miss them with lasting love; and we pray for them. And we trust in the words of the Almighty God, which are inscribed in the chapel close to the beach in France, " I give unto them eternal life, that they shall never perish."
The day will come when no one is left who knew them, when no visitor to the cemeteries can stand before a grave remembering a face and a voice.
The day will never come when America forgets them. And our nation and the world will always remember what they did on D-Day and what they gave for the future of humanity.
God bless America.
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
The Class Reunion by Jo David Stockwell
Every ten years, as summertime nears,
An announcement arrives in the mail.
"A reunion is planned; it'll be really grand,
Make plans to attend without fail".
I'll never forget the first time we met,
We tried so hard to impress.
We drove fancy cars, smoked big cigars,
And wore our most elegant dress.
It was quite an affair; the whole class was there.
It was held at a fancy hotel.
We wined, and we dined, and we acted refined,
And everyone thought it was swell.
The men all conversed about who had been first
To achieve great fortune and fame.
Meanwhile, their spouses described their fine houses
And how beautiful their children became.
The homecoming queen, who once had been lean,
Now weighed in at one-ninety-six.
The jocks who were there had all lost their hair,
And the cheerleaders could no longer do kicks.
No one had heard about the class nerd
Who'd guided a spacecraft to the moon;
Or poor little Jane, who's always been plain,
She married a shipping tycoon.
The boy we'd decreed "most apt to succeed"
Was serving ten years in the pen,
While the one voted "least" now was a priest;
Just shows you can be wrong now and then.
They awarded a prize to one of the guys
Who seemed to have aged the least.
Another was given to the grad who had driven
The farthest to attend the feast.
They took a class picture, a curious mixture
Of beehives, crew cuts and wide ties.
Tall, short, or skinny, the style was the mini,
You never saw so many thighs.
At our next get-together, no one cared whether
They impressed their classmates or not.
The mood was informal, a whole lot more normal,
By this time we'd all gone to pot.
It was held out-of-doors, at the lake shores,
We ate hamburgers, coleslaw, and beans.
Then most of us lay around in the shade,
In our comfortable T-shirts and jeans.
By the fortieth year, it was abundantly clear,
We were definitely over the hill.
Those who weren't dead had to crawl out of bed,
And be home in time for their pill.
And now I can't wait--they've set the date,
Our fiftieth is coming, I'm told.
It should be a ball, they've rented a hall
At the Shady Rest Home for the old.
Repairs have been made on my hearing aid,
My pacemaker's been turned up on high.
My wheelchair is oiled, and my teeth have been boiled,
And I've bought a new wig and glass eye.
I'm feeling quite hearty, and I'm ready to party,
I'm gonna dance 'til dawn's early light.
It'll be lots of fun. but I just hope that there's one
Other person who can make it that night.
Every ten years, as summertime nears,
An announcement arrives in the mail.
"A reunion is planned; it'll be really grand,
Make plans to attend without fail".
I'll never forget the first time we met,
We tried so hard to impress.
We drove fancy cars, smoked big cigars,
And wore our most elegant dress.
It was quite an affair; the whole class was there.
It was held at a fancy hotel.
We wined, and we dined, and we acted refined,
And everyone thought it was swell.
The men all conversed about who had been first
To achieve great fortune and fame.
Meanwhile, their spouses described their fine houses
And how beautiful their children became.
The homecoming queen, who once had been lean,
Now weighed in at one-ninety-six.
The jocks who were there had all lost their hair,
And the cheerleaders could no longer do kicks.
No one had heard about the class nerd
Who'd guided a spacecraft to the moon;
Or poor little Jane, who's always been plain,
She married a shipping tycoon.
The boy we'd decreed "most apt to succeed"
Was serving ten years in the pen,
While the one voted "least" now was a priest;
Just shows you can be wrong now and then.
They awarded a prize to one of the guys
Who seemed to have aged the least.
Another was given to the grad who had driven
The farthest to attend the feast.
They took a class picture, a curious mixture
Of beehives, crew cuts and wide ties.
Tall, short, or skinny, the style was the mini,
You never saw so many thighs.
At our next get-together, no one cared whether
They impressed their classmates or not.
The mood was informal, a whole lot more normal,
By this time we'd all gone to pot.
It was held out-of-doors, at the lake shores,
We ate hamburgers, coleslaw, and beans.
Then most of us lay around in the shade,
In our comfortable T-shirts and jeans.
By the fortieth year, it was abundantly clear,
We were definitely over the hill.
Those who weren't dead had to crawl out of bed,
And be home in time for their pill.
And now I can't wait--they've set the date,
Our fiftieth is coming, I'm told.
It should be a ball, they've rented a hall
At the Shady Rest Home for the old.
Repairs have been made on my hearing aid,
My pacemaker's been turned up on high.
My wheelchair is oiled, and my teeth have been boiled,
And I've bought a new wig and glass eye.
I'm feeling quite hearty, and I'm ready to party,
I'm gonna dance 'til dawn's early light.
It'll be lots of fun. but I just hope that there's one
Other person who can make it that night.
20 Reasons I am Thankful that Barack Obama became President
- He has broken the race barrier. Any man or woman who wants to become President now has a chance. The playing field has been leveled. He has demonstrated that we will accept and receive people no matter of race, creed or color; All three of which are the President's differentiations.
- He has released a vigorous black conservative opposition to policies in the nation that are damaging (as we see it). They have given voice to saying things that white folks couldn't say.
- Black Conservative candidates are coming out and taking their place as real contenders for high office. I am thankful for their courage and support them.
- The Tea Party was born... for that alone I am thankful to President Obama. He is the catalyst that will retool an anemic Republican party into a powerful conservative cause.
- His Presidency has exposed the race bating Reverends for what they are. They have no foil and so they have become inept echoes. When is the last time you heard any of them say anything that really mattered?
- He has generated respect for the nuclear family, his own. I honor that.
- His polices have been so badly executed that it demonstrates the total bankruptcy of his liberal political philosophy. Obamacare is the poster child for this. The idea of voting for a bill to find out what is in it has become a war cry against bad government by conservatives. Liberal policies are getting harder and harder to sell. I am thankful for that.
- The cronyism corruption he used to populate his cabinet and staff has demonstrated how void of ethics his kind of "Chicago Style" governance really is and the scandalous results of it's execution. This won't be seen again soon. He has set a low bar that will cause successors to rise above. I am thankful for that.
- His social and moral stands on issues like Abortion, Gay Marriage, Islamic Law, Military Homosexuality and many other formerly taboo subjects has drawn a line in the sand that many are realizing that the slippery slope down which we are falling is too far. Progressiveness in these areas are proving to be horror shows in our culture. Backing away from them will be difficult, but we will back away. I am not thankful for the loss of basic morality, but I am thankful that people must now chose which side they will take. God's side or the side of Hell. "Choose this day" is now ringing in people's ears who formerly supported blindly a party or person without question. I am thankful for that.
- His all out aggressive attack on constitutional rights has created a huge backlash of people who for the first time in their lives considered what their constitutional rights really are, or are supposed to be. Knowing your rights is the first step to demanding or enforcing them. We are back on that track. Obama's attack on gun rights, privacy rights, rights of free speech, property rights and the right to assemble freely has caused a huge portion of the population to question government's intrusion in our lives and the value of our constitutional rights. For that I am thankful.
- The overreaching of regulatory agencies like the IRS and EPA will make it easier for a conservative successor to shut down or cramp the style of these rouge agencies. That is a good thing and I am thankful.
- His re election demonstrated what is wrong in America. An ignorant uninformed electorate. That has led to a serious examination of the indoctrination going on in our public school systems. It has also led to a questioning of our voting policies. Voter fraud in the last election didn't swing the result but it was a harbinger of what is wrong. I am thankful that this has been exposed. I HOPE it can be reversed. Watching Jay Leno's jaywalking or other late night programs that do man on the street interviews on public issues demonstrates how ignorant people really are. Yet they vote. We must change that. I am thankful that for the first time in my life, the real problem in our government is not the candidates, but the electorate.
- I am thankful that despite the horrible economic ignorance of this administration, our economy demonstrates resilience. It may be temporary but it is real...for now. It give me hope that when the great crash comes, we will revive..even if it's badly broken. We will survive the bungling.
- I am thankful that some of the America Centric World Power meme has been broken. Other nations who look down on our President as a weak foreign policy leader have spoken clearly about how far we have fallen. They can't blame the USA for all its power and intervention anymore. It has not been good for the world, but it will cause a new strong leader to demonstrate what it takes to set things right once again. It may mean an American Margaret Thatcher will arise and bring us back to international sanity. Sometimes falling down as we have done in our incompetence means getting back up will give us courage. Remember Winston Churchill followed Neville Chamberlain. Reagan followed Carter.
- I am thankful that Obama has with his middle eastern policies and friendliness toward Islam has allowed the bankruptcy of this quasi religious political system to be exposed. Religion of Peace were the words George Bush used... but Obama has trumped that. Islam is now exposed as the antichrist force in the world it has always been. President Obama with his Muslim roots has been a part of that exposure however unintentional.. For that I am thankful.
- I am thankful that the corruption of the last 5 years has proven Dwight Eisenhower's warning about military industrial complex. The big government big business cabal that manipulates this country is reaching too far. Obamacare has made it worse, but when it is dissembled, that too will be repaired. Big Government and Big Business are a force for evil when they become one.
- I am thankful that despite the Obama administrations intentions of supporting big labor and big government with our stimulus money like the take over of General Motors and the SEIU; that big labor is being shown for what it really is, organized corruption.
- I am thankful for the exposure of of the incompetents in Obama's political party. It may mean that in 2014 we will find our way out of the depths of really bad governance by the stupid people in government among us. It's stunning the level of ignorance.
- I believe God place Barack Obama in office as President as the USA as judgement and as an exemplar of how bad it can be. He did so to show far we have fallen as a nation. How evil the hearts of men are. This wake up call will cause people of faith and courage to stand against the tyranny of this kind of flawed governance. This close shave with fascism has caused many to tremble for the future of our nation. This engagement of socialist programs has crippled a generation, but they can be healed. I thank God for Barack H. Obama... as HE has used him like he did the Assyrians against a fallen nation. Evil has been exposed and God is exalted.
- IF we can now learn the lessons of the last several years, perhaps we can find our way out of the dank forest in which we are today... and emerge to become a better country. People who voted for him because of racial or political loyalty have come to the realization that competence in government trumps race or party. That there is no man who can give your more than you deserve other than opportunity. The black community is slowly realizing that voting based on skin color gets you nothing. In the rear view mirror, like the thanks many give to Carter for Reagan, we may well give thanks for Obama. I do.
say Obama didn't get a proper whoopin' when he was three and now we
are forced to suffering from his continual temper tantrums. Problem is,
the majority of Washington DC is suffering from the same arrested development! Think about it...who does this sound like:
I don't get my way so I whine, cry, and complain. If you won't do it my way, I'm going to go ahead and do it my way, even if I have to break the rules. I scream and cry, "IT'S NOT FAIR" hoping you will soon no longer care what "fair" really means and give me what I want to just shut me up. I make huge messes and make someone else clean them up. Even when I am caught with cookie crumbs on my face, or even my hand in the cookie jar, I can look you in the eye and say, "I didn't do it." I have no concept of the value of things, I think a healthcare should be free, but a dinner at my house should cost $50,000 a plate. If you tell me no or disagree with me, I start screaming, "you don't like me, you want me to be unhappy, you are mean!"
I have just made the political argument for healthcare, immigration reform, affirmative action, welfare, unlimited government spending, hate crime legislation, and 99% of all legislation that comes out of Congress. There you have it. The problem with government is arrested development and not enough whoopins when they were three.
TIME TO START CORRECTING THIS SPOILED CHILD! Time to visit the woodshed and have a "come to Jesus" understanding. If we don't we deserve what every parent of a spoiled teenager deserves...exactly what they get! ~KrisAnne Hall www.KrisAnneHall.com
I don't get my way so I whine, cry, and complain. If you won't do it my way, I'm going to go ahead and do it my way, even if I have to break the rules. I scream and cry, "IT'S NOT FAIR" hoping you will soon no longer care what "fair" really means and give me what I want to just shut me up. I make huge messes and make someone else clean them up. Even when I am caught with cookie crumbs on my face, or even my hand in the cookie jar, I can look you in the eye and say, "I didn't do it." I have no concept of the value of things, I think a healthcare should be free, but a dinner at my house should cost $50,000 a plate. If you tell me no or disagree with me, I start screaming, "you don't like me, you want me to be unhappy, you are mean!"
I have just made the political argument for healthcare, immigration reform, affirmative action, welfare, unlimited government spending, hate crime legislation, and 99% of all legislation that comes out of Congress. There you have it. The problem with government is arrested development and not enough whoopins when they were three.
TIME TO START CORRECTING THIS SPOILED CHILD! Time to visit the woodshed and have a "come to Jesus" understanding. If we don't we deserve what every parent of a spoiled teenager deserves...exactly what they get! ~KrisAnne Hall www.KrisAnneHall.com
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
Question of the Day...What If I Were to Tell You
In 2000, George Bush campaigned on the promise of ending unnecessary wars we were involved in within 16 months of his presidency. If he did not meet the timeline, does that make him a failure?
What if we invaded a country without reason, and assisted people who would later kill American civilians. It is reported that President Bush showed no interest when learning of the assault, refused help requested by the murdered, and claimed their deaths was caused by a video when it was caused by an organized attack on 911. Do you call him credible?
What if Secretary of State Powell/Rice cheered at watching a foreign leader given mob justice by an angry group to shoot him in the street without trial or jury. In response, the Secretary of State says "We came we saw he died!" Is this Democracy?
What if George Bush campaigned viciously against his predecessor and the use of torture, and promised to close Guantanamo Bay Prison. Five years later Guantanamo was opened and his administration was known to use torture to find and kill Bin Laden. Did he keep his word?
What if Bush was responsible for more civilian deaths over a course of three years, than an entire 7 year stretch of the Afghan War due to drone strikes. Would you give him the Nobel Peace Prize?
Democrat or Liberal, I am curious to know if anyone who voted for Obama considers the actions I mentioned just and okay. Is there anyone who is willing or able to go on record and say they either support Obama's foreign policy actions mentioned (these are factual don't worry), or admit they are a bit jacked up?
What if we invaded a country without reason, and assisted people who would later kill American civilians. It is reported that President Bush showed no interest when learning of the assault, refused help requested by the murdered, and claimed their deaths was caused by a video when it was caused by an organized attack on 911. Do you call him credible?
What if Secretary of State Powell/Rice cheered at watching a foreign leader given mob justice by an angry group to shoot him in the street without trial or jury. In response, the Secretary of State says "We came we saw he died!" Is this Democracy?
What if George Bush campaigned viciously against his predecessor and the use of torture, and promised to close Guantanamo Bay Prison. Five years later Guantanamo was opened and his administration was known to use torture to find and kill Bin Laden. Did he keep his word?
What if Bush was responsible for more civilian deaths over a course of three years, than an entire 7 year stretch of the Afghan War due to drone strikes. Would you give him the Nobel Peace Prize?
Democrat or Liberal, I am curious to know if anyone who voted for Obama considers the actions I mentioned just and okay. Is there anyone who is willing or able to go on record and say they either support Obama's foreign policy actions mentioned (these are factual don't worry), or admit they are a bit jacked up?
Does this level of gov't intervention help or harm the lowest end of income earners?
Many who say "removing the min. wage would hurt them (the poor)" are
the same who believe that all business & all wealthy are only
concerned with screwing the little guy - and that in the absence of some
gov'ty-imposed minimum, employers would be paying people $1/hour.
However. If McDonalds were paying people $1/hour, guess what the Burger
King across the street would have to do if it wanted to attract talent?
They'd have to pay $1.50 an hour. Thus, if Taco Bell down the street
wanted to stay in that game, they'd be forced to pay $2.20 per hour.
Meaning that by the time the wheel spins & lands on McDonalds
again,...$3.80 an hour. (obviously I'm just pulling number out of the
air here) But the principle is intact.
Free markets self-level
& determine their own value & prices. There is no
federally-imposed minimum or maximum price for a 16oz. coffee in the
U.S. Such a beverage is in the $2.00 to $3.00. If you wanted to get into
that business, but price yours at $5 - you will not be in business for
long. Like it always does, the market will eventually sort you out.
In the absence of a minimum wage "big business" would not/could not
just start paying unskilled labor next-to-nothing. Also, unskilled labor
would be forced to become skilled/educated labor. Unless & until
that happened, they'd get paid precisely what the market dictates; which
is no less or more than what the position they're filling is worth;
which in turn is quite likely MORE than a gov't imposed minimum.
If the gov't dictates a minimum - then that's the artificial level that
business will aspire to pay. If gov't says "You must pay people
$7.50/hr", then businesses are going to pay people $7.50/hr. The removal
of a minimum wage would result in an increase in pay for probably 70%
of current minimum wage earners.
These people who think the
solution is for gov't to pass a law mandating a 30 cents per hour pay
hike in the minimum wage simple do not get it. They do not understand
that they are dooming the poor/low wage earner - to low wages.
Does this level of gov't intervention help or harm the lowest end of income earners?
Many who say "removing the min. wage would hurt them (the poor)" are
the same who believe that all business & all wealthy are only
concerned with screwing the little guy - and that in the absence of some
gov'ty-imposed minimum, employers would be paying people $1/hour.
Many who say "removing the min. wage would hurt them (the poor)" are
the same who believe that all business & all wealthy are only
concerned with screwing the little guy - and that in the absence of some
gov'ty-imposed minimum, employers would be paying people $1/hour.
However. If McDonalds were paying people $1/hour, guess what the Burger
King across the street would have to do if it wanted to attract talent?
They'd have to pay $1.50 an hour. Thus, if Taco Bell down the street
wanted to stay in that game, they'd be forced to pay $2.20 per hour.
Meaning that by the time the wheel spins & lands on McDonalds
again,...$3.80 an hour. (obviously I'm just pulling number out of the
air here) But the principle is intact.
Free markets self-level
& determine their own value & prices. There is no
federally-imposed minimum or maximum price for a 16oz. coffee in the
U.S. Such a beverage is in the $2.00 to $3.00. If you wanted to get into
that business, but price yours at $5 - you will not be in business for
long. Like it always does, the market will eventually sort you out.
In the absence of a minimum wage "big business" would not/could not
just start paying unskilled labor next-to-nothing. Also, unskilled labor
would be forced to become skilled/educated labor. Unless & until
that happened, they'd get paid precisely what the market dictates; which
is no less or more than what the position they're filling is worth;
which in turn is quite likely MORE than a gov't imposed minimum.
If the gov't dictates a minimum - then that's the artificial level that
business will aspire to pay. If gov't says "You must pay people
$7.50/hr", then businesses are going to pay people $7.50/hr. The removal
of a minimum wage would result in an increase in pay for probably 70%
of current minimum wage earners.
These people who think the
solution is for gov't to pass a law mandating a 30 cents per hour pay
hike in the minimum wage simple do not get it. They do not understand
that they are dooming the poor/low wage earner - to low wages.
An Effective Substitute for War: The United Nations Agenda 21 | Truth Is Scary
According to the 1967 book, The Report from Iron Mountain, lasting peace would be neither desirable nor sustainable nor create the legitimate right for government to rule society. Among its nine specific recommendations, war and militarism topped the list as government’s best overall solutions until and if there was an effective substitute for war, equal in stature and impact to war, capable of creating a similar national rallying point for the masses. Their highest recommendation other than war and militarism was…environmentalism.
It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species. Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power. But from present indications it will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution, however severe, will be sufficiently menacing on a global scale, to offer a possible basis for a solution. — The Report from Iron Mountain, Leonard Lewin, 1967
An Effective Substitute for War: The United Nations Agenda 21 | Truth Is Scary
Sunday, June 02, 2013
Defense, Prosecutors Finally Agree on a Jury of George Zimmerman’s Peers
by D’Leereeus Johnson, DP staff,
Wednesday, May 29th, 2013,
(ORLANDO, FL) —Prosecutors and defense attorneys for George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin last year, have finally come to an agreement on a “jury of Zimmerman’s peers,” as Zimmerman heads to trial in the coming weeks.
The presiding judge in the case has given her approval of the prosecution and defense’s choice in jury members, stating that she has “full confidence” they will give Zimmerman a fair and unbiased review.
Zimmerman, 29, became (in)famous on February 26th of last year when on duty as a watchman in his Sanford
neighborhood he had an altercation with Trayvon Martin, during which he shot and killed the unarmed African-American teen. The fallout of the shooting further strained race relations in the country and ignited a national debate over Florida and other states’ “Stand Your Ground” laws, which allows armed citizens to use deadly force in public if they believe their lives are in danger.
The American public has seen and heard a mountain of evidence supporting and refuting Zimmerman’s account of the shooting, however prosecutors are “absolutely certain” the decided jury will be firmly unbiased in hearing the case.
“We have no doubt the eight young men and four women we’ve selected as jurors are the best we have could have chosen,” said assistant prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda.
Due to the unique nature of the Zimmerman case, the presiding judge, Debra Nelson, has decided not to hide the identities of the jurors, nor forbid them from speaking with the press until the trial begins in
June. In lieu of such a strange allowance of speech for the jurors, it did not take long for the jury members to begin speaking with reporters.
“I got no doubt we’re going to give Mr. Zimmerman a fair trial,” said Aquarius Deleterious Jenkins, a 23-year-old self-described “home gardening specialist” and historian on all things cannabis–related. “We’ll hear all (Zimmerman) has got to say and weigh the evidence accordingly. It won’t be the type of ‘weighing’ I’m used to, but we’ll still weigh it.”
Read the whole thing
DuhProgressive.com - Defense, Prosecutors Finally Agree on a Jury of George Zimmerman’s Peers
15 Things Jesus Didn’t Say
15 things Jesus Didn’t Say:
“For God was so disgusted with the world and you that he gave his one and only Son.”
“I have come to bring you a new religion.”
“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have correct theology.”
“If anyone would come after me, let him disparage all other religions and their followers.”
“If you love me, you will regularly attend a church of your choice… within reason.”
“Blessed are the tithers for they shall be called the children of God.”
“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in Heaven after the earth goes up in flames and destroyed.”
“You have heard it said, ‘Love your neighbor,’ which means the people with whom you attend church and relate to in your Christian sub-culture.”
“In my Father’s house there are a limited number of rooms. But no worries, there is plenty of room in Hell.”
“The kingdom of God has come!… Well, not exactly. I mean, not completely. Let’s face it, the really-real kingdom comes after we die. Hang in there. It won’t be long.”
“And you will know the truth and the truth will make you superior to all the other simpletons who never learned Greek or Hebrew.”
“You are the light of the world… well… in a sinful-filthy-scum kind of way.”
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you a checklist of things to do and not do in order to remain in God’s favor.”
“For God so loved the world… you know like theoretically… as in, God loves the big ‘W’-world. But when it come to you specifically, that are quite a few things that would need to change for God to actually and specifically love… or even like… YOU.”
“He appeared to his disciples over a period of 40 days and spoke about how to incorporate his life and teaching as a 501(c)3, and go into all the earth to build mega-churches in his name.”
Why are liberals so rude to the right? |
Too many people who lean left would rather crack nasty jokes than actually be liberal and listen to other views
Why are liberals so rude to the right? | Leften Wright | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Senator Edward Kennedy apologized to Richard Nixon for putting politics ahead of healthcare reform. Photograph: Reuters
Why is it that liberals feel no qualms about being rude? Far too many people who are perfectly polite and courteous, otherwise, think nothing of insulting you for not sharing their political opinions. They look at us with disdain, thinking we're unenlightened conservatives and never hesitating to say so.
As the lone conservative at the tennis courts, I cringe at the Sarah Palin jokes and the jabs at Mormons. When news came on 9/11 that planes had struck the World Trade Center, my partner commented that Bush would use it as an excuse to increase military spending. Bush, of course, is dumb – as are all Republicans, and we're epitomized by Dan Quayle, whose spelling of "potatoe" has entered historical canon. (Never mind Obama's telling us there are 57 states, or having a meltdown without a teleprompter) And now it's Marco Rubio, caught drinking water. "Next time he'll forget to zip his fly," joked one of the guys. Mitt Romney changes his mind more often than he changes his underwear. Reagan had Alzheimer's when he made B movies, and Bonzo had to feed him his lines. And would you believe, from a guy with a pathetic serve, this comment about the Clarence Thomas, justice of the supreme court: send him back to the plantation.
Liberals have no shame. A dinner guest in our home stood up at the table, clinked his wine glass and said, "It shows how stupid the American people are, they voted for Bush twice." He turned to me, smirking, and said, "I know you voted for him." A biochemist who had been too busy learning liberal doctrine instead of the basic manners of being a guest.
As the lone conservative at the tennis courts, I cringe at the Sarah Palin jokes and the jabs at Mormons. When news came on 9/11 that planes had struck the World Trade Center, my partner commented that Bush would use it as an excuse to increase military spending. Bush, of course, is dumb – as are all Republicans, and we're epitomized by Dan Quayle, whose spelling of "potatoe" has entered historical canon. (Never mind Obama's telling us there are 57 states, or having a meltdown without a teleprompter) And now it's Marco Rubio, caught drinking water. "Next time he'll forget to zip his fly," joked one of the guys. Mitt Romney changes his mind more often than he changes his underwear. Reagan had Alzheimer's when he made B movies, and Bonzo had to feed him his lines. And would you believe, from a guy with a pathetic serve, this comment about the Clarence Thomas, justice of the supreme court: send him back to the plantation.
Liberals have no shame. A dinner guest in our home stood up at the table, clinked his wine glass and said, "It shows how stupid the American people are, they voted for Bush twice." He turned to me, smirking, and said, "I know you voted for him." A biochemist who had been too busy learning liberal doctrine instead of the basic manners of being a guest.
Why are liberals so rude to the right? | Leften Wright | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Why I Hate High School Reunions by someone else..but I know how she feels
back to California a year ago seemed like a good idea. After our son,
Keeghan, died in 2008 after a 2+ year battle with brain cancer and our
daughter, Maxx, was left without a sibling anymore, it seemed like a
good idea to move close to where she had cousins her age. I never really
thought about the fact that there was a reason I left California nearly
20 years ago. Growing up, I was pretty much invisible. I wasn't a
brilliant student, but I wasn't the dumbest kid in class either. I
didn't excel at any sport. In fact, I wasn't allowed to play sports at
all. According to my mom, she and my dad didn't want me to be a tomboy.
The reality (I think) is that if I had played a sport, they would have
had to choose between who to go watch - me or my brother, and they
didn't want to do that.
My brother was a very good athlete and the better part of my childhood was spent going to watch him play - baseball, football, track, and basketball (until every other boy his age grew to be taller than him). So many of my childhood memories are connected to seasons, but not the traditional Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter. No, I remember things as happening during Baseball Season, or Football Season. Even my first boyfriend was someone I hooked up with because he was on the baseball team.
My point being, I grew up not being known for much other than being so-and-so's little sister. At the time it sucked, but it was all I knew. Don't get me wrong; I love my brother. Very, very much. But having him as my brother is so much easier now that we're not in school anymore. In high school, I couldn't wait to get out and away from it all. Away from all of them.
It took me a few years after high school to figure out who I wanted to be, and I floundered sometimes. Ok, I floundered a lot. It would definitely take both hands and probably a few toes to count up the mistakes I made. But eventually I left California. I joined the Army and didn't just get out of Cali, but out of the United States altogether! While stationed in Germany I met my husband, and it is truly with his help that I figured myself out.
None of that means that I know who the hell I am now. I'm 44-years-old, have two bachelors degrees and lots of job experiences (note, I said "experiences, plural, and not job experience - there's a difference) and I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. But I still like who I am. I know what my strengths are. I know that I am a good friend to those who are good friends to me. I actually know what a good work ethic is. I'm an okay writer. I am a good mom. A good wife. I love with a fierceness that is bright as the sun, and that is something that a lot of people can't say.
I also have faults. I'm a grudge holder. I don't give second chances. And when it comes to my childhood memories, I am still the most insecure person around.
All of that bringing me to my topic - high school reunions. I graduated from high school 26 years ago. Up until now, I had never attended a class reunion. Why bother? I have never kept in touch with any of those people, and I seriously doubt that I was missed at the 10-year or 20-year reunions. But I decided to go this time because the reunion included more than just my graduating class. As I said before, I like who I am now, and I love my brother. I thought it would be fun to go back and see everyone and be able to hang out with him at the same time.
Wow. Could I have been more wrong? I think not.
The first night of the Reunion Weekend was probably more fun than the official reunion itself was. It was at a local bar, owned by a guy that went to high school with us. I hung pretty close with my husband and sister-in-law. Other than one extremely awkward conversation with an ex-boyfriend of mine from when I was in my twenties, it was an okay night. My brother was the star, as expected, wandering constantly, never without someone nearby who wanted to talk to him. I saw a ton of faces that I recognized, and talked to one friend from high school that I hadn't seen in decades but had connected with on Facebook. Other than that, I stayed in the shadows and observed.
The night of the official reunion was . . . bleh. After the previous night, I knew what to expect. As we arrived and entered the hall where the reunion was being held, there was a table for people to make name tags for themselves. I didn't want one. Call me stubborn, but I didn't want to wear a name tag. The people who knew me in high school would know me now. The rest I didn't really care about. When my brother walked in, he was told he didn't need a name tag because "everyone knows who you are."
I hate myself for saying this, but damn that was annoying.
We sat at a table with another couple, one of whom was in my graduating class and had played ball with my brother. When this guy introduced us to his wife, he introduce my brother by name and then said "and that's his sister" in reference to me. I tried to play it off and make a playful comment, something like, "Am I really still known only as his sister instead of by my own name?" and the guy pretty much just said, "yeah."
Again with the annoying. Really? REALLY?
I think Mike, my husband, knew that I was annoyed. But more than anything, I was instantly that insecure teenager again. The one who wanted to be known and liked for me. The one who wanted to know that girls wanted to be my friend because they liked who I was, and not because they wanted to get near my brother. But instead I played into it all. I went and got a name tag that said "So and So's Little Sister" and wore it. All night.
Oh, and I had a glass or two of wine. Maybe three.
I'm pretty sure I made a complete arse out of myself at least once, and that I embarrassed my brother. At least once. And I'm pretty sure my therapist will be kept quite busy with this for a session or two.
So why did I put myself through this? Did I think that somehow these people would see the person I wanted them to see and not the girl I once was? Because in all honesty, it's not like I saw the people that they have become either. I saw who they were. It's not like there is enough time in a six-hour reunion to find out who everyone has become, whether they've changed or if they've stayed stuck in a high school mentality.
Side note: it was actually pretty easy to pick out the ones that stayed stuck in high school. Trust me, it's obvious.
Anyway. The lesson learned was this: if you hated high school and don't keep in touch with anyone from that time in your life now, going back to a reunion is probably not a good idea. If there are only a couple of people that you would want to see, plan a lunch date. See the ones you want and blow off the rest. Because those feelings that get stirred up again don't just go away when the reunion is over.
Oh. And because you can't UN-embarrass your brother.
My brother was a very good athlete and the better part of my childhood was spent going to watch him play - baseball, football, track, and basketball (until every other boy his age grew to be taller than him). So many of my childhood memories are connected to seasons, but not the traditional Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter. No, I remember things as happening during Baseball Season, or Football Season. Even my first boyfriend was someone I hooked up with because he was on the baseball team.
My point being, I grew up not being known for much other than being so-and-so's little sister. At the time it sucked, but it was all I knew. Don't get me wrong; I love my brother. Very, very much. But having him as my brother is so much easier now that we're not in school anymore. In high school, I couldn't wait to get out and away from it all. Away from all of them.
It took me a few years after high school to figure out who I wanted to be, and I floundered sometimes. Ok, I floundered a lot. It would definitely take both hands and probably a few toes to count up the mistakes I made. But eventually I left California. I joined the Army and didn't just get out of Cali, but out of the United States altogether! While stationed in Germany I met my husband, and it is truly with his help that I figured myself out.
None of that means that I know who the hell I am now. I'm 44-years-old, have two bachelors degrees and lots of job experiences (note, I said "experiences, plural, and not job experience - there's a difference) and I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. But I still like who I am. I know what my strengths are. I know that I am a good friend to those who are good friends to me. I actually know what a good work ethic is. I'm an okay writer. I am a good mom. A good wife. I love with a fierceness that is bright as the sun, and that is something that a lot of people can't say.
I also have faults. I'm a grudge holder. I don't give second chances. And when it comes to my childhood memories, I am still the most insecure person around.
All of that bringing me to my topic - high school reunions. I graduated from high school 26 years ago. Up until now, I had never attended a class reunion. Why bother? I have never kept in touch with any of those people, and I seriously doubt that I was missed at the 10-year or 20-year reunions. But I decided to go this time because the reunion included more than just my graduating class. As I said before, I like who I am now, and I love my brother. I thought it would be fun to go back and see everyone and be able to hang out with him at the same time.
Wow. Could I have been more wrong? I think not.
The first night of the Reunion Weekend was probably more fun than the official reunion itself was. It was at a local bar, owned by a guy that went to high school with us. I hung pretty close with my husband and sister-in-law. Other than one extremely awkward conversation with an ex-boyfriend of mine from when I was in my twenties, it was an okay night. My brother was the star, as expected, wandering constantly, never without someone nearby who wanted to talk to him. I saw a ton of faces that I recognized, and talked to one friend from high school that I hadn't seen in decades but had connected with on Facebook. Other than that, I stayed in the shadows and observed.
The night of the official reunion was . . . bleh. After the previous night, I knew what to expect. As we arrived and entered the hall where the reunion was being held, there was a table for people to make name tags for themselves. I didn't want one. Call me stubborn, but I didn't want to wear a name tag. The people who knew me in high school would know me now. The rest I didn't really care about. When my brother walked in, he was told he didn't need a name tag because "everyone knows who you are."
I hate myself for saying this, but damn that was annoying.
We sat at a table with another couple, one of whom was in my graduating class and had played ball with my brother. When this guy introduced us to his wife, he introduce my brother by name and then said "and that's his sister" in reference to me. I tried to play it off and make a playful comment, something like, "Am I really still known only as his sister instead of by my own name?" and the guy pretty much just said, "yeah."
Again with the annoying. Really? REALLY?
I think Mike, my husband, knew that I was annoyed. But more than anything, I was instantly that insecure teenager again. The one who wanted to be known and liked for me. The one who wanted to know that girls wanted to be my friend because they liked who I was, and not because they wanted to get near my brother. But instead I played into it all. I went and got a name tag that said "So and So's Little Sister" and wore it. All night.
Oh, and I had a glass or two of wine. Maybe three.
I'm pretty sure I made a complete arse out of myself at least once, and that I embarrassed my brother. At least once. And I'm pretty sure my therapist will be kept quite busy with this for a session or two.
So why did I put myself through this? Did I think that somehow these people would see the person I wanted them to see and not the girl I once was? Because in all honesty, it's not like I saw the people that they have become either. I saw who they were. It's not like there is enough time in a six-hour reunion to find out who everyone has become, whether they've changed or if they've stayed stuck in a high school mentality.
Side note: it was actually pretty easy to pick out the ones that stayed stuck in high school. Trust me, it's obvious.
Anyway. The lesson learned was this: if you hated high school and don't keep in touch with anyone from that time in your life now, going back to a reunion is probably not a good idea. If there are only a couple of people that you would want to see, plan a lunch date. See the ones you want and blow off the rest. Because those feelings that get stirred up again don't just go away when the reunion is over.
Oh. And because you can't UN-embarrass your brother.
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