1. Freedom from Debt. - Obama has continued the prior president's reckless assault to extend public debt (now:$12,640,950,801,103.62) and indenture the next generation to debt servitude. "The estimated population of the United States is now 308,020,639, so each citizen's servitude share of this debt is $41,039.30."
2. Freedom to Question my Government. - Obama has urged his surrogates to refer to legal protests, within Tea Party gatherings, as "angry mobs" with full castigation from the White House Press Secretary and demeaned and belittled any public sentiment against the administration.
3. Freedom of Religious Rights of doctors/health care providers to refuse to perform abortions (denial in progress). - Obama seeks to rescind the "conscience rule" protecting doctors/health care workers who refuse to participate in abortions or other medical procedures that go against their moral and religious beliefs.
4. Freedom of Review. - Obama has denied Congressional review of close Presidential appointments; specifically he has perverted the appointment of White House czars without Congressional oversight (more than 50 now not subject to any Congressional oversight,). “As Presidential assistants and advisors, these White House staffers are not accountable for their actions to the Congress, to cabinet officials, and to virtually anyone but the President. In too many instances, White House staff have been allowed to inhibit openness and transparency, and reduce accountability.” (Democrat Senator Robert Byrd on presidential czars).
5. Freedom of Speech - Obama's Justice Department issuance of gag order on health insurance providers (Humana Health Insurance, et al.) to detail insurance provision information.
6.Freedom to Work - The U.S. has lost between 2.5 to 4.1 million jobs since President Barack Obama took office.
7. Freedom of Information - despite making a claim to make government more open and transparent, Obama has refused to run an open government. "In fiscal year 2009, 17 major governmental agencies refused to release information, claiming legal exemptions, 466,872 times, an increase of nearly 50 percent from the previous year, according to a review of requests conducted by the Associated Press."
8. Freedom from Fear - despite coming to office with Homeland Security apparatus in place to fight the War on Terror, Obama has endangered Americans by mirandizing fanatical Muslim terrorists, threatened to close Guantanamo Detention Facility and bring foreign terrorists to this nation to threaten citizens, rolled back European missile defense, and curtailed key defense programs that provide national security.
A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
Bounties Would Stem the Flood of Illegal Aliens Into The U.S. by Perry Drake
OK. This is my last post for the long weekend. I post it because a number of you asked to know what the column was that was rejected by American Thinker. I've always contend that the Right is at time as racist as the Left. Both sides are only interested in the opinion of a Black person to the extent that it conform to their views. I write only what I believe, which is why you will never see me on any cable shows, Fox included. I really want to know if any of you think it is offensive. Here's the column:
Bounties Would Stem the Flood of Illegal Aliens Into The U.S.
So we’re told it’s impossible to identify, round up and deport all of the 11 million or so illegal aliens living in the United States.
Therefore, it’s crucial we seize this last chance to rescue the nation, nay, the world from utter ruin by creating a legal pathway to citizenship for the millions who have illegally (as in, against the law) crossed our borders.
Otherwise, so many illegals will come to the U.S. that it will cause a geographic weight imbalance so great that the earth will slip from its orbit and we’ll all go careening and screaming into the frigid void of interstellar space.
And the only saving grace will come when some distance civilization struggling with the same problem learns from our folly when our frozen planet populated only by an evolved race of intelligent, tequila-flavored Popsicles pops up on its doorstep to relate the tale in some far-off future.
Thus goes -- with a hair of creative license -- the specious argument of the alarmists (Democrat and Republican alike) beating the drums for the immigration reform bill now before the U.S. House, which will pass. Accept it.
In the meantime, ignore the strum und drang. There’s a far simpler solution available. It’s one with a long history, would save gobs of cash and would solve the problem quicker than Al Sharpton lining his pockets from a bag full of stolen money from a federal minority set-aside program.
And that’s plenty fast.
If we want to get serious, we should place a bounty on the head of every illegal, payable to any American citizen who turns him or her in, no questions asked. Let’s say, $1,000. At one grand a throw, the final bill would come to $11 billion or roughly what the feds spend in a day on Social Security, defense, subsidies, the fence on the Southwest border it’s not building, everything.
With an incentive like that an entirely new industry would spring up, helping to reduce unemployment and welfare rolls. Again -- more savings. “Make big bucks rounding up illegals. Impress your neighbors. Wear a uniform. Get a shiny new badge and a gun. Classes are forming fast. Don’t miss out. Call 1-800-BAG-JOSE.
A bounty program for illegals would actually do what the federal government claims all its programs do but don’t -- pay for itself and then some. Each year, illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers about “$113 billion dollars at the federal, state and local levels,” according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform.
That’s a lot of pesos. (Let’s be honest. We’re talking Mexicans here, though the PC crowd has cowed everyone from admitting it. It why this nation is in its twilight.)
One hundred thirteen billion dollars less $11 billion comes to a net savings of $102 billion. That’s money we could combine with the billions we’re spending on the Southwest border fence we’re not building to keep out illegal aliens we’re not trying very hard to keep out.
Another idea would be to put current welfare recipients to work using their Obamaphones to turn in illegals, especially the ones that think 7 a.m., on a Saturday is the ideal time to fire up an ear-splitting leaf blower. For the sake of a good night’s sleep, they should be the first to be deported.
There would be nothing unprecedented about a bounty system for illegals. For hundreds of years, bounties have been paid out for all manner of lawbreakers (Illegal aliens. Hello! Illegal.) from bank robbers to tax cheats to bail jumpers.
There were even bounties placed on people who made the mistake of being where they weren’t supposed to be before the rightful owners (us) show up, such as Indians. All across the fruited plains, from sea to shining sea, America is littered with millions of communities and sites with Indian names. Yet, it’s a good bet that not one in a thousand Americans has ever spoken to two Indians in a day, let alone seen two together at the same time.
That’s because our ancestors used bounties to help round them up and place them on reservations where federal welfare programs have left them the only minority group even less well off than Blacks. Serves them all right for voting Democrat.
A bounty on illegals would only be dealing with half the problem. We should also offer a bounty to anyone who rats out a company employing illegals. The bounty would be payable by the company and would be $10,000 a pop for each worker a snitch turns in. The program wouldn’t cost taxpayers a dime and would cause wages on the lower end of the scale to rise and entice millions off the welfare rolls. The savings just keep ringing up. Cha-ching.
So how do we identify who’s illegal and who isn’t? That’s the easy part. A dead giveaway -- and you might want to write this one down -- they don’t speak English. Also, illegals adore a game in which two teams kick a ball up and down a field for hours for no discernable reason. It’s called soccer.
There are some illegal aliens who do speak English and don’t like soccer. We would have to be little cagier when rooting them out. Here’s a sure-fire method: Ask them to complete these lyrics (in English):
“Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
a tale of a fateful trip
That started from this tropic port
Aboard this tiny ship.
The mate was a mighty sailing man,
The skipper brave and sure.
Five passengers set sail that day for a …?"
If they don’t quickly and correctly answer, “three-hour tour. A three-hour tour,” then it’s pack your bag, Rodriguez, you just earned a trip back to Tijuana.
The Drive-By Pundit is the pen name of Perry Drake, author of two recently published e-books, The Book of Racist Democrat Quotes and "Democratic Nigger!": The Long, Racist, Bloody Account of the Democrat Party's Hatred for Blacks. Both are available on Amazon.com. Perry can be reached at prrydrake@yahoo.com, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/perry.drake.10, and on Twitter @Perry_Drake
What the $15 average McDonalds Worker REALLY MEANS (for those who are not busiess people)
A few days ago a big nationwide strike was called of people who work at Fast Food places. They want the average wage to go from $9 for front line workers, where it is right now, to $15.
One's emotions can be tugged. There are people trying to make it on this low wage. It doesn't work. Government policy is driving incomes lower by imposing requirements that cause employers to cut hours to 29.
The real trouble is people do not understand what a $15 per hour increase means.
Here's the reality, any increase WILL be passed along in higher prices. No question about it. Or companies who can't, will simply close up. There is no free lunch and this is no exception.
Here are actual statistics from the fast food industry. The assumption is a person buys a franchise, outfits a restarant, good location$$, and borrows the money to do it. He also works there himself.
The average sales on a fast food (IE Burger King) per location nationwide is $1,200,000.
Here's how that works out:
Sales $1,200,000.00 Average per fast food site in the USA
Food Cost $250,000.00 Average ratio to sales
Gross Profit $950,000.00
Payroll $450,000.00 $10/hr av = $13/hr net 6.7 People $9-11 per hour. Open 8AM-9PM
Marketing & Franchise Fee $15,000.00 10%+local
Occupancy $300,000.00 25,000/mo
Utilities $13,200.00 1100/mo
Cost of Money $28,000.00 P&I on $300,000 to start up
Total Operating $806,200.00
Net Return $143,800.00 Gross Income minus Operating Expense
He raises everyones wages and leaves prices alone
Gross Sales $1,200,000.00
Cost of Food $250,000.00
Gross Income $950,000.00
Payroll $640,384.00 Changed to $15 per hour becomes $18.50 net
Marketing and Franchise $15,000.00
Occupancy (lease) $300,000.00
Utilities $13,200.00
Cost of Money $28,000.00
Total Operating Expense $996,584.00
Net Income/Loss ($46,584.00) Gross Income minus Operating Expense
The result is he goes out of business.
The solution (if everyone in the market did it) is to raise prices on the burgers and fries to make up the difference. They would have to go up about 17% to restore the income level the owner requires to take this risk. His gross sales would have to go up to
That Means that prices would be $1,392,000. That would also increase his expenses because of the increased franchise fee on greater sales. That increase is about 17%
That means to keep the guy in business selling burgers, pay everybody $15 an hour (which after all government stuff is really more like $18.50 per hour) here's the price board.
Big Mac today: $3.99 Big Mac after the payroll and price changes needed $4.75
Average Meal Ticket at McDonalds today in the USA is $7.00
The average after the Wage Change will be $8.40
No to be fair, I can afford it. I don't eat that many Big Macs. What people need to understand is these things don't happen in a vacuum. If you spend $500 per year in fast food restaurants (that's less than twice a week) you will spend nearly a Hundred Dollars per year more ($85).
So before all get weepy about how badly everyone in the front line food industry is paid, perhaps we need to ask ourselves, are YOU WILLING to give them a pay increase.. because that is exactly what you are doing if you do this.
I could list the bibliography for all these numbers. I looked far and wide. Found lots of information. IF you want to call any particular number into question, I am happy to provide you the source.
There is no zero sum in life.
One's emotions can be tugged. There are people trying to make it on this low wage. It doesn't work. Government policy is driving incomes lower by imposing requirements that cause employers to cut hours to 29.
The real trouble is people do not understand what a $15 per hour increase means.
Here's the reality, any increase WILL be passed along in higher prices. No question about it. Or companies who can't, will simply close up. There is no free lunch and this is no exception.
Here are actual statistics from the fast food industry. The assumption is a person buys a franchise, outfits a restarant, good location$$, and borrows the money to do it. He also works there himself.
The average sales on a fast food (IE Burger King) per location nationwide is $1,200,000.
Here's how that works out:
Sales $1,200,000.00 Average per fast food site in the USA
Food Cost $250,000.00 Average ratio to sales
Gross Profit $950,000.00
Payroll $450,000.00 $10/hr av = $13/hr net 6.7 People $9-11 per hour. Open 8AM-9PM
Marketing & Franchise Fee $15,000.00 10%+local
Occupancy $300,000.00 25,000/mo
Utilities $13,200.00 1100/mo
Cost of Money $28,000.00 P&I on $300,000 to start up
Total Operating $806,200.00
Net Return $143,800.00 Gross Income minus Operating Expense
He raises everyones wages and leaves prices alone
Gross Sales $1,200,000.00
Cost of Food $250,000.00
Gross Income $950,000.00
Payroll $640,384.00 Changed to $15 per hour becomes $18.50 net
Marketing and Franchise $15,000.00
Occupancy (lease) $300,000.00
Utilities $13,200.00
Cost of Money $28,000.00
Total Operating Expense $996,584.00
Net Income/Loss ($46,584.00) Gross Income minus Operating Expense
The result is he goes out of business.
The solution (if everyone in the market did it) is to raise prices on the burgers and fries to make up the difference. They would have to go up about 17% to restore the income level the owner requires to take this risk. His gross sales would have to go up to
That Means that prices would be $1,392,000. That would also increase his expenses because of the increased franchise fee on greater sales. That increase is about 17%
That means to keep the guy in business selling burgers, pay everybody $15 an hour (which after all government stuff is really more like $18.50 per hour) here's the price board.
Big Mac today: $3.99 Big Mac after the payroll and price changes needed $4.75
Average Meal Ticket at McDonalds today in the USA is $7.00
The average after the Wage Change will be $8.40
No to be fair, I can afford it. I don't eat that many Big Macs. What people need to understand is these things don't happen in a vacuum. If you spend $500 per year in fast food restaurants (that's less than twice a week) you will spend nearly a Hundred Dollars per year more ($85).
So before all get weepy about how badly everyone in the front line food industry is paid, perhaps we need to ask ourselves, are YOU WILLING to give them a pay increase.. because that is exactly what you are doing if you do this.
I could list the bibliography for all these numbers. I looked far and wide. Found lots of information. IF you want to call any particular number into question, I am happy to provide you the source.
There is no zero sum in life.

The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Syria and have therefore raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved." Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross." The English have not been "A Bit Cross" since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out. Terrorists have been re-categorized from "Tiresome" to "A Bloody Nuisance." The last time the British issued a "Bloody Nuisance" warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada.
The Scots have raised their threat level from "Pissed Off" to "Let's get the Bastards." They don't have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years.
The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide." The only two higher levels in France are "Collaborate" and "Surrender."
The rise was
precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France 's white flag
factory, effectively paralyzing the country's military capability.
Italy has increased the alert level from "Shout Loudly and Excitedly" to "Elaborate Military Posturing." Two more levels remain: "Ineffective Combat Operations" and "Change Sides."
The Germans have increased their alert state from "Disdainful Arrogance" to "Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs." They also have two higher levels: "Invade a Neighbour" and "Lose."
Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual; the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels ..
The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy.
Australia, meanwhile, has raised its security level from "No worries" to "She'll be right, Mate." Two more escalation levels remain: "Crikey! I think we'll need to cancel the barbie this weekend!" and "The barbie is cancelled." So far no situation has ever warranted use of the last final escalation level.
John Cleese ,
British writer, actor and tall person
And as a final thought - Greece is collapsing, the Iranians are getting aggressive, and Rome is in disarray. Welcome back to 430 BC.
Life is too short...
Italy has increased the alert level from "Shout Loudly and Excitedly" to "Elaborate Military Posturing." Two more levels remain: "Ineffective Combat Operations" and "Change Sides."
The Germans have increased their alert state from "Disdainful Arrogance" to "Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs." They also have two higher levels: "Invade a Neighbour" and "Lose."
Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual; the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels ..
The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy.
Australia, meanwhile, has raised its security level from "No worries" to "She'll be right, Mate." Two more escalation levels remain: "Crikey! I think we'll need to cancel the barbie this weekend!" and "The barbie is cancelled." So far no situation has ever warranted use of the last final escalation level.
John Cleese ,
British writer, actor and tall person
And as a final thought - Greece is collapsing, the Iranians are getting aggressive, and Rome is in disarray. Welcome back to 430 BC.
Life is too short...
Thursday, August 29, 2013
have a dream, that one day black Republicans won’t be turned into
nonpersons by the establishment democrats.. and by the way, where was
Birmingham's own... Condi Rice? I guess Al Sharpton got her spot.

Nation’s only black Senator not invited to speak at March on Washington
Noticeably absent from the speaker line-up at the Let Freedom Ring event commemorating the 50th anniversary of the March on
Written by a black Man... So don't come all down on me.
The fact that Black America as a nation would rank 17th in GDP is interesting. What if the money Black America spends would cycle thru the community rather than go to others?
What stunned me was this...
Name: Black America (Rank of "Country" to all other of Worlds nations"
Population: 37.0 million (#35)
GDP: $892 billion (#17)
GDP per capita: $24,100 (#55)
Class structure: 46% middle class, 29% working class, 25% poor
as many people as Poland but makes 30% more money
Black America has about the same GDP per capita as Trinidad & Tobago. Its life expectancy and infant mortality are at Jamaican levels.
There are some other things this brother says that are news to me...like on IQ and all.
He is a thinker, and he is raw. BUT he asks a lot of questions that need to be asked. Read it if you dare. You might go deeper in his blog.. He has much to say.
This is a really uplifting story. I know Richard Graves
and I have been going all around today, but here's proof positive that
there is goodness after all in the universe. Bless these good young
men. May your tribe increase.

Four College Athletes Caught on Surveillance Camera Entering Closed Store – What They Did Next...
football players from William Paterson University entered a local
general store in Wayne, N.J., on Sunday afternoon in search of
sunglasses and batteries. The door was open, so they let
guess the crowd today on the mall was small. Smaller than anyone is
willing to admit. Passion isn't what it used to be... I have the same
problem, I have been trying to get people to man a booth at an event, I
need 10 conservative patriots from the Kane County area to take a shift
two by two. I put the word out via email to about a thousand. I have 3
maybes. I will not go ahead if there is no participation.
if you have the time, I guess it's OK.
just took a test that is supposed to tell you how together you are
about the past, present and future. I'm too focused on the past
apparently, don't have great opinions of my younger days before Christ,
I'm not focused well on the present and
not nearly hedonistic enough and worse believe in God without
reservation. It's a lot of work for little return, but if you have the
time, I guess it's OK. http://www.thetimeparadox.com/zimbardo-time-perspective-inventory/.
Public education is child abuse..
Holder is doing is condemning moms and dad's children to a life of
poverty, unemployment and street life by taking away any chance they had
thru vouchers to get their kids into better schools. You can't bring
people up by bringing everyone down. Martin Luther King Jr would be very angry about this..
The average high school graduate from an Urban public school has about the same reading, writing and computational ability as a Suburban 8th grader. IF that child goes to College, they will give him or her classes they won't fail at in order to graduate them. Yes there are exceptions, in both the suburban and urban schools, but it is very hard to break a cycle when kids are graduating functionally illiterate. A little more than half of all black male students graduate from Urban Public High Schools. What that means is if you hire a young black urban high school graduate you are likely hiring an 8th grader in skill. Anyone sane will not be hiring or paying any kind of wage to an 25 year old 8th grader. Of course this will perpetuate the dependent underclass and keep them dumb and democrat. Maybe that's his plan.
All public schools should close in America tomorrow and a voucher issued to every child. Then let the schools become effective. That goes for college too. It frustrated me a great deal when I saw all the anger about schools being closed in Chicago. That's the wrong anger directed at the wrong people. Public education is child abuse..
The average high school graduate from an Urban public school has about the same reading, writing and computational ability as a Suburban 8th grader. IF that child goes to College, they will give him or her classes they won't fail at in order to graduate them. Yes there are exceptions, in both the suburban and urban schools, but it is very hard to break a cycle when kids are graduating functionally illiterate. A little more than half of all black male students graduate from Urban Public High Schools. What that means is if you hire a young black urban high school graduate you are likely hiring an 8th grader in skill. Anyone sane will not be hiring or paying any kind of wage to an 25 year old 8th grader. Of course this will perpetuate the dependent underclass and keep them dumb and democrat. Maybe that's his plan.
All public schools should close in America tomorrow and a voucher issued to every child. Then let the schools become effective. That goes for college too. It frustrated me a great deal when I saw all the anger about schools being closed in Chicago. That's the wrong anger directed at the wrong people. Public education is child abuse..

Holder vs. Martin Luther King Jr.
The same day the Attorney General spoke in Washington to honor the 50th
anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech, his
Justice Department sued to block the educational
Time to stand up. by this guy
all you liberals, especially blacks lost your mind. If you morons check
your history Democrats wanted to put us back in chains. There was not a
single Republican on the lineup today. You idiots have Jamie Foxx up
there saying that him, Will Smith and
Jay Z should be the next Civil Rights leaders, are you stupid liberals
insane. How sad of a state African Americans are in today. Many of us
want to here we are victims,that there's no way out,that the world hates
you, you can't compete in today market,you are poor and disadvantaged.
This type of rhetoric and the people who spoke them stands for
everything the Great Dr.King stood for. Shame on every African American
that was there and clapped at this gross attempt to inspire hope. Today
we have allow the Democrats and liberals thinking to finally start the
process of putting blacks back in chains. We have walked with thundering
applause back into the hands of those that wished to keep us on the
side line and off the fields. For now on were ever I'm speaking at,
attacking this mentality will be my first priority, no matter who's in
the room or who's feelings I might heart. If liberals can say what ever
they want than so can I. It's time for the boxing gloves to come OFF, no
more soft blows. They need some blows to their head. Time to stand up.
It's a shame, it could have been a great day.
DNC national convention held on the mall yesterday attended by 25,000
+/- people was a sad affair. It has nothing to do with MLK jr's legacy.
I heard very little about the struggle (except from John Lewis), very
little about the heroes of that day (some of whom should have been on
the dais) very little about the price paid by those who laid down lives
without fear, very little about the real
progress that has been made, very little about those who are
representatives of what could be, very little about the faith of the
fathers of this movement. NO all that was eclipsed by talk of
Obamacare, gay rights, immigration reform (which Corretta Scott King
vehemently opposed), wealth redistribution, and the inevitable race
baiting drivel of Al Sharpton. Funny, I was there, historically
speaking. Active. Sharpton was 9 years old and learning to ride a
bicycle. I guess hijacking what should have been a solemn and inspiring
commemoration is what the democrats do best.
korea's kim-jong-un executed his alleged ex-lover singer & 11 of
the members of her band, musicians, & dancers on charges of
pornography while the family members were forced to watch. The family
members were then sent to prison camps
for being guilty by association. kim's wife was the member of the same
orchestra & it is said she was unhappy about the popularity of the
girl friend. Some say the group was active in underground political
Another side to a painful story:
From a restaurant Manager:
I managed a restaurant and it is very difficult to seat 25 people without a reservation. Should have made a reservation or at least call a head to see if they can handle a large group! After reading the comment from the employee that worked at the restaurant I'm not so sure this group was as calm as they would like for us to believe. The manager should have told the group up front that seating 25 people would be a big problem!
From an employee at the restaurant in question:
I work at the restaurant and the representation of the events as has been reported is way off base. The group was being loud and obnoxious to both customers and staffers. They kept complaining about their long wait and were talking about how “whitey” was able to get seated, but they were not. The problem was that they had a large group and insisted on sitting next to each other. We only had one area that could accommodate their large group and the patrons in that area were not done. So yes, some “whities” were able to be seated before them, but only because they were going to a different area. We also seated non-whites in other areas too…They made this a racial issue before anything. One of the guests also insulted a deaf white girl because she didn’t respond to one of them telling her to move (she was deaf and didn’t hear them) They were also all standing in the middle of the walk way, making it difficult for customers to leave. We asked them if they could move over, but they said they can stand wherever they want, and if we wanted them out of the way then we should seat them. The customer that was offended was offended by a particular individual’s constant uses of the word “n*gger” When asked to stop, he threw out a long string of racial epithets against one of my co-workers.
Proverbs 25:8 Don’t jump to conclusions—there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw.
I think many were guilty of Jumping to a Conclusion: Proverbs 25:8 The message
This guy was sentenced for murder and then let go on his own
recognizance. Supposed to show up to begin his sentence. Of course he
split. I had a friend who was convicted of theft. The sentence was
handed down and he was put in chains right there in the court room and I
watched him being taken away to begin his sentence. I thought that's
how it always went down.

Man Sentenced to 22 Years for Murder, Given 10 Days to Report…You Can Probably Guess How That...
authorities are searching for a man who pleaded guilty to murder and
was given to 22 years in prison, but didn't return to begin his
sentence. Anthony Antwan Millbrooks accepted a plea deal Aug. 12 for
first-degree murder and was sent
same level of courage that those who marched in the 60s is alive and
well today among those who's heritage was a slave ship but who now stand
for conservative and christian values. Black Conservatives are now the
true counter culture. The plantation
folks can't handle it and only know how to strike out. Which they do.
Pick your sides carefully. One is a slippery slope that will take you
places you didn't want to go and with people you had no plan of hanging
out with. When Obama talked of people who March.... Stacey Dash marched
and the racist fire hoses of the left is in full attack mode. Bring on
the dogs. Stand Strong... I have been in this battle against racists
before, they just look a little different this time.
If I were KING... I would revamp the money in your pocket.
Pennies GONE
Dollar bills, and 5 dollar bills gone. Smallest paper bill is ten. Dime, nickle and quarter all downsized 20%
Dollar coin, 2 dollar coin and 5 dollar coin are re-introduced but changed.
Dollar coin size of a penny but thicker and copper. 2 dollar coin slightly larger (10%) size but with a rough face and two tone (Silver and Gold color) 5 dollar coin about the size of a nickle but thicker and gold in color. All coins to be tactily able to be differentiated in your pocket.
Probably why I am not king.
IF you ever are confused about why most of the continent of AFRICA is in dire poverty...this is why. Corruption.
Theft and Sabotage Destroy Nigeria’s Oil Dreams.
“Industrial scale oil theft, sabotage and technical problems” have caused output from the oil-rich Niger delta to plummet to a four-year low, the FT reports, and that’s only the beginning of the story.
Shell announced in July that thieves were stealing 60,000 barrels of oil every day—just from Shell’s lines. The Nigerian government, which gets 80 percent of its revenue from oil, lost $10.9 billion between 2009 and 2011 due to theft and sabotage. “Oil fouls everything in southern Nigeria,” Tom O’Neill reported for National Geographic back in 2007. “It spills from the pipelines, poisoning soil and water. It stains the hands of politicians and generals, who siphon off its profits. It taints the ambitions of the young, who will try anything to scoop up a share of the liquid riches—fire a gun, sabotage a pipeline, kidnap a foreigner.”
Managerial incompetence and corruption are largely responsible for creating an environment that encourages widespread theft. In 2009 the government began making payments to rebels to encourage them to stop kidnapping oil workers, but since then, the FT reports, “the theft of oil has grown into a vast and lucrative enterprise involving well-connected officials and security personnel.”
As corruption becomes ever more entrenched, average people are mired in poverty.
Five Big Lies Made At Today's 'March On Washington' Fiftieth Anniversary
1) It’s easier to buy an assault weapon than it is to vote in America – Bill Clinton.
2) From Obama – the Berlin Wall fell because of the Civil Rights Movement?!
3) Somehow, racial equality has to do with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Coup, the Syrian Civil War between Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, and Trayvon Martin being killed by a Peruvian. This from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter.
4) You can feed hungry people with courage, and also house the homeless in it! – Obama.
5) Dimwitted crusader against Zionism Jimmy Carter knows MLK would have loved gun control!
Five Big Lies Made At Today's 'March On Washington' Fiftieth Anniversary | Independent Journal Review
2) From Obama – the Berlin Wall fell because of the Civil Rights Movement?!
3) Somehow, racial equality has to do with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Coup, the Syrian Civil War between Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, and Trayvon Martin being killed by a Peruvian. This from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter.
4) You can feed hungry people with courage, and also house the homeless in it! – Obama.
5) Dimwitted crusader against Zionism Jimmy Carter knows MLK would have loved gun control!
Five Big Lies Made At Today's 'March On Washington' Fiftieth Anniversary | Independent Journal Review
‘Shut Up White B**ch’: Conservative, Black Actress Tweets MLK ‘Dream’ Speech, Gets Slammed by Other Blacks | TheBlaze.com
I guess if you are a conservative and black you are a non person. Only liberal black people are allowed to speak.
‘Shut Up White B**ch’: Conservative, Black Actress Tweets MLK ‘Dream’ Speech, Gets Slammed by Other Blacks | TheBlaze.com
‘Shut Up White B**ch’: Conservative, Black Actress Tweets MLK ‘Dream’ Speech, Gets Slammed by Other Blacks | TheBlaze.com
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
I say some hard things sometimes, but always out of love and concern. By a friend of mine, Thurmond Duke
I have mentioned some concerns lately. The concern deepens daily. In the last few weeks I have had more than a few conversations with what I call grassroots Americans. Can't call many of them Christians, but they are "loyal" "patriotic" Americans, and many are angry. Really angry. I have heard people talked about and described from TX to MN as if I were lstening to KKK members. This thug culture has people at the end of their patience and tolerance. And they"religion of peace" is the other source of the anger. Disgust with politics and politicians is simply normal. And they ASSUMED because I am from the South (American by birth, Southern by the grace of God) that I would immediately agree with them.
So they get real surprised when I tell them one has to separate wheat from chaff, corn from the shucks, and not just brand a group because of the actions of some of them. I tell them that I have many brothers and sisters in Christ who happened to be born with black skin that I love dearly, and that I will, if needed, defend them with my skills and my life. To attack them is to attack me. We are family in Jesus.
In St Louis a couple of weeks ago, the tension was palpable. People were polite and courteous, but you could feel the undercurrent of tension. It was a drain on my spirit, and grievous to me. At one point, I held the door for a lady who had three kids or so and a lot of packages. I was wearing my cross outside my shirt. You could see hers, too. She thanked me, and you could feel the pins and needles around her feet. So I said to her, "...of course I held the door for you sister. Believers must stand shoulder to shoulder these days and BE the love of the Lord Jesus Christ to a watching world. They have to see the love of Christ in us and the love we have for each other." You should have seen her smile, and felt the relief rolling from her. Her response? "Praise you Jesus for a man who will live for you in times like these." And she blessed me real good.
But there is a danger that some spark is going to ignite something. I can feel it. It's real and it's there.
The other danger is Syria. The only time those people (Islamists in general) aren't thinking about killing Israelis and killing us is when they are at each other's throats. Seems like those folks just have to be angry enough at someone to kill or they aren't happy. But whatever we do will be wrong. There are no good options. Evil in power, and a worse evil that wants to be in power. Syria borders just about everyone there but Iran. That powderkeg could ignite WWIII. If we go to far, and they call on Russia for help, God help us all, because Putin thinks Beloved Leader is a weak pathetic milquetoast, he has zero respect for him, and he ain't afraid of us. If that happens, and the oil gets real disrupted, China could assert its national interests are threatened. See the dominoes all lined up?
Nothing good can come of this. Nothing. God help us, because neither Beloved Leader nor anyone else in DC seems to have any recognition of the import of Ezekiel 38 and 39 here. They should. Papa, please raise up a leader who loves You, believes in You, and prays to You in Spirit and in truth. Bring him forth now, Lord, because we need him desperately. If not, protect us from the mayhem to come.
America is Gone – What Do We Do Now? By Ray Gano
Ever since the 2012 elections I have been in prayer over this nation. But more than that, I have been in prayer over how Prophezine, our ministry, can be more effective, not only in the United States, but to the world.
I woke up this morning in a very reflective mood.
Ray - PZ - America is Gone – What Do We Do Now?
God has called me to be a watchman on the wall and it is my job is to warn the church. I have been doing this now for close to 20 years and have been full time in the ministry for the past 8 years.
Scripture says…
Ezekiel 33:6 (KJV) But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
Based on this scripture, if I do not voice that warning, then God's Word states that the blood of the innocent will be upon my hands.
All that I am writing here is nothing new and what I am bringing to light has been right before us in black & white and easily found in His Word.
As you know over the years is that the majority of churches today do not preach from His Word.
Because of this fact, most people attending church do not understand that God's Judgment has been set against The United States of America.
Believe it or not, our nation has truly passed the point of no return.
Yesterday we had the great opportunity to go hear and meet Josh McDowell. He and his family are visiting here in Costa Rica before doing a huge Central America / South America speaking tour.
Yesterday in church he and his son Sean both spoke on forgiveness. It was a good message and it was that message that put me in this somber reflective mood.
I got on my computer and stared my normal perusing of the news. Over and over again I am reading about Miley Cyrus’ performance at the VMAs Sunday night.
I read some of the stories and saw some of the pictures of the performance.
At first I was disgusted, but then pity came over me and I prayed for her and then for forgiveness.
What we need to understand is that Miley Cyrus is a by-product of our sick society.
Ray - PZ - America is Gone – What Do We Do Now?
Making Racism the Problem that Creates What We See is Like Blaming the Moon for Air Pollution
Ask any liberal why there is a cultural collapse in the urban black community that manifests itself in 50% unemployment and you will have the KNEE JERK right away... RACISM.
While I know and recognize racism exists. While I see the results of that bias. I know personally hundreds of people in the black community who have not allowed that to keep them from becoming healthy wealthy and wise.
Here are some things that are NOT racist, but are the result of bad policy by misleaders of all stripes. This evil has been imposed on the Black culture and
It is not racism that has caused the cultural drift we see today from Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech:
1963 births out of wedlock in the black community was 24% - 2013 it is 72%
Unemployment in the black community 1963 was 10% - 2013 it is 13.7% (among urban young it is 50%)
The average high school graduate from an Urban school has about the same reading, writing and computational ability as a Suburban 8th grader. IF that child goes to College, they will give him or her classes they won't fail at in order to graduate them. Yes there are exceptions, in both the suburban and urban schools, but it is very hard to break a cycle when kids are graduating functionally illiterate. A little more than half of all black male students graduate from High School. What that means is if you hire a young black urban high school graduate you are likely hiring an 8th grader in skill.
I won't even talk about violence, drugs, alcohol and gangs. None of them are the result of racism either.
When the heroes of a culture are rap stars, athletes and people who game the system, you have nothing for people to aspire to that is even possible. Heroes in the white community are often business people and entrepreneurs. They make movies about them... JOBS
I will admit that the lack of employment potential is a crisis...but it's driven internally.
We need a change, not just a hope. IF Jewish Lawyers, Asian Physicians and Irish musicians are a face we often assign, why can't the face of achievement be black?
While I know and recognize racism exists. While I see the results of that bias. I know personally hundreds of people in the black community who have not allowed that to keep them from becoming healthy wealthy and wise.
Here are some things that are NOT racist, but are the result of bad policy by misleaders of all stripes. This evil has been imposed on the Black culture and
It is not racism that has caused the cultural drift we see today from Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech:
1963 births out of wedlock in the black community was 24% - 2013 it is 72%
Unemployment in the black community 1963 was 10% - 2013 it is 13.7% (among urban young it is 50%)
The average high school graduate from an Urban school has about the same reading, writing and computational ability as a Suburban 8th grader. IF that child goes to College, they will give him or her classes they won't fail at in order to graduate them. Yes there are exceptions, in both the suburban and urban schools, but it is very hard to break a cycle when kids are graduating functionally illiterate. A little more than half of all black male students graduate from High School. What that means is if you hire a young black urban high school graduate you are likely hiring an 8th grader in skill.
I won't even talk about violence, drugs, alcohol and gangs. None of them are the result of racism either.
When the heroes of a culture are rap stars, athletes and people who game the system, you have nothing for people to aspire to that is even possible. Heroes in the white community are often business people and entrepreneurs. They make movies about them... JOBS
I will admit that the lack of employment potential is a crisis...but it's driven internally.
We need a change, not just a hope. IF Jewish Lawyers, Asian Physicians and Irish musicians are a face we often assign, why can't the face of achievement be black?
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
fool brought a knife to a gunfight... now he's dead. Thank God for
concealed carry. Now if IL would wise up...we'd have less crime or
perhaps more dead criminals.

Robber Brings Knife to Pizza-Delivery Heist…but Domino’s Guy Has a Gun
pizza delivery-man fatally shot a knife-wielding robber after dropping
off a pizza to a motel room. Domino's employee Bryon Park, 54, had just
returned to his vehicle after delivering a pizza
I learned this a long time ago... and it is true... You only get what you deserve.
AUTHOR: Jessie Belle Rittenhouse (1869–1948)
I bargained with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store;
For Life is a just employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.
I worked for a menial’s hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have gladly paid.
AUTHOR: Jessie Belle Rittenhouse (1869–1948)
I bargained with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store;
For Life is a just employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.
I worked for a menial’s hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have gladly paid.
is it that is constantly talking about Gays, Immigrants, women and
environmentalism. Conservatives or Liberals? While some of us are out
on the street fighting for opportunity, the very ones who black people
slavishly vote for, DEMOCRATS, who
couldn't give a rip less about them. They will have animal rights
before rights for those who helped build this country with stripes on
their backs. This guy told the truth... but since he is a republican,
very few black people will hear it. Democrats are once again saying to
the Black Community, take a seat way in the back of the bus. Enjoy the
view from back there, that's all the democrats are going to give you.
OH, and when you can find a job opportunity, you can kiss that goodbye
because people who just walked into this country illegally took the one
you thought you had a shot at... thank a democrat.... and they are about
to open the gates wide open. Say so long to that job you thought you
were gonna get. But that's OK, they'll just throw peanut sized money
your way and hope you continue to stay on the plantation and vote for
them. It worked pretty well in the second congressional district last
election. Is anyone awake?

At RNC event, speaker says African Americans have taken a back seat to gays, immigrants
“Everybody has come in front of them on the bus — gays, immigrants,
women, environmentalists,” Woodson said. “You never hear any talk about
the conditions confronting poor blacks and poor
Chivalry was a system, in which obligations fell on women as well as
men. If you wish for men to behave as they did in past times, you may
have to live with women behaving as they did in past times, too. In the
age of Miley Cyrus and Sandra Fluke, that doesn’t seem especially

Gentleman Speak: A Gentleman in Progress
posting Jedediah Bila’s reminiscence of an early dating disaster,
Verily asked readers on Twitter a simple and delightfully loaded,
question: Are most men "completely out of touch with how to
Monday, August 26, 2013
Poll: Majority of Americans Have Never Heard of Common Core | TheBlaze.com
Close to two-thirds of the American public doesn’t know what Common Core is, according to a recent poll. The Obama administration has been pushing the education initiative that seeks to achieve a core curriculum in the nation’s schools, despite strong resistance from several states.
The poll found that 62 percent of respondents had never heard of Common Core, and even among parents with children in public schools K-12, only 45 percent of parents had heard of it.
Students in kindergarten through third grade throughout the Hazleton Area School District participated in a four-day Kids University program held this past week at the Ninth Grade Center in Hazle Township near Hazleton, PA. During the event, students read aloud books written by Gail Gibbons while working together to complete projects, learn creative writing techniques and participate in hands-on learning stations sparking imagination and creativity while targeting the Common Core Academic Standards. Credit: AP
Poll: Majority of Americans Have Never Heard of Common Core | TheBlaze.com
I want to take the time to thank you for writing and telling me that I should be fired from my position as a tenured professor because I am “the biggest embarrassment to higher education in America.” I also want to thank you for responding when I asked you exactly how you arrived at that conclusion. Your response, “because you insist that marriage requires one man and one woman,” was both helpful and concise.
While I respect your right to conclude that I am the biggest embarrassment to higher education in America, I think you’re wrong. In fact, I don’t even think I’m the biggest embarrassment to higher education in the state of North Carolina. But since you’re a liberal and you support “choice” – provided we’re talking about dismembering children and not school vouchers for those who weren’t dismembered – I want to give you some options. In fact, I’m going to describe the antics of ten professors, official campus groups, and invited campus speakers in North Carolina and let you decide which constitutes the biggest embarrassment to higher education.
1. In the early spring semester of 2013, a women’s studies professor and a psychology professor at Western Carolina University co-sponsored a panel on bondage and S&M. The purpose of the panel was to teach college students how to inflict pain on themselves and others for sexual pleasure. When you called me the biggest embarrassment in higher education, you must not have known about their bondage panel. Maybe you were tied up that evening and couldn’t make it.
2. At UNC Chapel Hill, there is a feminist professor who believes that women can lead happy lives without men. That’s nothing new. But what’s different is that she thinks women can form lifelong domestic partnerships with dogs and that those relationships will actually be fulfilling enough to replace marital relationships with men. I can’t make this stuff up, Ed. I don’t drop acid. Well, at least not since the late 1980s. But I promise this story is real and not an LSD flashback.
3. At Duke University, feminists hired a “sex worker” (read: prostitute) to speak as part of an event called the Sex Workers Art Show. After his speech, the male prostitute pulled down his pants, got down on his knees, and inserted a burning sparkler into his rectum. While it burned, he sang a verse of “the Star Spangled Banner.” I believe that stripping incident was almost as embarrassing as the other one involving the Duke Lacrosse team.
4. A porn star was once paid to give a speech at UNCG. The topic was “safe sodomy.” After her speech, the feminist pornographer sold autographed butt plugs to students in attendance. I’m not sure whether the ink could contribute to rectal cancer. I’m no health expert. But I do know it was pretty darned embarrassing when the media picked up on the story.
5. A few years ago at UNC-Chapel Hill, a feminist group built a large vibrator museum in the middle of the campus quad as a part of their “orgasm awareness week.” I think that was probably the climax of the semester, academically speaking. But they certainly weren’t too embarrassed to display a vibrator that was made out of wood back in the 1920s. Keep your batteries charged, Ed. We’re about halfway done.
6. A feminist administrator at UNC-Wilmington sponsored a pro-abortion event. During the event they sold tee shirts saying “I had an abortion” to students who … well, had abortions. That’s right, Ed. The students were encouraged to boast about the fact that they had killed their own children. That’s how the UNC system is preserving the future of our great Tar Heel state.
7. The following semester, that same UNCW administrator sponsored a workshop teaching students how to appreciate their orgasms. I learned art appreciation in college. Today, college kids are taught orgasm appreciation. I will let you decide whether that’s an embarrassment to higher ed., Ed.
8 A few years ago, a UNCW English professor posted nude pictures of under-aged girls as a part of an “art exhibit” in the university library. The Provost then ordered the nude pictures to be moved away from the library and into the university union. This decision was made after several pedophiles had previous been caught downloading child pornography in the university library just a few yards away from the location of the display. The English professor was incensed so she asked the Faculty Senate to censure the provost for violating her “academic freedom.” The faculty senate sided with the feminist professor. The provost was later pressured to leave the university.
9. A different feminist professor at UNCW accused a male professor of putting tear gas in her office. She was later caught putting her mail in a microwave oven. She did this because she thought people were trying to poison her with anthrax and that the oven would neutralize the toxins. She was not placed on leave for psychiatric reasons. Instead, she was designated as the university’s official “counter terrorism” expert.
10 And then there is Mike Adams. He thinks marriage is between a man and a woman.
So those are the choices, Ed. You can simply write back and tell me which of these professors, groups, or guest speakers has caused “the biggest embarrassment to higher education” – either in North Carolina or in America altogether. Or you can just concede that our system of hire education is the real embarrassment because it has been hijacked by radical feminism. And please pardon any puns – especially those that take the form of ms-spelled words.
While I respect your right to conclude that I am the biggest embarrassment to higher education in America, I think you’re wrong. In fact, I don’t even think I’m the biggest embarrassment to higher education in the state of North Carolina. But since you’re a liberal and you support “choice” – provided we’re talking about dismembering children and not school vouchers for those who weren’t dismembered – I want to give you some options. In fact, I’m going to describe the antics of ten professors, official campus groups, and invited campus speakers in North Carolina and let you decide which constitutes the biggest embarrassment to higher education.
1. In the early spring semester of 2013, a women’s studies professor and a psychology professor at Western Carolina University co-sponsored a panel on bondage and S&M. The purpose of the panel was to teach college students how to inflict pain on themselves and others for sexual pleasure. When you called me the biggest embarrassment in higher education, you must not have known about their bondage panel. Maybe you were tied up that evening and couldn’t make it.
2. At UNC Chapel Hill, there is a feminist professor who believes that women can lead happy lives without men. That’s nothing new. But what’s different is that she thinks women can form lifelong domestic partnerships with dogs and that those relationships will actually be fulfilling enough to replace marital relationships with men. I can’t make this stuff up, Ed. I don’t drop acid. Well, at least not since the late 1980s. But I promise this story is real and not an LSD flashback.
3. At Duke University, feminists hired a “sex worker” (read: prostitute) to speak as part of an event called the Sex Workers Art Show. After his speech, the male prostitute pulled down his pants, got down on his knees, and inserted a burning sparkler into his rectum. While it burned, he sang a verse of “the Star Spangled Banner.” I believe that stripping incident was almost as embarrassing as the other one involving the Duke Lacrosse team.
4. A porn star was once paid to give a speech at UNCG. The topic was “safe sodomy.” After her speech, the feminist pornographer sold autographed butt plugs to students in attendance. I’m not sure whether the ink could contribute to rectal cancer. I’m no health expert. But I do know it was pretty darned embarrassing when the media picked up on the story.
5. A few years ago at UNC-Chapel Hill, a feminist group built a large vibrator museum in the middle of the campus quad as a part of their “orgasm awareness week.” I think that was probably the climax of the semester, academically speaking. But they certainly weren’t too embarrassed to display a vibrator that was made out of wood back in the 1920s. Keep your batteries charged, Ed. We’re about halfway done.
6. A feminist administrator at UNC-Wilmington sponsored a pro-abortion event. During the event they sold tee shirts saying “I had an abortion” to students who … well, had abortions. That’s right, Ed. The students were encouraged to boast about the fact that they had killed their own children. That’s how the UNC system is preserving the future of our great Tar Heel state.
7. The following semester, that same UNCW administrator sponsored a workshop teaching students how to appreciate their orgasms. I learned art appreciation in college. Today, college kids are taught orgasm appreciation. I will let you decide whether that’s an embarrassment to higher ed., Ed.
8 A few years ago, a UNCW English professor posted nude pictures of under-aged girls as a part of an “art exhibit” in the university library. The Provost then ordered the nude pictures to be moved away from the library and into the university union. This decision was made after several pedophiles had previous been caught downloading child pornography in the university library just a few yards away from the location of the display. The English professor was incensed so she asked the Faculty Senate to censure the provost for violating her “academic freedom.” The faculty senate sided with the feminist professor. The provost was later pressured to leave the university.
9. A different feminist professor at UNCW accused a male professor of putting tear gas in her office. She was later caught putting her mail in a microwave oven. She did this because she thought people were trying to poison her with anthrax and that the oven would neutralize the toxins. She was not placed on leave for psychiatric reasons. Instead, she was designated as the university’s official “counter terrorism” expert.
10 And then there is Mike Adams. He thinks marriage is between a man and a woman.
So those are the choices, Ed. You can simply write back and tell me which of these professors, groups, or guest speakers has caused “the biggest embarrassment to higher education” – either in North Carolina or in America altogether. Or you can just concede that our system of hire education is the real embarrassment because it has been hijacked by radical feminism. And please pardon any puns – especially those that take the form of ms-spelled words.

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