A critical creative look at issues of Economics, Politics and Finding a Purpose in Life - Let's talk about it. I try to leave the woodpile higher than I found it.
Thursday, August 09, 2012
A Terrible Disease on the loose:
Lungus Bitenilsa Epiderma. At least that's what my cousin Dick used to call it. He's gone now. Not because of this horrid disease, but it was a catch all for most anything that people didn't know what was wrong. I am suspect of Doctors who "Capture" people with all encompassing maladies. They use various names and titles to diagnose what is in fact perhaps the result of getting older. It's just that the Doc can Ca Ching the whole deal without having to actually do anything. Some alternative medical practices are pointed at for doing this, but MDs do it too.
So, they prescribe more rest, vitamins, eat more vegetables, take an aspirin a day, drink juices of all strange iterations and come back in 60 days for a check up (Ca Ching). In fact the patient is suffering from a severe case of Lungus Bitenilsa Epiderma, we used to call it hypochondria. It just sounds better if you hang a doctory sounding name on it.
It seems to me that doctors might be better employed serving people that are actually sick. I have some facebook friends who have very bad legitimate illness. I think it just may be much easier to treat people that want to come back again and again and again. Ca Ching.
So, they prescribe more rest, vitamins, eat more vegetables, take an aspirin a day, drink juices of all strange iterations and come back in 60 days for a check up (Ca Ching). In fact the patient is suffering from a severe case of Lungus Bitenilsa Epiderma, we used to call it hypochondria. It just sounds better if you hang a doctory sounding name on it.
It seems to me that doctors might be better employed serving people that are actually sick. I have some facebook friends who have very bad legitimate illness. I think it just may be much easier to treat people that want to come back again and again and again. Ca Ching.
Cher Coner via African-American Conservatives
***African Americans should no longer allow this deception of abortion to plague our race by continuing to elect politicians who endorse murder of unborn children, homosexuality and everything else ungodly...Abortionist (Ron Virmani) justifies his practice by saying he is sparing the taxpayer from having to pay for "Ugly Black babies."...THIS IS APPAULING AND UNBELIEVABLE
Sharia Law USA??
I just wonder of how many Americans are really paying attention? One person got so mad when this was mentioned that he began to holler and shout, "there was no way this could happen in America and Obama would not let it happen". Wake up America and begin to stand up in prayer and action. You are in a war for you soul, and your babies don't need to live under the sharia law.
A Warning
I'm not a Catholic, but if the evangelical church doesn't learn in the coming economic crisis how to do this well, we will go extinct. The Catholic church during the great depression became a powerhouse by helping the poor and when times got better the legacy gifts to the church were a huge harvest. It will happen again in Italy. Helping the poor and suffering isn't just a good thing to do, it is a kingdom principle. Let's not miss it.
Instant Border
I enjoy working with People from Mexico. I know many are concerned about illegal immigration. I am not passionate about the issue. It did occur to me that if Mexicans were rabid Republican Voters.... there would be an 80 foot steel fence the entire length of the border erected in the last 3 years.
End the Tax Return issue now
IF the drumbeat for Romney's tax returns continues, IF I were Romney, I would call a press conference to produce all my tax returns for ten years. All my college transcripts. All my personal records. Every parking ticket. My Passport. My Birth Certificate. I would pile the whole assemblage on a large table. THEN I would say to the assembled press, "I will give you all of this the very second that President Obama provides all of his Grade School and college records, His passport, An original birth certificate, every piece of memorabilia tit for tat with what I am providing today. You get that arranged and you have this all... Till then I'm not giving you anything. I have exactly as much to hide as President Obama has...or not". Have all the boxes picked up and walk out of the room with them leaving a stunned press corp alone to think about this.
Don't thank GOD, Thank Government
Federal Government says, "YOU CAN'T THANK GOD for that food, HE didn't make that, WE DID. IF you want to pray to someone, pray to the government". SMH
Hope and Change
One Third Of Americans And Nearly One Half Of Immigrants Are On Welfare - Say Anything
sayanythingblog.comAccording to these figures from the Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee, via the Weekly Standard, roughly one third of America’s population is on welfare. Note that this
I wonder if a person deep in debt at 80 years old will just be shot???
This is a catastrophe created by government. TAKE NO STUDENT LOANS OUT...they are zombies, never die and haunt you till you are gone.
The USA WAS a Christian Nation
- Congress Published Bibles for the Public Schools.
- There was a Church of Thousands that for a century met in the Halls of Congress.
- Paintings are there Representing the Baptism of Pocahontas, and many other spiritual occurrences.
- The marine corp band was the worship band.
- President Garfield was a revivalist preacher.
- over HALF our our founding fathers were Seminary trained
- The whole idea that we are a secular nation is a lie. You may not agree with David Barton's scholarship...you have to agree with his facts
We have been lied to...this relates to the fact that we as conservatives believe when the left lies...as it nearly always does. Stand for truth
We have been lied to...this relates to the fact that we as conservatives believe when the left lies...as it nearly always does. Stand for truth
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Hayek’s “The Mirage of Social Justice”
A good read, a viewpoint I agree with and a position I have long held
In Hayek’s view, justice in the Open Society concerned “rules of just conduct,” which he defined as “those end-independent rules which serve the formation of a spontaneous order, in contrast to the end-dependent rules of organization” (p. 31). In other words, in a free society that is not planned and controlled by a central authority, the rules must be fair and equally applicable to all, as in a baseball game, and not be directed towards a preferred outcome, as in picking winners and losers. This is the exact opposite, for example, of the tenets of affirmative action or outcome based education, however compensatory those policies might be.
Hayek’s “The Mirage of Social Justice” |
In Hayek’s view, justice in the Open Society concerned “rules of just conduct,” which he defined as “those end-independent rules which serve the formation of a spontaneous order, in contrast to the end-dependent rules of organization” (p. 31). In other words, in a free society that is not planned and controlled by a central authority, the rules must be fair and equally applicable to all, as in a baseball game, and not be directed towards a preferred outcome, as in picking winners and losers. This is the exact opposite, for example, of the tenets of affirmative action or outcome based education, however compensatory those policies might be.
Hayek’s “The Mirage of Social Justice” |
Why Public Education must end
Then first featured "Minister" was Patricia Hodison, the Kansas City, Kansas NEA Representative. She spoke a LOT about "we" and "us" and "our"...a LOT about Collectivism, a not a peep about education, oh, she did wax eloquent about promoting and "teaching" social justice in the classrooms...in short, it was typical Marxist propaganda...apparently the letter "E" in NEA doesn't stand for Education anymore.
Then the "Senior Minister" came out, the District Superintendent, and began the repetitious refrain of "WE can do ANYTHING! WE can do ANYTHING! WE can do ANYTHING!"
The chant picked up and it sounded like Nimrod and the builders of the Tower of Babel, "We CAN build this tower to the heavens!" ...it also was reminiscent of another despotic, dictorial tyrant, Barack HUSSEIN Obama's vain boast- "YES WE CAN!"
She then quoted a leading American (sadly) Socialist, Feminist, Animal "Right's" Activist, Liberal and Globalist, Margaret Mead, the quote-
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
—Margaret Mead, anthropologist.
The State Church: Paid For With OUR TAX Dollars - Patriot Action Network
Then the "Senior Minister" came out, the District Superintendent, and began the repetitious refrain of "WE can do ANYTHING! WE can do ANYTHING! WE can do ANYTHING!"
The chant picked up and it sounded like Nimrod and the builders of the Tower of Babel, "We CAN build this tower to the heavens!" ...it also was reminiscent of another despotic, dictorial tyrant, Barack HUSSEIN Obama's vain boast- "YES WE CAN!"
She then quoted a leading American (sadly) Socialist, Feminist, Animal "Right's" Activist, Liberal and Globalist, Margaret Mead, the quote-
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
—Margaret Mead, anthropologist.
The State Church: Paid For With OUR TAX Dollars - Patriot Action Network
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
An Apology to my Female Readers
Over the years I have written and taught on love and marriage (to the point where some call me "Da LOOOVE Doctor"). I had never really spoken directly to the situation of the single woman who wants to meet someone. I have often given what I believe to be sound advise to young men on the hows and whys. Some who took it, did well.
I was encouraged to offer up a perspective from a Biblical basis on how to meet someone with a long term relationship in mind for the ladies. So I did.
IF you are a student of the Bible and if you have much of it inside you (you don't have to go look it up) you will have quickly recognized the several appellations in application during this whole word. Genesis and Rebecca, Proverbs woman and women, good and bad, Peter's appeal to women. Women who followed Jesus. Song of Solomon. Ecclesiastes. 1 and 2 Corinthians. AND a lot of other source material. Every word is directly from scripture.
I wrote, however, without citing scripture. On purpose. I didn't want this to become another Bible study. This was saying what God says and doing it in a way that bypasses the bias much bad preaching and teaching has imposed. Preaching and teaching Bible to a post modern generation no longer works. They have heard it all before and are well inoculated from being moved any more. We must take the word of God and put it into practical application without letting them know where that all comes from. That's what Prophets do and If we are fortunate, that's what Preachers will begin to do.
IF I offended any of the female persuasion in this writing, if I laid it out too hard, if I frustrated you, I am sorry. Two edged swords hurt. I posted 1 Peter chapter 3 from the Amplified. IF you read it, if it is hard, it's still the word of God. Still two edged. I pray that those who were offended by all this will forgive me, I'm only saying what Father says. I hope you heal enough to love like that. It's a huge leap from a culture that has made men into women and women into men. Finding love in this day is almost counter-cultural...yet the narrow way is straight ahead. A light unto your path is HIS Word.
I was encouraged to offer up a perspective from a Biblical basis on how to meet someone with a long term relationship in mind for the ladies. So I did.
IF you are a student of the Bible and if you have much of it inside you (you don't have to go look it up) you will have quickly recognized the several appellations in application during this whole word. Genesis and Rebecca, Proverbs woman and women, good and bad, Peter's appeal to women. Women who followed Jesus. Song of Solomon. Ecclesiastes. 1 and 2 Corinthians. AND a lot of other source material. Every word is directly from scripture.
I wrote, however, without citing scripture. On purpose. I didn't want this to become another Bible study. This was saying what God says and doing it in a way that bypasses the bias much bad preaching and teaching has imposed. Preaching and teaching Bible to a post modern generation no longer works. They have heard it all before and are well inoculated from being moved any more. We must take the word of God and put it into practical application without letting them know where that all comes from. That's what Prophets do and If we are fortunate, that's what Preachers will begin to do.
IF I offended any of the female persuasion in this writing, if I laid it out too hard, if I frustrated you, I am sorry. Two edged swords hurt. I posted 1 Peter chapter 3 from the Amplified. IF you read it, if it is hard, it's still the word of God. Still two edged. I pray that those who were offended by all this will forgive me, I'm only saying what Father says. I hope you heal enough to love like that. It's a huge leap from a culture that has made men into women and women into men. Finding love in this day is almost counter-cultural...yet the narrow way is straight ahead. A light unto your path is HIS Word.
Monday, August 06, 2012
OK, DR LOOVE is going to give it a shot.
I'm pretty good at counseling young men on how to meet "the one". Never really tried to deal with it from the other perspective. I have considered carefully many women I know who are very "Successful" at attracting male attention in a Godly way and are able to stay pure while doing so. I make the assumption that the woman I address this to is a Christian and want to meet anther of like precious faith.
So, here goes nothing...
Nothing is more appealing then one who melts into you. One who you as a man think that if you hugged her would disappear into your arms. There is a root for that. Submission. Now, Biblically submission is a wife to a husband. But the spirit of submission is important. She must know that HE doesn't need a competitor. He doesn't need a one up manship. He needs to know that even if he's not that strong (at the beginning) you are willing to let him be strong.
I think the POWER STRUGGLE in a marriage and in a relationship, even in it's vestigial stages is very off putting. Forget the movies. Forget what you see on the housewife TV shows. A man wants to feel this woman he might be interested in is looking for him to "Be the Man". And however badly he does this, she will embrace it.
As a relationship sprouts and blooms, this is a critical area. Women of God...you must allow him to be the man. He will never willingly submit to you. I love strong women. I love it more when they put aside their strength and let me be me. I get this. Some modern movements (women's lib and the culture) have distorted this horribly. Never say, "I'll submit after we are married". No you won't.
Second, looks are waaaaay overrated by women. They think men are ONLY interested in looks. Yes, beauty is attractive for a moment, but we have all known women who were stunning and vipers on the inside. Don't do that.
Be well groomed. Be clean. Dress with some mystery. Don't show too much. It's scary to most men.
Don't overdo makeup, use enough to look good, but don't look like Dracula's daughter. Don't overdo jewelry. It says, I'm expensive but if you buy me enough you can have me. Just don't. Be tactful. Something simple as a ring, something as a necklace, nice simple earrings. That's enough.
Hair is sexy. Have some. Doesn't have to be flowing but if you deal with it well, it will accent your face. There is no biblical law against extensions. If it helps, go for it.
Don't over-worry about your figure. Do the best you can and dress to accent and diminish the parts that matter to make you feel confident. I happen to like "Full Sized" women. Many men do.
Now the how to flirt part. EYES. Look at him. Eye to eye. SMILE large. Laugh and if you don't have a pretty engaging laugh, learn. Practice. If he says good morning to you, look for the humor and giggle just a bit.
Glance back...twice or three times.
In conversation, let him talk. If he is real charming he'll let you talk. Don't go deep right away, respect his opinions. Don't argue. This isn't a debate.
Never lie. Never gossip...not about anything. The fear is, if you talk about them in front of me, how will you talk about me in front of them.
Don't ever ever ever ever worry about what your parents, friends, acquaintances, former boyfriends and others say about him. This is not about them. If you want to be talked out of it, there are a zillion people willing to do so. Forget them.
Unless he's a toad, he's not interested in sex...yet. That comes later so relax.
If he's middle aged he will put up a front. Talk big. Do lots of things that will not be appealing in the least. IF you are looking for the Dos Equis man, sorry there's only one. You will settle, until you fall in love. Find a man you can invest yourself in, not necessarily one who sweeps yourself off your feet.
Now here's the hardest part. IF you are over 40 and wanting to meet a man about your age... told you this would be hard, YOU will probably have to make the first move. Find a way to give his camels something to drink. Supreme court justice Sandra Day O'Conner found the man she wanted to marry and set out to bake him a pie. Took TWO days. Gave it to him and a year later they were married. At least that's the story. The old adage that the way to a man's heart is thru his stomach. Not far from true. Don't forget the bacon. Bacon is a near sacrament to men.
Be of service. Let him get used to you being around till he can't do without you.
Don't be offended by anything he does for a long time. He is unmarried or divorced because he may not be very good at this. You can help him develop if you allow him space.
I know as a young woman, you had all kinds of knights in shining armor on a white horse fantasies. They are out there but they are disguised as guys you didn't give a look at the first time round the bend.
That man you know who you MIGHT be interested in meeting that is not married (I have such a son) is bashful, not forward, guarded, sensitive and not willing to risk any more. His life is OK, not great, just OK.
IF you are able to get him hooked, he may become the most passionate romantic man you ever thought possible. You may be the doorway to a whole new dimension. Very sensitive men often are.
Most of all, be gentle. Men are fragile beings. They will die for their wives, but lose their manhood routinely to women who for unknown reasons snip off the important parts with a harsh tongue.
I am married to such a woman of quality I have described. I know such women. Women that when I talk to them I know that if I took them in my arms they would melt. I know what that's like.
My wife is beautiful, mid 60s and to this day I can barely keep the men off her. It's not her outer beauty, everyone loves her. She is the woman I have described. She is that person. Everyone loves her.
I don't have all the answers, but I know this. There are enough lonely straight women out there who would LOVE to meet a lonely straight guy. The only thing keeping that from happening is pride. A smile, a gentle flirt will go a long way.
Ladies, I love you, but if you have seen your 40th birthday come and go, it's time to get serious if you want to meet that guy. YOU reach out. Invite him to dinner. Invite him. I know this, my single 40 year old son will NEVER marry unless he meets just such a woman. She will have to pursue him till HE catches HER. That's the way it works...later in life.
It's not that hard, be aggressive and submissive at the same time with a ready smile and a laugh connected with an act of service. No outward fro fro. Read 1 Peter 3 from which this was drawn as well as my life of nearly 70 years experience.
How bad do you want to make this work. I suspect as you read this you already have the picture of a man who fits this...Go for it...what do you have to loose? He want's a relationship more than you do...no matter what they say.
MEN?? Can I get an amen??
So, here goes nothing...
Nothing is more appealing then one who melts into you. One who you as a man think that if you hugged her would disappear into your arms. There is a root for that. Submission. Now, Biblically submission is a wife to a husband. But the spirit of submission is important. She must know that HE doesn't need a competitor. He doesn't need a one up manship. He needs to know that even if he's not that strong (at the beginning) you are willing to let him be strong.
I think the POWER STRUGGLE in a marriage and in a relationship, even in it's vestigial stages is very off putting. Forget the movies. Forget what you see on the housewife TV shows. A man wants to feel this woman he might be interested in is looking for him to "Be the Man". And however badly he does this, she will embrace it.
As a relationship sprouts and blooms, this is a critical area. Women of God...you must allow him to be the man. He will never willingly submit to you. I love strong women. I love it more when they put aside their strength and let me be me. I get this. Some modern movements (women's lib and the culture) have distorted this horribly. Never say, "I'll submit after we are married". No you won't.
Second, looks are waaaaay overrated by women. They think men are ONLY interested in looks. Yes, beauty is attractive for a moment, but we have all known women who were stunning and vipers on the inside. Don't do that.
Be well groomed. Be clean. Dress with some mystery. Don't show too much. It's scary to most men.
Don't overdo makeup, use enough to look good, but don't look like Dracula's daughter. Don't overdo jewelry. It says, I'm expensive but if you buy me enough you can have me. Just don't. Be tactful. Something simple as a ring, something as a necklace, nice simple earrings. That's enough.
Hair is sexy. Have some. Doesn't have to be flowing but if you deal with it well, it will accent your face. There is no biblical law against extensions. If it helps, go for it.
Don't over-worry about your figure. Do the best you can and dress to accent and diminish the parts that matter to make you feel confident. I happen to like "Full Sized" women. Many men do.
Now the how to flirt part. EYES. Look at him. Eye to eye. SMILE large. Laugh and if you don't have a pretty engaging laugh, learn. Practice. If he says good morning to you, look for the humor and giggle just a bit.
Glance back...twice or three times.
In conversation, let him talk. If he is real charming he'll let you talk. Don't go deep right away, respect his opinions. Don't argue. This isn't a debate.
Never lie. Never gossip...not about anything. The fear is, if you talk about them in front of me, how will you talk about me in front of them.
Don't ever ever ever ever worry about what your parents, friends, acquaintances, former boyfriends and others say about him. This is not about them. If you want to be talked out of it, there are a zillion people willing to do so. Forget them.
Unless he's a toad, he's not interested in sex...yet. That comes later so relax.
If he's middle aged he will put up a front. Talk big. Do lots of things that will not be appealing in the least. IF you are looking for the Dos Equis man, sorry there's only one. You will settle, until you fall in love. Find a man you can invest yourself in, not necessarily one who sweeps yourself off your feet.
Now here's the hardest part. IF you are over 40 and wanting to meet a man about your age... told you this would be hard, YOU will probably have to make the first move. Find a way to give his camels something to drink. Supreme court justice Sandra Day O'Conner found the man she wanted to marry and set out to bake him a pie. Took TWO days. Gave it to him and a year later they were married. At least that's the story. The old adage that the way to a man's heart is thru his stomach. Not far from true. Don't forget the bacon. Bacon is a near sacrament to men.
Be of service. Let him get used to you being around till he can't do without you.
Don't be offended by anything he does for a long time. He is unmarried or divorced because he may not be very good at this. You can help him develop if you allow him space.
I know as a young woman, you had all kinds of knights in shining armor on a white horse fantasies. They are out there but they are disguised as guys you didn't give a look at the first time round the bend.
That man you know who you MIGHT be interested in meeting that is not married (I have such a son) is bashful, not forward, guarded, sensitive and not willing to risk any more. His life is OK, not great, just OK.
IF you are able to get him hooked, he may become the most passionate romantic man you ever thought possible. You may be the doorway to a whole new dimension. Very sensitive men often are.
Most of all, be gentle. Men are fragile beings. They will die for their wives, but lose their manhood routinely to women who for unknown reasons snip off the important parts with a harsh tongue.
I am married to such a woman of quality I have described. I know such women. Women that when I talk to them I know that if I took them in my arms they would melt. I know what that's like.
My wife is beautiful, mid 60s and to this day I can barely keep the men off her. It's not her outer beauty, everyone loves her. She is the woman I have described. She is that person. Everyone loves her.
I don't have all the answers, but I know this. There are enough lonely straight women out there who would LOVE to meet a lonely straight guy. The only thing keeping that from happening is pride. A smile, a gentle flirt will go a long way.
Ladies, I love you, but if you have seen your 40th birthday come and go, it's time to get serious if you want to meet that guy. YOU reach out. Invite him to dinner. Invite him. I know this, my single 40 year old son will NEVER marry unless he meets just such a woman. She will have to pursue him till HE catches HER. That's the way it works...later in life.
It's not that hard, be aggressive and submissive at the same time with a ready smile and a laugh connected with an act of service. No outward fro fro. Read 1 Peter 3 from which this was drawn as well as my life of nearly 70 years experience.
How bad do you want to make this work. I suspect as you read this you already have the picture of a man who fits this...Go for it...what do you have to loose? He want's a relationship more than you do...no matter what they say.
MEN?? Can I get an amen??
Katarina the Dragonslayer and the Foebreaker's Curse (The Fetters of Wizardry)
A friend of mine wrote this. He's a gifted writer and writes with a touch of the Holy Spirit on his story. This is fresh and if you enjoy this genre...this is a good read. Only out on Kindle so far. Not long (~250 pages). Certainly a MUCH BETTER read then Harry Potter for young people. All the fun without all the demons to follow them home.
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