Thursday, August 09, 2012

A Terrible Disease on the loose:

Lungus Bitenilsa Epiderma. At least that's what my cousin Dick used to call it. He's gone now. Not because of this horrid disease, but it was a catch all for most anything that people didn't know what was wrong. I am suspect of Doctors who "Capture" people with all encompassing maladies. They use various names and titles to diagnose what is in fact perhaps the result of getting older. It's just that the Doc can Ca Ching the whole deal without having to actually do anything. Some alternative medical practices are pointed at for doing this, but MDs do it too.
So, they prescribe more rest, vitamins, eat more vegetables, take an aspirin a day, drink juices of all strange iterations and come back in 60 days for a check up (Ca Ching). In fact the patient is suffering from a severe case of Lungus Bitenilsa Epiderma, we used to call it hypochondria. It just sounds better if you hang a doctory sounding name on it.

It seems to me that doctors might be better employed serving people that are actually sick. I have some facebook friends who have very bad legitimate illness. I think it just may be much easier to treat people that want to come back again and again and again. Ca Ching.

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