Tuesday, August 07, 2012

An Apology to my Female Readers

Over the years I have written and taught on love and marriage (to the point where some call me "Da LOOOVE Doctor"). I had never really spoken directly to the situation of the single woman who wants to meet someone. I have often given what I believe to be sound advise to young men on the hows and whys. Some who took it, did well.

I was encouraged to offer up a perspective from a Biblical basis on how to meet someone with a long term relationship in mind for the ladies. So I did.

IF you are a student of the Bible and if you have much of it inside you (you don't have to go look it up) you will have quickly recognized the several appellations in application during this whole word. Genesis and Rebecca, Proverbs woman and women, good and bad, Peter's appeal to women. Women who followed Jesus. Song of Solomon. Ecclesiastes. 1 and 2 Corinthians. AND a lot of other source material. Every word is directly from scripture.

I wrote, however, without citing scripture. On purpose. I didn't want this to become another Bible study. This was saying what God says and doing it in a way that bypasses the bias much bad preaching and teaching has imposed. Preaching and teaching Bible to a post modern generation no longer works. They have heard it all before and are well inoculated from being moved any more. We must take the word of God and put it into practical application without letting them know where that all comes from. That's what Prophets do and If we are fortunate, that's what Preachers will begin to do.

IF I offended any of the female persuasion in this writing, if I laid it out too hard, if I frustrated you, I am sorry. Two edged swords hurt. I posted 1 Peter chapter 3 from the Amplified. IF you read it, if it is hard, it's still the word of God. Still two edged. I pray that those who were offended by all this will forgive me, I'm only saying what Father says. I hope you heal enough to love like that. It's a huge leap from a culture that has made men into women and women into men. Finding love in this day is almost counter-cultural...yet the narrow way is straight ahead. A light unto your path is HIS Word.

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