Thursday, August 29, 2013

Time to stand up. by this guy

Have all you liberals, especially blacks lost your mind. If you morons check your history Democrats wanted to put us back in chains. There was not a single Republican on the lineup today. You idiots have Jamie Foxx up there saying that him, Will Smith and Jay Z should be the next Civil Rights leaders, are you stupid liberals insane. How sad of a state African Americans are in today. Many of us want to here we are victims,that there's no way out,that the world hates you, you can't compete in today market,you are poor and disadvantaged. This type of rhetoric and the people who spoke them stands for everything the Great Dr.King stood for. Shame on every African American that was there and clapped at this gross attempt to inspire hope. Today we have allow the Democrats and liberals thinking to finally start the process of putting blacks back in chains. We have walked with thundering applause back into the hands of those that wished to keep us on the side line and off the fields. For now on were ever I'm speaking at, attacking this mentality will be my first priority, no matter who's in the room or who's feelings I might heart. If liberals can say what ever they want than so can I. It's time for the boxing gloves to come OFF, no more soft blows. They need some blows to their head. Time to stand up.

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