Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Blessings of the Internet

I have good blog friends and people of like mind who I am proud to know.

This good natured interchange is one that demonstrates the power of it all. I'm thankful for every one of these people.

You can read all their comments here. Nancy and Olufunso and I are about to embark on something even they don't have understanding of yet. It's very exciting. God is up to Great Things. Partnering in the Gospel is very exciting.

RBB is a long time commenter and friend in a blog sort of way and a man I respect a great deal although politically we come from very different perspectives. All in all I am blessed to have these good people in my life.

The internet has made for some good relationships that 50 years ago could never have come to pass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes Gene, I whole heartedly agree.
Ya know what…we should send a thank you card to Al Gore for his passion about this thing. After all the real father of the internet, Vint Cerf, defends him for advocating for it. Newt Gingrich does as well.
Why not us?

(It’s down at the bottom of the article)

Fun poking aside, this thing is AMAZING. Just to think that a goofball like me can chat with a decent guy like you, living half way across our country, share ideas and condemnations of said ideas, oh what fun it is to ride…

But dang these computers are a tough nut to crack. I am use to being able to fix things with my own two hands and limited liberal mental capacity…but this! This binary beast! This play of pixels and pain! Maybe we villagers should be storming Al Gore’s manse with torches, axes and shovels demanding back our lives!

Have a great day Gene, do something nice for yourself today.