Monday, August 27, 2007

Now it Begins

With Gonzales resigning (over which all the liberal blogs, CNN and NYT celebrated with great glee) the war begins.

I hope President Bush has the good sense to do a recess appointment. NOW. Today. It's good for a year and we don't have to live thru the dog and pony show the liberals in congress will put on.

Oh, there will be the usual arm waving if he does. SO WHAT. They blew their wad already. (Just for those of you who always thought it was a sexual comment to say that, it's not, It's an old world military cannon fire concept of shooting accidentally without being ready).

So, if you are listening Mr President, before Labor Day, put a man in now. I recommend Robert Bork.

Besides, even if you were
somehow able to get the King of Kings, Lord of Lords and judge of all creation (Jesus) to take the job he wouldn't make it past the liberal congress.

Especially if it were Jesus.

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