Tuesday, September 01, 2009

A lot of friends - lots of people knew him - But he wasn't KNOWN

I was at a funeral recently. The place was packed. The deceased had a lot of friends. A lot of people knew him. Liked him. Loved him. It was a big deal.

I had to think the BIGGER DEAL is what happened on the other side of the veil. Did he have a Friend in Jesus? More important, was HE known by Him? I know he was loved by him.

Did he hear, depart from me, I never knew you?

It was nice for his family that he had this big funeral, I just wish he had been ready to step over and come face to face with the God who knit him together from his mothers womb.

I don't think he was ready at any level. And that is sadder than any funeral.


Anonymous said...

YOU have no idea, nor are you to judge if anyone was or wasn't. this is NOT your call for you to publically judge whether someone was saved. not your call AT ALL. Only Gods.

Gene said...

I know an apple tree is an apple tree if from time to time it bears an apple, or flowers or has leaves like an apple. If it doesn't, even if it's a darn good tree, I can judge that it probably isn't an apple tree.

You are right, that Call is God's along. I'm not God. BUT, if I were the poor soul trying to preach the sermon at his funeral I might be pretty hesitant to preach him into a better place.

I know of a funeral in a black church of a gang banger who had been killed in a drug deal gone bad on the south side of Chicago. The preacher got up and said, "If you don't straighten out you will end up in HELL just like Clarence did".

I think sometimes a good guess is probably right. More people are going to hell than are going to heaven or we have to judge Jesus incorrect. Narrow is the way and few there are that find it...HE SAID