Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The Kennedy Funeral and Mixed up Christianity

I didn't watch much. Some. Little. I think the mixture of Politics, Accolades, Religiosity, Catholicism and new age all dogs go to heaven kind of stuff was more than I could stand.

I was reminded of this in reading Os Hillman's caution against a diluted mixed faith system. We have this in spades in the American Church. It's not a good thing.

Os Hillman:

"Then they said, 'These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt'" (Ex 32:4).

Moses had gone up onto Mount Sinai to meet with God and receive the Ten Commandments. He left his brother Aaron in charge. Aaron had been mentored by his brother Moses. However, we learn that Aaron still has vestiges of Egypt residing in him. He had not had a complete conversion from the ways of Egypt to the ways of God. His leadership was not strong enough to thwart a rebellion in the camp and he allowed the people, and even encouraged the people, to make an idol of gold. Later, he tried to justify his actions by saying the idol was a God of Israel.

Today we see such mixture in the body of Christ. We promote guaranteed prosperity without the cross. We call adversity a sign of a lack of faith. We promote New Age philosophies mixed with the scriptures and call it a new freedom in Christ. This is only mixture. It is an abomination to the Lord.

And because Aaron has mixture in his own life, he was unable to be truthful to Moses when confronted with his actions. "He said to Aaron, 'What did these people do to you, that you led them into such great sin?' So I told them, 'Whoever has any gold jewelry, take it off.' Then they gave me the gold, and I threw it into the fire, and out came this calf!'" (Ex 32:21-24).

Did you notice Aaron's explanation? Out came this calf! - all by itself. Aaron attempted to deceive Moses. Aaron failed to fulfill his role as a strong, Godly leader. He allowed "mixture" to have power over the people of God.

Pray that you will be faithful to the Word of God and not allow new philosophies to distort its ageless truths.


Anonymous said...

The scriptures plainly tell us that God cannot be mocked, as a man sows so shall he reap/Gal 6:7
We must recognize this despite how many priests, popes, overseers, prophets, et al say different.
There is only one judge and He is able.

Anonymous said...

The T.kennedy funeral mass showed that the R.C. still sees the eucharist as a sacrifice (to God)... and injects prayers to Mary.... A lot of the stuff indicated that human "good works" get you 'there'.... Kennedy's letter to the Pope was a plea in which one's so called good intentions ( proposals for legislature -- getting the people's tax money to help the needy, etc.)
ought to move the pope (and God?) toward absolution. .. Harold