Tuesday, December 05, 2006

2006 Word of the Lord Prophetic Review (Out of a possible 54, the score is 45 God - 9 Others, God Wins)

Starting today, I will be out of touch until next Saturday. An ICA convention in Dallas. If you know what that is I may see you there. If you don't it doesn't matter.

As of this date 92% of the year has passed. There are 29 of 365 days left in 2006.

It's a good time to take a near-end-of-year review of the prophetic word given last January for fulfillment and accuracy. I am already engaged in fasting and prayer seeking the word for next year. If God wills and uses me once more I will have a complete "Word of the Lord for 2007" by the end of December. I don't want to have the two confused. This review is a clearing of the cobwebs .

There were 54 clear proclamations made in the 2006 prophecy.
45 of them have come to pass.
9 have not --- YET!
Website containing this Word is:

I expect doubting eyes to roll, poo-pooing to go on, the truth of all this to be discounted, the "Oh this is easy or anyone could do this" to be said with a sniff.

OK, let's see if you have the guts to put your 2007 predictions out there in print, naked without a net and no real god as your source. I have doubt anyone who doesn't know and hear from Father prophetically will be courageous enough to do this. I don't issue that challenge in anger. I just want you to know that when you know who it is that is speaking it's so much easier to have this kind of boldness. AND
I am always eager for an Elijah style showdown with the priests of Baal "prophetically speaking".

Much of what was given me at the beginning of this year was criticized royally as being "out there" and even potentially embarrassing. An 83% prophetic accuracy shouldn't be sniffed at. God is God and I'm not, (and by the way neither are you).
Like all prophecy, much is best understood in a rear view mirror. Example: there is one about the 2006 fall elections. I thought it meant one thing when I got it in December; turns out it was right on as a prophecy but meant something else than I thought it did (or wished). Rear view mirror.

Prophecy is often misunderstood even by the prophet. The words heard and written down are what matters. The interpretation in the end is subject the events as they unfold. If not, Jesus would not have been such a surprise to most of the Jews of his day from his birth in Bethlehem to his death on the cross.

Spiritual gifts are put here to edify believers and as a sign and a wonder for unbelievers. Unlike tongues, the word of Knowledge and miracles the prophetic is not really a sign gift. It should make people wonder however. People who don't believe won't believe even if one should rise from the dead. Jesus said that and he rose. People still don't believe. I'm not going to try to convince them. I'll take the brickbats and ignore them.

For those who do believe and understand this is simply confirmation of the goodness of God speaking thru the prophetic gift. Go doesn't want you to be unaware or fearful. He places the prophetic gift at your access to give you hope and a future. And He never does anything without telling his prophets first.

Read the full review and comments for last December's prophecy for 2006 and then see the fulfillments of it as they came to pass.

Those who have ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord says. You are destined to overcome, to partake of the tree of life, and to stand eternally in paradise.


Anonymous said...

I scored you and got 34 wrong and 16 right. And I think I was generous.

DECEMBER 31, 2005
"“Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid, for look, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

It is the enemy'’s plan to put doubt (Troubled) and fear in your heart. In fact he wants to deceive even the very elect and have you be among them who's hearts fail them for fear. But God will be with you, he will comfort you, he will strengthen you by his manifested presence in your life.

Here is what I have been given to me in the last 30 days by the whisper of the Spirit'’s voice. We know in part, we prophecy in part but we know who really knows and we can take comfort and joy in the knowledge of he who placed the stars in the heavens, who knows the beginning from the end, and who lives in eternity, that same God who loves you more than his own SonÂ’s life and sufferings will preserve you till that day. All glory to Him.

What Follows is the Word of God as given to me:

About Natural Occurrence:
This will be a year of earthquake. I said in my word that there would be earthquakes in diverse places. There will be at least 2 of significant magnitude 6+ in California. There will be one more somewhere else in America. There will be others on the planet but these 3 are in America.
There have been several, But none of 6+ in California (the closest was a 5.4 on May 12) as of the first of December. There were two of 6+ magnitude in Hawaii. This may still be impending.(Wrong = 1)

The climate changes underway will increase. The idea that Man influences or causes them will be dispelled.
(The idea that humans influence climate change has NOT been dispelled. THis one is just as much in debate with neither side taking any points. Tho the average citizen does believe in the concept more than a year ago. Wrong = 2)
No man causes or defeats what My hand moves. The year will be one of extremes. Record hot, cold, wind, rain, storm, snow and drought. Extremes in weather are part of my kicking out the props of predictability in your life. Your dependence should be on me and not on your weather forecasters.
Spring of 2006 had record tornadoes for the worst on record with over 50 people killed in March and April by F-3 or better. There have been record floods in California the south and northwest. Every one of these have been reported as record extremes. Then this summer was very hot. Records. Drplagueslauges much of the western USA. This is a new normal and exactly as he said it would be. (In any given year, a number of records are broken somewhere. The average weather changed imperceptibly. Nothing is any less perdictable than ever. No change here. Wrong now = 3. How you can claim this as an accurate prediction is beyond me when thousands and thousands of statistics are kept and only a few records were broken. Since the beginning of record keeping, many are broken each year. No more this than usual.)

Just one major hurricane will occur on US soil in 2006. It will strike on the east coast boundary of Fla and Ga. A category 3. This will baffle many who are predicting increased hurricane activity. I will not be a God who can be controlled.
There was in fact only one cat 3 hurricane this year and as predicted it bounced off the eastern coast of Florida and Georgia. There was flooding but the experts who predicted mass hurricanes in the spring were just plain wrong and God was right. The map tracking this is amazing in it's relation to this part of the prophecy. (You can have this one - Right = 1)

Men'’s hearts have been failing them for fear, even in the Church, about bird flu. There will be an outbreak that will cause significant death but it will be restricted to the Asian countries. (Did not cause significant death Wrong = 4)
Even when it arrives on other shores it will be far less virulent than first predicted by many.(Did not arrive on other shore. Wrong = 5)
This has been a wake up call, are you ready if it comes and you are taken or your loved ones? I don'’t allow this to frighten you, that you do to yourself, I allow this to help you measure what really counts in your life.
There has been a few outbreaks of bird flu in humans, less than we feared (including me) last winter. GodÂ’s word that this was a wakeup call is still intact.

When you see all these things happen rejoice in the fact that I am still God and I still reign over all the earth.

Culture and Media influences

My judgment will come against corrupt media in 2006. It has been used too long to pollute the minds of young and discourage the older.
This has been a year of exposure of the corruption of media. The latest is the AP'’s fictitious informant from Iraq. The New York Times has been exposed over and over again forleaksess leakes, misreporting and slanted news. People'’s faith in mainstream media has fallen to an all time low. This will continue. The bar for honesty has been raised and those who go against it are coming under judgment. The watchdogs are spreading the word of the dishonesty in media. (Either God is terribly weak or this is a wrong too. No more exposure of errors or coruption than usual. Same as any year. What newspapers have gone under, what TV companies have gone under, what truly significant changes have occurred?? NONE. Same old same old. Wrong = 6.)

In 2006 I will initiate the beginnings of an educational implosion. From preschool to post grad I will cause people to begin to question what is happening in these schools. This must ultimately result in education which does not intentionally dishonor My Name. 2005 was the last year I kept my hand on education, I now withdraw it and will allow the locusts to devour it. Then I will restore what the locusts have eaten.
The direct intervention and resistance to the corrupt educational systems has begun. Nationwide education is coming under greater attack. The implosion is underway. (You found ONE article stating this to be true? Schools are just the same as last year the country over. Public education is still doing a great job in District 200 in DuPage County IL. Another wrong here for a score so far of wrong = 7.)

Media will create a greater divide of darkness and light. Choose light. Subscription media is substantially that which produces darkness. No one is forcing you to partake of this evil. Choose light.
The darkness of some entertainment media has become darker. And there is greater light. One Night with the King, Friday Night Lights, Fighting the Giants, The Nativity and other good movies and TV shows are demonstrating the divide. (There is no way you can call this a win. Entertainment media is a bland as ever with the same level of crap and a few good things. I have not seen one headline reporting this great new divide. It does not exist. No change. Such a lame and vague prediction this was so I won't score it against you either.)

People have given up on cities. I created cities. They were to be cities of God. They will be. I will in 2006 begin the return of men to the city. The world has given up on Detroit. I haven'’t. I will begin great moves in the city centers in 2006. The prayers of the saints from houses of prayer for their cities and the apostolic anointing over cities has been heard by me. Come home, come home.
This may be that. Or not. I know that some cities nationwide are seeing great influxes of people moving in. (Again, no great changes seen but then a prediction that says " I will begin" is too vague to score. No point given or taken.)

I will continue to expose those workers of darkness in media that dishonor my name. Those whose names from major media who were dishonored and disgraced in 2005 will be multiplied. My judgment is on them. Truth that speaks against their lies is their judgment. Media of America, be sure your sin will find you out.
The tabloids are more intense than ever. Those who have lived and spoken against righteousness are more and more exposed and judged. Even Jesse Jackson can' t save Kramer. (No change from any other year. Nothing was multipled. I have been generous on the last couple but I must count this as wrong = 8.)

Looking at the future in the natural broadcast media looks bleak to those in the world. But, I will redeem it for my purpose. It must be darkened before light can come. That will begin in 2006.
I still don't know what this means. But I know it's true. (Huh? You can't possibly count this as anything. Except maybe bad grammar.)

The music industry which possesses an antichrist spirit will be cleansed. I will begin with music dedicated to me in the Church. Greed and possessiveness which drives much of the industry will be struck down. The music licensing and fees which was for a season will begin to be replaced with a more just and honorable system without the graft and corruption that stifles what I desire in beauty for you.
This may be fullfilled in this, but I don't know. More may be coming. I do know that some of what happens even in Church Music greives the heart of God. (Nothing struck down. No change. Wrong = 9.)

When you see these things come to pass, know that I am a just God and I will make right those things in your life that are wrong. Justice is mine says the Lord.

America'’s Economy

This will be a year of restabilization.
The economy which reeled at the beginning of the year has stabilized and is growing again. (No major change. 'Restabilization' certainly implies a significant change. I will generous and not count this as a wrong, tho certainly no significant change deserves to be counted as a wrong score on a prediction with such strong working.)

General Motors will face bankruptcy. Woe will be proclaimed. It will have less effect than you will be told by your so-called experts as these things come to pass.
At the beginning of the year everyone expected Bankruptcy for GM. They dodged a bullet and this week Kerkorian who was driving this whole thing threw in the towel. ('Face bankruptcy' usually means it comes to pass, not that a big turn around happened. Wrong = 10)

The employment of my people in America will remain about the same at the end as from the beginning. But your job is not your security. I know the plans I have for you.
Unemployment and employment are about the same if even lower than at the beginning of the year. There were a few months of concern but overall there has been only slight but steady improvement. ("about the same" now there is a lame prediction if I ever saw one. My 2007 prediciton is that everything will stay about the same. I will achieve nearly 100% on that and it will take me only a few seconds to change the number on the year for when I issue my 2008 predictions. I will give you this because I am going to take credit for similarly vague ones next year. Right = 2)

With cultural changes will come a slowing in the new houses built in 2006. It will be greater than you will be first told. Nearly a 25% decrease in housing starts.
Predictions of gloom and doom will reverberate thru the media. Restabilzation.
This has now come to pass. Housing is down over 25% from the first of the year. The gloom and doomers are out in force. But things are stabilized. This is a deeper housing start fall than anyone thought was likely. (Groovy. You got a clear one here: There was a housing bust, but the media had been predicting this for months as housing prices rose and much bubble bursting was predicted by everyone. So you read the papers and stuck one of their's in. Right = 3)

At the end, the economy, although shaken will continue to be good. Stabilized.
The economy is good, maybe even great. And it is stable. Shaken but not stirred. It seems like nothing is able to shake people's confidence. Even Christmas shopping as of this reading is going well. (Already covered this. No score. Cannot repeat a vague prediction and take double score on it.)

Inflation concerns and tighter credit will cause fear. Be not afraid. Your security isn'’t in credit.
The fed has raised interest rates again and again. Credit has tightened somewhat. But the fear of inflation has turned out to be just fear.(THe prediction was that these things would cause fear and they have not. Wrong = 11.)

Oil prices will begin the year at $60 crude. Thru an attempt to manipulate the market some time in 2006 crude will breach $100. (Didn't happen = wrong = 12)
This manipulation will fail and the price will fall to $45. Your security isn'’' in cheap oil. I can and I will provide all you need. In 2006 a new energy source will be revealed. (Wrong = 13)
In 2005 my prophets told you of this impending discovery. When you see it you will not recognize it. But I will provide. I am Jehovah Jira.
The predicted new energy source hasnÂ’t yet manifested. I keep watching. Oil did reach a high briefly of $85 mid summer, there was some talk that the price was being artificially held up by speculative traders. I remember one trader who said there guaranteedomatic guarenteed profit of 15% by buying oil futures. I hope he didn'’t bet the farm. Now oil is about $60. But, the dollar has fallen about 20% in value on world markets against gold and other commodities. So in real dollars from the beginning of the year the value of oil in December 05 dollars is $45. Put anotherbought If you had bouth $45 worth of Gold on January 1, you could buy a barrel of oil today with that gold. This was one prophecy I was certain of and when the denominated dollar value of Oil was still hovering around $60 I wondered what to think. I believe that the word of the Lord in all this was accurate. Oh, and that manipulation mentioned? Iran hoarded Gold in an attempt to corner the market which drove up the gold price against Oil that had. (How come God didn't predict the fall in the value of the dollar. You can't maipulate the numbers and words like this to force a win on this one. )

Media empires will undergo further changes as the culture changes. Some will self-destruct, some will find new life. The changes will be at the very top. I will not allow the corrupt communication to continue without judgment.
Clear Channel sells out. CBS put’s Katie Couric at the helm of the nightly news and it tanks, MSNBC is about to fold up it'’s tent and go away. Air America goes bankrupt. Even some of Rupert Murdocks empire has slipped. The changing tide changes with changing appetites. Who ever thought very conservative Glen Beck would be a power hit commentary show on CNN Headline News. Tribune Company is up for sale. Newspapers are losing circulation like crazy.
(Katie is still on the job, isn't she? THese changes do NOT reveal any cultural change. Just more of the same. Business as usual. Business CONTINUING as usual. I won't take a point away for this vague prediction, but I won't give you one either. There was simply nothing really big or memorably unusual that happened.)

There will be a major scare in the stock market causing a significant retrenchment. This will be due to a crisis externally caused. It will stop talk of inflation. The crisis will pass and men's hearts will stop failing them for fear. In the end it will be all right. Your security in life does not depend on the stock market.
After Iran and North Korea rattled various sabers the stock market responded with huge downward slides beginning in May when Chavez began rattling and Iran refused to allow inspectors in to it's enriched uranium sites. Once in the middle of June when Iran announced it was actually going ahead with nuclear development efforts and the Other was after North Korea celebrated the 4th of Julymissilesiring several missles. Those two episodes back to back brought the market to 2006's lows. But, those retrenchments didnÂ’t last and only mearesiliencenstrate the resiliency of the market.
(I did not see one headline regarding any scare. Did not hear any talk of any scare from invested friends or relatives. Just the usual minor fluctuations. One would expect a god using such strong wording to be predicting things that people at least noticed. I am sorry, but I have to count this as wrong=14.)

I am passing judgment on those whose source is money. I am your source. I gave you the Power to get wealth. But you have forgotten that fact. I will now remind you again. I will be God even over your pocketbook. I am restabilizing you. There is no security without Me.

American Political Leadership

I put up whom I will and I take down whom I will. Nothing is an accident with me. When righteousness leads a nation that nation is exalted. I will pass judgment against those who oppose my plans.

The Supreme Court has had so much influence in the land. It is more than I intended. A few weeks ago I caused a part of a sculptured facade on the front of the court building to fragment from the building. It was the head of the figure called authority to fall. It fell to the steps and broke into 40 pieces. I am taking away some of the authority you have placed in the hands of a few men and women.
Chief Justice Roberts says again and again that the authority of the court must be in line with it's mission and no more.( THis was not really a significant change but you are down so that I will give you this one right = 4)

Judge Alito will be confirmed. There will be one more vacancy in 2006. I will restore the proper role of the courts in the land. The role of the Righteous Judge is one I share with only a few. They will be Righteous or they will be removed.
Alito was confirmed. When the prophecy came out there was some doubt. (right = 5)The next vacancy has not yet happened. (wrong=15)There'’s still a month. I believe God on this.

There will be departures from the Presidents administration. Your President is a loyal man and some of those departures were destined to have happened already. He held them back. Names which were slated for departure were Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld. Because she honors me I will elevate Condelesa Rice. She will become Vice President when Cheney resigns after the fall elections. Those who honor my name will gain honor.
Rove has departed. Rumsfeld is Gone.(Right = 6, 7) Cheney to Rice is still in the works. (Wrong = 16, 17)This could still happen in 06.

The fall elections will be of little consequence. Very little change will take place. Only a firming up of leadership I have put in place.
When reflecting on this part of the prophecy, I wondered if I had heard wrong. Or, maybe I misinterpreted. Maybe what God said prophetically is in fact is exactly correct. There may be little consequence, there may be little change and leadership may be firmed up that was shaky in the past. The questions of how parties present themselves is becoming clear. This may have been exactly what both parties needed to clarify who they are supposed to be.(Excuse me but all the whining you guys did about losing majority in both house and senate is a BIG change. This one was clearly WRONG! WRONG = 18)

Your President Bush will be protected as long as honors and seeks me. Attacks and slander against him will fail. A hedge protects him only I can place around him. Some may fall at his right side and others at his left but he will be preserved. But, be careful in placing all your hope and trust in President Bush. I am his God and he is only a man ordained by me to be in this place at this time. Keep your eyes on me and not on your leaders.
President Bush has been threatened with all kinds of ill, including against his life from inside and outside the country. Even a witch doctor tried to put a curse on him. But he still stands. I pray for him daily. (His approval rating is at like -3. Everyone agrees he lied about getting us into the war. He is physically preserved but his reputation is sad. No score either way on this, but as pathetically as he is viewed, I deserve a point on the side of wrong.)

I am purifying government. The scandals you see are just the beginning. Be sure that what was whispered in the darkness will now be shouted from the rooftops. Those who have chosen evil over good will be exposed and removed. Look, it has already begun. And it will accelerate. I put a higher requirement on those who would lead. Many will come into accord with my hand and shock you in 2006. Some who go by the name of Reverend will see my hand and bow.
Boy, were they ever purifying. Everything that was hidden was exposed. This part of the prediction may have more to do with the 2006 Elections than anything else. Corruption and scandal ruled the day. I'm particularly struck by the phrase: Those who have chosen evil over good will be exposed and removed. I will put a higher requirement on those who would lead. And, the Reverend, could that be Ted Haggard? He did bow when he saw His hand.
(Okay, I am too tired and bored with this to haggle over words. 'Purifying government' would seem to imply a much bigger change than a couple people out of hundreds and hundreds, but okay, you can have one. Right = 8)

Watch these things:
Patriot act – Passes but with modifications YES (Right = 9)
Social Security – no change in 2006 YES (Right = 10)
Health Care Reform – serious talk begins YES (no more serious talk than any other year and no real progress Wrong = 19.)
Tax Reform will continue but still not enough YES (vague - no more than usuall - Reform is a strong word and it did not happen but I will be kind and not count this as wrong.)

But be of good dependent provision is not dependant on what men do or don't do. My provision is dependant on your submission to my purpose in your life. No matter who I place in authority above you, it is for a purpose and for a season. I can stop the heart of any man or woman in authority with the blink of an eye. Their next breath is only by my grace. Let not many of you desire to be in that place unless I call you first. The desire for power is what corrupts the hearts of men.
If we believe that every ruler in authority is placed there by God then those who are now in authority are there by the grace of God and for his purposes. They are under his watchful eye and need to stay alert.
You can't be counting this mumbo jumbo as any scoring, can you?
Wars and Rumors of Wars

There is turmoil on the earth. It roots in Greed, fear, power grabbing, deception and prejudice. This is not what I created you to be. I created you to have peace.
But any peace you find outside of me is a false peace. Remember I said that sudden destruction would come when all men are saying peace peace.
When I read about the peace efforts in Israel I have doubts of any success for them. It seems like God is saying donÂ’t trust manÂ’s efforts at making peace. Only HE is the Prince of Peace. Besides it will be a man of peace who comes at the last antichrist.
(That part was no prediction as there was no change predicted and nothing of true consequence that happened. TH\here was not a specific enough prediction to claim Israel as fulfilling it. No score.)
Iraq. Men have not understood that this was not man'’s war that started here. This is where I first revealed myself to man and this is where I will do so again. This is a supernatural war. The first supernatural war in the last century was fought by Israel in 1967 and 1973. This is the second.
More and more it is apparent that the war in Iraq has spiritual implications. Islam is being revealed and divided and the supernatural conflict in Baghdad is being accellerated. When Bagdahd was invaded there were two Christian Churches, now there are 25. There is a large Church started in the north of Iraq right after the fall of Saddam. Today it runs over 1400 people and growing like topsy. 80% are ex-Muslimim converts to Christianity (which can a life ending decision as an ex-muslims) are those who have had direct visions of Jesus in dreams and visions. The source for all this information is Terry Law who spends most of his time there and told this in my hearing. If I understand my Bible, that means they are candidates to be Apostles. This war may be God's way of overthrowing the evil that is Islam. There is no good REASON to conduct this war. Reason and faith can sometimes be at odds with each other. (The claim that this is a supernatural war has not been proven. So in their 'liberation' a few churches organized? What has that to do with supernatural war? This was not really a prediction as much as a claim that can be neither proven nor disproven, so no score.)

The long questioned WMD issue will be settled in the first quarter of 2006. It will silence critics who railed against decisions made more in faith than reason.
The WMD issue was proven true with audiotapes in February of 2006 with Saddam planning WMD attacks. Since it didn'’t support the opposition driven mainstream media ,they spiked the story. The truth is out there. Once the tapes were revealed the critics inside the government who heard them stopped talking about "No WMD's". They were there. Plus credible reports by Iraqi AirForce officers report 80 sortiees to Syria of Chemical and Biological weapons materials developed by Saddam. These runpublishedbeen discounted and unpublisized by the media but it has silenced those who oppose the war but avoid openindiscreditan of worms which would dicredit their attacks. (Just because Saddam was fantasizing about using such weapons does not mean they existed. None have been found. Ever. Wrong = 20. And it did not silence critics. Wrong = 21.)

Iraq will settle down. I will raise up leaders for this season of restoration. They will not be leaders many hoped for. Men of God will question these things. My hand is on Iraq. Syria will be subdued by events in Iraq particularly after the WMD revelations.

Your soldiers in Iraq will be nearly half what they were at their peak by years end. It will be enough. They will not all come home.
I won't try to explain why these two seem to be wrong.(Wrong = 22, 23) I may have missed hearing correctly. It's hard to get the flesh out of the way. But, I think the one statement is more true than we hoped it would be.

An alliance of Iran and RussiaÂ’s Putin will keep Iran from becoming what I desire her to be. She was the root and source of greatness in the past and her scepter was to be exalted. That has been held back. Watch this danger. Putin is not the US'’s friend. Only thru catastrophe or disaster could righteous government arise by revolution. Not in 2006.
Boy, has this ever come to pass. Russia sells Iran missiles in November. Putin continues to be more and more authoritarian and less and less a friend of the USA. He supplies them tools of war and nuclear materials. He persecutes and even kills his own people.(Right = 11)

Afghanistan will require new interventions by US troops in 2006. This is necessary. Osama bin Laden will finally be revealed as dead. He has been dead a long time. Only his spirit and memory has kept evil alive.
More troops were sent in September. OBL is still dead, but not yet revealed. What could a Sony handi-cam cost to a billionaire in Pakistan. If he can get guns and bombs he could get a Handi-Cam. HeÂ’s dead. (Interventions were nothing new or significant so zero score on that and Osama has NOT been revealed as dead, only suspected as so, as usual. Wrong = 24.)

As a result Terrorist efforts will be come less frequent but more deadly when they attack. There will be an attempt to detonate a dirty bomb in New York City.(Because I am generous I will give you this tho the attempt was NOT in NYC and did not even get close to being and attempt there. Maybe you got the wording wrong a little. Right = 12.) This will cause men'’s hearts to fail them for fear. (None that I heard of. No one dropped in fear from this. Wrong = 25.) There is a purpose in this. The attempt will fail.
This attempt was stopped in Germany. Thank GOD! Details are just coming out in the last few days.

I have raised my hand against the UN. This has become an example of what happens when nations forget Me. It will begin to dissolve in shame. Only demonic forces have thwarted the dissembling of leadership I intended. I am placing others there to be a moderating influence but I will not allow you to have any other God'’s before me and if you do I will tear down any altar you erect. The UN was just such an altar.
Could the UN be in any more disrepute than it is now? This has become very true. Now with the departure of John Bolton this thing is even more discredited. (The prediction was pretty clear that the UN would dissolve. The last part talks of it in past tense. Did not happen. Wrong = 26.)

I will discipline nations, not because I hate them, but because I love them too much to allow them to continue to drift into spiritual oblivion.

I will judge North Korea for the sake of a Christian South Korea. There is no north or south of the spirit. There is no east or west. I will reunite these lands.
By any measure, North Korea should have been bombed off the map. Only the intervention and intercession of thvengeanceKoreans has kept the hand of vengence from North Korea. The darkness in the natural is less than the darkness in the spiritual. This is a destiny direct from God.(The only clear prediction part was a reuniting that did NOT happen. A clear Wrong = 27.)

In South American Countries that sought and received revival will continue to grow in my grace and prosper in my transformation. Others who have turned their back on me will be turned to darkness. The country where I was first revealed in my fullness will be blessed the most. Brazil; You will become fully independent of all oil and natural resource imports and I will restore righteousness in your government. You have been a beacon of hope. Woe to you Venezuela, woe to you Bolivia. You have chosen darkness and now deep darkness will descend.
All of this has happened, Venezuela continues to drift deeper into dictatorship and darkness. (I have not followed this as much as I should have so rather than spend time on research, I will just default this one to you Right = 13)

China and India will continue to ascend. I have millions of people who bow the knee to me in these countries. For their sake I will spare them. But the rise of economic power will be set back by my hand. I destroyed the tower of Babel and no man or government shall take any place above me.

China will undergo a great natural disaster. It will encourage many to seek the true God. My love in mercy is mixed with righteous judgment to call all men to me.

I have protected Russia till now but account of Putin and his government I will pull back my hand. Believers there will see and know that I am God. 2 disasters of significant proportions not yet seen will take place in 2006. These will shake the government. Putin will stay but he will become aware of my hand.
These two have not yet happened. They may not. But, the Judgement of God in natural disasters is often a way to bring people to Himself. I'll wait and see. (By your admission, 2 more wrongs. Wrong = 28, 29)

I have placed a mantle of peace over my promised land, Israel. There will be flare ups but I have caused men to settle down. The wall which many criticized was a restoration of a temple wall in a land known as Jerusalem (peace of God). My presence will reside within this temple. I will show myself mighty. Leaders will change. But I do not change. Those in Palestine are my people too. Pray for peace in Jerusalem and all lands.
The wall although controversial has been very successful in stopping bombings by terrorists. Leaders have changed and continue to change. Even the summer's war with Hezbollah was far less impactful for Israel than for occupied southeast Lebanon in the Hezbolla war.(So there were flare ups and there is temporary peace. THis is much like my predictions for 2007 are going to be regarding business as usual on everything everywhere, so I will give you this one. Right = 14)

Of Spiritual Things

My word for the Body of Christ in 2006: Purification.

I am forcing a wedge into the body. Those who would compromise with the world will be wedged to one side, those who desire to serve me alone will be wedged to the other.
The churches that compromise continue to fall off the edge of the earth. They get a great deal of press but have no real influence. Homosexual agenda and other such things are tolerated and have become the death knell for these churches. The compromise driven liberal churches are dying. The distance between these apostate churches and the Bible believing Churches has become distinct and widening.(I doubt this is as extreme as you are making it out to be and not as extreme as the prediction predicted it would be, but you can have it. Right = 15)

The middle ground is disappearing. Lukewarm is becoming vomit and I am spewing it out of my mouth. If you are cold towards me, you will be cold. If you are hot towards me you will be hot. My desire is that all are hot towards me. Light or darkness, life or death, hot or cold. Choose this day who you will serve.
Renewing the Passion has become the heartbeat of the Church of Jesus. Those who are on the fence are getting off, one side or another. Church as usual doesn't work anymore. It's become apparent, you are either on fire or dying. I think that's good.(This is a rephrasing of the prediction above regarding an aledged polarization and you cannot take double points for it.)

The purifying I am doing is not just for people; itÂ’s for the church at large. The leaders, the pastors, and those who see themselves as leaders who I did not put in place will undergo purification first. My apostle Paul called them many so-called apostles. They are still among us.
This most likely speaks of Ted Haggard and other spiritual leaders who were disgraced this last year. I won'’t rehearse them all here. I count 8 major scandals to date. But, it'’s certain that we have huge problems in the superstar church. If you set yourself above God you just might be devoured by worms as Herod was. (The prediction used plurals. Every year at least one or more religious leader comes to shame. The prediction was for a purifying, not just a single pruning of one bad branch. No significant change means no prediction come true. Wrong=30)

Not everyone who says Lord Lord is of the kingdom.

Overt direct persecution of those of faith will accelerate. This is of me. You will either stand in the face of it or fall. This is a proving of your faith. Count it all joy when you endure diverse persecutions for it will give you perseverance in the hard time to come.
This is happening as we speak worldwide and even more frequently in the USA. Being a sold out Christian can be life threatening in the world today. It takes courage to be sold out for Jesus these days no matter where you live. (No change from any other time. No acceleration of persecution of Christian. None. Wrong = 31)

Polarization of those who say they believe and those who are men and women of faith will become greater. Men will live lives of desperation without the assurance of their salvation only found in Jesus. They will depend on good works, Christ-like action, niceness, and kindness. If those things are done but not out of a motivation of Love in Christ they are wood hay and stubble and will be burned at the judgment. Only those things done for Christ will last at any level. (Repeat of previous claim of polarization for which I gave you a point and denied you a double point and now am denying you a third point. No tripple dipping.)
The rise of athieism in America is growing. Worse nominal Christians are losing ground and becoming disouraged. There is a spirit of compromise that allows people to name themselves Christian and still have no fruit. 80% of Americans call themselves Christian. The reality is less than half really are. As pressure comes many of these GOOD people will fall away. (By golly, I gotta give you this one, for in this very year 2006 you personally pushed me from agnostic to atheist with your mean spiritedness while claiming to be a man of God and I know of at least one other who has decided science offers more answers than religion. I hate to be so arrogant as to give you a point for my deversion, but here it is: Right = 16)

Spiritual deception from high places will rise up against the knowledge of God. Some of it will even come from those who profess to know me. Be aware that this deception is among you. My word was before them and my word will be long after them. Be not deceived, I am not Mocked. Ever. But even the very elect are susceptible. Be very careful what you read and hear and see that it doesnÂ’t invade the fabric of your faith. The anti Christ spirit is alive and well among us.
There are major intramural battles going on in the evangelical church in America and even in other countries. They are dividing the body of Christ. Spirit of Anti-Christ. The Episcopal Church is in freefall morally. The door was opened with the embracing of openly homosexual preists. What is even more sad, is the number of formerly strong fellowships, movements and even denominations that have drifted into relativism. (Vague unproveable prediction and seemingly unrelated support of it. Impossible to score.)

You will lose 5 major leaders of the Church in 2006. It will cause you to rethink in whom you have placed your trust. You will mourn, but only for a season as I am revealed to you.
I am puzzled by this one. I know full well I heard the number 5 in this area. Perhaps I haven't examined things carefully enough. I will revisit this at the end of the year. (By your admission, wrong = 32)

New spiritual leadership will emerge. Some will come from outside the conventional church world. They will not be accepted by all right away but they will be elevated bedenominationally to take away your focus on denominational structure and refocus on me.
I know this is true, but I don't know who they will be or are. I think I have met some of them. They are coming out of the woodwork and none too soon for me. (Leadership too weak to make itself known??? Did not happen. Wrong = 33)

The body of Christ will find new prosperity as never before. 2006 will be a year of amazing provision from unexpected sources. I am giving you wealth that you might use it to confirm the covenant I have made with you. If you donÂ’t it well it will be taken from you suddenly.
I have heard from many many Christians who say this has been a fabulous year financially. Even better than they thought it would be.(The body of Christ is no more wealthy and prosperous than the body of atheists or the body of prairie enthusiasts. What ever that means. Clearly this did NOT happen as there was no clear flow of wealth to Christians more than any others. No matter how you twist this wording. Wrong = 34)

The global spiritual awaking which has burgeoned in the last few years will accelerate. One in 6 people on the planet is your sold out for Jesus brother or sister in Christ today. As I move in the world that ratio will move down. I have not yet touched America or Europe. Combined they are smaller in number than my Body is on earth. I have waited for this time. Now I am ready. One soul saved by the blood can pray one for one for those America and Europe. I will move. Suddenly. I have chosen leaders in Great Britain and Germany'’s new leader Angela Merkel for such a time as this. They are not even be aware of how I have placed them strategically to bring a light to a dark place as my servant leaders in America has brought.
There is a wonderful revival burgeoning in Eastern Europe and even in mainland Europe. I am hopeful that God will touch the USA. The fastest growing Christian populations are in China, India, Africa and South America. It's wonderful to hear of the outbreaks in Europe. Pray for America. (You cry and moan about the rise of Islam in Europe. You can't have it both ways. No score.)

House Churches are a part of my plan. I will use them to prepare men and women for the work of the gospel in buildings dedicated to me even hundreds of years ago. I donÂ’t abandon covenants. I will honor my word. As these moves of God work hand in hand there will be places for people who desire to find Me.
This move continues. It also is just part of what God is doing in changing the face of Christianity in ONE generation. We are barely halfway there. (This is so not proveable as to be laughable. No significant rise over other years I suspect, and this part was not a prediction as much as a claim. No score for or against.)

I will reveal myself to those with spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear me from the unseen realm. These manifestations will shock many. But my glory will be revealed to all flesh until they say, "we are but blades of grass, here today and withered tomorrow"”.
This may have been just for me, I had an experience this year that shook me to my core. God revealed himself to me in ways I still have a hard time to comprehend. (Not scoreable.)

Fear not, I will never ever forsake you; I will never ever abandon you. You are mine forever. I will love you always with an everlasting love. This is my word to you for 2006

posted by Gene @ 3:56 PM

((Well, there you have it. I think I was pretty generous.
Wrong = 34
Right = 16
Hmmm, by my math that is less than 33% accuracy. Sorry, old Sport, not any better than the average fortune teller. Maybe you should seek some help from one next year.))

Anonymous said...

Deuteronomy 18:22 "If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him."

You lost me at the word PREDICTIONS. Bird flu, price of oil, elections, the music industry, Social Security, health reform...what does any of this have to do with getting people closer to God? Isn't prophesy or the message of a prophet supposed to help people come closer to God?

Maybe you ought to spend just a little more time studying. Start with Jeremiah 26. Forget my suggestion about 2007. Nice try, carnac.

Anonymous said...

Poppycock, Hooey, meaningless nonsense! Also absurd cockamamie silly vacuous stupidity!

To think God in his infinite wisdom would talk and make Kreskin like meaningless predictions through some fatuous dilettante living near the heart of urban sprawl is the height of arrogance! Never mind the predictions were "not" so cleverly crafted so you could parse them easier than Bill Clinton at an arraignment. There are a lot of people our Lord might speak through but one of the last would be an old blowhard in the jungle of Illinois.

Is his column another joke on the rest of us poor saps who bother to read his crapola?

This Gene guy might well remember the words of Albert Einstein:

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods."